*** Commands with version 1.5.1 ***


alias <from> <to>

Alias 'from' to 'to'. This is a very simple substition system (expressions
are not supported). One thing to note is that if an alias is used inside a
procedure then substitutions are done _only_ inside that procedure.

eg: alias 1 TRUE
    alias 0 FALSE


var <variable list>
svar <variable list>

These 2 commands are identical except that svar will cause the variables to be
static within a procecure (ie their values are not lost when the procedure
exits) whereas var will not. Variables can be declared as an array using '@'.

eg: var tom @dick 


share <variable list>
unshare <variable list>

Seperate processes can access each others variables providing they have been 
set to a sharing status using the share command. Only global variables belonging
to the process using the share command can be shared. The unshare command 
removes sharing status from variables.

eg: Process 'tom' sets variable 'a' to shared status like so:

    var a
    share a
    set a 1
    Process 'dick' then accesses and sets the variable using the 
    <process id>.<variable name> notation.

    set pid pcs?"tom"
    printnl "a is " pid.a
    set pid.a 2  


set <variable> <expression/value>

This assigns a value to a variable or array element. If an array element does 
not exist when it is assigned to it is created as long as a specific index
number is not used.

eg: set tom [addstr "hello " "world]
    set dick:"one" "test string"


tset <variable> [<operator>] <old value> <new value>

This is the test and set command which allows the testing and setting of
shared variables atomically. Ie the process cannot be swapped out while it
is doing the combined test and set and so this allows shared variables to
be used as semaphores in interprocess communications. If you were to do the
same operation using an "if" statement then the process may get swapped out 
between the test and set which could cause problems. The command tests the
variables value against the old value depending on the operator (If no operator
is given it defaults to = to preserve syntax compatability with previous
versions of Avios). If the result is true then the command will set the 
variable to the new value and return 1. If not it will not change the variable 
and will return 0.
  This command can also be used on ordinary variables as shorthand for an
if var=....; set var..; endif;  statement for example.

eg: set pid pcs?"testprog"
    while [not [tset pid.testvar>10 1]]; wend  # Spin on semaphore


inc <variable> [amount]
dec <variable> [amount]

These increment or decrement a variable. The default is 1 if the optional
amount is not specified.

eg: inc fred
    dec fred 3


addstr <string list>

This adds a list of strings together to produce 1 long string.

eg: printnl [addstr "hello " "cruel" " world"]


substr <string> <from> [<to>]

Substracts the characters from 'from' to 'to' from the string. If 'to' is
ommited then it defaults to the same as 'from'. This command does the exact 
opposite of midstr.

eg: printnl [substr "12345" 2 4]


mulstr <string> <amount>

This multiplies the string by the amount to give a result string.

eg: printnl [mulstr "'ello " 3] "whats going on 'ere then?"


math <maths equation/expression>

This works out normal maths equations and is a replacement for the add, sub, 
mul, div, mod, bwa, bwo, bwx, bsl & bsr commands that appeared in previous 
versions and have now been removed. Equations can use variables and embedded 
commands and full nested bracketing is supported.

Operands it understands are as follows:
	+, -, *, /: standard maths operands
     %: modulus
     ^: power
     &: bitwise AND
     |: bitwise OR
	~: bitwise XOR
    <<: bit shift left
    >>: bit shift right
     <: less than
     >: greater than
    <=: less than equals
    >=: greater than equals
    !=: not equals

Priorites are as follows:
     &, |, ~, <<, >>: priority 4 (highest)
     ^, %: 3
     *, /: 2
     +, -: 1
     >, <, <=, >=, !=: 0 (lowest)

All the comparison operands ( eg <= ) either produce a 1 or 0 if the test is
true or false respectively.

  	set limit [rand 10]
  until limit!=0
  printnl [math ([rand limit]-limit/2)*10]

cpl <number>

This returns the ones complement of the number (~number in C) which is simply
the reversal of all the bits in the integer ie: 0's become 1 and 1's become
0. To get the twos complement simply add 1 to the result.

