29 Jan, 2009, Guest wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Anyone know where i can get the speedwalks or directions for the stock rom world?
29 Jan, 2009, Omega wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
Nope, but if you get the pathfinding system installed on a stock-rom, you can get speedwalk directions right in the mud, from your exact location to whatever area you want to goto.

Been awhile since I seen that system kick'n around, if you cannot find it, I'll try and dig up my old copy.

I had it so when you'd type area's, it would list the speedwalk directions from your location. beside each area. Can't use it anymore with my worldmap. Fails to recognize it :P

Anyways, thats the best bet I'd say.
29 Jan, 2009, Omega wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
29 Jan, 2009, Guest wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
i put in the snippit, but not sure how to work it…

rom doesnt have these so i put them in….
int lvnum; /* OLC - Lower vnum */
int uvnum; /* OLC - Upper vnum */

for this…..
void do_pathfind(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
CHAR_DATA *victim;
char *path;

one_argument(argument, arg);
if ((victim = get_char_world(ch, arg)) == NULL) return;

if ((path = pathfind(ch->in_room, victim->in_room)) != NULL)
sprintf(buf, "Path: %s\n\r", path);
sprintf(buf, "Path: Unknown.\n\r");
send_to_char(buf, ch);


i either get path unknown or path with nothing after it…

i take it im supposed to put in a mobs name…
29 Jan, 2009, Omega wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0

in rom it'll be low_vnum, high_vnum I believe.

you can find out easily in area_data, as thats where its getting your vnum information.

so if lvnum/uvnum are non-existant, it won't beable to find the area.
29 Jan, 2009, Guest wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
i changed the lvnum's in pathfind.c to min_vnum's and the uvnum's to max_vnum's but still not working :(

29 Jan, 2009, Omega wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
post the code in the pastebin, and I'll gander at it.

I'll see what we can do about it :)

** is very good at solving c/c++ bugs
29 Jan, 2009, Guest wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
this is the stock one, on mine lvnums are min_vnum and uvnums are max_vnums

void do_pathfind(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
CHAR_DATA *victim;
char *path;

one_argument(argument, arg);
if ((victim = get_char_world(ch, arg)) == NULL) return;

if ((path = pathfind(ch->in_room, victim->in_room)) != NULL)
sprintf(buf, "Path: %s\n\r", path);
sprintf(buf, "Path: Unknown.\n\r");
send_to_char(buf, ch);


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "merc.h"


/* local varibles */
bool gFound;

/* local functions */
bool examine_room args (( RID *pRoom, RID *tRoom, AREA_DATA *pArea, int steps ));
void dijkstra args (( RID *chRoom, RID *victRoom ));
RID *heap_getMinElement args (( HEAP *heap ));
HEAP *init_heap args (( RID *root ));

* This function will return a shortest path from
* room 'from' to room 'to'. If no path could be found,
* it will return NULL. This function will only return
* a path if both rooms where in the same area, feel
* free to remove that restriction, and modify the rest
* of the code so it will work with this.
char *pathfind(RID *from, RID *to)
int const exit_names [] = { 'n', 'e', 's', 'w', 'u', 'd' };
RID *pRoom;
static char path[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; // should be plenty.
int iPath = 0, vnum, door;
bool found;

if (from == to) return "";
if ((pArea = from->area) != to->area) return NULL;

/* initialize all rooms in the area */
for (vnum = pArea->lvnum; vnum < pArea->uvnum; vnum++)
if ((pRoom = get_room_index(vnum)))
pRoom->visited = FALSE;
for (door = 0; door < 6; door++)
if (pRoom->exit[door] == NULL) continue;
pRoom->exit[door]->color = FALSE;

/* initialize variables */
pRoom = from;
gFound = FALSE;

/* In the first run, we only count steps, no coloring is done */
dijkstra(pRoom, to);

/* If the target room was never found, we return NULL */
if (!gFound) return NULL;

/* in the second run, we color the shortest path using the step counts */
if (!examine_room(pRoom, to, pArea, 0))
return NULL;

