The following is the list of commands - The minimum abreviation is shown in
capital letters.

BUG <message>		Sends message of a mistake in the game to Authors.
CLOSE <item>		Closes item.
CREDITS			Displays information about who wrote the game.
DROP <item>		Drops an item.
EXAmine <item>		Prints closer description of item.
EXITS			Shows exits available from your current location.
EXTinguish <object>	Extinguishes lit items.
FLEE <direction>	Drop everything and run!
GET <item>		Picks up an item.
GIVE <person> <object>	Gives carried item to another player.
HUG <player>		Gives player a hug!
IVENtory		Lists all the items you are carrying.
JUMP IN <item>		Jump into an object.
KILL <player> (WITH <item>) 	Attacks player with weapon specified or with
			weapon WIELDed.
KISS <player>		Gives player a kiss!
LEVELS			Lists the levels you can aspire to.
LOCK <item> WITH <item>	Locks item.
LOOK			Gives description of current location.
OPEN <item>		Opens item.
PASSWORD		Changes your password.
QUIT			Quits game!
RULES			Prints out the rules of the game.
SAY <message>		Tells <message> to everyone in the same room as you.
SCore			Prints your score so far.
SHout <message>		Tells <message> to everyone in the game.
SLEEP			Sends you to sleep.
TELL <player> <message>	Tells <message> to player.
TYPO <message>		Sends message to Authors about spelling mistake.
UNLOCK <item> 		Unlocks item.
VALUE <item>		Tells you how much an item is worth.
WAKE <player>		Wakes a sleeping player.
WEAR <item>		Put on article of clothing.
WIELD <weapon>		Specifies weapon to use when fighting.
WHO			Tells you who is playing.

Movement is possible with:

North, East, South, West, Up and Down.