eg: printnl [cpl 0]


max <numeric list>
min <numeric list>

Return the maximum or the minimum of the numeric list.

eg: printnl [max 2 15 8]


maxstr <string list>
minstr <string list>

Return the maximum or mininum of the string list

eg: printnl [maxstr "hello" "cruel" "world"]
    printnl [maxstr "A" "B" "C"]


print <string or numeric list>
printnl <string or numeric list>
printlog <string or numeric list>

These are the 3 output commands the language uses. The first two will output 
to wherever the current outstream is pointing too whereas printlog prints to
the system log. Printnl automatically places a newline on the end of its 
output, the others do not. The first two commands can cause the process to go 
to an OUTPUT_WAIT state if they try to write to locked stream or full message 
queue stream unless the stream is non-blocking in which case they'll just fall 
through having done nothing (but the $print_ok system variable will have been 
set to 0 so you can check for this occurance).

eg: printnl "hello" [addstr "cru" "el"] "world " 2 " day"


locate <x> <y>

This will locate the cursor at the given position on the screen. Avios does
not find out the size of any given screen a process is writing to so it will
allow any values for x and y that are greater than zero. ie co-ordinates go
from 1-n.

eg: This draws a box in the centre of the screen

   proc main
   var y

   locate 30 5; print [mulstr "#" 20]
   locate 30 15; print [mulstr "#" 20]

   for y 5 to 15
           locate 30 y; print "#"
           locate 50 y; print "#"



This command takes no arguments and simply clears the screen. It has exactly
the same effect as doing print "~CL" but is a convenient shorthand for it.


label "<label>"
goto <label>

The label command can only have its label in the form of a quoted string but
the goto command can use a variable or command output aswell.

eg: label "start"; goto [addstr "st" "art"]


if <expression>

The if statement works in the expected way and _must_ be terminated with an
endif or fi. The else statement is optional. The fi command was new in 1.4
and I added it because on reflection I felt that endif was a bit long winded
(you can tell I'm a C coder at heart :) but the endif remains for backwards 

eg: if fred=1; printnl "YES" 
    else; printnl "NO" 

   if fred=2; printnl "YES 2";
   else; printnl "NO 2"


while <expression>

A while loop loops while the expression is true.

eg:  while cnt<=10
        printnl "Count: " cnt;  inc cnt


until <expression>

A do loop loops until the expression is true.

eg: do
        printnl "Count: " cnt;  inc cnt
    until cnt>10

for <variable> <start> to <end> [step <increment/decrement>]

Loop from the until the variable has reached the value <end> first setting it
to the value <start>. The step is optional and if used will cause the variable 
to be incremented by the given amount. If no step option is given the 
interpreter will default to 1 if start < end or -1 if start > end.

eg: for cnt 1 to 10; printnl "Count: " cnt; next


foreach <subscript variable> <value variable> in <array variable>

This will go through the array variables elements setting the subscript 
variable to a subscript and the value variable to its matching value until no 
more array elements are found.

eg: var @a s v
    set a:"tom" "first"
    set a:"dick" "second"
    set a:"harry" "third"
    foreach s v in a; printnl s "," v; nexteach


choose <value>
   value <value>; [<statements>];  break/continue
   default; [<statements>]; break/continue

This is an analog of the C switch statement but it has one crucial difference
which is that the continue command plays a part and it will cause the
interpreter to jump back to the beginning of the choose as in a loop.
However you can use the acontinue (alternative continue) command which behaves 
in the "normal" way inside a choose (ie it will continue from the start of the 
loop body surrounding the choose structure).

eg: choose cnt
       value 1; printnl "Its 1, 3 or 4"; break
       value 2; printnl "Its 2";  break
       value 3
       value 4; set cnt 1;  continue
       default; printnl "It isn't 1 , 2 or 3"

break [<argument>]
continue [<argument>]
acontinue [<argument>]

