#include "copyright.h"

/* Wizard-only commands */

#include "os.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "match.h"
#include "externs.h"

void do_teleport (dbref player, const char *arg1, const char *arg2)
  dbref victim;
  dbref destination;
  const char *to;

  if (!Wizard (player)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    notify (player, "Only a Wizard may teleport at will.");
#else   /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "Only a Tinker may teleport at will.");
#endif  /* TINKER */

  /* get victim, destination */
  if (*arg2 == '\0') {
    victim = player;
    to = arg1;
  } else {
    init_match (player, arg1, NOTYPE);
    match_neighbor ();
    match_possession ();
    match_me ();
    match_absolute ();
    match_player ();

    if ((victim = noisy_match_result ()) == NOTHING) {
    to = arg2;

  /* get destination */
  init_match (player, to, TYPE_PLAYER);
  match_here ();
  match_absolute ();
  if (Wizard (player)) {
    match_neighbor ();
    match_me ();
    match_player ();

  switch (destination = match_result ()) {
  case NOTHING:
    notify (player, "Send it where?");
    notify (player, "I don't know which destination you mean!");
    /* check victim, destination types, teleport if ok */
    if (Typeof (destination) == TYPE_EXIT
      || Typeof (destination) == TYPE_THING
      || Typeof (victim) == TYPE_EXIT
      || Typeof (victim) == TYPE_ROOM
      || (Typeof (victim) == TYPE_PLAYER
        && Typeof (destination) != TYPE_ROOM)) {
      notify (player, "Bad destination.");
    } else if (!Wizard (player)
      && !(Typeof (victim) == TYPE_THING
        && Typeof (destination) == TYPE_ROOM && (controls (player, victim)
          || (Typeof (db[victim].location) == TYPE_ROOM
            && controls (player, db[victim].location)))
        && (can_link_to (player, TYPE_PLAYER, destination)))) {
      notify (player, "Permission denied.");
    } else if (Typeof (victim) == TYPE_PLAYER) {
      notify (victim, "You feel a wrenching sensation...");
      enter_room (victim, destination);
      notify (player, "Teleported.");
    } else {
      /* check for non-sticky dropto */
      if (Typeof (destination) == TYPE_ROOM
        && db[destination].location != NOTHING
        && !(db[destination].flags & STICKY)) {
        /* destination has immediate dropto */
        destination = db[destination].location;

      /* do the move */
      moveto (victim, destination);
      notify (player, "Teleported.");

void do_mass_teleport (dbref player, const char *arg1)
  dbref victim;
  dbref destination;
  char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
  int moved = 0;

  if (!God (player)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    notify (player, "Only God can do a mass teleport.");
#else   /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "Only the Master Tinker can do a mass teleport.");
#endif  /* TINKER */

  /* get destination */
  init_match (player, arg1, TYPE_ROOM);
  match_here ();
  match_absolute ();

  if ((destination = match_result ()) == NOTHING) {
    notify (player, "Please specify a destination to send everyone to.");

  switch (Typeof (destination)) {
  case NOTHING:
    notify (player, "Send them where?");

  case TYPE_ROOM:
    for (victim = 0; victim < db_top; victim++) {
      if (victim != player && Typeof (victim) == TYPE_PLAYER) {
        notify (victim,
          "You and everyone around you feels a wrenching sensation...");
        moveto (victim, destination);
        look_room (victim, destination);
    sprintf (buf, "Teleported %d players to %s.",
      moved, unparse_object (player, destination));
    notify (player, "Teleported.");

    notify (player, "Mass teleports are legal to rooms only.");

void do_force (dbref player, const char *what, char *command)
  dbref victim;

  if (!Wizard (player)) {
    writelog ("FORCE: failed, priv, player %s(%d), who '%s', what '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, what, command);
#ifndef TINKER
    notify (player, "Only Wizards may use this command.");
#else   /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "Only Tinkers may use this command.");
#endif  /* TINKER */

