First thing to do... READ THIS!
Second thing to do. Copy the contents of public_html to... uhh, your public_html!

Import the database into MySQL ('man mysqlimport', phpmyadmin, etc) using mudcon.sql

Add your username/password to comm.c in main() in the call to initMysql()

To Compile, enter ./MudCon/src and type 'make'. It requires G++, should work on 3.X and 4.X
To Run, stay in src and type "./tor <port> &". Example: ./tor 1337 &

Login, create an account, log out. Open your file in ./MudCon/account and change Lvl to 5.

Considering I only made this thing for the event, creating a channel isn't always the easiest thing!
You gotta add it to the database, increase CHANNEL_MAX in merc.h. Lastly Add/Create the table for bits in bit.c

To add a command, write it in acnt_cmd.c or whatever. Add the function prototype in acnt_fun.h, add to
the acnt_cmdfun_table table in account.c. Then add a new entry into ./MudCon/data/cmd/cmd.accnt

Anything I missed, just e-mail me at!