#--- This process serves one request then exits as HTTP does not use
#--- a continuous connection system. A process will be spawned for
#--- every browser connect. This server is very simple and simply
#--- serves files and hence it will not accept any sort of input from 
#--- the browser nor will it serve binary gif/jpeg/java files due to the
#--- way Avios works though it works fine with Ascii Javascript code.


proc main
var line

# Colour codes will fuck things up
colour off 

# First line contains the actual command , following lines just
# contain config stuff which I don't care about as this is such
# a simple server
input line
if [upperstr [head line]]="GET"; call get_file [elements line 2]
else; call html_print "ERROR" "Your browser sent a load of bollocks."

#--- Send a short message to the browser ---
proc html_print title data
printnl "<HTML><TITLE>" title "</TITLE>"
printnl "<BODY>" data "</BODY></HTML>"
exit 0

#--- Write a file out to the browser ---
proc get_file path
var fd line

# Set path to correct value
if path="/"; set path "index.html"; endif
if [midstr path 1]="/"
	set path [midstr path 2 [strlen path]]
set path [addstr "html/" path]

# Load file
if [trap [set fd [open to read path]]]!=OK
	call html_print "ERROR" "File not found."

# Assume file is already in HTML format so just send it out
in fd
input line
while [not $eof]
	printnl line;  input line
in "STDIN"
close fd

exit 0