28 Jun, 2009, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Ok, so i'm trying to figure out why if every documentation about ROM out there states that you
can have a portals V0 set to -1 to have unlimited charges, when the code below (from act_enter.c)
says portal->value[0] == -1 "fades out of existence, then at the end it uses (handler.c)'s extract_obj(portal);?

I mean, yeah, i could change it, but first of all, why does it do this, and second, will i screw up everything?

if (portal != NULL && portal->value[0] == -1)
act ("$p fades out of existence.", ch, portal, NULL, TO_CHAR);
if (ch->in_room == old_room)
act ("$p fades out of existence.", ch, portal, NULL, TO_ROOM);
else if (old_room->people != NULL)
act ("$p fades out of existence.",
old_room->people, portal, NULL, TO_CHAR);
act ("$p fades out of existence.",
old_room->people, portal, NULL, TO_ROOM);
extract_obj (portal);
29 Jun, 2009, Sandi wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
Why? Because the author couldn't / didn't read the code or check an appropriate area file?

I don't really know, but I do know the DizzyMUD Area Building Guide is much more accurate.

Dizzy Builder's Guide

For legacy reasons, I'd say don't change the code - it's fine. Just remember to set permanent portals to '0', not '-1'.
29 Jun, 2009, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
once again, thankyou sandi!

yeah, after checking out "Dizzy" I'm totally going to roll with that instead.
29 Jun, 2009, Ssolvarain wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
-1 is correct for a permanent portal…
29 Jun, 2009, ATT_Turan wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Ssolvarain said:
-1 is correct for a permanent portal…

You might have built someplace where their code was modified for that to be true, but simply looking at the code that staryavsky posted above shows that, for at least him, it is not. You can't argue with code :grinning:
29 Jun, 2009, JohnnyStarr wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
Hmm, it might be noted that I am using a QuickMud base and not stock Rom2.4
Maybe that is why the above code block is different than the standard rom24.doc in the doc folder? Anyhoo, I guess it dosn't matter, in the end I would have to agree, its all about the code.
29 Jun, 2009, Sandi wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
From ROM 2.4b, enter.c
/* charges */
if (portal->value[0] > 0)
if (portal->value[0] == 0)
portal->value[0] = -1;

It would make more sense if it conformed to the behavior of lights and wands, but there it is.
26 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
If you're using QuickMud, then I can definitely settle this discussion now on one condition:

if ispc $n 'whereas $n = staryavsky
mob echo Portals can be made eternal by leaving the v0 set as 0
mob echo If the portals v0 is set to -1, then it will always disappear after 1 use
mob echo So, leave v0 as 0 and you'll always have an eternal portal! Yay!!!!!


Basically staryavsky, that was my lame @$$ attempt to say that when our muds Coder/Owner put up QuickMud, I had the same question. I'm used to the value of -1 being the "eternal" modifier. Unfortunately for some reason, QuickMud has it written it, but it doesn't work. After playing around with it for a little while, I realized that I could just leave v0 as 0 without our Coder/Owner changing anything (at least, to my knowledge he hasn't changed anything as Sandi has suggested) and it works perfectly everytime. Ironically enough, I'm 96% sure you could to the same when making containers to never fill, fountains to never dry up, and drink containers to never empty. I hope that answers your question, but I'm fairly certain that I didn't because from what I gathered from the conversation, you guys were talking about the specifics of the actual code behind it…..hrmm…
26 Aug, 2009, Sandi wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
Sorry to disappoint, but no, setting V0 to zero just gives you a drink container with no room in it. And fountains don't even check it, they always work.
26 Aug, 2009, Skol wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
Yeah, I completely rewrote my fountain code due to that, and then added in update to have them fill up with more fluid. Groovy ;).
26 Aug, 2009, Ssolvarain wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
So much for the fount of knowledges :P
27 Aug, 2009, teknozwizard wrote in the 12th comment:
Votes: 0
Ssolvarain said:
So much for the fount of knowledges :P

Nah, I know what the code I'm working with does. It's cool though. Each mud is uniquely different, which is what makes them cool!
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