20 Sep, 2008, The_Fury wrote in the 21st comment:
Votes: 0
I just looked the changes you made, 2 returns one on OEDIT_VALUE_4 and the other on OEDIT_VALUE_5, i still for the life of me don't really understand why those 2 places need to have returns and the other cases don't? Like it works now perfectly, but i don't understand why.
20 Sep, 2008, Davion wrote in the 22nd comment:
Votes: 0
OEDIT_VALUE_1-5, should all return. I don't even need to look to tell you that :). Like I said, when you break, it exits the switch(OLC_MODE(d) ). When that happens it calls olc_disp_menu(), that sets the OLC_MODE to OEDIT_MAIN_MENU. So when writing those case's for the OLC_MODE, if you want to return to the main menu you break, if you want to maintain the current OLC_MODE return.
20 Sep, 2008, The_Fury wrote in the 23rd comment:
Votes: 0
Arhhh, Now i get it, and the OEDIT_VALUE cases are all return, not break, something simple that i did not pick up. Thanks again and good catch, i knew it was something simple but just couldn't see it.