#if defined(macintosh)
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "merc.h"

/* The tables in here are:
     Mob type flags      :    tab_mob_flags       : bit_vector
     Mob affected by     :    tab_affected_by     : bit_vector
     Mob classes	 :    tab_mob_class	  : number
     Object item type    :    tab_item_types      : number
     Object extra flags  :    tab_obj_flags       : bit_vector
     Object wear flags   :    tab_wear_flags      : bit_vector
     Object affect types :    tab_obj_aff         : number
     Class types         :    tab_class           : bit_vector
     Wear locations      :    tab_wear_loc        : number
     Room flags          :    tab_room_flags      : bit_vector
     Sector types        :    tab_sector_types    : number
     Door types          :    tab_door_types      : bit_vector
     Door states         :    tab_door_states     : number

/* Table for a mob's class... we'll mirror the PC classes in order here */
const struct lookup_type tab_mob_class[] =
   { "mage",			0, 0 },
   { "cleric",			1, 0 },
   { "thief",			2, 0 },
   { "warrior",			3, 0 },
   { "psionicist",		4, 0 },
   { "sorcerer",		5, 0 },
   { "assassin",		6, 0 },
   { "knight",			7, 0 },
   { "necromancer",		8, 0 },
   { "monk",			9, 0 },
   { NULL, 			0, 0 }

/* -S- mod: hold what value0-3 mean for each type */

const struct lookup_type tab_value_meanings[]=
{ "Unused",                                         10, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         11, 0 },
{ "Hours of light, -1 = infinite",                  12, 5 },
{ "Unused.",                                        13, 0 },

{ "Level",                                          20, 100 },
{ "Spell 1",                                        21, -50 },
{ "Spell 2",                                        22, -50 },
{ "Spell 3",                                        23, -50 },

{ "Level",                                          30, 100 },
{ "Max Charges",                                    31, 100 },
{ "Current Charges",                                32, 100 },
{ "Spell",                                          33, -50 },

{ "Level",                                          40, 100 },
{ "Max Charges",                                    41, 100 },
{ "Current Charges",                                42, 100 },
{ "Spell",                                          43, -50 },

{ "Unused",                                         50, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         51, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         52, 0 },
{ "Weapon Type",                                    53, -1 },

{ "Unused",                                         80, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         81, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         82, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         83, 0 },

{ "Unused",                                         90, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         91, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         92, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         93, 0 },

{ "Level",                                          100, 50 },
{ "Spell 1",                                        101, -25 },
{ "Spell 2",                                        102, -25 },
{ "Spell 3",                                        103, -25 },

{ "CLUTCH_FUN index",                           110, 10 },
{ "As needed by that clutch_fun",                       111, 10 },
{ "As needed by that clutch_fun",                       112, 10 },
{ "As needed by that clutch_fun",                       113, 10 },

{ "Number of people that can use it.",              120, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         121, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         122, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         123, 0 },

{ "Unused",                                         130, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         131, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         132, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         133, 0 },

{ "Trigger type",                                   140, 0 },
{ "Action type",                                    141, 0 },
{ "Optional argument",                              142, 0 },
{ "Optional argument",                              143, 0 },

{ "Weight Capacity",                                150, 10 },
{ "Flags: 1:closeable 2:pickproof 4:closed 8:locked",151, 0 },
{ "Key Vnum",                                       152, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         153, 0 },

{ "Value in Quest Points",			    160, 10 },
{ "Value in Practices",				    161, 10 },
{ "Value in Gold Pieces",			    162, 10 },
{ "Value in Experience Points",			    163, 10 },

{ "Capacity",                                       170, 10 },
{ "Current Quantity",                               171, 0  },
{ "Liquid Number",                                  172, 0  },
{ "If non-zero, drink is poisoned",                 173, 100},

{ "Unused",                                         180, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         181, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         182, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         183, 0 },

{ "Hours of Food Value",                            190, 10 },
{ "Unused",                                         191, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         192, 0 },
{ "If non-zero, food is poisoned",                  193, 100 },

{ "Value in GP",                                    200, 1 },
{ "Unused",                                         201, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         202, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         203, 0 },

{ "Unused",                                         220, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         221, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         222, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         223, 0 },

{ "Unused",                                         230, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         231, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         232, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         233, 0 },

