Release Notes  (April 10th, 1998)

***                                                                       ***
* NOTE! This software is provided with ABSOLUTELY NO warranty. If something *
* breaks, you keep both parts. Usage implies acceptance of these terms.     *
***                                                                       ***

  -- Read this, please.


This command toggles on and off msp support. Enabled by default, but you
can add it to your startup file if you want to disable it.


Sounds are expected to be found at /usr/local/share/sounds/ , and inside
that directory, two more called samples (where the .wav files go) and
modules (where the .uni files go). To successfully compile this patch,
you need the MikMod 3.0.3 library available at (but you
have to rebuild it, the normal build wont do). Or if you dont want to
compile, why dont you just download the binary version? Midi files are
NOT supported and prolly will never be: who would want to hear those ugly
and cpu expensive files when they can have nice multichannel modules?
This means the default extension for music files isnt .mid but .uni . As
well, the maximum filename length is 32 bytes. Please put null.uni in its
right directory when installing and dont delete it.. optionally, you
might rename some other module as null.uni, and it will be played as
background when no other music has been selected.

.uni is the native module format for the mikmod library functions. I
suggest you to use mikcvt to convert your old modules to .uni modules.
This way, mikmod wont have to convert the modules over and over to its
internal format when it loads a new one. mikcvt 3.0 is supplied with this
patch, since for some weird reason it was left out of the 3.0.x UNIX / Linux

!!SOUND Formats supported: wav
!!MUSIC Formats supported: it xm s3m mod mtm stm dsm med far ult 669 uni

The patch leaves lots of room for improvement.. it just works, doesn't
aspire for efficience or elegance. I would had liked to add mixing of
multiple sound effects, but msp only supports one at a time *mutter*
If you have any patches for the patch or problems running with it, let me
know.. I don't make promises, but I'll try to give you a hand.


To compile, apply the patch and compile tintin as normal, and then

gcc -O2 -s -DMSP_FINAL sndserver.c -o sndserver -Lmikmod/lib -lmikmod -lmmio

Copy this file to the same directory where the new tintin is, and
remember to copy null.uni to /usr/local/share/sounds/modules/

You can compile mikcvt too:
gcc -O2 -s mikcvt.c -o mikcvf -Lmikmod/lib -lmikmod -lmmio


Note that in some development kernels sound support is broken (2.1.53 to
2.1.94, current last one), and for others you must manually insert the
sound module (as in 2.1.43) before starting tintin. If tintin freezes
just when it starts up at the point that you cant see what you are
typing, that means it's still waiting for sndserver.. make sure its in
the correct place.  Btw this isn't tested: it compiles, it runs, you can
turn it off in case of problems.. what else do you want for what you are
paying? :)


The other of the changes that come with this patch is that color is
ignored when matchiing text and triggers. That is,

Isildur's backstab ANNIHILATES you!

If the underlined word was, say, in red, an action trigger with the text
{devastates you} wouldnt work before. Not too good :)

Thats all, beta tester ;)


Btw, if you'd like to try a very unique MUD with non stock high quality
areas, with all the good features and none of the silly ones, and a good
role playing atmosphere with non abusing hard working underpaid imms
and nice players, try: 

   ARCADIA 2 (Beta)


Ragnar Hojland Espinosa        |  Since it's untested, I'd appreciate some
                               |  feedback: Does it work for you? Or maybe  |  It doesn't? Why not? How did you fix it?      |  .. Don't be like Nezmor, write something        |  that does make sense ;)

____/|  Ragnar Hojland                                  Fingerprint  94C4B
\ o.O|                                                  2F0D27DE025BE2302C
 =(_)=  "Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for     104B78C56 B72F0822
   U     chaos and madness await thee at its end."      hkp://