24 Aug, 2009, Koron wrote in the 21st comment:
Votes: 0
Also, I see you have different languages. Is the mp_act_trigger firing on the actual argument the player typed in, or is it trying to parse a post "you don't understand this" version?
24 Aug, 2009, tphegley wrote in the 22nd comment:
Votes: 0
Koron said:
Also, I see you have different languages. Is the mp_act_trigger firing on the actual argument the player typed in, or is it trying to parse a post "you don't understand this" version?

I was thinking about that too, but it said in say that he was speaking in common. I'm assuming mobs can speak common.
24 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 23rd comment:
Votes: 0
tphegley said:
Is mob in default position?

Yes, mob is in default position. As far as you looking at the code, I apologize, that's all greek to me. What I can say for sure is that it's stock QuickMud OLC, nothings been changed or recoded for our OLC or Mobprogs. We did add in special types of "extra" flags though for armor so we didn't have magic users running around wearing plate armor and being all beastly.

Koron said:
Also, I see you have different languages. Is the mp_act_trigger firing on the actual argument the player typed in, or is it trying to parse a post "you don't understand this" version?

As far as I am aware, everything is still stock. Unfortunately, our Coder is busy right now but I'll definitely ask him about that. As far as the trigger, I just wanted the trigger to go off when it caught the word "chaos," so I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "parse a post."
24 Aug, 2009, tphegley wrote in the 24th comment:
Votes: 0
I believe with what he meant was if it was a different language, then instead of seeing chaos he'd see like 'asdfl' and it would be a 'I don't understand what he's trying to say'.

I've never played quickmud but I would HAVE to think that a speech prog would work in such a widely(?) used codebase without anyone catching it.
24 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 25th comment:
Votes: 0
Hrm. Oh! I see what you're saying. Well, not realizing what he was saying, I went back to the mob and typed "force orb speak common" and it said ok without any question and didn't crash the mud or anything. Then I tried to trigger it again and it still didn't work…..(sighs)….
24 Aug, 2009, Sharmair wrote in the 26th comment:
Votes: 0
From the sparse info we have to go by, I would also say it was the adding of the languages
that broke the code. As speech progs also use the same trigger code as act progs and that
code is very primitive (in stock anyway) and just looks for the string in the argument (it does
not do any word boundary checks) I would conclude that argument does not have the substring
'chaos' when the trigger is called (if it is even called right - without seeing the new code, we
really don't know how badly it was broken). If your code has a way to switch into the mob, you
might be able to see what the mob sees and see the problem.
I do think this is a coding issue and not a building issue now though.
24 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 27th comment:
Votes: 0
Alrighty! Did some checking and switched into the mob. Here's what I came up with thus far:

This is what the orb saw when I switched into it
[A Tranquil Room of Faith][205][The Training Grounds]

A Tranquil Room of Faith [Room 205]
This room rest in darkness. You stand upon a platform, floating
seamlessly through the star sprinkled air. Clouds float gently by as
elemental sprites dance erotically through the air. A soft glimmering light
rests within this room and a small plaque sits below your feet.
(Wizi) Uthavel is here looking around.

[A Tranquil Room of Faith][205][The Training Grounds]

The door opens.

[A Tranquil Room of Faith][205][The Training Grounds]

Aeronael has arrived.

[A Tranquil Room of Faith][205][The Training Grounds]

Aeronael nods.

[A Tranquil Room of Faith][205][The Training Grounds]

Aeronael says in common 'chaos'.

[A Tranquil Room of Faith][205][The Training Grounds]

speak common
For some reason you cant speak common!

[A Tranquil Room of Faith][205][The Training Grounds]

Thinking that maybe I should try a 'speak common' while switched in, I found out that the mob can't speak common, maybe that's the problem then?
24 Aug, 2009, tphegley wrote in the 28th comment:
Votes: 0
Well, you could post the do_say command to see what's going on.
24 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 29th comment:
Votes: 0
Well, I just got off the phone with the Coder. He's fairly certain he knows what the problem is now. Earlier, when he told me everything was fine with the do_say, he was talking about from NPC's point of view. He didn't check the do_say from the PC's point of view. So, he's going to check on that real quick when he gets back from running his errands. As I get more information - and if we still can't figure it out - I promise to keep you guys updated! Thanks so much for all your help.
24 Aug, 2009, Ssolvarain wrote in the 30th comment:
Votes: 0
Have you changed the colors at all?
24 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 31st comment:
Votes: 0
No, we didnt change the stock QuickMud colors.
24 Aug, 2009, Hanaisse wrote in the 32nd comment:
Votes: 0
I noticed your NPC is invisible. Have you tried making it visible? Not sure if it matters or not.

Also, I just wanted to say that esthetically that's one long long long pile of spam to output to a player all at once. You might want to consider breaking it up.
26 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 33rd comment:
Votes: 0
The GRALL triggers fire off with the mob invisible. And I've considered the length of it, but on testing it with a few players (that aren't me or friends) they thought it was actually pretty cool that something like that was in the mudschool. Though, taking your suggestion, making the mob visible didn't help, the GRALL and ACT (for nod) still fire off, but the SPEECH won't.
26 Aug, 2009, Ssolvarain wrote in the 34th comment:
Votes: 0
Have you tried writing a simple speech prog, like…

addmprog 999 speech 'five hundred'

mprog 999:

Just to see if it works at all >.>
26 Aug, 2009, Skol wrote in the 35th comment:
Votes: 0
If your coder is delving into there, have him also fix 'case' so that people don't have to type in lowercase etc. It's a stock 'shortcoming'.

int i;
for (i=0; i < strlen(argument-1); i++)
argument[i] = tolower (argument[i]);

// This below is ONLY if you have oprogs/rprogs, otherwise just use the int i
// and for statement above in your if check.
p_act_trigger(argument, mob, NULL, NULL, ch, NULL, NULL, TRIG_SPEECH );
// The Oprog/Rprog version have additional arguments that stock mprog doesn't.
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