#alias {afkoff} {#unaction {%0 tells you*}}
#alias {afkon} {#action {%0 tells you '} {tell %0 Sorry.. I'm AFK.. BRB.. } {9}}
#alias {aid} {cast 'aid' tossa}
#alias {alist} {#showme $leader, $one, $two, $three, $four}
#alias {armor} {cast 'armor' %0}
#alias {auth} {#var auth%0}
#alias {authlist} {say Authorized Robot users are: $leader, $one, $two, $three, $four}
#alias {autoblind_off} {#unaction {*blind da*}; emote no longer auto-blinds}
#alias {autoblind_on} {#action {^$leader tells your group 'blind da %0'} {tar %0;#2 blind %0}; emote will auto-blind on $leader's command (use gt blind da <??>)}
#alias {autokill_off} {#unaction {*kill da*}; emote no longer auto-kills}
#alias {autokill_on} {#action {^$leader tells your group 'kill da %0'} {tar %0;#2 kill %0}; emote will auto-kill on $leader's command (use gt kill da <??>}
#alias {bark} {cast 'barkskin' tossa}
#alias {ble} {cast 'bless' %0}
#alias {blind} {cast 'blindness' $target}
#alias {call} {cast 'call lightning' $target}
#alias {chant} {cast 'chant' %0}
#alias {clear-auth} {one .;two .;three .;four .}
#alias {cr} { }
#alias {cureb} {cast 'cure blindness' %0}
#alias {ear} {cast 'earthquake'}
#alias {eatit} {cast 'create food';get mushroom;eat mushroom}
#alias {em} {recite recall inonothing}
#alias {fillit} {cast 'create water' %0}
#alias {four} {#var four %0}
#alias {fs} {cast 'flame strike' $target}
#alias {fw} {fill waterskin water;fill 2.waterskin water}
#alias {gc} {#loop {1,%%1} {get all %0.corpse}}
#alias {gh} {cast 'group heal'}
#alias {grimne} {#ses {%%0} { 4000}}
#alias {he} {cast 'heal' %0}
#alias {hl} {pow $leader}
#alias {hm} {cast 'harm' %0}
#alias {holy} {cast 'holy sphere'}
#alias {kb} {kill borgh}
#alias {km} {kill moredhel}
#alias {kt} {kill $target}
#alias {leader} {#var leader %0}
#alias {loot} {unlock desk;open desk;get key desk;unlock safe;open safe;get coins safe}
#alias {lootoff} {#unaction {^There were*};#unaction {^You receive};emote is no longer auto-looting.}
#alias {looton} {#action {^There were %0 coins} {split $0} {0};#action {^You receive} {get all corpse} {0};emote is now auto-looting.}
#alias {makefood} {cast 'create food'}
#alias {neut} {cast 'neutralize poison' %0}
#alias {one} {#var {one} %0}
#alias {ord} {emote issues the order 'RECALL'.}
#alias {pfe} {cast 'protection from evil' %0}
#alias {pfg} {cast 'protection from good' %0}
#alias {pfl} {cast 'protection from lightning' %0}
#alias {ph} {cast 'powerheal' %0}
#alias {pow} {cast 'powerheal' %0}
#alias {regen} {cast 'regen' %0}
#alias {reset} {#var trigger 0}
#alias {rr} {recite recall}
#alias {sad} {sac all.demonsword}
#alias {sanc} {cast 'sanc' %0}
#alias {saved} {cast 'summon' %0;cast 'heal' %0}
#alias {sleepoff} {toggle tick}
#alias {sleepon} {toggle tick}
#alias {soff} {#unaction  {5 seconds}}
#alias {ss} {#system  {grep -i %%0 eq.lst}}
#alias {status1} {ps;emote has either $pow powerheals, $heals heals/regens, $calls call lightnings, and $sancs sanctuaries. (c) 1993, Peach Inc.}
#alias {status2} {ps}
#alias {statusoff} {#unaction {<hp:*};#action {'Cps'} {status2} {4};#action {'ps'} {status2} {4}}
