 * lists.c

#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <memory.h>

#include "config.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "fix.h"

/* externs */

extern char    *upper_from_saved(saved_player * sp);
extern void     check_list_newbie(char *lowername);
extern void     check_list_resident(player * p);
extern char    *check_legal_entry(player *, char *, int);
extern char    *list_lines(list_ent *);
extern char    *store_string(), *store_int();
extern char    *get_string(), *get_int();
extern char    *gstring_possessive(), *end_string(), *next_space();
extern player  *find_player_global_quiet(char *), *find_player_global(char *);
extern player  *find_player_absolute_quiet(char *);
extern saved_player *find_saved_player(char *);
extern void     log(char *, char *);
extern void     tell_player(player *, char *);
extern char    *number2string(int);
extern int      get_flag(flag_list *, char *);
extern char    *full_name(player *);
extern char    *get_gender_string(player *);
extern void     save_player(player *);
extern void     pager(player *, char *, int);
extern int      global_tag(player *, char *);
extern void     cleanup_tag(player **, int);

extern saved_player **saved_hash[];

/* interns */

flag_list       list_flags[] = {
   {"noisy", NOISY},
   {"ignore", IGNORE},
   {"inform", INFORM},
   {"grab", GRAB},
   {"grabme", GRAB},
   {"friend", FRIEND},
   {"bar", BAR},
   {"invite", INVITE},
   {"beep", BEEP},
   {"block", BLOCK},
   {"key", KEY},
   {"find", FIND},
   {"nsy", NOISY},
   {"ign", IGNORE},
   {"inf", INFORM},
   {"grb", GRAB},
   {"fnd", FRIEND},
   {"inv", INVITE},
   {"bep", BEEP},
   {"blk", BLOCK},
   {"key", KEY},
   {"find", FIND},
{0, 0}};

flag_list       show_flags[] = {
   {"echo", TAG_ECHO},
   {"echos", TAG_ECHO},
   {"room", TAG_ROOM},
   {"local", TAG_ROOM},
   {"shout", TAG_SHOUT},
   {"shouts", TAG_SHOUT},
   {"tell", TAG_PERSONAL},
   {"tells", TAG_PERSONAL},
   {"autos", TAG_AUTOS},
   {"auto", TAG_AUTOS},
{0, 0}};

char           *message_string;

/* delete and entry from someones list */

void            delete_entry(saved_player * sp, list_ent * l)
   list_ent       *scan;
   if (!sp)
   scan = sp->list_top;
   if (scan == l)
      sp->list_top = l->next;
   while (scan)
      if (scan->next == l)
    scan->next = l->next;
      } else
    scan = scan->next;
   log("error", "Tried to delete list entry that wasn't there.\n");

/* compress list */

void            tmp_comp_list(saved_player * sp)
   char           *oldstack;
   list_ent       *l, *next;

   l = sp->list_top;

   oldstack = stack;
   stack = store_int(stack, 0);

   while (l)
      next = l->next;
      if (!l->name[0])
    log("error", "Bad list entry on compress .. auto deleted.\n");
    delete_entry(sp, l);
      } else
    stack = store_string(stack, l->name);
    stack = store_int(stack, l->flags);
      l = next;
   store_int(oldstack, ((int) stack - (int) oldstack));

void            compress_list(saved_player * sp)
   char           *oldstack;
   int             length;
   list_ent       *new, *l, *next;
   if (sp->saved_flags & COMPRESSED_LIST)
   sp->saved_flags |= COMPRESSED_LIST;
   oldstack = stack;
   length = (int) stack - (int) oldstack;
   if (length == 4)
      sp->list_top = 0;
      stack = oldstack;
   new = (list_ent *) MALLOC(length);
   memcpy(new, oldstack, length);

   l = sp->list_top;
   while (l)
      next = l->next;
      l = next;
   sp->list_top = new;
   stack = oldstack;

/* decompress list */

void            decompress_list(saved_player * sp)
   list_ent       *l;
   char           *old, *end, *start;
   int             length;

   if (!(sp->saved_flags & COMPRESSED_LIST))
   sp->saved_flags &= ~COMPRESSED_LIST;

   old = (char *) sp->list_top;
   start = old;
   if (!old)
   old = get_int(&length, old);
   end = old + length - 4;
   sp->list_top = 0;
   while (old < end)
      l = (list_ent *) MALLOC(sizeof(list_ent));
      old = get_string(stack, old);
      strncpy(l->name, stack, MAX_NAME - 2);
      old = get_int(&(l->flags), old);
      l->next = sp->list_top;
      sp->list_top = l;

