Administrating your muse

Here are some commands that would probably only be useful to
someone running a muse.

@allquota <quota>
changes everyone's quota to <quota>.

@broadcast <message>
broascast <message> through no_wall flags. it would be best
to only use this for inportant messages, such as the muse going

@boot <player>
disconnect <player> from the game. if there are more than one
<player>s connected, disconnect the one that was connected
most recently.

@chownall <player>=<newplayer>
change the ownershi pof all <player>'s objects to <newplayer>.

trace all concentrator connections. there is no concentrator
client right now, so this is sorta useless.

@class <player>=<new class>
change <player>'s class to <new class>. see doc/CLASSES.

do various things to make sure the database is all in

@dbtop [<catagories>]
show highest users of space; catagories are shown with
just plain '@dbtop'.

checkpoint the database onto disk. (if you try to do this
at the same time that muse is doing an automatic dump,
it may give an error (db/mdb.#xxx#: no such file or
directory). it will have saved the database anyways,

@empower <player>=<power>:<class>
give <player> the power of <power> to act on <class>.
<power> can be one of the powers defined in powers.h
<class> can be one of:
yes: always
yeseq: for equal and lower classes
yeslt: for lower classes
no: never; take away the power.

Mail out huh logs; this isn't currently tested very much.

@newpassword <player>=<password>
change <player>'s password to <password>. if you're thinking
of using this to change your own password, don't. use
@password instead. passwords are plaintext after @newpassword.

@nuke <player>
destroy <player>. doesn't work if they own stuff; need to
@wipeout first.

show various statistics on how many people are in which class.

@pcreate <name>=<password>
only effective if you have WCREAT defined. creates a new
character, name <name>, password <password>.

@poor <value>
make everyone's credits change to <value>. this isn't very
good to do.

same as @dbck, but doesn't do quite as much stuff.

Reboot the muse. easier than @shutdown and then going
and restarting the wd.

shut down the muse. probably would be a good thing to
@broascast telling people about this first.

@wipeout <player> type=<type>
wipe out all possessions of <player> of type <type>.
<type> can be:
all: wipeout all <player>'s possessions
rooms: wipeout all rooms
exits: wipeout all exits
objects: wileout all objects

if you want to change anything in the 'help' or 'news' files,
the format is self explanitory. make sure you do
a 'make' in the msgs directory after you change them.

a good idea would be to suggest using the 'gripe' command in
connect.txt somewhere.

various files that should be in the run/msgs directory:
welcome.txt:  when someone connects to the port, but not to a char.
connect.txt:  when someone connects to a character
create.txt:   when someone creates a new character
register.txt: when someone tries to create a char, but WCREAT is in force.
note that these are just blank if they don't exist. it won't complain
about it or anything.
