Welcome to AlloyMUSH 1.1, you lucky beta tester you.  All you really have
to do is compile it, set it up, and get a bunch of people to read the help
thoroughly ('news new stuff' is helpful) and test everything.  Try things
that are off the wall.  Try everything.

I want to get the MUX db code tested out, so if you have a MUX, why not copy
it and try to load it into AlloyMUSH?  It's easy.  If your MUX files are
named 'testmux' and the path to the data directory is '../mux/data', cd to
the AlloyMUSH directory, and type:

     db_unload ../mux/data/testmux.gdbm ../mux/data/ mux.db.FULL
     db_load db/netmush.gdbm mux.db.FULL db/

Hopefully, you'll be up and running in no time.  Of course, if you don't
have a MUX db, or the conversion fails (it shouldn't), you can always do
what README says and make a new database.

Have fun!

                        -- Jesse "Alloy" McGrew,