; Macro and Site specification file for MUDDLE
; This file should be customized to your needs and then renamed .muddle
; These are the sites:
site="Isengard"         addr=""      port="4040" init="Guest"

; These are the macros.
;	$[1-9] cause your player on connection #[1-9] to perform the
;	       following commands
;	$* causes all your connected players to perform the following
;	       commands
;	%[1-9] These are just variable name placeholders for a SINGLE
;	       whitespace-separated word.
;       %* This is a variable name placeholder for all text that follows.
;	^[A-Z] These are control characters.  Use ^J for carriage return.
in="Guest"	out="guest^Jpassword^Jwho^J"
in="cc"		out="$2cast vigor aragorn^J"
in="ccc"	out="$2cast vigor finduril^J"
in="g"		out="$2get all corpse^J"
in="j"		out="$2junk corpse^J"
in="jj %1"	out="get %1 corpse^Jdrop %1^Jjunk %1^J"
in="armor"	out="$2cast 'armor' aragorn^Jcast 'armor' finduril^J"
in="k %*"	out="$*kill %*^J"
in="f %1"	out="$2cast 'fae' %1^J"
in="rec"	out="$*quaff blue^J"
in="grp"	out="$2follow garth^J$1group aragorn^J$1group finduril^J"
in="all %*"	out="$*%*^J"

; These are the automatons.  They automatically respond to text messages
; your characters receive.

auto="You are hungry"		out="get bread bag^Jeat bread^J"
auto="You are thirsty"		out="drink waterskin^J!^J"
auto="BLEEDING so"		out="$*quaff blue^J"
auto="$2tells you"		out="tell player1 ***I got a msg from 2***^J"
auto="$3tells you"		out="tell urine ***I got a msg from 3***^J"