  /* get victim */
  if ((victim = lookup_player (what)) == NOTHING) {
    writelog ("FORCE: failed, victim, player %s(%d), who '%s', what '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, what, command);
    notify (player, "That player does not exist.");
#ifdef GOD_PRIV
  if (God (victim)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("FORCE: failed, wizard, player %s(%d), who '%s', what '%s'\n",
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("FORCE: failed, tinker, player %s(%d), who '%s', what '%s'\n",
#endif  /* TINKER */
      db[player].name, player, what, command);
#ifndef TINKER
    notify (player, "You can't force God.");
#else   /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "You can't force the Master Tinker.");
#endif  /* TINKER */
#endif  /* GOD_PRIV */

  /* force victim to do command */
  writelog ("FORCE: success, player %s(%d), who '%s', what '%s'\n",
    db[player].name, player, what, command);

  process_command (victim, command);

void do_stats (dbref player, const char *name)
  dbref rooms;
  dbref exits;
  dbref things;
  dbref players;
  dbref total;
  dbref i;
  dbref owner;
  char buf[BUFFER_LEN];

  if (!Wizard (player)) {
    sprintf (buf, "The universe contains %d objects.", db_top);
    notify (player, buf);
  } else {
    owner = lookup_player (name);
    total = rooms = exits = things = players = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < db_top; i++) {
      if (owner == NOTHING || owner == db[i].owner) {
        switch (Typeof (i)) {
        case TYPE_ROOM:
        case TYPE_EXIT:
        case TYPE_THING:
        case TYPE_PLAYER:
          abort ();
    sprintf (buf,
      "%d objects = %d rooms, %d exits, %d things, %d players.",
      total, rooms, exits, things, players);
    notify (player, buf);
    sprintf (buf, "Malloc count = %d.", malloc_count);
    notify (player, buf);
#endif /* TEST_MALLOC */

void do_bobble (dbref player, const char *name, const char *rname)
  dbref victim, recip, i;
  char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
  int newflags = 0;

  if (!Wizard (player)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("TOAD: failed, priv %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "Only a Wizard can turn a person into a toad.");
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOBBLE: failed, priv %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "Only a Tinker can bobble a person.");
#endif  /* TINKER */

  if (!name || !*name) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("TOAD: failed, syntax %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOBBLE: failed, syntax %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "You must specify a victim.");

  init_match (player, name, TYPE_PLAYER);
  match_neighbor ();
  match_absolute ();
  match_player ();
  if ((victim = noisy_match_result ()) == NOTHING) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("TOAD: failed, victim %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOBBLE: failed, victim %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "Please specify another victim.");
#ifdef RECYCLE
  /* Default the recipient to RECYCLER */
  if (!rname || !*rname || string_compare (rname, RECYCLER) == 0) {
    recip = lookup_player (RECYCLER);
    newflags = UNWANTED;        /* Can be gotten by other players */
  } else {
    recip = lookup_player (rname);
  recip = lookup_player (rname);

  if (recip == NOTHING || recip == victim) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("TOAD: failed, recip %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOBBLE: failed, recip %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (player,
      "Please specify another player to own the victim's effects.");

  if (Typeof (victim) != TYPE_PLAYER) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("TOAD: failed, type %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "You can only turn players into toads!");
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOBBLE: failed, type %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "You can only bobble players!");
#endif  /* TINKER */
  } else if (Wizard (victim)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("TOAD: failed, wizard %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "You can't turn a Wizard into a toad.");
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOBBLE: failed, tinker %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "You can't bobble a Tinker.");
#endif  /* TINKER */
  } else if (db[victim].contents != NOTHING) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("TOAD: failed, contents %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOBBLE: failed, contents %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */

    notify (player, "What about what they are carrying?");
  } else {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("TOAD: success %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOBBLE: success %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */

    /* we are ok */
    /* do it */
    if (db[victim].password) {
      free ((void *) db[victim].password);
      db[victim].password = 0;
    db[victim].flags = TYPE_THING;