{ "Unused",                                         240, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         241, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         242, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         243, 0 },

{ "Liquid Number",                                  250, 10 },
{ "Posioned if non-zero",                           251, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         252, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         253, 0 },

{ "Level",                                          260, 50 },
{ "Spell 1",                                        261, -25 },
{ "Spell 2",                                        262, -25 },
{ "Spell 3",                                        263, -25 },

{ "No. of days message will last.",                     270, 10 },
{ "Minimum level to write board (read?).",              271, 0 },
{ "Minimum level to look board (write?).",              272, 0 },
{ "BOARD vnum... set to object's vnum.",                273, 0 },

{ "Unused",                                         280, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         281, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         282, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         283, 0 },

{ "Previous piece vnum in connect sequence",        290, 0 },
{ "Next piece vnum in connect sequence",            291, 0 },
{ "Replacement vnum to load on connect",            292, 0 },
{ "Unused",                                         293, 0 },

{ NULL, 0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_drink_types[] =
   { "Water",             0, 10 },                     
   { "Beer",              1, 10 },          
   { "Wine",              2, 10 },
   { "Ale",               3, 10 },
   { "Dark Ale",          4, 10 },
   { "Whisky",            5, 10 },
   { "Lemonade",          6, 10 },
   { "Firebreather",      7, 10 },
   { "Local Specialty",   8, 10 },
   { "Slime Mold Juice",  9, 20 },
   { "Milk",             10, 10 },
   { "Tea",              11, 10 },
   { "Coffee",           12, 10 },
   { "Blood",            13, 20 },
   { "Salt Water",       14, 10 },
   { "Chocolate Milk",   15, 10 },
   { NULL,                0,  0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_weapon_types[] =
   { "hit",     0 , 10},
   { "slice",   1 , 10},
   { "stab",    2 , 30},
   { "slash",   3 , 30},
   { "whip",    4 , 10},
   { "claw",    5 , 10},
   { "blast",   6 , 10},
   { "pound",   7 , 10},
   { "crush",   8 , 10},
   { "grep",    9 , 10},
   { "bite",   10 , 10},
   { "pierce", 11 , 10},
   { "suction",12 , 10}, /* kinky */
   { NULL,      0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_mob_flags[] =
{ "nada",			0,  0	    },
{ "is_npc",                    1   ,0       }, /* Auto set for mobs    */
{ "sentinel",                  2   ,100     }, /* stays in one room    */
{ "scavenger",                 4   ,300     }, /* picks up objects     */
{ "remember",                  8   ,100     }, /* remembers target     */
{ "no_flee",                  16   ,50      }, /* can't flee from mob  */
{ "aggressive",               32   ,100     }, /* attacks pc's         */
{ "stay_area",                64   ,10      }, /* won't leave area     */
{ "wimpy",                   128   ,100     }, /* flees when hurt      */
{ "pet",                     256   ,100     }, /* auto set for pets    */
{ "train",                   512   ,2000    }, /* can train pc's       */
{ "practice",               1024   ,2000    }, /* can practice pc's    */
{ "mercenary",              2048   ,100     }, /* is a mercenary       */
{ "heal",                   4096   ,5000    }, /* sells heals          */
{ "adapt",                  8192   ,4000    }, /* adapts weapons       */
{ "undead",                16384   ,10000   }, /* TBA                  */
{ "bank",                  32768   ,400     }, /* is a bank            */
{ "no_body",               65536   ,1000    }, /* Doesn't have body locations */
{ "hunter",               131072   ,4000    }, /* HUNTS */
{ "no_mind",              262144,   100     }, /* immune to some psi's  */
{ "postman",              524288,   1000    }, /* handles letters */ 
{ "rewield",             1048576,   1000    }, /* looks for better weapons */
{ "reequip",             2097152,   1000    }, /* looks for better armor */ 
{ "intelligent",         BIT_23,   NO_USE  },
{ "vampire",		 BIT_24,   1000000 },
{ "breeder",		BIT_25,		NO_USE },
{ "solo",		BIT_26,   5000    }, /*  mob is designed to fight solo */
{ "werewolf",		BIT_27,		NO_USE },
{ "mount",		BIT_28, 1000 },		
{ "no_blood", 		BIT_29, 4000 },
{ NULL,0}