These work as per the commands in C except for continue within the choose
structure (see above). The optional arguments set the $break and $cont 
variables. If no argument is given the variables remain at their current

   set j 0
   while $break!="END"
       inc j
       for i 1 to 10
           if [math i+j]=5; break "END"; endif
   printnl i "," j


call <procedure> [<parameters>]
vcall <procedure derived from operation> [<parameters>]

Unsurprisingly this calls a procedure with optional parameters. These commands
cannot be nested because of a rather intractable coding reason (we'd need to
unwrap recursive calls within the interpeter itself) so the procedure return 
value is stored in the system $proc array. The vcall command takes strings,
variables or command outputs as the name of the procedure to call. The 'v'
stands for variable incidently as the procedure name argument can vary since 
it isn't fixed in the code (ie: its the equivalent of using function pointers
in C). 
    If I was writing Avios from scratch I'd probably leave out "call" 
altogether as vcall is more flexible and does the same but call is left in for 
compatability reasons with AviosPL old code (and I suppose it looks a bit 
neater too).

eg: call fred a b
    printnl $proc:"fred"

    set procs "tom dick harry"
    for i 1 to 3
        vcall [elements procs i] a b
        printnl $result


proc <procedure> [<formal parameters>]

These commands define the start and end of a procedure as you'd expect. 
Parameters can either be declared as pass by value or by reference (the latter
being defined by placing a star '*' in front of the variable) and can also
be declare as an array or read only. 

eg proc fred c *d
      set d [math c*2]


return [<return value>]
exit <numeric exit code>

The return command returns from a procedure , the return value being stored in
the $proc array element for the precedure. Exit exits from the program and 
currently returns the exit code to the unix shell and the exit code can only
be a number.

eg: if a=b; return "fred"
    else; exit [math a-b]

input <variable list>

This is the input command and it will take its input from the current input
stream whatever that may be. Input is read up until the first newline 
encountered (or until the internal input string size is exceeded) and the
date is placed in the first or next variable in the list. This command cannot 
be nested. The command will not return until all variables have been filled.

eg: var name address
    print "Enter name and address> "
    input name address
    printnl "NAME: " name ",  ADDRESS: " address


atoc <ascii code list>
ctoa <string>

Atoc converts a list of ascii codes into a character string and ctoa converts
a string into a list of ascii codes.

eg: printnl [ctoa "abc"] "=" [atoc 97 98 99]


not <value>

This will return a 1 for any value that is zero or an empty string and will
return 0 for anything that is <> 0 or is not an empty string.

eg: printnl [not "hello"] [not 0]


strlen <string>

This gives the length of a string.

eg: printnl [strlen "hello"]


abs <number>

Give the absolute value of the number which basically means that if its a 
negative value convert it to positive.


sgn <number>

Give the sign of the number. A negative number returns -1 , positive 1 and 0
returns 0.


rand <seed>

Returns a random number from 0 up to and *including* the seed. Note that
the max value that can be returned is limited by the unix RAND_MAX macro
which can be as low as 32767.


isnum <value>

Returns 1 if the value is a number otherwise 0.

eg: printnl [isnum "fred"] [isnum 123] [isnum "123"]


upperstr <string>
lowerstr <string>

These convert a string to upper and lower case respectively.

eg: printnl [upperstr "hello"]


instr <searched string> <searched for string> <start point>

This returns the position the searched for string is found in the search 
string with searching starting at the start point. If the string is not
found then zero is returned. REMEMBER that the first character in the
string is at position 1 in this language, not 0 as in C!!

eg: printnl [instr "hello" "el" 1]


matchstr <string> <wildcard pattern>

This returns 1 if the string matches the widlcard pattern else it returns 0.
The pattern cannot use full regular expressions but is limited to '?' and '*'.

