* paintball *

Syntax:	paintball [ <user_target> ]

	Rules of the game:

	For each time when you logged on, you have a number of available
balls to be throwed to some users. Each ball has a randomly generated colour. 
If the throwed ball has ~FG~OLgreen~RS colour, you win 1 ball and the target
user looses 1 ball. If the throwed ball has ~FR~OLred~RS colour, you loose 
2 balls and the target user wins 1 ball. If the throwed ball is ~FB~OLblue~RS,
both of users win 1 ball. For each throw, you loose 1 ball, of course. 
	When you loose all your balls, you cannot play this game... until
to next login... :)

	To view your available balls, use .paintball without any parameter.

See also: .hangman, .puzzle, .fit, .status