03 Apr, 2009, quixadhal wrote in the 81st comment:
Votes: 0
I believe TeensyMUD is written in Ruby and implements a small building language, if I'm remembering correctly. It looked interesting last time I poked at it.
04 Apr, 2009, Tyche wrote in the 82nd comment:
Votes: 0
staryavsky said:
I know allot has been said about embedding Lua or using Mobprogs. But i'm looking into doing something similar, basically i want to have scripts for my rooms but because i'm using ruby i dont know if it would be better to write my own very basic scripting commands / language. or just write pure ruby and run it on the fly?

You can run ruby code under ruby in a sandbox by setting the $SAFE level. Once you set $SAFE higher you cannot decrease it (which makes sense of course), therefore you have to run the sandboxed ruby code in its own thread.