    /* Give the sphere and all old belongings to recipient */
    db[victim].owner = recip;
    for (i = 0; i < db_top; i++) {
      if (db[i].owner == victim) {
        db[i].owner = recip;
        db[i].flags |= newflags;

    db[victim].pennies = 1;     /* dont let him keep his immense wealth */

    /* notify people */
#ifndef TINKER
    sprintf (buf, "You have been turned into a toad by %s.", db[player].name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    sprintf (buf, "You have been encased in a stasis sphere by %s.",
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (victim, buf);
#ifndef TINKER
    sprintf (buf, "You turned %s into a toad!", db[victim].name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    sprintf (buf, "You bobbled %s!", db[victim].name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (player, buf);

    /* reset name */
    delete_player (victim);
#endif  /* PLAYER_LIST */
#ifndef TINKER
    sprintf (buf, "a slimy toad named %s", db[victim].name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    sprintf (buf, "a silvery sphere containing %s", db[victim].name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    free ((void *) db[victim].name);
    db[victim].name = alloc_string (buf);

void do_unbobble (dbref player, const char *name, const char *newname)
  dbref victim;
  char buf[BUFFER_LEN];

  if (!Wizard (player)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("UNTOAD: failed, priv %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "Only a Wizard can turn a toad into a person.");
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("UNBOBBLE: failed, priv %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "Only a Tinker can unbobble a person.");
#endif  /* TINKER */

  if (!name || !*name) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("UNTOAD: failed, syntax %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("UNBOBBLE: failed, syntax %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "You must specify a thing.");

  if (!newname || !*newname) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("UNTOAD: failed, syntax %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "You must specify a new name: @untoad <thing> = <name>");
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("UNBOBBLE: failed, syntax %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player,
      "You must specify a new name: @unbobble <thing> = <name>");
#endif  /* TINKER */

  init_match (player, name, TYPE_THING);
  match_neighbor ();
  match_absolute ();
  match_player ();
  if ((victim = noisy_match_result ()) == NOTHING) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("UNTOAD: failed, victim %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("UNBOBBLE: failed, victim %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "Please specify another thing.");

  if (Typeof (victim) != TYPE_THING) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("UNTOAD: failed, type %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "You can only turn players into toads!");
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("UNBOBBLE: failed, type %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "You can only bobble players!");
#endif  /* TINKER */
  } else if (!ok_player_name (newname)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("UNTOAD: failed, name %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("UNBOBBLE: failed, name %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "You can't give a player that name!");
  } else {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("UNTOAD: success %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("UNBOBBLE: success %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
#endif  /* TINKER */

    /* we are ok */
    /* do it */
    db[victim].flags = TYPE_PLAYER;
    db[victim].owner = victim;
    db[victim].pennies = KILL_BONUS;

    /* reset name */
    free ((void *) db[victim].name);
    db[victim].name = alloc_string (newname);

#ifndef TINKER
    sprintf (buf, "You turned the toad back into %s!", db[victim].name);
#else   /* TINKER */
    sprintf (buf, "You unbobbled %s!", db[victim].name);
#endif  /* TINKER */
    notify (player, buf);

    sprintf (buf, "Use @newpassword to give %s a password", db[victim].name);
    notify (player, buf);

    add_player (victim);
#endif  /* PLAYER_LIST */

void do_newpassword (dbref player, const char *name, const char *password)
  dbref victim;
  char buf[BUFFER_LEN];

