[ 990] Goto
Syntax: GOTO <player/mob/vnum>

Moves you around the mud.  Can be a to PC or NPC,  or to a VNUM.


[ 995] Transfer
Syntax: TRANSFER <player/all> <vnum/player/mob>

Transfers a PC or NPC to yourself, another room, a mob or other players.
Or transfer all PCs to a specified point in the mud, including yourself.


[ 991]  Peace
Syntax: PEACE

Stop all fighting in the room.


[ 993] Force
Syntax: FORCE <player/all> <command>

Force the PC or NPC to do <command>.  Or force all PCs and NPCs to do <command>.


[ 995] Restore
Syntax: RESTORE <player/mob/all>

Restore the PC or NPC to full health, mana, moves.  Or restore all PCs.


[ 999] Advance
Syntax: ADVANCE <player> <level>

Advance a player to <level>.

Syntax: GRACE <player> <level>

Make player an immortal at the level specified.  Must be an immortal level.


[ 995] Disconnect
Syntax: DISCONNECT <socket number>

Disconnect the player with the given socket number.  Can disconnect yourself ;)

See 'Connections'

[995] Connections

List all current connections, their state, IP, and socket number.

See 'Disconnect'

[1000] Uptime
Syntax: UPTIME

Show mud's uptime stats.

[ 994] Echo

Syntax: ECHO <text>

Sends <text> to all connected players.

[ 999] Shutdown

Syntax: SHUTDOWN <stop/halt/reboot/copyover> [time]

If a time is not specified, a default of 30 seconds is used.
Using 'Stop' will halt the shutdown process.
Using 'Now' for the time will enable shutdown immedietly.

[ 990] Wizinvis

This allows you to disappear and reappear as desired.  While invisible, you
will not show up on the who list and cannot be seen by any mortals.

[ 995] Sla
Syntax: SLA

This command is the shortened for of Slay, you must type that extra y.

[ 995] Slay
Syntax: SLAY <mob/player>

This command causes great damage to it's target, instantly killing the target.

[ 999] Grace
Syntax: GRACE <player> <level>

This immortalizes a player to the desired level of diety.

See 'Immortal Ranks'
The Immortal Titles based on level are:
Level  Title       Description
[ 990] Guest       Barely Immortal
[ 991] Apprentice  Learning to be an Immortal
[ 992] Avatar      Slightly advanced Apprentice
[ 993] Knight      Builder
[ 994] Lord        Advanced Builder
[ 995] Guardian    Player Manager
[ 996] Demigod     Advanced Player Manager
[ 997] Lessergod   System Manager/Coder
[ 998] God         High Level Manager
[ 999] Highgod     Top Level Manager
[1000] Zues        Director of All

[ 998] Destroy
Syntax: DESTROY <player>

Destroy logs a player out and moves his player file to a backup directory.

[ 995] Bgset
Syntax: BGSET <lo level> <hi level> <seconds> [object]

Bgset initiates a battle ground for players whose levels fall between the lo
and high level parameters.  Players need only type 'Battle' to join.  The
Battle Ground will start after the number of seconds specified.  If desired
a prize can be given, however the [object] that is the prize must be in your
inventory when you initiate the battle ground.

See 'Battle Ground'

[ 998]
Syntax: SNOOP <character>

Snoops/sniffs every byte that is sent to this character.
When using this, your own output will be discarded to prevent
your screen from overflowing. To stop, type SNOOP SELF.

[ 998] Loadup
Syntax: LOADUP <player>

Loadup allows you to load a player who is not already online.  The player will
remain online linkless until they log again.

[1000] Sconfig
Syntax: SCONFIG <Field> <Value>

This allows you to configure the server.  'Sconfig show' shows all the current
parameters.  Other valid fields are:

name, e-mail, port, IP, forcepc, log, looup, denyconns, denyplayers, noback

[ 995] Log
Syntax: LOG <player/all>

Log will keep track of what a player or all players are doing.

[1000] Uptime
Syntax: UPTIME

This shows some current stats of the server, particularly the ammount of time
the server has been running.

[998] Switch
Syntax: SWITCH <character>

This allows you to switch into a NPC.  This is a great way to have some fun.

See 'Return'

[ 998] Return
Syntax: RETURN

This allows you to return to yourself after you have switched to a NPC.

See 'Switch'

[ 996] Freeze
Syntax: FREEZE <player>

Freezing a player will lock that player so that they cannot do anything.
If the player is already frozen, this will unfreeze him.

[ 996] Silence
Syntax: SILENCE <player>

This will silence a player.  If the player is already silenced, this will
unsilence them.

[ 993] Areas
Syntax: AREAS

This displays a current list of all areas in currently loaded, including
their vnum range and who they were built by.

[ 990] Bamfin
Syntax: BAMFIN <message/NULL>

This sets the text for when you enter a room using the 'Goto' command.
'Bamfin NULL' will reset the message to the default immortal message.
'Bamfin' without any arguments will tell you your current message.

Example: 'bamfin Snoopy Arrives on a Flying Doghouse'
Now when you enter a room using the goto command, everyone in the room
you are entering will see 'Snoopy Arrives on a Flying Doghouse'

See 'Goto', 'Bamfout'

[ 990] Bamfout
Syntax: BAMFOUT <message/NULL>

This sets the text for when you leave a room using the 'Goto' command.
'Bamfout NULL' will reset the message to the default immortal message.
'Bamfout' without any arguments will tell you your current message.

Example: 'bamfout Snoopy Flies off Chasing the Red Baron'
Now when you leave a room using the goto command, everyone in the room
you just left will see 'Snoopy Flies off Chasing the Red Baron'

See 'Goto', 'Bamfin'

[ 993] Skill Set
Syntax: SSET <player> <skill/spell> <percent>

Skill Set will advance a player's skill or spell to the specified percent.
If the player doesn't know the skill or spell they will automatically
learn it.

[ 995] Nourish
Syntax: NOURISH <player/all>

This will reset the hunger and thirst counters for either a player or everyone.
It will also remove any affects such as High and Drunk.

[ 991] At
Syntax: AT <player> <command>

This will execute given command at the players location.