/* New bits to handle how mobs act */

const struct lookup_type tab_mob_skill[] =
{ "nada",		1,	   0 },
{ "2_attack",		2,	 100 },
{ "3_attack",		4,	 200 },
{ "4_attack",		8,	 400 },
{ "punch",		16, 	 200 },
{ "headbutt",		32,	 200 },
{ "knee",		64,	 200 },
{ "disarm",		128,	 400 },
{ "trip",		256,	 300 },
{ "nodisarm",		512,	 500 },
{ "notrip",		1024,	 500 },
{ "dodge",		2048,	 200 },
{ "parry",		4096,	 200 },
{ "martial",		8192,	 300 },
{ "enhanced",		16384, 400 },
{ "dualwield",		32768, 350 },
{ "dirt",		65536, 300 },
{ "5_attack",		131072,	500 },
{ "6_attack",		262144,	600 },
{ "charge",		524288,	700 },
{ NULL, 0, 0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_mob_cast[] =
{ "nada",		0,	 0 },
{ "placeholder",	1,	 0 },
{ "mag_missile",	2,	100 },
{ "shock_grasp",	4,	110 },
{ "burn_hands",		8,	130 },
{ "col_spray",		16,	150 },
{ "fireball",		32,	250 },
{ "hellspawn",		64,	300 },
{ "acid_blast",		128,	350 },
{ "chain_light",	256,	400 },
{ "faerie_fire",	512,	300 },
{ "flare",		1024,	450 }, /* 10 */
{ "flamestrike",	2048,	500 },
{ "earthquake",		4096,	550 },
{ "mind_flail",		8192,	100 },
{ "planergy",		16384,	200 },
{ "phobia",		32768,	250 },
{ "mind_bolt",		65536,	300 },
{ "static",		131072,	350 },
{ "ego_whip",		262144,	375 },
{ "bloody_tears",	524288,	500 },
{ "mindflame",		1048576,	600 },  /* 20 */
{ "suffocate",	       	2097152,	650 },
{ "nerve_fire",	       	4194304,	700 },
{ "light_bolt",	       	8388608,	200 },
{ "heat_armor",		16777216,	400 },
{ "lava_burst",		33554432,	300 },
{ NULL, 0, 0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_cast_name[] =
{ "nada",		0,	 0 },
{ "placeholder",	1,	 0 },
{ "\'magic missile\'",	2,	100 },
{ "\'shocking grasp\'",	4,	110 },
{ "\'burning hands\'",	8,	130 },
{ "\'colour spray\'",	16,	150 },
{ "fireball",		32,	250 },
{ "hellspawn",		64,	300 },
{ "\'acid blast\'",		128,	350 },
{ "\'chain lightning\'",	256,	400 },
{ "\'faerie fire\'",	512,	300 },
{ "flare",		1024,	450 }, /* 10 */
{ "flamestrike",	2048,	500 },
{ "earthquake",		4096,	550 },
{ "\'mind flail\'",		8192,	100 },
{ "planergy",		16384,	200 },
{ "phobia",		32768,	250 },
{ "\'mind bolt\'",		65536,	300 },
{ "static",		131072,	350 },
{ "\'ego whip\'",		262144,	375 },
{ "\'bloody tears\'",	524288,	500 },
{ "mindflame",		1048576,	600 },  /* 20 */
{ "suffocate",	       	2097152,	650 },
{ "\'nerve fire\'",	       	4194304,	700 },
{ "\'light bolt\'",	       	8388608,	200 },
{ "\'heat armor\'",		16777216,	400 },
{ "\'lava burst\'",		33554432,	300 },
{ NULL, 0, 0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_mob_def[]=
{ "nada",			1,		  0 },
{ "cure_light",		2,		100 },
{ "cure_serious",		4,		200 },
{ "cure_critic",		8,		400 },
{ "heal",			16,		800 },
{ "fireshield",			32,		1000 },
{ "iceshield",			64,		1500 },
{ "shockshield",		128,		1200 },
{ NULL, 0, 0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_affected_by[] =
 * Bits for 'affected_by'.
 * Used in #MOBILES.
 { "nada",			0,0 },
 { "blind",                    1,  -100},
 { "invisible",                2,  1000},
 { "detect_evil",              4,   500},
 { "detect_invis",             8,  1000},
 { "detect_magic",            16,   500},
 { "detect_hidden",           32,  2000},
 { "cloak:reflection",        64, 2000},       
 { "sanctuary",              128,  5000},
 { "faerie_fire",            256,     0},
 { "infrared",               512,  1000},
 { "curse",                 1024,     0},
 { "cloak:flaming",         2048,  2000},       
 { "poison",                4096,     0},
 { "protect",               8192,  1000},
 { "cloak:absorption",     16384,  2000},       /* unused       */
 { "sneak",                32768,  1000},
 { "hide",                 65536,  1000},
 { "sleep",               131072,     0},
 { "charm",               262144,  2000},
 { "flying",              524288,  5000},
 { "pass_door",          1048576,  5000},
 { NULL, 0}

