 * Just pop this into act_comm.c somewhere. (Or anywhere else)
 * It's pretty much say except modified to take args.
 * Written by Kratas (moon@deathmoon.com)

void do_say_to_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], last_char;
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *vch;
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    EXT_BV actflags;
    int arglen;
#ifndef SCRAMBLE
    int speaking = -1, lang;

    for ( lang = 0; lang_array[lang] != LANG_UNKNOWN; lang++ )
        if ( ch->speaking & lang_array[lang] )
            speaking = lang;

    argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

    if ( arg[0] == '\0' || argument[0] == '\0' )
        send_to_char( "Say what to whom?\n\r", ch );
    if ( ( victim = get_char_world( ch, arg ) ) == NULL
         || ( IS_NPC(victim) && victim->in_room != ch->in_room )
         || (!NOT_AUTHED(ch) && NOT_AUTHED(victim) && !IS_IMMORTAL(ch) ) )
        send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( IS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_SILENCE ) )
        send_to_char( "You can't do that here.\n\r", ch );

    arglen = strlen( argument ) - 1;
    /* Remove whitespace and tabs. */
    while( argument[arglen] == ' ' || argument[arglen] == '\t' )
    last_char = argument[arglen];
    actflags = ch->act;
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
        xREMOVE_BIT( ch->act, ACT_SECRETIVE );
    for ( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch; vch = vch->next_in_room )
        char *sbuf = argument;

        if ( vch == ch )

        /* Check to see if character is ignoring speaker */
        if (is_ignoring(vch, ch))
            /* continue unless speaker is an immortal */
            if(!IS_IMMORTAL(ch) || get_trust(vch) > get_trust(ch))
                set_char_color(AT_IGNORE, vch);
                ch_printf( vch, "You attempt to ignore %s, but are unable to do so.\n\r", ch->name );

#ifndef SCRAMBLE
        if ( speaking != -1 && (!IS_NPC(ch) || ch->speaking) )
            int speakswell = UMIN(knows_language(vch, ch->speaking, ch), knows_language(ch, ch->speaking, vch) );
            if ( speakswell < 75 )
                sbuf = translate(speakswell, argument, lang_names[speaking]);
        if ( !knows_language(vch, ch->speaking, ch)
        &&  (!IS_NPC(ch) || ch->speaking != 0) )
            sbuf = scramble(argument, ch->speaking);
        sbuf = drunk_speech( sbuf, ch );

        MOBtrigger = FALSE;

    ch->act = actflags;
    MOBtrigger = FALSE;
    switch( last_char )
    case '?':
        act( AT_SAY, "You ask $N, '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch ), victim, TO_CHAR );
        act( AT_SAY, "$n asks $N, '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch), victim, TO_NOTVICT );
        act( AT_SAY, "$n asks you '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch), victim, TO_VICT );

    case '!':
        act( AT_SAY, "You exclaim at $N, '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch), victim, TO_CHAR );
        act( AT_SAY, "$n exclaims at $N, '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch), victim, TO_NOTVICT );
        act( AT_SAY, "$n exclaims to you, '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch), victim, TO_VICT );

        act( AT_SAY, "You say to $N '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch ), victim, TO_CHAR );
        act( AT_SAY, "$n says to $N '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch), victim, TO_NOTVICT );
        act( AT_SAY, "$n says to you '$t&c'", ch, drunk_speech( argument, ch), victim, TO_VICT );
    if ( IS_SET( ch->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_LOGSPEECH ) )
        sprintf( buf, "%s: %s", IS_NPC( ch ) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name, argument );
        append_to_file( LOG_FILE, buf );
    mprog_speech_trigger( argument, ch );
    if ( char_died(ch) )
    oprog_speech_trigger( argument, ch );
    if ( char_died(ch) )
    rprog_speech_trigger( argument, ch );