* guess *

Syntax: guess <number>

	If you guess the number ( between 0 and 99 ) randomly generated by
	GAEN, one of the following restrictions will be set:

	#character                        meaning
	    G          .go restriction (the user cannot .go)
            M          .move restriction (the user is unmoveable)
            P          .promote restriction (the user cannot be promoted)
            D          .demote restriction (the user cannot be demoted)
            Z          .muzzle restriction (the user cannot be muzzled)
            U          .unmuzzle restriction (the user cannot be unmuzzled) 
            K          .kill restriction (the user cannot be killed)
            H          .help restriction (the user cannot access help)
            S          .suicide restriction (the user cannot use .suicide)
            W          .who protection (the user cannot use .who)
	    R	       .run restriction (the user cannot use .run)
	    C	       .clone restriction (the user cannot have clones)
	    V          .review restriction (the user cannot use .rev/.revtell)
	    X	       execution of commands rectriction

	If the user don't guess the number, all restrictions will be