const struct lookup_type tab_item_types[] =
/* { "nada",			0, 0 },  */
/* { "placeholder",		0, 0 },   */
 { "light",                    1,   20},
 { "scroll",                   2, 1000},
 { "wand",                     3, 2000},
 { "staff",                    4, 5000},
 { "weapon",                   5,  500},
 { "beacon",                   6, 5000},
 { "portal",                   7,    0},
 { "treasure",                 8,    0},
 { "armor",                    9,  500},
 { "potion",                  10, 1000},
 { "clutch",                  11,    0},
 { "furniture",               12,   20},
 { "trash",                   13,    0},
 { "trigger",                 14,    0},
 { "container",               15,   50},
 { "quest",	              16, NO_USE},
 { "drink_con",               17,   20},
 { "key",                     18,  100},
 { "food",                    19,   50},
 { "money",                   20,    0},
 { "stake",	              21,    0},
 { "boat",                    22, 1000},
 { "corpse_npc",              23,    0},
 { "corpse_pc",               24,    0},
 { "fountain",                25,  500},
 { "pill",                    26,   50},
 { "board",                   27, 2000},
 { "soul",				28, 3000},
 { "piece",				29, 50  },
 { "matrix",			30, 50 },
 { "enchantment",		31, 50 },
 { NULL, 0}

const struct lookup_type tab_obj_flags[] =
 { "nada"	,	0, 0 },
 { "glow"          ,           1, 10},
 { "hum"           ,           2, 10},
 { "nodisarm"      ,           4, 20},
 { "lock"          ,           8, 20},
 { "evil"          ,          16, 50},
 { "invis"         ,          32, 200},
 { "magic"         ,          64, 100},
 { "nodrop"        ,         128, 20},
 { "bless"         ,         256, 200},
 { "anti_good"     ,         512, 20},
 { "anti_evil"     ,        1024, 20},
 { "anti_neutral"  ,        2048, 20},
 { "noremove"      ,        4096, 100},
 { "inventory"     ,        8192, 0},
 { "nosave"        ,       16384, 1000},
 { "claneq"        ,       32768, NO_USE},
 { "trigger:destroy",	  65536, 10},
 { "no_auction"    ,	  131072, 0 },
 { "remort"		 ,	  262144, 9 },
 { "rare"		 ,	  1048576, 1000 },
 { "vamp"                ,        2097152, 9 },
 { "noloot"		,	 4194304, 20 }, 
 { "nosac"		,	 8388608, 100 },
 { "unique"		,	16777216, 100 },
 { "lifestealer"	,	BIT_26, 100 },
 { "silver"	,		BIT_27, 100 },
 { NULL,0}

const struct lookup_type tab_wear_flags[] =
 /*  { "nada",		0, },
   { "placeholder",	0, }, */
   { "take",                1, 50 },
   { "finger",              2, 20 },
   { "neck",                4, 40 },
   { "body",                8, 50 },
   { "head",               16, 50 },
   { "legs",               32, 40 },
   { "feet",               64, 20 },
   { "hands",             128, 30 },
   { "arms",              256, 40 },
   { "shield",            512, 100 },
   { "about",            1024, 20 },
   { "waist",            2048, 50 },
   { "wrist",            4096, 40 },
   { "wield",            8192, 200 },
   { "hold",            16384, 100 },
   { "face",            32768, 30 },
   { "ear",             65536, 20 },
   { "clutch",         131072, 100 },
   { "wield_2",	       262144, 900 },
   { NULL, 0 }

