# netmush.conf - AlloyMUSH configuration file
include		alias.conf
include		compat.conf
# Default filenames for the database
input_database	db/netmush.db
output_database	db/
crash_database	db/netmush.db.CRASH
gdbm_database	db/netmush.gdbm
# port: What port does the mush listen for connections on?
port 6250
# mud_name: What is the mush's name?
mud_name MyVeryOwnMUSH
# money_name_singular: What is one coin called?
money_name_singular	coin
# money_name_plural: What are some coins called?
money_name_plural	coins
# find_money_chance: A player has a one in ___ chance of finding a coin
#                    when s/he moves to another room.
find_money_chance	30
# master_room: This room is searched for commands if they're not found near
#              the player or in the zone. This is correctly set... you
#              probably won't want to change it.
master_room		2
# player_match_own_commands: Can players execute $commands on themselves?
player_match_own_commands	yes
# attr_ansi: What color are attribute names in examine?
#            See ansi() in the help for color letters.
attr_ansi			h
# exit_ansi: What color are exit names by default?
exit_ansi			hy
# player_ansi: What color are player names?
player_ansi			hm
# room_ansi: What color are room names by default?
room_ansi			h
# thing_ansi: What color are thing names by default?
thing_ansi			hg
# zone_ansi: What color are zone names by default?
zone_ansi			hg

# Local options go here.