~OL~BB~FG--->>> GSL language <<<---

	GSL ( GAEN Simple Language ) permits you to explore deeply the
facilities of this talker.

	GSL includes user private variables ( called ~OL{~RS and ~OL}~RS variables ),
test statement ( ~FG.if~RS ), cycle statement ( ~FG.for~RS ), running of so-called run
commands files ( see ~FG.arun, .run, .drun~RS ).

	The user variables can be used as parameters for some commands. To
assign values for this variables use new form of ~OL.set~RS command. The ~FG.set~RS
command can be used to assign the default values ( { for first variable and
} for second variable ) to your variables, too. To view the variables'
values use ~FG.set ?~RS and to concatenate to old values of variables some text use 
~FG.set +{~RS and ~FG.set +}~RS forms.

	~OL.if~RS statement permits you to execute one of your 10 run command files, 
if a condition is true or not. The condition can be: ={, =}, user, exist, dim,
sky, mail... Another form of the ~FG.if~RS statement is:
~FG.if <condition> : <commands>~RS. ( see if~RS for more details ). 

	~OL.for~RS statement uses your ~OL{~RS variable as counter to run one of 
your 10 run commands files. At the end of for, the old value of ~OL{~RS variable is
restored. You can execute a run commands file for each name of logged users
( for each iteration ~OL{~RS value will store one user name ) or for each word of
a list of words ( and ~OL{~RS value will store one word per iteration ). For
more information, see for~RS.

	Now, you can write 'procedures' with 'parameters': supports 10
run commands files! This files can be run by user with or by 
~FG.if~RS/~FG.for~RS commands. These run commands files can be used to execute some 
commands when an event occurs. Also, see event~RS for more information 
about this facility.

~FYSome examples:

	.set ?
	.set var{ Sabin
	.tell { Hello! How are you?
	.set var} Green
	.go }
	.soc hug {
	.set ?
	.set var{ 7
	.tone {

	.if ={ 7 1 2
	.if exist Ptero 5 3
	.if minlogin 3 : .minlogin NONE

	.for 3 users
	.for 2 Ptero Beavis Ulen hihi
	.for 2 dims

	.event in .run 3

	In your run commands files you can write:

	.soc hug {
	.tell { Hi! I want to kill you :)
	.move Green {
        .pemote { are you ok?
	.picture rose1 {

	This file ( e.g. number 7 ) can be run with a name parameter:

	.set { Sabin
	.run 7
	.set { Roxy
	.run 7
	.if exist Ptero 7 0
	.for 7 users

See also: .set, .if, .for, .run, .event