 * This header file contains the structs and definitions for iGen.         *
 *   -------------------------------------------------------------------   *
 * This code may be used freely within any non-commercial MUD, all I ask   *
 * is that these comments remain in tact and that you give me any feedback *
 * or bug reports you come up with.  Credit in a helpfile might be nice,   *
 * too.                             -- Midboss (eclipsing.souls@gmail.com) *
#define RANDOM_ARMOR	2
#define RANDOM_PILL		6
#define RANDOM_STAFF	7
#define RANDOM_WAND		8
#define MAX_RANDTYPE	9

//This macro returns true if the letter is a vowel.
#define IS_VOWEL(c) (   c == 'a' || c == 'A' || c == 'e' || c == 'E' \
                     || c == 'i' || c == 'I' || c == 'o' || c == 'O' \
					 || c == 'u' || c == 'U')

struct random_type
	char *		name;			//Base item name field.
	char *		desc;			//Base item descriptions.
	int			value;			//Cost of the item.
	sh_int		weight;			//Weight of the item.
	sh_int		type;			//Random type.
	sh_int		wtype;			//For weapons only.
	char *		dtype;			//For weapons only.
	sh_int		level[3];		//Valid level range and level bonus.
	sh_int		rarity;			//Drop chance.
	long		wear;			//Wear flags.
	sh_int		app_loc[3];		//The TO_* location for the apply.
	sh_int		app_type[3];	//The APPLY_* type for the apply.
	sh_int		app_mod[3];		//The modifier for the apply.
	int			app_flag[3];	//The bitvector for the apply.
	bool		unique;			//Can't have suffix or prefix?

struct mod_type
	char *		name;			//Name addendum.
	char *		desc;			//Short description addendum.
	sh_int		app_loc[3];		//The TO_* location for the apply.
	sh_int		app_type[3];	//The APPLY_* type for the apply.
	sh_int		app_mod[3];		//The modifier for the apply.
	int			app_flag[3];	//The bitvector for the apply.
	sh_int		chance[9];		//Chance of loading on each type.
	sh_int		weight_mod;		//Extra weight.
	int			value_mod;		//Extra price.
	sh_int		level_mod[2];	//Pre-Mod and After-Mod.
	long		extra_flags;	//Extra flags to be added.
	char *		spells[2];

extern const struct mod_type	prefix_table[];
extern const struct random_type random_table[];
extern const struct mod_type	suffix_table[];

void iGen (CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * mob, int level);