eg: printnl [matchstr "hello world" "h?ll*"]


midstr <string> <from> [<to>]

This will print the part of the string between and including the 'from' and 'to'
positions. If 'to' is ommited it defaults to the same as 'from'.

eg: printnl [midstr "12345" 2 4]


insertstr <string> <string to insert> <position>
overstr <string> <string to insert> <position>

Both these put one string inside another starting from position, the difference
being that the top one will keep the strings original contents and shift them 
up accordingly whereas the bottom will overwrite as many characters as 

eg: printnl [insertstr "1256" "34" 3]
    printnl [overwrstr "1256" "34" 3]


replstr <string> <old string> <new string> [<start position>]

This replaces any occurance of the old string found in string with the new
string with the option to provide a search start position.

eg: printnl [replstr "xyzdefg xyzdefg" "xyz" "abc"]


rpadstr <string> <pad string> <length>
lpadstr <string> <pad string> <length>

Both the above pad the given string using pad string until it is exactly length
characters long. Lpadstr pads to the left whilst rpadstr pads to the right.

eg: printnl [rpadstr "start" "-=" 20]
    printnl [lpadstr "end" "-=" 20] 


insertelem <list> <element> <position>
overelem <list> <element> <position>

These work in the same way as the associated string commands. Insertelem
will put the element at the given position but keeping the previous element
by shitfing the remainder of the list up. Overelem simply overwrites the
current element at that position with the new one.

eg: printnl [insertelem "one two four" "three" 3]
    printnl [overelem "one two four four" "three" 3]


replelem <list> <old element> <new element> [<start position>]

This will replace all occurances of the old element in the list with the
new element optionally starting at the start position.

eg: printnl [replelem "one two wibble four wibble two one" "wibble" "three"]


elements <list> <from> [<to>]

This will list the elements from element number 'from' to 'to'. If 'to' is
ommited then it defaults to the same as 'from'.

eg: printnl [listelem "hello cruel world out there" 2 3]


count <list>

This counts the number of elements in the given list. Elements are basically
words seperated by whitespace.

eg: printnl [count "there are seven elements in this list"]


match <list1> <list2>
unmatch <list1> <list2>

Match will return a string with all the elements in list1 that are also in
list2. Unmatch does the opposite and returns the elements in list1 that are
unmatched in list2. Things to note are that the do not check for repeated 
elements in list1 (tedious to code) so these will get returned twice if they 
exist and are part of the result. Duplicate elements in list2 will only be 
returned once for a match.

eg: printnl [match "a a b c d e" "a h k q d p"]  gives "a a d".
but printnl [match "a b c d e" "a a h k q d p"]  will only give "a d".

    printnl [unmatch "a a b c d e" "a h k q d p"] gives "b c e"


unique <list>

This removes duplicate elements from a list.

eg: printnl [unique "hello there hello cruel cruel world there"]


subelem <list> <from> [<to>]

This returns the list minus the elements between and including the from
and to positions. If 'to' is ommited it defaults to the same as 'from'.

eg: printnl [sublem "hello there cruel world" 3]


head <list>
tail <list>
rhead <list>
rtail <list>

Head gives the first element in a list, rhead gives the last element.
Tail gives everything except the first element , rtail everything except
the last.

eg: set list "head and tail"
    printnl [head list] "," [tail list]


arrsize <array>

This returns the number of elements (not string elements) in an array.

eg: var @a
    set a:"one" "first"
    set a:"two" "second"
    printnl [arrsize a]


trap <statement(s)>

This traps any errors returned by the commands within the statements it
encloses preventing the interpreter printing the error and halting. The
trap command itself returns the error number as its output and also sets
$error:"last" to the error number.

eg: var fred err
    set err [trap [cleararray fred]]  
    if err; printnl "Error is: " $error#err; endif

or: var fred
    trap [cleararray fred]
    if $error:"last"; printnl "Error is: " $error#$error:"last"; endif