/* save list */

void            construct_list_save(saved_player * sp)
   int             length;
   char           *where;

   if (!(sp->saved_flags & COMPRESSED_LIST) &&

   if (sp->saved_flags & COMPRESSED_LIST)
      if (sp->list_top)
    where = (char *) sp->list_top;
    (void) get_int(&length, where);
    memcpy(stack, where, length);
    stack += length;
      } else
    stack = store_int(stack, 4);
   } else

/* retrieve list */

char           *retrieve_list_data(saved_player * sp, char *where)
   int             length;
   (void) get_int(&length, where);
   if (length == 4)
      sp->list_top = 0;
      sp->saved_flags |= COMPRESSED_LIST;
      sp->list_top = (list_ent *) MALLOC(length);
      memcpy(sp->list_top, where, length);
   where += length;
   return where;

/* general routine to output a flag field */

char           *bit_string(int flags)
   static char     out[33];
   int             i;
   for (i = 0; i < 32; i++, flags >>= 1)
      if (flags & 1)
    out[i] = '*';
    out[i] = ' ';
   out[32] = 0;
   return out;

/* count list entries */

int             count_list(player * p)
   list_ent       *l;
   int             count = 0;
   if (!p->saved)
      return 0;
   if (!p->saved->list_top)
      return 0;
   for (l = p->saved->list_top; l; l = l->next)
   return count;

/* find list entry for a person */

list_ent       *find_list_entry(player * p, char *name)
   list_ent       *l;

   if (!p->saved)
      return 0;
   l = p->saved->list_top;
   while (l)
      if (!strcasecmp(l->name, name))
         return l;
         l = l->next;
   return 0;

/* create a list entry */

list_ent       *create_entry(player * p, char *name)
   list_ent       *l, *e, *s, *n;
   if (!p->saved)
      return 0;
   if ((count_list(p)) >= (p->max_list))
      tell_player(p, " Can't create new list entry, "
                     "because your list is full.\n");
      return 0;
   l = (list_ent *) MALLOC(sizeof(list_ent));
   strncpy(l->name, name, MAX_NAME - 2);
   e = find_list_entry(p, "everyone");
   if (e && strcasecmp(l->name,"sus") && strcasecmp(l->name,"newbies"))
      l->flags = e->flags;
      l->flags = 0;
   l->next = p->saved->list_top;
   p->saved->list_top = l;
   return l;

/* find list entry for a person from saved file */

list_ent       *fle_from_save(saved_player * sp, char *name)
   list_ent       *l;
   l = sp->list_top;
   while (l)
      if (!strcasecmp(l->name, name))
    return l;
    l = l->next;
   return 0;

/* clear bits of list */

void            clear_list(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *text, msg[50];
   int             count = 0;
   list_ent       *l;

   oldstack = stack;

   if (!p->saved)
      tell_player(p, " You do not have a list to alter, "
                     "since you have no save file\n");
   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: clist <person>\n");
   while (*str)
      while (*str && *str != ',' && *str != ' ')
         *stack++ = *str++;
      if (*str)
      *stack++ = 0;
      if (*oldstack)
         l = find_list_entry(p, oldstack);
         if (!l)
            text = stack;
            sprintf(stack, " Can't find any list entry for '%s'.\n", oldstack);
            stack = end_string(stack);
            tell_player(p, text);
         } else
            sprintf(msg, " Entry removed for '%s'\n", l->name);
            tell_player(p, msg);
            delete_entry(p->saved, l);
      stack = oldstack;
   if (!count)
      tell_player(p, " No entries removed.\n");
      if (count != 1)
         sprintf(stack, " Deleted %s entries.\n", number2string(count));
         strcpy(stack, " Deleted one entry.\n");
      stack = end_string(stack);
      tell_player(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;

/* turn a flag list into an int */

int             get_flags(player * p, char *flags, flag_list * list)
   int             flag = 0, new;
   char           *oldstack, *text;

   oldstack = stack;
   while (*flags && *flags == ' ')
   while (*flags)
      while (*flags && *flags != ',')
    *stack++ = *flags++;
      if (*flags)
      *stack++ = 0;
      new = get_flag(list, oldstack);
      if (!new)
         text = stack;
         sprintf(stack, " Can't find flag '%s'.\n", oldstack);
         stack = end_string(stack);
         tell_player(p, text);
      } else
         flag |= new;
      stack = oldstack;
   return flag;

