#include <stdio.h>                      //| #include <stdio.h>
struct player {                         //| struct player {
  int current_hp;                       //|  int current_hp;
  int max_hp;                           //|  int max_hp;
};                                      //| }
void new_player( struct player *pl,     //| int main()
                 int chp, int mhp )     //| {
{                                       //|  int chp = 20;
  if ( chp > mhp )                      //|  int mhp = 500;
    chp = mhp;                          //|  struct player plyr;
  (*pl).current_hp = chp;               //|
  (*pl).max_hp    = mhp;                //|  if ( chp > mhp )
  return;                               //|    chp = mhp;
}                                       //|  plyr.chp = chp;
                                        //|  plyr.mhp = mhp;
int main()                              //|  return 0;
{                                       //| }
  struct player plyr;                   //|
  new_player( &plyr, 20, 500 );         //|
  /*********************************    //|
   * Uncomment the following lines *    //|
   * to see if new_players works   *    //|
   *********************************/   //|
  //printf("Player has %d/%d hp.\n\r",    //|
  //       plyr.current_hp,plyr.max_hp);  //|
  return 0;                             //|
}                                       //|