Fred above is not an array variable and this will cause an error.O


in <stream>
out <stream>

These set the current input and output streams (ie where input and output
is got from and sent to). Streams are internally linked with actual file
descriptors but at the language level are just name strings. Built in streams
are STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR but other streams are obtained from the output
of the "open" command.

eg: out "STDERR"; printnl "Error"; out "STDOUT"


block <input stream>
nonblock <input stream>

These commands switch blocking on and off for a stream that is either an
input or bidirectional one. Normally a stream is blocked on a read which
means that if there is no data on a stream or the data is incomplete any 
"input" command using that stream will hang until normally a newline is
seen along with preceding data (other times it will return include an EOF or a 
closed socket). If noblocking is set the input will get whatever data is there 
if any and return immediately. Please note that this does NOT force the
telnet or console session into non-blocking mode (CBREAK mode in curses.h).

eg: nonblock "STDIN"
    printnl "Enter data> "
      input a
    until a!=""
    block "STDIN"  # return to normal

The above will loop until a contains data, just pressing return will not
stop the loop since a newline by itself is considered an empty string
by the interpreter. 


lock <internal stream>
unlock <internal stream>

This locks and unlocks an internal stream that belongs to the process
executing the command (currently the only internal streams are message
queues). A locked stream means that another process trying to write to it
will go to an OUTPUT_WAIT state (or will just fall through the print command
if stream is also non-blocking) until the stream becomes unlocked whereupon
it can then write its data.

eg: lock "MESG_Q"
    printnl "Current message count as of " [gettime time] " is: " $mesg_cnt
    unlock "MESG_Q"


open to read/write/readwrite/append <filename>

This opens a file to carry out normal file operations. It returns a stream
identifier as a result which can be used with the in and out commands.
If a file is opened to write it will be deleted if it already exists unless
it is opened using "readwrite". Append behaves in the usual way.

eg: set stream [open to read "datafile"]
    in stream
    input line


close <stream>

Closes a stream and free all memory structures associated with it.


cseek start/current <chars offset>
lseek start/current <lines offset>

These commands both seek through the current input stream, the difference 
is that cseek does it by number of characters and lseek by number of lines. 
lseek will count a line as soon as it hits '\n' in the character stream. The 
"start" option starts the seek from the beginning of the file whereas "current"
starts it from the current file position. If the seek can be done a '1' is 
returned else '0'.

eg: set fd [open to read "abcd"]
    in fd
    input line
    if [lseek current 2]=0
	printnl "File too small.";  close fd;  exit 0


delete <filename>

Delete the named file. An error will be returned if this is not possible
eg: If the files doesn't exist or it is in use by another process.


rename <old filename> <new filename>

Rename the given file from the old to the new name. An error is returned
if this can't be done because of the sames reasons as delete.


copy <old filename> <new filename>

Copy the given file from the old to the new name (keeping the old one 
naturally). An error is returned if this can't be done.


stat <filesytem entry>

This returns the following information: 
  file type, size, permissions, last modified, last accessed, owner, group

File type will be one of the following:
   dir     - directory
   file    - regular file
   link    - soft link (hard links will be seen as regular files)
   cdev    - character device (eg: tty)
   bdev    - block device (eg: disk driver)
   fifo    - FIFO special file (eg: a pipe)
   socket  - AF_UNIX socket
   unknown - unknown type

The last modified and accessed fields are given as the number of seconds since 
1970 which can be converted into times using the gettime command. The owner
and group fields were added in release 1.5.1.

eg: printnl [gettime time [elements [stat "myfile" ] 4]]


chmod <filename> <octal permissions>

This changes the permissions of a file. The permissions given are in numeric
octal form, eg: 664, 700 etc. The command does not support the "ug+rw" etc
format supported by the unix chmod command.

