25 Nov, 2009, Mudder wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
I was looking at the Murk++ codebase and noticed a startup script that worked with windows. I'm thinking about using it just to make development a bit more convenient but I'm not sure how to change things.

setlocal enableextensions

rem Set the port number.
set port=4000
if not "%1"=="" set port=%1
if exist shutdown.txt erase shutdown.txt
if exist hotboot.$$$ erase hotboot.$$$

set /a index=1000
set logfile=%index%.log
if not exist %logfile% goto start
set /a index = %index% + 1
goto loop2

rem Record starting time
> %logfile% echo rem %DATE% %TIME%

rem Run mud.
echo Starting RaM Fire on port %port% using log %logfile%
>> %logfile% ram.exe %port% 2>&1

if not exist hotboot.$$$ goto chkshut
erase hotboot.$$$
goto done

if not exist shutdown.txt goto sleep
erase shutdown.txt
goto done

ping -n 15 -w 1000 >NUL
goto loop2


I want to change the file locations. At the moment it checks the area file for shutdown.txt, I'd rather it ..\system\shutdown.txt but I tried that and it doesn't seem to work.

Also, what language is this?
25 Nov, 2009, jurdendurden wrote in the 2nd comment:
Votes: 0
This is oldschool batch file programming. I wanna say that it's edlin or something to that effect. You might just google .bat files. As far as changing where to look for shutdown.txt, it appears to be assuming that shutdown.txt is in the same folder as the script. If it's anything like Rom 2.4, the startup script is in the area folder, so you might just try moving the startup script to a different folder and see what results you get.
25 Nov, 2009, Kline wrote in the 3rd comment:
Votes: 0
It probably didn't work after you edited it to check ..\system\shutdown.txt because you need to update where the game actually writes shutdown.txt to.

grep -n "shutdown.txt" * in your src folder and modify where your game saves shutdown.txt to in addition to editing your startup script.
26 Nov, 2009, Mudder wrote in the 4th comment:
Votes: 0
shutdown.txt goes to system folder. I'd rather keep it there too, already too much crap in area folder.
02 Dec, 2009, Tyche wrote in the 5th comment:
Votes: 0
Mudder said:
I want to change the file locations. At the moment it checks the area file for shutdown.txt, I'd rather it ..\system\shutdown.txt but I tried that and it doesn't seem to work.

The batch file checks the current directory for shutdown.txt
Both the code and script are configured to run from the root directory.
If you wish to change that then you need to change the location of files in config.hpp
The location of the hotboot files in commands.cpp
And the makefile.

Also, what language is this?

It's the language of the Windows cmd.exe shell, usually dubbed Batch.
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