The Grendel Project - Win32 MUD Server            (c) 2000,2001 by Michiel Rook

= Credits =====================================================================

The Grendel Project is (c) 2000,2001 by Michiel Rook. 
Additional code by Hemko de Visser, Roeland van Houte and Oscar Martin.
Additional documentation and FAQs by Jeremiah Davis.

Uses the LibXmlParser unit (c) Stefan Heymann.
Uses the MemCheck unit (c) Jean Marc Eber & Vincent Mahon.
Uses a modified version of Winsock2 interface unit (c) Alex Konshin.
Uses a modified version of the AnsiIO unit (c) Gayle Davis.
Uses parts of the Delphi Implementation of MD5 Algorithm (c) Matthias Fichtner.
Uses parts of the Delphi Fundamentals library (c) David Butler.
Uses parts of the FastStrings library (c) Peter Morris.

Parts based on Smaug, (c) Derek Snider and Emlen, (c) Owen Emlen.