eg: chmod "myfile" 600
    printnl [elements [stat "myfile"] 3]


mkdir <directory> <octal permissions>

This will create a directory with the given permissions if supplied. If
they are not given then the permissions default to 0755.

eg: mkdir "tmpdir" 700


rmdir <directory list>

This will remove directories.

eg: rmdir "tmpdir" "neilsdir"


dir all/files/dirs/links/cdevs/bdevs/usocks <directory> [<wildcard patterns>]

This command will return a list of the specified file types in the given
directory. The types are the following:

all - everything (files , directories , links etc)
files - ordinary files
dirs - directories
cdevs - character devices
bdevs - block devices
usocks - unix sockets

The wildcard pattern allows you to selectively list entries using the '?'
and '*' wildcard substitution operators. Please note that full regular
expressions are not supported.

eg: printnl [dir cdevs "/dev"]
    printnl [dir all "."]
    printnl [dir files "." "a*" "???"]


format <format string> <argument string1> <string2> ...

This will act like C's printf and sprintf statements by formatting a string
using \ escape codes and % format definers. There are limitations though in
that \000 octal codes are not supported nor is the %* format but for the
majority of applications this should not be a problem. Supported escape
codes are: \n \r \b \f \t \v and \a. Also \" will allow quotes to be printed
in strings.

eg: print [format "\aName: \"%-20s\", Total: %03d\n" name [math tot1+tot2]]


crypt <string> <salt>

This calls the unix crypt function (or avios_crypt() if unix function not
available) with the string to be encrypted and the salt.

eg: set encrypted_passwd [crypt passwd "NU"]


spawn [term/back/dev <device>] [child/orphan] <pid var> [<new process name>]

This will spawn a new process. The term, back and dev options allow you to 
run the new process on the system console in the background or on a given 
device (normally a tty) instead of them using the port of the current process. 
If a device is to be used the device name must given after the dev option. 
The child/orphan option will decide whether the new processes parent pid will 
be set to that of the spawning process or will be set to zero. If this option 
is ommited it defaults to a child process. The pid variable will be set to the 
pid of the process created in the enviroment of the parent process but will be 
set to zero in the enviroment of the child/orphan process (which will commence 
its execution from the command immediately following "spawn" in the code). 
The optional new process name will rename the new process otherwise the 
process is given the same name as its parent.

eg: var pid
    spawn child pid "tom"
    if pid; printnl "PARENT"; else; printnl "CHILD"; endif

    spawn dev "/dev/tty" orphan pid 

exec [term/back/dev <device>] [child/orphan] <pid var> \
     <filename> <process name> [<arguments>]

iexec [term/back/dev <device>] [child/orphan] <pid var> \
      <program code> <process name> [<arguments>]

These will create an entirely new process, either loading up and running the 
program file given or running the inline code passed with iexec giving it the 
process name and passing it the command line arguments if any. The exec'ing 
process will be returned the pid of the new process. The new process (unlike 
in the spawn command) will start running from the beginning of its main 
procedure and if the child option is specified its parent id will be set to 
that of the exec'ing process else it'll be set to zero.
    The term and back options allow you to run the new process on the system
console or in the background instead of them using the port of the current
process, the dev option allows you to run it on a tty device (the device name
must follow) and the child and orphan options allow you to decide whether the 
new process will be a child of the exec'ing one or not. If ommited it defaults
to being a child.

eg: var pid
    exec child pid "progfile" "tom" "hello" "world"
    printnl "New pid: " pid

    iexec child pid [format "proc main argc argv\n \
                     printnl $name \",\" argc \",\" argv\nendproc"] \
                    "tom" "hello world"

In the above you could also do the following:
    exec child pid "progfile tom hello world"

eg: var pid
    exec dev "/dev/ttyS1" child pid "login" "login" 

ie you can have the filename , process name and arguments all in one string.