/* This not used at present.  Thought i'd bung details in though :) */
const struct lookup_type tab_item_apply[] =
   { "nada",                 1, 0 },
   { "infra",                2, 0 },
   { "invis",                4, 0 },
   { "det_invis",            8, 0 },
   { "sanc",                16, 0 },
   { "sneak",               32, 0 },
   { "hide",                64, 0 },
   { "prot",               128, 0 },
   { "enhanced",           256, 0 },
   { "det_mag",            512, 0 },
   { "det_hid",           1024, 0 },
   { "det_evil",          2048, 0 },
   { "pass_door",         4096, 0 },
   { "det_poison",	  8192, 0 },
   { "fly",              16384, 0 },
   { "know_align",		32768, 0 },
   { "detect_undead",	65536, 0 },
   { "heated",			131072,0 },
   { NULL, 0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_wear_loc[] =
/*  { "nada",                    -1, 0},    */
  { "light",                    0, 10},
  { "finger_l",                 1, 20},
  { "finger_r",                 2, 20},
  { "neck_1",                   3, 20},
  { "neck_2",                   4, 20},
  { "body",                     5, 40},
  { "head",                     6, 40},
  { "legs",                     7, 40},
  { "feet",                     8, 40},
  { "hands",                    9, 20},
  { "arms",                    10, 20},
  { "shield",                  11, 50},
  { "about",                   12, 20},
  { "waist",                   13, 20},
  { "wrist_l",                 14, 30},
  { "wrist_r",                 15, 30},
  { "wield",                   16, 100},
  { "hold",                    17, 40},
  { "face",                    18, 20},
  { "ear",                     19, 20},
  { "clutch",                  20, 40},
  { "wield_2",		       21, 80},
  { "max_wear",                22,  0},
  { NULL, 0}

const struct lookup_type tab_obj_aff[] =
  { "nada",                  0, 0},   
  { "str",                   1, 200},
  { "dex",                   2, 200},
  { "int",                   3, 200},
  { "wis",                   4, 200},
  { "con",                   5, 200},
  { "sex",                   6, 30},
  { "class",                 7, 500},
  { "level",                 8, 2000},
  { "age",                   9, 30},
  { "height",               10, 30},
  { "weight",               11, 30},
  { "mana",                 12, 400},
  { "hit",                  13, 500},
  { "move",                 14, 200},
  { "gold",                 15, 10},
  { "exp",                  16, 50},
  { "ac",                   17, 200},
  { "hitroll",              18, 500},
  { "damroll",              19, 500},
  { "saving_para",          20, 400},
  { "saving_rod",           21, 400},
  { "saving_petri",         22, 400},
  { "saving_breath",        23, 400},
  { "saving_spell",         24, 400},
  { NULL,0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_room_flags[] =
  { "nada",			0, 0 },
  { "dark",                     1, 1000},
  { "regen",                    2, 4000},   /* increased regen in this room */
  { "no_mob",                   4, 3000},
  { "indoors",                  8, 500},
  { "no_magic",                16, 5000},
  { "hot",                     32, 1000},  /* players lose hp each tick   */
  { "cold",                    64, 1000},  /* players lose hp each tick   */
  { "pk",                     128, 200},  /* players may freely pk here  */
  { "quiet",                  256, 200},  /* room is quiet               */
  { "private",                512, 1000},
  { "safe",                  1024, 4000},
  { "solitary",              2048, 1000},
  { "pet_shop",              4096, NO_USE},
  { "no_recall",             8192, 1000},
  { "no_teleport",          16384,  500},
  { "hunt_hunt",	    32768, NO_USE},
  { "no_bloodwalk",	    65536, 4000},
  { "no_portal",			131072},
  { "no_repop",		BIT_19,	10	},
  { NULL,0}

const struct lookup_type tab_sector_types[] =
  { "nada",			0,0 },
  { "inside",                   0, 50},
  { "city",                     1, 50},
  { "field",                    2, 50},
  { "forest",                   3, 50},
  { "hills",                    4, 50},
  { "mountain",                 5, 50},
  { "water_swim",               6, 50},
  { "water_noswim",             7, 50},
  { "recall_set",		8, 50},
  { "air",                      9, 50},
  { "desert",                  10, 50},
  { "max",                     11,  0},
  { NULL,0 }

