* Stuff that needs to be done

- Look into scroll back glitches.

- Check if Cygwin install info is still correct.

- fix UTF-8 handling in input.

- fix packet patch prompt repetition bug.

- add chat server script 'log' option to show last 15 messages.

- look into getting rid of node->data

- garbage collection for deleted nodes.

- global flag to only show the same area.

- map color setting for hidden exits.

- look into Launchpad PPA



- Add escape stripping #prompt option.

- Look into old school automatic packet patching.

- Add split pane scrollback

- Add a ARG_LEN / ARG_MAX setting.

- Add a #line skip option.

- Deal with escaping { } / ; in #script variables.

- Make tintin char setting by session instead of global.

- Add a way to append text to prompts.

- Proper manual for CHAT and MAP.

- Don't eat the path when using #path walk forward, allowing mixed usage of
  forward and backward. Also add a #MAP START OF PATH event?

- crash on: #map exit {2}{command}{s;#map read floobity.map} 

- add #line gag {lines} option or #lines {lines} {gag}.

- auto adjust max vnum size of mapper.



- Debug end of screen input drawing.



- Create global exits, like recall, that can be used with #map run.

- Add something to indicate a non standard exit on the ASCII mapper.

- Display hidden exits differently.

- Synchronise drawn map with the link map.

- Add support to set hiddenexit colors.

- Better #map undo support.

- Add conditional if checks for room traversal.



#UNLINK ERROR in file session.c on line 351
DEBUG_STACK[000] = cleanup_session(0x8205430)

ERROR: close in cleanup (9: Bad file descriptor)


* This is a list of improvements that are planned for a rainy day.

- Buffer safe strings.

- Fix up ipv6 support in chat.

- Look into packet defragmentation for chat.

- Color code compression, particularly useful with vt map drawing.

- link http://www.lauzet.com/argon on webpage

- See if it's possible to add better #path run support.

- Events for prompt lines.

- Lua scripting

- Look into using speech-dispatcher for text to speech.

- A way to set specific speedwalk delays for exits.

- MXP script http://tintin.sourceforge.net/board/viewtopic.php?t=1396


* Stuff that has been request but that I'm not entirely sure about

- http://tintin.sourceforge.net/board/posting.php?mode=reply&t=36

- Add a command to manipulate the input buffer.

- Add color compression to the strip_non_vt function.

- Keep last input visible with repeat enter enabled.


* This is a list of new features/improvements I'm not interest in.

- X window support: console is just fine.

- MXP support, will be tricky with tintin++ being a console client, a good
  starting point might be libmxp provided by the creator of kmuddy.


  Tintin will also need a html terminal, which isn't available yet.

- MSP support: I'm not aware of a good easy cross platform sound library. You
  can use a command line sound mixer with the #system command.

- Plugins: Maybe sometime far in the future I'll add a plugin to add plugins.