/* htab.h - Structures and declarations needed for table hashing */
#include "copyright.h"

#ifndef __HTAB_H
#define __HTAB_H

#ifndef	lint
static char htab_RCSid[] = "$Id: htab.h,v 1.3 1994/10/24 15:01:33 xmen Exp $";


#include "mushdb.h"

typedef struct hashentry HASHENT;
  struct hashentry {
      char *target;
      int *data;
      struct hashentry *next;

typedef struct num_hashentry NHSHENT;
  struct num_hashentry {
      int target;
      int *data;
      struct num_hashentry *next;

typedef struct hasharray HASHARR;
  struct hasharray {
      HASHENT *element[500];

typedef struct num_hasharray NHSHARR;
  struct num_hasharray {
      NHSHENT *element[500];

typedef struct hashtable HASHTAB;
  struct hashtable {
      int hashsize;
      int mask;
      int checks;
      int scans;
      int max_scan;
      int hits;
      int entries;
      int deletes;
      int nulls;
      HASHARR *entry;
      int last_hval;		/* Used for hashfirst & hashnext. */
      HASHENT *last_entry;	/* like last_hval */

typedef struct num_hashtable NHSHTAB;
  struct num_hashtable {
      int hashsize;
      int mask;
      int checks;
      int scans;
      int max_scan;
      int hits;
      int entries;
      int deletes;
      int nulls;
      NHSHARR *entry;

typedef struct name_table NAMETAB;
  struct name_table {
      char *name;
      int minlen;
      int perm;
      int flag;

/* BQUE - Command queue */

typedef struct bque BQUE;
  struct bque {
      BQUE *next;
      dbref player;		/* player who will do command */
      dbref cause;		/* player causing command (for %N) */
      dbref sem;		/* blocking semaphore */
      int waittime;		/* time to run command */
      char *text;		/* buffer for comm, env, and scr text */
      char *comm;		/* command */
      char *env[NUM_ENV_VARS];	/* environment vars */
      char *scr[NUM_ENV_VARS];	/* temp vars */
      int nargs;		/* How many args I have */

extern void FDECL(hashinit, (HASHTAB *, int));
extern void FDECL(hashreset, (HASHTAB *));
extern int FDECL(hashval, (char *, int));
extern int FDECL(get_hashmask, (int *));
extern int FDECL(*hashfind, (char *, HASHTAB *));
extern int FDECL(hashadd, (char *, int *, HASHTAB *));
extern void FDECL(hashdelete, (char *, HASHTAB *));
extern void FDECL(hashflush, (HASHTAB *, int));
extern int FDECL(hashrepl, (char *, int *, HASHTAB *));
extern char FDECL(*hashinfo, (const char *, HASHTAB *));
extern int FDECL(*nhashfind, (int, NHSHTAB *));
extern int FDECL(nhashadd, (int, int *, NHSHTAB *));
extern void FDECL(nhashdelete, (int, NHSHTAB *));
extern void FDECL(nhashflush, (NHSHTAB *, int));
extern int FDECL(nhashrepl, (int, int *, NHSHTAB *));
extern int FDECL(search_nametab, (dbref, NAMETAB *, char *));
extern NAMETAB FDECL(*find_nametab_ent, (dbref, NAMETAB *, char *));
extern void FDECL(display_nametab, (dbref, NAMETAB *, char *, int));
extern void FDECL(interp_nametab, (dbref, NAMETAB *, int, char *, char *,
				   char *));
extern void FDECL(listset_nametab, (dbref, NAMETAB *, int, char *, int));
extern int FDECL(*hash_nextentry, (HASHTAB * htab));
extern int FDECL(*hash_firstentry, (HASHTAB * htab));

extern NAMETAB powers_nametab[];

#define nhashinit(h,s) hashinit((HASHTAB *)h, s)
#define nhashreset(h) hashreset((HASHTAB *)h)
#define nhashinfo(t,h) hashinfo(t,(HASHTAB *)h)