/* then we follow the trace left by examine_room() */
while (pRoom != to)
found = FALSE;
for (door = 0; door < 6 && !found; door++)
if (pRoom->exit[door] == NULL) continue;
if (pRoom->exit[door]->to_room == NULL) continue;
if (!pRoom->exit[door]->color) continue;

pRoom->exit[door]->color = FALSE;
found = TRUE;
path[iPath] = exit_names[door];
pRoom = pRoom->exit[door]->to_room;
if (!found)
bug("Pathfind: Fatal Error in %d.", pRoom->vnum);
return NULL;

path[iPath] = '\0';
return path;

* This function will examine all rooms in the same area as chRoom,
* setting their step count to the minimum amount of steps needed
* to walk from chRoom to the room. If victRoom is encountered, it
* will set the global bool gFound to TRUE. Running time for this
* function is O(n*log(n)), where n is the amount of rooms in the area.
void dijkstra(RID *chRoom, RID *victRoom)
RID *pRoom;
RID *tRoom;
RID *xRoom;
HEAP *heap;
int door, x;
bool stop;

heap = init_heap(chRoom);
while (heap->iVertice)
if ((pRoom = heap_getMinElement(heap)) == NULL)
bug("Dijstra: Getting NULL room", 0);
if (pRoom == victRoom)
gFound = TRUE;

/* update all exits */
for (door = 0; door < 6; door++)
if (pRoom->exit[door] == NULL) continue;
if (pRoom->exit[door]->to_room == NULL) continue;

/* update step count, and swap in the heap */
if (pRoom->exit[door]->to_room->steps > pRoom->steps + 1)
xRoom = pRoom->exit[door]->to_room;
xRoom->steps = pRoom->steps + 1;
stop = FALSE;
while ((x = xRoom->heap_index) != 1 && !stop)
if (heap->knude[x/2]->steps > xRoom->steps)
tRoom = heap->knude[x/2];
heap->knude[x/2] = xRoom;
xRoom->heap_index = xRoom->heap_index/2;
heap->knude[x] = tRoom;
heap->knude[x]->heap_index = x;
else stop = TRUE;

/* free the heap */

* This function walks through pArea, searching for tRoom,
* while it colors the path it takes to get there. It will
* return FALSE if tRoom was never encountered, and TRUE if
* it does find the room.
bool examine_room(RID *pRoom, RID *tRoom, AREA_DATA *pArea, int steps)
int door;

/* been here before, out of the area or can we get here faster */
if (pRoom->area != pArea) return FALSE;
if (pRoom->visited) return FALSE;
if (pRoom->steps < steps) return FALSE;

/* Have we found the room we are searching for */
if (pRoom == tRoom)
return TRUE;

/* mark the room so we know we have been here */
pRoom->visited = TRUE;

/* Depth first traversel of all exits */
for (door = 0; door < 6; door++)
if (pRoom->exit[door] == NULL) continue;
if (pRoom->exit[door]->to_room == NULL) continue;

/* assume we are walking the right way */
pRoom->exit[door]->color = TRUE;

/* recursive return */
if (examine_room(pRoom->exit[door]->to_room, tRoom, pArea, steps + 1))
return TRUE;

/* it seems we did not walk the right way */
pRoom->exit[door]->color = FALSE;
return FALSE;

* This function will initialize a heap used for the
* pathfinding algorithm. It will return a pointer to
* the heap if it succedes, and NULL if it did not.
HEAP *init_heap(RID *root)
RID *pRoom;
HEAP *heap;
int i, size, vnum;

if ((pArea = root->area) == NULL) return NULL;
size = pArea->uvnum - pArea->lvnum;

/* allocate memory for heap */
heap = calloc(1, sizeof(*heap));
heap->knude = calloc(2 * (size + 1), sizeof(ROOM_INDEX_DATA *));
heap->size = 2 * (size + 1);

/* we want the root at the beginning */
heap->knude[1] = root;
heap->knude[1]->steps = 0;
heap->knude[1]->heap_index = 1;

/* initializing the rest of the heap */
for (i = 2, vnum = pArea->lvnum; vnum < pArea->uvnum; vnum++)
if ((pRoom = get_room_index(vnum)))
if (pRoom == root) continue;
heap->knude= pRoom;
heap->knude->steps = 2 * heap->size;
heap->knude->heap_index = i;

heap->iVertice = i-1;