wait <pid var>
waitpid <pid>

These two commands both wait for termination of processes but the difference
is that "wait" will wait for any child process to exit and when it does it
returns the pid of the process in the pid variable, whereas "waitpid" will 
wait for the specific process given as the argument to die and will then 

eg: var pid
    wait pid
    waitpid 3


exists <pid>

Returns 1 if the given process exists , otherwise 0.


pcsinfo <pid>

Returns a list of information about the given process which consists of the

<process name> <process main filename> <parent pid> <time created> \
<site connected (if any)> <status> <interrupts enabled> <interrupted> \
<message count or queue> <colour on> <swapout after> \
<run count 1> <run count 2> <run count 3> <run count 4>

The fields are all self explanitory except for the last line:
The run count fields are system statistics on how many times the process has
been in scope in certain parts of the scheduler code. I put them in for 
performance optimisation purposes but I doubt you'll ever need them.


relation <pid1> <pid2>

This prints a number giving the relation of process 1 to process 2. If the 
number is negative then this shows that process 1 process is a decendent of 2
but if positive then its an ancestor. The number shows how far removed the 
processes are. A -1 or 1 indicates a parent or child respectively , -2 or 2 
indicates grandparent/grandchild etc. If the result is 0 then either there is 
no line of descent or the pid equals that of the current process.

eg: var pid
    spawn child pid
    if pid
        printnl "PID: " $pid "," pid ": " [relation pid $pid]
    sleep 1  # So the child process doesn't vanish before we test relation


kill <pid>
halt [<pid>]
restart <pid>

These command will kill, halt or restart the given process providing the 
following conditions are met:

A) It is not the system_dummy process.
B) The process is not a process image.
C) The process is not already exiting.
D) It is a descendent process of the killing process or kill_any is set to 
   YES in the init file.
E) For restart command only: The process is currently halted.

The commands return the status of the process just before we did the action to 
it or if it is not possible to affect the other process an empty string is 
returned. bear in mind that if the pid does not exist an error will be returned
so you may wish to trap the command in case the other process dies just before
the command is executed. If the pid is ommited with the halt command the
process will halt itself (but it cannot restart itself after this so some other
process will have to do it).

eg: spawn child pid
    if [not pid]
		printnl "Child sleeping"; sleep 10
    sleep 1
    if [trap [set status [kill pid]]]
        printnl "Error during kill."
    if status=""
        printnl "Unable to kill process"
        printnl "Child status was: " status


onint from child/nonchild/timer <procedure>
onint ignore child/nonchild/timer

This command sets up the processes action upon receiving an interrupt.
There are 3 different types of interrupt it can receive:
child - an interrupt sent by a child process
nonchild - an interrupt sent by a non-child process
timer - an interrupt sent by an expired timer

The procedure given is the procedure called when one of these is received.
The ignore option will reset any action previously setup. Please note that
there are no default options for interrupts , if a process receives one but
onint has not been used the interrupt is ignored and the process does nothing.

    proc main
    onint from timer timer_proc
    timer 1
    while 1; wend # loop forever

    proc timer_proc
    svar tt
    if tt="" or tt="tock"; set tt "tick"
    else; set tt "tock"
    printnl tt
    timer 1


interrupt <pid> with <string> [on death]

This command will interrupt the given process if possible setting its
$int_mesg variable to the given string. If interruption is possible it does
so and returns a 1 else it returns a 0. The on death clause will cause the
process to interrupt the given process if it dies. If interruption is not
possible at this point the wait_on_dint init option will decide whether the
process hangs until it can interrupt or exits anyway.

eg: proc main
    var pid
    onint from child intproc
    spawn child pid
    if pid=0
       # Child interrupts parent
       interrupt $ppid with "HELLO!"
       exit 0
    while 1; wend  # Loop until child gets swapped in and sends interrupt

    proc intproc
    # Pid of interrupting process is first element in message
    printnl "Parent got interrupt from: " [head $int_mesg"] 
    printnl "Message: " [tail $int_mesg]
    exit 0


timer <seconds>

This sets up the timer. When the timer expires its sends a timer interrupt
to the process. If the process cannot be interrupted the timer interrupt is
blocked until interruption is possible.

