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<TITLE>LambdaMOO Programmer's Manual - Variables</TITLE>
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<H3><A NAME="SEC13" HREF="ProgrammersManual_toc.html#TOC13">Naming Values Within a Verb</A></H3>

As discussed earlier, it is possible to store values in properties on
objects; the properties will keep those values forever, or until another
value is explicitly put there.  Quite often, though, it is useful to
have a place to put a value for just a little while.  MOO provides local
variables for this purpose.

Variables are named places to hold values; you can get and set the value
in a given variable as many times as you like.  Variables are temporary,
though; they only last while a particular verb is running; after it
finishes, all of the variables given values there cease to exist and the
values are forgotten.

Variables are also "local" to a particular verb; every verb has its own
set of them.  Thus, the variables set in one verb are not visible to the
code of other verbs.

The name for a variable is made up entirely of letters, digits, and the
underscore character (<SAMP>`_'</SAMP>) and does not begin with a digit.  The
following are all valid variable names:



Note that, along with almost everything else in MOO, the case of the
letters in variable names is insignificant.  For example, these are all
names for the same variable:



A variable name is itself an expression; its value is the value of the named
variable.  When a verb begins, almost no variables have values yet; if you try
to use the value of a variable that doesn't have one, the error value
<CODE>E_VARNF</CODE> is raised.  (MOO is unlike many other programming languages in
which one must `declare' each variable before using it; MOO has no such
declarations.)  The following variables always have values:


INT         FLOAT        OBJ
STR         LIST         ERR
player      this         caller
verb        args         argstr
dobj        dobjstr      prepstr
iobj        iobjstr      NUM

The values of some of these variables always start out the same:


an integer, the type code for integers (see the description of the function
<CODE>typeof()</CODE>, below)
the same as <CODE>INT</CODE> (for historical reasons)
an integer, the type code for floating-point numbers
an integer, the type code for lists
an integer, the type code for strings
an integer, the type code for objects
an integer, the type code for error values

For others, the general meaning of the value is consistent, though the
value itself is different for different situations:


an object, the player who typed the command that started the task that
involved running this piece of code.
an object, the object on which the currently-running verb was found.
an object, the object on which the verb that called the
currently-running verb was found.  For the first verb called for a given
command, <SAMP>`caller'</SAMP> has the same value as <SAMP>`player'</SAMP>.
a string, the name by which the currently-running verb was identified.
a list, the arguments given to this verb.  For the first verb called for
a given command, this is a list of strings, the words on the command

The rest of the so-called "built-in" variables are only really
meaningful for the first verb called for a given command.  Their
semantics is given in the discussion of command parsing, above.

To change what value is stored in a variable, use an <STRONG>assignment</STRONG>


<VAR>variable</VAR> = <VAR>expression</VAR>

For example, to change the variable named <SAMP>`x'</SAMP> to have the value 17,
you would write <SAMP>`x = 17'</SAMP> as an expression.  An assignment
expression does two things:



it changes the value of of the named variable, and

it returns the new value of that variable.

Thus, the expression


13 + (x = 17)

changes the value of <SAMP>`x'</SAMP> to be 17 and returns 30.

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