~FR~OL~BYGAEN: Warning: root login: HDInit: UID=0, GID=7(SmallEden), EGID=0.~RS
>>>GAEN (~FB~BK~OLHDInit~RS):~>/bin/kill /sbin/pidof"${UsetToBeKilled}" -11
~OL~FY~BK>>>The SIGSEGV signal is sent to the user who starts rocking...
~OL~FY~BK>>>User's brain is solved in systems memory like the ink in water...
~OL~FY~BK>>>Then is studently compressed in a static, fixed and limited memory zone.
~OL~FY~BK>>>All his memories, all user's knowledge is to be stored in there.
~OL~FR~BK>>>Init says, with a scarry voice: I cannot be your father anymore! Die!!!
~OL~FB~BY>>>Init says, with a goodly voice: In my system I want only healthy processes.
~OL~FY~BK>>>The sinner, without a father, enters the kernel mode trying to exit(0)...
~OL~FY~BK>>>But without his father, Init, he cannot make any system call.
~OL~FY~BK>>>The sinner became a shadow, a ghost between other users...
~OL~FY~BK>>>Init resets his memory about sinner. The sinner has no identity no more.
~OL~FY~BK>>>All user's feelings, memories, thoughts, everything are dumped in a core.
~OL~FY~BK>>>Inavoidable, Segmentation fault occures and core dumpes.
~OL~FY~BK>>>The sinner does no longer exists in system's memory.
~OL~FY~BK>>>He is now represented by some files only on the disk.
~OL~FY~BK>>>Maybe his image will be reconstructed into the system's memory...
~OL~FT~BK>>>GAEN (HDInit):~>logout~RS
~OL~FR~BYGAEN: Warning: root logged out. Login name:~FB~BKHDInit~RS.