const struct lookup_type tab_door_types[] =
 /* { "nada",			0, NO_USE },  */
  { "door",                     1, 50},
  { "closed",                   2,  0},
  { "locked",                   4,  0},
  { "climb",                    8,  0},
  { "immortal",                16,NO_USE},
  { "pickproof",               32,500},
  { "smashproof",	       64,500},
  { "passproof",	      128,500},
  { "nodetect",		      256,900},
  { NULL,0}

const struct lookup_type tab_door_states[] =
  { "open",                     0, 0},
  { "closed",                   1, 0},
  { "locked",                   2, 0},
  { NULL,0}

const struct lookup_type tab_player_flags[] =
  { "nada",			0,	0},
  { "PKOK",                     1,	0},
  { "AFK",                      2,	0},
  { "AMBASSADOR",		4,	0},
  { "VAMPIRE",			8,	NO_USE},
  { "C_DIPLOMAT",		16,	NO_USE},
  { "C_BOSS",			32,	NO_USE},
  { "C_TREASURER",		64,	NO_USE},
  { "C_ARMORER",		128,	NO_USE},
  { "C_LEADER",			256,	NO_USE},
  { "SUPER_COUNCIL",		512,	NO_USE},
  { "WEREWOLF",			1024,	0},
  { "SHIFTED",			2048,	0},
  { "RAGED",			4096,	0},
  { "RULER",			BIT_14, 0},
  { "BLIND_PLAYER",		BIT_15, 0},			
  { NULL,0}

/* Now for the functions */

unsigned long int table_lookup(const struct lookup_type * table,char * name)
    int a;

    if (name[0]=='\0')
     return /* table[0].value-1 */0;

    for (a=0; table[a].text != NULL; a++)
	if (!str_prefix(name,table[a].text)) 
         return  ( ( !str_cmp(table[a].text, "nada" ) ) ? 0 : table[a].value );
    return /* table[0].value-1  */0;

char * rev_table_lookup(const struct lookup_type * table, unsigned long int number)
     int a;

     for (a=0; table[a].text != NULL; a++)
	if (table[a].value==number) return table[a].text;
     return "";

/* spec: fixed to not assume contiguous bit use */

char * bit_table_lookup(const struct lookup_type * table, unsigned long int number)
     int a;
     static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];


     for (a=0; number && table[a].text; a++)
       if ((number & table[a].value)==table[a].value &&
           str_cmp( table[a].text, "nada" ) &&
	   str_cmp( table[a].text, "placeholder" ))
	  strcat(buf,", ");
          number &= ~table[a].value;

     if (buf[0]=='\0')
     return buf;

void table_printout(const struct lookup_type * table,char * buf)
     int a;

     for (a=0;table[a].text!=NULL;a++)
      if ( ( strcmp(table[a].text,"nada") ) 
      &&   ( strcmp(table[a].text,"placeholder") ) )  /* If not an invalid choice */
       strcat(buf,"          ");


void wide_table_printout(const struct lookup_type * table,char * buf)
     /* Like table_printout, but formats into columns */
     char tmp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
     int a;
     int foo;   /* work out how many values shown in a row */

     foo = 0;
     for (a=0;table[a].text!=NULL;a++)
      if (  ( strcmp(table[a].text,"nada") ) /* If not an invalid choice */
         && ( strcmp(table[a].text,"nada") )   )
       strcat(buf,"     ");
       sprintf( tmp, "%12s", table[a].text );
       strcat(buf,tmp );
       if ( ++foo % 4 == 0 )
     strcat( buf, "\n\r" );
char * show_values(const struct lookup_type * table,int value, bool fBit)
     char tmp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
     static char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
     int a;
     int foo;   /* work out how many values shown in a row */

     foo = 0;
     for (a=0;table[a].text!=NULL;a++)
      if (  ( strcmp(table[a].text,"nada") ) /* If not an invalid choice */
         && ( strcmp(table[a].text,"placeholder") )  )
       strcat(buf,"     ");
       sprintf( tmp, "%s%-13s", 
	 fBit?  (IS_SET( value, table[a].value ) ? "@@y*" : "@@g ") :
		(value == table[a].value ? "@@y*" : "@@g "),
       table[a].text );
       strcat(buf,tmp );
       if ( ++foo % 4 == 0 )
     strcat( buf, "@@g\n\r" );
     return( buf );