/* setting the rest to NULL */
for (; i < heap->size; i++)
heap->knude= NULL;

return heap;

* This function will return the smallest element in the heap,
* remove the element from the heap, and make sure the heap
* is still complete.
RID *heap_getMinElement(HEAP *heap)
RID *tRoom;
RID *pRoom;
bool done = FALSE;
int i = 1;

/* this is the element we wish to return */
pRoom = heap->knude[1];

/* We move the last vertice to the front */
heap->knude[1] = heap->knude[heap->iVertice];
heap->knude[1]->heap_index = 1;

/* Decrease the size of the heap and remove the last entry */
heap->knude[heap->iVertice] = NULL;

/* Swap places till it fits */
if (heap->knude== NULL)
done = TRUE;
else if (heap->knude[2*i] == NULL)
done = TRUE;
else if (heap->knude[2*i+1] == NULL)
if (heap->knude->steps > heap->knude[2*i]->steps)
tRoom = heap->knude;
heap->knude= heap->knude[2*i];
heap->knude->heap_index = i;
heap->knude[2*i] = tRoom;
heap->knude[2*i]->heap_index = 2*i;
i = 2*i;
done = TRUE;
else if (heap->knude->steps <= heap->knude[2*i]->steps &&
heap->knude->steps <= heap->knude[2*i+1]->steps)
done = TRUE;
else if (heap->knude[2*i]->steps <= heap->knude[2*i+1]->steps)
tRoom = heap->knude;
heap->knude= heap->knude[2*i];
heap->knude->heap_index = i;
heap->knude[2*i] = tRoom;
heap->knude[2*i]->heap_index = 2*i;
i = 2*i;
tRoom = heap->knude;
heap->knude= heap->knude[2*i+1];
heap->knude->heap_index = i;
heap->knude[2*i+1] = tRoom;
heap->knude[2*i+1]->heap_index = 2*i+1;
i = 2*i+1;

/* return the element */
return pRoom;
29 Jan, 2009, David Haley wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
Use the code tags, Luke!
(Also, make sure to space out so that it doesn't go all italics afterward)
29 Jan, 2009, Omega wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
Example of getting a path..

void do_pathtest(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument) {
const char *path = pathfind(ch->in_room, get_room_index(ROOM_VNUM_TEMPLE));
if(!path || path[0] == '\0')
send_to_char("Unable to find the path.",ch);
send_to_char(path, ch);

Thats an example of its usage, that should nomatter where you are in the mud (so-long as it has an exit) give you a path to hassan in midgaard.
29 Jan, 2009, Guest wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
pathtest says Unable to find the path every time :(
30 Jan, 2009, Omega wrote in the 12th comment:
Votes: 0
Hmm, odd..

I'll go through my code at home and track down the path system I used to use and see if it will be any help.

My recommendation is todo a series of logging through the pathfind function, and see where its dropping NULL.
30 Jan, 2009, Guest wrote in the 13th comment:
Votes: 0
Thank you.
30 Jan, 2009, Scandum wrote in the 14th comment:
Votes: 0
You could create a routine that saves the rom world as a tintin++ map file using the following format.
R {vnum} {0} {<078>} {vnum} { }
E {vnum} {dir} {dir} {dirflag}
E {vnum} {dir} {dir} {dirflag}
R {vnum} {0} {<078>} {vnum} { }
E {vnum} {dir} {dir} {dirflag}


dir is either n e ne s se w nw sw u d, dirflags are 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 12 16 32 respectively with n being 1 and d being 32.

R {    1} {0} {<078>} {1} { }
E { 2} {e} {e} {2}
E { 21} {s} {s} {4}

R { 2} {8} {<078>} {2} { }
E { 3} {e} {e} {2}
E { 1} {w} {w} {8}

Generating the map file should be fairly easy.

The only problem is if the maximum vnum is above 15000 in which case you'll have to adjust MAX_ROOM in tintin.h.

Once you load the map file in tintin you can display a map, and generate speed walks. Should be easier than getting a snippet working.
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