check steal worn items
Madsysop: if you say nothing ie " then it say bloggs says "".
Idea: Chimney Brush to sweep chimney and find goodiess
Spud: It would be helpful to have a better bug reporter too
Anarchy: Open chest should have light shining from it
Elkman: I think u should be able to fill the hole after diging up corpse
Spud: rocky lane - go e - blocked lane, cant go back w!
Spud: no exits from quarry not even way u came
Spud: i am carrying nothing, at quarry did get notice - message: you cant
Spud: carry any more.
Fingers: squirrel tickle - got nowt says what u wanna drop
Anarchy: magic system
Jennycide: coffin not dark in side
Madsysop: a slight bug with follow me thinks...i lost freeslot
Spud: look at sundial gives how can you look in that ?
Spud: spit in fire/ spit at person
Fix emotions to people only, not mobiles etc....
Put something puzzlewise with sceptre / sundial and its statue
Anarchy: 1 time
Anarchy: dance
Cyberman: wield axe says "Wield what ?" when Im carrying the battle-axe