05 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Not sure what I am doing wrong or missing as each of the files required are there and I have the log4r gem installed.

Local Gem = log4r (1.1.9)

$ ruby tmud.rb
./lib/utility/log.rb:17:in `require': no such file to load – log4r (LoadError)
from ./lib/utility/log.rb:17
from ./lib/engine/engine.rb:19:in `require'
from ./lib/engine/engine.rb:19
from tmud.rb:21:in `require'
from tmud.rb:21

nano log.rb:17
require 'log4r'

nano engine.rb:19
require 'utility/log'

Utility has the log.rb as shown below:
$ ls
boolexp.rb configuration.rb publisher.rb utility.rb
boolexp.y log.rb ternarytrie.rb version.rb

nano tmud.rb:21
require 'engine/engine'

Engine has engine.rb as show below:
$ ls
engine.rb event.rb eventmanager.rb log4r.gem timer.rb
05 Dec, 2011, Runter wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
bundle install from commandline if teensy uses it.

If not then

[sudo] gem install log4r

from commandline.

Should work after the gem is installed.
05 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Still getting the error after saying it is installed

Successfully installed log4r-1.1.9
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for log4r-1.1.9…
Installing RDoc documentation for log4r-1.1.9…

$ gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

log4r (1.1.9)
05 Dec, 2011, Runter wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
do rvm and once its loaded do

require 'log4r'

This should work without exception.
05 Dec, 2011, Tyche wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
export RUBYOPT=rubygems
ruby tmud.rb


ruby -rubygems tmud.rb
05 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
export RUBYOPT=rubygems

This fixed the issue I was having. Thanks.
06 Dec, 2011, Chris Bailey wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
@LeMonseural - What version of Ruby are you using?
06 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
@LeMonseural - What version of Ruby are you using?

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i386-cygwin]
06 Dec, 2011, Chris Bailey wrote in the 9th comment:
Votes: 0
Ah ok. If you decide to switch to 1.9 you might run into a few compatibility problems but they are easily fixed.
06 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 10th comment:
Votes: 0
Alright, thanks for the heads up. Also nice basic combat system you created can easily be added onto :)
06 Dec, 2011, Chris Bailey wrote in the 11th comment:
Votes: 0
Ha, thanks. I always mean to release something with more features but I can't finish anything for the life of me. :P
06 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 12th comment:
Votes: 0
Lol well as is it'll be easy for me to add in a system that requires energy, rage, etc.. when I do flesh it out - Only thing I saw wrong was that the defeated person saw both messages rather than the winner seeing one and the loser seeing one. Should be an easy fix though I am assuming. I'll look more at it when I get off work.
06 Dec, 2011, Chris Bailey wrote in the 13th comment:
Votes: 0
I imagine they will be of little use to you, but I also wrote a couple of entry level articles for adding commands and player stats to Teensy.

Add Commands to Teensymud

Add Player Stats to Teensymud

EDIT: PS: I forgot to mention, Teensy logs input in plaintext, including passwords! Be sure to fix that before opening anything up to the public.

Excerpt from log
11-12-06 11:41:20 [DEBUG] (DebugFilter) (6223836) OUTPUT "\r\npassword> "
11-12-06 11:41:22 [DEBUG] (DebugFilter) (6223836) INPUT "lulzmypassword\r\n"
06 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 14th comment:
Votes: 0
I imagine they will be of little use to you, but I also wrote a couple of entry level articles for adding commands and player stats to Teensy.

Add Commands to Teensymud

Add Player Stats to Teensymud

Wow thanks both will help me out alot, giving me that basic understanding of adding things. =)

EDIT: PS: I forgot to mention, Teensy logs input in plaintext, including passwords! Be sure to fix that before opening anything up to the public.

Won't I be the only one that can see that?
07 Dec, 2011, Kline wrote in the 15th comment:
Votes: 0
LeMonseural said:
Won't I be the only one that can see that?

Hopefully. Why take the risk, though? IMO it's an ethical disservice to your users to be viewing their plaintext password anyhow.
07 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 16th comment:
Votes: 0
Hopefully. Why take the risk, though? IMO it's an ethical disservice to your users to be viewing their plaintext password anyhow.

I was just wondering… Also what would be the best way to store users passwords?
07 Dec, 2011, Kline wrote in the 17th comment:
Votes: 0
I'm not very knowledgeable of Ruby but a quick Google returned a Ruby implementation of the standard crypt functions.
07 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 18th comment:
Votes: 0
Thanks for that link
07 Dec, 2011, Tyche wrote in the 19th comment:
Votes: 0
Passwords are already encrypted in TeensyMUD.

In the configuration file, remove :debugfilter

- :debugfilter
- :telnetfilter
- :terminalfilter
- :colorfilter

:debugfilter dumps the raw input and output packets of the lowest level of network layer.
IIRC it's both plain text and octal.
07 Dec, 2011, LeMonseural wrote in the 20th comment:
Votes: 0
Cool thanks Sir Tyche :)
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