This is a list of stuff I want to have done sometime:

- Have a config option to not compile in the mailer. Useful if you want to
  install a mushcoded mailer and you need to use the - prefix.

- Have Mr. Guest code built in.

- Write a function (wwrap?) to do actual wordwrap, not just character wrap
  like wrap().

- Implement the rest of the powers, or remove them.

- Trigger @aconnect and @adisconnect on the player's location, in addition
  to the player and the master room.

- Network chat!

- Possibly have smarter disambiguating stuff, so instead of:
    > @desc bar=foo
    I don't know which one you mean!
    > @desc bart simpson=foo
  You might:
    > @desc bar=foo
    Which "bar" do you mean, Foo Bar(#62) or Bart Simpson(#173L)?
    > simpson