This is GDBM for windows.  It's based on release 1.8.3 of GNU GDBM.

It includes support for GDBM, DBM, NDBM and GETOPT, and is useful
for porting unix applications which need one or more of the above 

This release was compiled and tested on the following platforms:

* Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 
  Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 (free compiler release)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v7.1 (Visual C++ Toolkit 2003)
  Microsoft Visual C/C++ v6.0

If you use the Cygwin gcc compiler you do not need this as GDBM is
is already an available Cygwin package. 


Installation instructions for Windows NT/2K/XP using the Borland C++ v5.5 

Required software:
    Borland C++ v5.5 compiler - 


1) Install the Borland C++ compiler and configure it.  Instructions for 
   configuring the compiler are found in the readme.txt file in the BCCROOT
   directory.  While the make file is explicit, the Borland compiler bin 
   directory must be in the path.  Be sure that Borland's make.exe is 
   being invoked and not some other make utility.
2) Unzip the distribution.  It should extract to directory "wingdbm"   
3) Open up a command shell and switch to this directory 
   Ex. 'cd C:\wingdbm'
4) Build the libraries by invoking the make utility 
   Ex. 'make -f makefile.bor'
5) Optionally - run the test programs.
6) Optionally - install the headers and libraries to some target directory.  
   Use 'make -f makefile.bor -DINSTDIR=C:\myinstalldir inst', where 
   myinstalldir is where you'd like the headers and libraries installed.
Additional Make options:
 make -f makefile.bor clean - deletes all the products of compilation 
   and linking.
 make -f makefile.bor dist - creates a distribution zip file.  Requires a 
   working copy of winzip command line utility.  Use -DRELEASE=xxxx to 
   alter the name of the zip.
By default the products of make are dynamic linked to the RTL and contain 
no debugging information.  However several other options are available:

 make -f makefile.bor -DSTATIC produces static linked with no debugging 
 make -f makefile.bor -DDEBUG produces dynamic linked with debugging 
 make -f makefile.bor -DDEBUG -DSTATIC produces static linked with 
   debugging information.

 Use Borland TurboDebugger for debugging.
   (also available at the above mentioned web site)

Read the documentation on how to use it.  An html version of the man page
is included.


Installation instructions for Windows NT/2K/XP using the Visual C++ 
Toolkit 2003 compiler.  This also works for Visual C++ v6.0

Required software:
    Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 compiler - 
    Microsoft Platform SDK -
    Visual C++ v6.0 - 
        see your software dealer


1) Install the Visual C++ toolkit and Platform SDK.
2) Unzip the distribution.  It should extract to directory "wingdbm"   
3) Open up a command shell by selecting it from the shortcuts installed by
   the Platform SDK for your buil environment, or run the setenv.cmd 
   yourself.  Run the vcvars32.bat to set up the environement for the VC++
   Then switch to the directory you unzipped it in.
   Ex. 'cd C:\wingdbm'
4) Build the libraries by invoking the make utility 
   Ex. 'make -f'
5) Optionally - run the test programs.
6) Optionally - install the headers and libraries to some target directory.  
   Use 'make -f INSTDIR=C:\myinstalldir inst', where 
   myinstalldir is where you'd like the headers and libraries installed.
Additional Make options:
 make -f clean - deletes all the products of compilation 
   and linking.
 make -f dist - creates a distribution zip file.  Requires a 
   working copy of winzip command line utility.  Use RELEASE=xxxx to 
   alter the name of the zip.
By default the products of make are static libraries and contain no 
debugging information.  However debug options are available:

 make -f DEBUG=1 produces libraries with debugging 
Read the documentation on how to use it.  An html version of the man page
is included.


This code and my changes are released under the original software's license 
found in COPYING.


Jon Lambert (aka Tyche)