  if (!Wizard (player)) {
    writelog ("PASSWORD: failed, priv %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "Your delusions of grandeur have been duly noted.");
  } else if ((victim = lookup_player (name)) == NOTHING) {
    writelog ("PASSWORD: failed, victim %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "No such player.");
  } else if (*password != '\0' && !ok_password (password)) {
    /* Wiz can set null passwords, but not bad passwords */
    writelog ("PASSWORD: failed, password %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "Bad password");
#ifdef GOD_PRIV
  } else if (God (victim) && !God (player)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("PASSWORD: failed, wizard %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("PASSWORD: failed, tinker %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
#endif  /* TINKER */
      db[player].name, player, name);
    notify (player, "You cannot change that player's password.");
#endif  /* GOD_PRIV */
  } else {
    writelog ("PASSWORD: success %s(%d) who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);
    /* it's ok, do it */
    if (db[victim].password)
      free ((void *) db[victim].password);
    db[victim].password = alloc_string (password);
    notify (player, "Password changed.");
    sprintf (buf, "Your password has been changed by %s.", db[player].name);
    notify (victim, buf);

void do_boot (dbref player, const char *name)
  dbref victim;
  char buf[BUFFER_LEN];

  if (!Wizard (player)) {
    writelog ("BOOT: failed, priv player %s(%d), who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);

#ifndef TINKER
    notify (player, "Only a Wizard can boot another player off!");
#else   /* TINKER */
    notify (player, "Only a Tinker can boot another player off!");
#endif  /* TINKER */

  init_match (player, name, TYPE_PLAYER);
  match_neighbor ();
  match_absolute ();
  match_player ();
  if ((victim = noisy_match_result ()) == NOTHING)

#ifdef GOD_PRIV
  if (God (victim)) {
#ifndef TINKER
    writelog ("BOOT: failed, wizard, player %s(%d), who '%s'\n",
#else   /* TINKER */
    writelog ("BOOT: failed, tinker, player %s(%d), who '%s'\n",
#endif  /* TINKER */
      db[player].name, player, name);

    notify (player, "You can't boot that player!");
#endif  /* GOD_PRIV */

  if (Typeof (victim) != TYPE_PLAYER) {
    writelog ("BOOT: failed, victim, player %s(%d), who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);

    notify (player, "You can only boot off other players!");
  } else {
    writelog ("BOOT: success, player %s(%d), who '%s'\n",
      db[player].name, player, name);

    /* we are ok */
    /* do it */
    /* notify people */
    sprintf (buf, "You have been booted off the game by %s.",
    notify (victim, buf);
    sprintf (buf, "You booted %s off!", db[victim].name);
    notify (player, buf);
    boot_off (victim);
    /* reset name */

# define MINUTES (60)
# define HOURS   (3600)
# define DAYS    (24 * HOURS)
# define WEEKS   (7 * DAYS)
# define MONTHS  (30 * DAYS)
# define YEARS   (365 * DAYS)

long atosec (const char *str)
  long num;
  const char *s;

  if (!str || !*str) return (0L);

  num = atol (str);

  for (s=str; *s && isspace ((int)*s) || isdigit ((int)*s); s++) ;

  switch (*s) {
  case '\0':
  case 's':
  case 'S':     return (num); break;

  case 'm':
  case 'M':
    if (s[1] == 'i' || s[1] == 'I') {
      return (num * MINUTES); break;
    } else {
      return (num * MONTHS); break;

  case 'h':
  case 'H':     return (num * HOURS); break;

  case 'd':
  case 'D':     return (num * DAYS); break;

  case 'w':
  case 'W':     return (num * WEEKS); break;

  case 'y':
  case 'Y':     return (num * YEARS); break;

  default:      return (num);

void do_date(dbref player, const char *start, const char *thstr)
  dbref rooms=0, arooms=0;
  dbref exits=0, aexits=0;
  dbref things=0, athings=0;
  dbref players=0, aplayers=0;
  dbref total=0, atotal=0;
  dbref i;
  dbref owner;
  long now, start_tm, thresh;
  char buf[BUFFER_LEN];

  now = time (0);

  if(!Wizard(player)) {
    sprintf(buf, "%24.24s", ctime (&now));
    notify(player, buf);

  start_tm = (start && *start) ?  now - atosec (start) : now - MONTHS;
  thresh = (thstr && *thstr) ? atoi (thstr) : 0;

