Using raffects (Room Affects)
[ note: I do NOT recommend using room affects.  They are buggy, they are    ]
[       incomplete, and most of all, they are doomed.  I will probably be   ]
[       eliminating them in the future (nothing is for sure, however). -Zak ]
There is currently only one type of raffect available, and that is the damage
room affect.  It causes rafdam_type of damage to a player.  Here is the
syntax for the raffect wiz command.  The raffect command always operates on
the affects for the room the character is currently in.

raffect create <raffect_type>

Where raffect_type is the word damage (the only raffect type currently
available).  A damage type room affect does damage to players in the room 
from time to time (the time is configurable - see below).

raffect list

This one is pretty self-explanatory.  It will display a list of all of the
room affects in the current room.

raffect show <num>

This will show details about room affect number <num>.  You can get the
number from the raffect list command.

raffect kill <num>

This will delete room affect number <num> from the current room.

raffect set <num> <field> <value>

This command is used to configure a room affect.  <num> is the number as
shown in raffect list.  <field> is one of the following: type, damname,
roommsg, victmsg, timer, v0, v1, v2, v3, or v4.  <value> is the value
to assign to that particular field.

damname is the name of the damage to use in death messages (ie: Zak was
killed by <damname>).

roommsg and victmsg are the messages seen by the room around the victim and
the victim themselves.  All of the usual act() variables (such as %n for
the vict's name, etc) can be included.

For the purposes of a damage room affect, timer is currently ignored (except
for 0 -- if timer is 0, the room affect won't happen at all).

For damage type affects, v0 is the type of damage to inflict.  The
possibilities are: bash, pierce, slash, fire, cold, lightning, acid, 
poison, negative (give health), holy, energy, mental, disease, drowning,
light, other, or harm.  These parallel the damage types for weapons
(and work the same way).

v1 is the minimum damage to take/give.  v2 is the maximum damage to take/give.
A random number between v1 and v2 will be chosen.

v3 and v4 are currently ignored.

raffect create damage
raffect set damname a fireball
raffect set roommsg A fireball erupts from the wall, engulfing %n!
raffect set victmsg A fireball erupts from the wall, engulfing YOU!
raffect set timer 1
raffect set v0 fire
raffect set v1 30
raffect set v2 40

This sequence will create an affect in the current room that will, from time
to time, send fireballs shooting from the walls of the room, to engulf any
players standing there.  The damage will be of type fire (thus, the usual
protections from fire should be helpful), and will be between 30 and 40 hp
of damage to a player unprotected from damtype fire.