 * Special defines for Colin, the Mass-Neotek exploration robot

# define MYNAME "Colin"
# define MYPASS "porphyre"
# define MALE   1
# define OWNER  "fuzzy"		/* Must be all lower case */

# define CREATION 631249417	/* Jan 1, 1990 22:03:37 */

# define MUDHOST		"daisy.learning.cs.cmu.edu"
# define MUDPORT		4201

# define ALT1_WORLD   "TinyMUD Classic"
# define ALT1_MAPFILE "colin.cl.map"
# define ALT1_PLYFILE "colin.cl.players"
# define ALT1_MUCK 0

# define ALT2_WORLD   "DragonMud/TinyMars"
# define ALT2_MAPFILE "colin.dr.map"
# define ALT2_PLYFILE "colin.dr.players"
# define ALT2_MUCK 0

# define ALT3_WORLD   "DruidMuck"
# define ALT3_MAPFILE "julia.dm.map"
# define ALT3_PLYFILE "julia.dm.players"
# define ALT3_MUCK 1

# define STATUS_CMD	0
# define POSE_CMD	0
# define PAGE_CMD	0
# define SCORE_CMD	0

# define UNK_MAPFILE "colin.un.map"
# define UNK_PLYFILE "colin.un.players"

/*-------- Messages --------*/
# define WHOAMI \
"Colin the Chip-ghost"

# define POWEROFF \
"Colin is currently deactivated."

# define ROBFAIL \
"tries to rob Colin, can't figure out how to rob a ghost."

# define OPENMSG \
"You see a black oblong shape on the desk.  Colin is standing behind it."

# define AWAYMSG \
"You see a black oblong shape on the desk.  It appears active."

# define CLOSEDMSG \
"The oblong shape on the desk is deactivated."

# define DESK "sleek black enameled desk"