 *  Shadow Wars: the Revenge of Kalos                                      *
 *  You are allowd to change and modify this code, you may NOT take out    *
 *  the helpfile 'CREATORS', and you must leave in the Greeting,           *
 *  Shadow Wars: the Revenge of Kalos created by Xkilla and Sillviant      *
 *  (c)2001 Xkilla 'Ryan Waliany' (ryan@scv.net)                           *
 *  Sillviant 'Matt Burnett' (sillviant@charter.net)                       *
 *  Changes snippet by: Xkilla. This is a snippet, you may modify it, but  *
 *  you must leave in Xkilla's credit.                                     *


typedef struct  changes_data             CHANGE_DATA;

void load_changes args( (void) );
void delete_change args( (int num) );

#define CHANGES_FILE	SYSTEM_DIR "changes.dat"
struct changes_data

    char *         change;
    char *         coder;
    char *         date;
    time_t         mudtime;
	bool		   immchange;

extern struct  changes_data * changes_table;

DECLARE_DO_FUN(	do_changes		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	do_chedit		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	do_addimmchange		);
DECLARE_DO_FUN(	do_addchange		);