#alias {statuson} {#action {<hp:%0 mo:%1 ma:%2>} {#math pow {%2/55} {3};#math heals {%2/40};#math calls {%2/20};#math sancs {%2/50};#if {%1<=25} {emote is LOW ON MOVES.}};#action {'Cps'} {status1} {4};#action {'ps'} {status1} {4}}
#alias {sum} {cast 'summon' %0}
#alias {tar} {#var target %0}
#alias {three} {#var three %0}
#alias {treeoff} {#unaction {^%0 hero*};emote no longer powerheals on rescues}
#alias {treeon} {#action {^%0 heroically rescues %1.} {pow %1} {1};emote now powerheals on rescues}
#alias {two} {#var two %0}
#alias {uw} {use wand %0}
#alias {vit} {cast 'vitalize' %0}
#alias {wholist} {#ses {whos} { 4001}}
#alias {wimpy} {#var wimp %0;emote is now wimpy.  She'll recall at less than or equal to %0 hp's.}
#alias {wr} {cast 'word of recall'}
#alias {ws} {wake;stand}
#action {^There were %0 coins.} {split $0} {0}
#action {^You receive} {get all corpse} {0}
#action {pile of gold coins} {get coins} {0}
#action {^$leader issues the order 'RECALL'} {wr;rr} {1}
#action {^<hp:%0 m} {#if {(%0<=$wimp) && ($trigger <=0)} {#var trigger 1;recite recall}} {1}
#action {^$four asks you '%0'} {cast '$0' $four} {2}
#action {^$leader asks you '%0'} {cast '$0' $leader} {2}
#action {^$one asks you '%0'} {cast '$0' $one} {2}
#action {^$three asks you '%0'} {cast '$0' $three} {2}
#action {^$two asks you '%0'} {cast '$0' $two} {2}
#action {You get a bandanna} {sac bandanna} {3}
#action {^TICKCOUNTER: 5} {sleep} {3}
#action {^TICKCOUNTER: tikk} {wa} {3}
#action {^You are hungry} {ws;eatit} {3}
#action {^You are thirsty.} {#3 drink barrel} {3}
#action {^You get a bandanna} {sac bandanna} {3}
#action {^You get a cutlass} {sac cutlass} {3}
#action {^You wake, and sit up.} {stand} {3}
#action {'Cps'} {status2} {4}
#action {'ps'} {status2} {4}
#action {'UNLOCK %0'} {unlock %0} {5}
#action {^$leader tells the group 'target=%0'} {tar %0} {5}
#action {^$leader tells your group 'blind da %0'} {tar %0;#2 blind %0} {5}
#action {^$leader tells your group 'kill da %0'} {tar %0;#2 kill %0} {5}
#action {^You get A long sword} {sac long} {5}
#action {^You get a suit of shadow chainmail} {sac chainmail} {5}
#action {^You now follow %0.} {leader %0} {5}
#action {^Your skin returns to normal} {cast 'barkskin' tossa} {5}
#action {get a long sword} {sac long} {5}
#action {give you %0 coins for that} {split $0} {5}
#action {lost your concentration} {emote lost her concentration.. *SWEAR*} {5}
#substitute {%0'cha'} {%0'chant'}
#substitute {%0'vit'} {%0'vitalize'}
#substitute {%0dse%1} {%0dispel evil%1}
#substitute {%0dsg%1} {%0dispel good%1}
#substitute {%0pfe%1} {%0protection from evil%1}
#substitute {%0pfg%1} {%0protection from good%1}
#substitute {%0pfl%1} {%0protection from lightning%1}
#substitute {acorn} {.}
#substitute {has arrived} {.}
#variable {calls} {8}
#variable {four} {Finch}
#variable {heals} {4}
#variable {hp} {0}
#variable {leader} {Momony}
#variable {mv} {0}
#variable {one} {Rok}
#variable {pow} {3}
#variable {sancs} {3}
#variable {target} {griffon}
#variable {three} {Karak}
#variable {trigger} {0}
#variable {two} {Dread}
#variable {wimp} {150}
#highlight {bold} {%0tells you%1}
#highlight {reverse} {You ultraslay%0}
#pathdir {e} {e}
#pathdir {n} {n}
#pathdir {s} {s}
#pathdir {w} {w}