Important differences between LambdaMOO 1.7.8 and LPMOO 1.2:

 - LPMOO supports three additional datatypes: floats, tables, and buffers.

 - Task execution limits are in DGD terms; no attempt is made to simulate
   tick or seconds counting. {ticks,seconds}_left() are approximate.

 - Background tasks receive equal "tick store" as foreground tasks.

 - fork (0) and suspend(0) are always translated into fork (1) and suspend(1).

 - clear_property() returns E_INVARG for all builtin properties.

 - ob.wizard = x will only affect future tasks, not any existing (suspended
   or forked) ones.

 - Suspended tasks are not saved across cold restarts (bootstrapping from
   a LambdaMOO-format DB file).

 - Suspended tasks _are_ saved across warm restarts (using a binary state
   dump), however their starting times will be relative to the time of the
   state dump.

 - open_network_connection() will suspend until the connection either
   succeeds or fails.

 - It is not illegal to use a string value for `obj' in obj:verb(@args); this
   is interpreted as a function call in the LPC object named by `obj'.

 - Strings and lists are not unlimited in size. Strings and lists are limited
   to approximately 64K characters and elements, respectively. Attempts to
   exceed these limits will result in a run-time traceback error.

 - The number of pending forked (or suspended) tasks is not unlimited. The
   limit is determined by the value of the `call_outs' setting in the dgd.cf
   configuration file. Attempts to exceed the limit will yield a traceback.

 - $server_options is not (yet) supported.

 - disassemble() is functional, but does not return any useful information.

 - The .program builtin verb is not functional.

 - Esoteric expressions such as:  a = {1, 2}; a[1] = (a = 0);  do not behave
   as they do in LambdaMOO. Expressions such as:  a[1] = a[2] = 3;  behave
   as you would expect. These are technically incorrect simulations of MOO,
   but are more intuitive and actually simpler to implement.

 - If $dump_interval is negative, automatic checkpoints are never made (under
   the assumption the db is handling them.)