02 Dec, 2008, Guest wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Fizban said:
it's rather like me walking into Burger King to see the employees all eating McDonalds.

Randomly off-topic response:

It may disturb you, but I have actually seen something like this happen. I was at Straw Hat getting a pizza, and noticed two of the employees sitting in the dining area. They were eating Pizza Hut. Personally I found the whole situation amusing :)
02 Dec, 2008, Shigs wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
If you knew how the food was really prepared, would you eat there?
02 Dec, 2008, Fizban wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
Shigs said:
If you knew how the food was really prepared, would you eat there?

I don't eat there, I used to work at Wendys and know quite well that they rarely use gloves as they're supposed to and quite often serve over/under-cooked meat depending on the time of the day. They also during rush will drop cold chicken back in the fryer to make it warm, make salads without gloves on and altogether not care what the food they're serving tastes like. Though on a similar note I find it annoying that when working as cashier at said Wendy's about half of the customers would make retarded comments to me as if they just assumed I had absolutely no skill at doing math at all simply because I worked at Wendys's (Total is $2.19 they hand me a 5 and say, "The change is $2.81."), forget the fact that I am minoring in Pure Mathematics and can perform math on a level equal to the teachers they had when they were in school.
02 Dec, 2008, Asylumius wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
It's actually not that uncommon for fast food places to "trade" food. In the town I grew up in, we had Pizza Hut's trading pizzas for a pile of Taco Bell food, vice versa, etc.
02 Dec, 2008, Zeno wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
We do menus for food places around here (along with web design etc).

In return, we get free food. D:
02 Dec, 2008, ShadowsDawn wrote in the 6th comment:
Votes: 0
Asylumius said:
It's actually not that uncommon for fast food places to "trade" food. In the town I grew up in, we had Pizza Hut's trading pizzas for a pile of Taco Bell food, vice versa, etc.

Yup yup, not at all uncommon, because after a while you do get sick of only having your food for your meals. Least that way you got different food, usually without having to waste your break to go get it.
02 Dec, 2008, Guest wrote in the 7th comment:
Votes: 0
Shigs said:
If you knew how the food was really prepared, would you eat there?

Actually, yes. Straw Hat has an openly viewable prep area, Pizza Hut does not. It's not so common any more, but kids used to stand outside the window just to watch the pizzas being made there. You can also watch as your own is prepared. I've seen a couple of instances where people have piped up and said something to the cooks before the thing is tossed in the oven.

I think I'd be more leery about eating Pizza Hut, knowing how *THEY* work. Though personally if I worked for either of them I'd probably be so sick of seeing and smelling pizza at all that I'd never want to touch the stuff as a meal.
02 Dec, 2008, Fizban wrote in the 8th comment:
Votes: 0
ShadowsDawn said:
Asylumius said:
It's actually not that uncommon for fast food places to "trade" food. In the town I grew up in, we had Pizza Hut's trading pizzas for a pile of Taco Bell food, vice versa, etc.

Yup yup, not at all uncommon, because after a while you do get sick of only having your food for your meals. Least that way you got different food, usually without having to waste your break to go get it.

True, perhaps a bad analogy, but I'm afraid I've never gotten "tired" of a quality MUD host and decided I'd like to try something new and possibly less reliable for a change. Also Pizza Hut and Taco Bell are at least different types of fooeds, whereas if I worked at Burger King and was sick of their food I'd not want anything from Mcdonald'd either as frankly their menus are nearly identical.
02 Dec, 2008, Davion wrote in the 9th comment:
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