  for (i=0; i<db_top; i++) {
    if (db[i].lastused >= start_tm && db[i].usecnt > thresh) {
      switch (Typeof(i)) {
      case TYPE_ROOM:   rooms++; arooms++; break;
      case TYPE_THING:  things++; athings++; break;
      case TYPE_EXIT:   exits++; aexits++; break;
      case TYPE_PLAYER: players++; aplayers++; break;
      total++; atotal++;
    } else {
      switch (Typeof(i)) {
      case TYPE_ROOM:   rooms++; break;
      case TYPE_THING:  things++; break;
      case TYPE_EXIT:   exits++; break;
      case TYPE_PLAYER: players++; break;

  if (thresh == 0) {
    sprintf (buf, "Objects used since %20.20s:", ctime (&start_tm)+4);
  } else {
    sprintf (buf, "Objects used more than %ld time%s since %20.20s:",
      thresh, (thresh == 1) ? "" : "s", ctime (&start_tm)+4);
  notify (player, buf);

  sprintf (buf, "Totals:  %8d of %8d", atotal, total);
  notify (player, buf);

  sprintf (buf, "Rooms:   %8d of %8d", arooms, rooms);
  notify (player, buf);

  sprintf (buf, "Exits:   %8d of %8d", aexits, exits);
  notify (player, buf);

  sprintf (buf, "Things:  %8d of %8d", athings, things);
  notify (player, buf);

  sprintf (buf, "Players: %8d of %8d", aplayers, players);
  notify (player, buf);

  writelog ("DATE %s(%d) %s\n", db[player].name, player, start);

void do_top(dbref player, const char *numstr, const char *typestr)
  dbref *top = NULL;
  long num=10, type=NOTHING;
  dbref i, j, k;
  char buf[BUFFER_LEN];

  if(!Wizard(player)) {
    notify(player, "@Top is a restricted command.");

  if (numstr && *numstr) num = atol (numstr);

  if (num < 1 || num > db_top) {
    sprintf (buf, "You must specify an integer from %d to %d for @top",
      1, db_top);
    notify (player, buf);

  if (typestr && *typestr) {
    switch (*typestr) {
    case 'p':
    case 'P': type = TYPE_PLAYER; break;

    case 'e':
    case 'E': type = TYPE_EXIT; break;

    case 'r':
    case 'R': type = TYPE_ROOM; break;

    case 't':
    case 'T': type = TYPE_THING; break;

  top = (dbref *) malloc (num * sizeof (dbref));
  for (j=0; j<num; j++) top[j] = NOTHING;

  /* For each item in the database */
  for (i=0; i<db_top; i++) {
    if (db[i].usecnt == 0) continue;

    if (type != NOTHING && Typeof(i) != type) continue;

    /* Loop through the top table, sorted by usecnt */
    for (j = num; j > 0; j--) {
      if (top[j-1] == NOTHING) continue;
      if (db[i].usecnt <= db[top[j-1]].usecnt) break;

    /* Roll down the less used items, and insert i */
    if (j < num) {
      for (k = num-1; k > j; k--) top[k] = top[k-1];
      top[j] = i;

  /* Now print the items */
  switch (type) {
  case NOTHING: sprintf (buf, "The top %ld items:", num);
  case TYPE_PLAYER: sprintf (buf, "The top %ld most active players:", num);
  case TYPE_ROOM:   sprintf (buf, "The top %ld most active rooms:", num);
  case TYPE_EXIT:   sprintf (buf, "The top %ld most used exits:", num);
  case TYPE_THING:  sprintf (buf, "The top %ld most used things:", num);
  notify (player, buf);

  for (j=0; j<num && top[j] != NOTHING; j++) {
    sprintf (buf, "%10ld  %s", db[top[j]].usecnt,
      unparse_object (player, top[j]));
    notify (player, buf);

  writelog ("TOP  %s(%d) %s %s\n", db[player].name, player,
    numstr ? numstr : "", typestr ? typestr : "");