/*! \file socket.h
  This is the Socket class definition.

  \author Jon A. Lambert
  \date 05/02/2003
  \version 0.30
#ifndef	SOCKET_H
#define	SOCKET_H

  A BlockingException in the context of Socket streams is not really an
  error condition.  It is thrown when we reach the end of available data
  and should be caught and handled.
class BlockingException : public exception {
  BlockingException(int errcode = 0) : mErrCode(errcode) {};
  int mErrCode;

  A ShutdownException is thrown when we detect the client's connection
  has been closed from their end.
class ShutdownException : public exception {
  ShutdownException(int errcode = 0) : mErrCode(errcode) {};
  int mErrCode;

  An IOErrorException is a general purpose exception that indicates
  a severe non-recoverable error.  Generally this requires the Socket
  to be disconnected.
class IOErrorException : public exception {
  IOErrorException(int errcode = 0) : mErrCode(errcode) {};
  int mErrCode;

  The Socket class contains the minimum amount of attributes to reasonably
  maintain a socket connection with a client.

  This was refactored out of the Connection class and implemented there as
  a composite member.  It might have been made a superclass were it not for
  the all the functions we'd have to remap and/or override to keep exception
  and error handling safely within the Connection class.
class Socket {
  Socket(SOCKET mSock, int size = 4096);
  Socket(const Socket& r_sock);
  virtual ~Socket();
  char Read();
  void Write(const char c);
  void Write(const string& r_str);
  void Write(const char* p_char);
  void Write(const char* p_char, int len);
  void Flush();
  SOCKET GetSocket();
  void Close();
  Socket& operator= (const Socket& r_sock);

  SOCKET mSock;        //!< network socket
  int    mSize;        //!< size of buffers
  char * mpInBuffer;   //!< the socket input buffer.
  char * mpOutBuffer;  //!< the socket output buffer.
  char * mpRead;       //!< pointer to the start of data in mpInBuffer.
  char * mpEod;        //!< pointer to the end of data in mpInBuffer.
  char * mpWrite;      //!< pointer to the next write position in mpOutBuffer.
  char * mpStartWrite; //!< pointer to the data to start send in mpOutBuffer.

#endif // SOCKET_H