eg: proc main
    onint from timer timeprint
    timer 1
    while 1; wend 

    proc timeprint
    printnl [gettime time]
    timer 1  # Reset timer


ei [on/ignore <procedure>]
di [on/ignore <procedure>]

These commands enable and disable interrupts respecitively. If used without
the options then they do this immediately. Using the 'on' option will cause
Avios to enable/diable interrupts upon entering the given procedure. When
exiting said procedure the interrupt state will be set back to what it was
before the procedure was called. The 'ignore' option will unset anything
set up the 'on' option.

eg: proc main
    di on sleepproc
    onint from timer timerproc
    timer 1
    sleep 5; call sleepproc; sleep 5

    proc timerproc
    printnl [gettime time]
    timer 1

    proc sleepproc
    printnl "Interrupts disabled"
    sleep 5
    printnl "Interrupts enabled"


sleep <seconds>
usleep <microseconds>

These will pause the program for the given time period. The accuracy of the
usleep command however is up for debate for low values of microseconds. Also
bear in mind that any tuning_delay set in the init file will also have an
effect on the actual delay experienced as any delay can *never* be less than
the tuning_delay even if it is set as such.

eg: while 1
       printnl [gettime secs]
       sleep 1


gettime boottime/created/rawtime/date/usdate/rvdate/time/...
        [<rawtime in seconds>]

This commands returns various times in various formats which mean the

boottime  : Raw time in seconds when Avios was booted (unaffected by optional arg).
created  : Raw time when process making this call was created (as above).
rawtime  : Current raw time in seconds from unix time(0) function (as above).
date     : Date in day/month/year format as used in most of the world.
usdate   : Date in month/day/year format as used in the USA.
revdate  : Date in year/month/day (reverse) format.
time     : Time in hours:mins:secs format.
hour     : Hour of the day (0 - 23).
mins     : Minute of the hour.
secs     : Seconds of the minute.
usecs    : Microseconds in the second (same value for rawtime time and any user given fromtime)
wday     : Numeric day of the week (1-7).
mday     : Numeric day of the month. 
month    : Numeric month of the year (1-12)
year     : Four digit year (eg 1997)
dayname  : Name of the day.
monthname: Name of the month.

The unix time() function normall returns the number of seconds since 1/1/1970.
The optional rawtime argument to this command supplies an alternative number
of seconds since this date for the commands to use.

A simple clock:

    proc main
    while 1
        print [format "%s\r" [gettime time]]
        sleep 1


colour on/off

This switches the conversion of Avios colour codes to ansi codes on and off
in print statements. Even when switched on conversion will only take place if 
the print is writing to STDIN or OUT. Conversion will not take place if
we are writing to a file, a process created connect socket or an internal
stream such as a message queue. In those cases the Avios colour codes will
simply get passed as text. If colour is off and we are writing to STDIN etc
then the Avios codes will be removed from the string before it is passed
on. The default process colour setting is controlled by the colour_def init 
file option.

eg: colour on
    printnl "~BR~FGRed background , green foreground."
    colour off
    printnl "~BR~FGRed background , green foreground? Not any more."


connect <ip address> <port>

This attempts to open a socket to the given address and returns a new
stream identifier if successful else an error is generated (which can
be trapped). Be warned that this command will hang the whole Avios system
until it connects or gets an error.

eg: if [trap [set sock [connect "localhost" 4000]]]
        printnl "Unable to connect"; exit 0
    in sock
    out sock


echo on/off

This switches echoing on and off for the STDIN of the process so passwords 
can be entered and not be seen. 

eg: print "Enter name> "; input name
    echo off
    print "Enter password> "; input pass
    echo on