/* force change on list */

void            change_list_absolute(player * p, char *str)
   char           *flag_list, *oldstack, msg[50], *dummyname;
   int             change, count = 0;
   list_ent       *l;
   player         *tell;

   if (!p->saved)
      tell_player(p, " You haven't got a list since you have no save file.\n");
   oldstack = stack;
   flag_list = next_space(str);
   if (!*flag_list)
      tell_player(p, " Format: flist <player list> <flag list>\n");
   *flag_list++ = 0;
   change = get_flags(p, flag_list, list_flags);
   if (!change)
      tell_player(p, " Bad flag list, no changes made.\n");
   while (*str)
      while (*str && *str != ',')
         *stack++ = *str++;
      *stack++ = 0;
      if (*str)
      if (*oldstack && (dummyname = check_legal_entry(p, oldstack, 0)))
         sprintf(msg, " Flag set for '%s'\n", dummyname);
         tell_player(p, msg);
         l = find_list_entry(p, dummyname);
         if (!l)
            l = create_entry(p, dummyname);
         if (l)
            l->flags = change;
            if (message_string)
               tell = find_player_absolute_quiet(oldstack);
               if (tell)
                  tell_player(tell, message_string);
      stack = oldstack;
   if (count)
      tell_player(p, " List entries force changed.\n");
      tell_player(p, " No changes to make.\n");

/* set change on list */

void            set_list(player * p, char *str)
   char           *flag_list, *oldstack, msg[50], *dummyname;
   int             change, count = 0;
   list_ent       *l;
   player         *tell;
   if (!p->saved)
      tell_player(p, " You haven't got a list since you have no save file.\n");
   oldstack = stack;
   flag_list = next_space(str);
   if (!*flag_list)
      tell_player(p, " Format: slist <player list> <flag list>\n");
   *flag_list++ = 0;
   change = get_flags(p, flag_list, list_flags);
   if (!change)
      tell_player(p, " Bad flag list, no changes made.\n");
   while (*str)
      while (*str && *str != ',')
    *stack++ = *str++;
      *stack++ = 0;
      if (*str)
      if (*oldstack && (dummyname = check_legal_entry(p, oldstack, 0)))
         sprintf(msg, " Flag set for '%s'\n", dummyname);
         tell_player(p, msg);
         l = find_list_entry(p, dummyname);
         if (!l)
            l = create_entry(p, dummyname);
         if (l)
            l->flags |= change;
            if (message_string)
               tell = find_player_absolute_quiet(oldstack);
               if (tell)
                  tell_player(tell, message_string);
      stack = oldstack;
   if (count)
      tell_player(p, " List entries set.\n");
      tell_player(p, " No changes to make.\n");

/* reset change on list */

void            reset_list(player * p, char *str)
   char           *flag_list, *oldstack, msg[50], *dummyname;
   int             change, count = 0;
   list_ent       *l;
   player         *tell;

   if (!p->saved)
      tell_player(p, " You haven't got a list since you have no save file.\n");
   oldstack = stack;
   flag_list = next_space(str);
   if (!*flag_list)
      tell_player(p, " Format: rlist <player list> <flag list>\n");
   *flag_list++ = 0;
   change = get_flags(p, flag_list, list_flags);
   if (!change)
      tell_player(p, " Bad flag list, no changes made.\n");
   while (*str)
      while (*str && *str != ',')
         *stack++ = *str++;
      *stack++ = 0;
      if (*str)
      if (*oldstack && (dummyname = check_legal_entry(p, oldstack, 0)))
         sprintf(msg, " Flags reset for '%s'\n", dummyname);
         tell_player(p, msg);
         l = find_list_entry(p, dummyname);
         if (!l)
            l = create_entry(p, dummyname);
         if (l)
            l->flags &= ~change;
            if (!l->flags)
               delete_entry(p->saved, l);
            if (message_string)
               tell = find_player_absolute_quiet(oldstack);
               if (tell)
                  tell_player(tell, message_string);
      stack = oldstack;
   if (count)
      tell_player(p, " List entries reset.\n");
      tell_player(p, " No changes to make.\n");

/* toggle change on list */

void            toggle_list(player * p, char *str)
   char           *flag_list, *oldstack, msg[50], *dummyname;
   int             change, count = 0;
   list_ent       *l;
   player         *tell;

   if (!p->saved)
      tell_player(p, " You haven't got a list since you have no save file.\n");
   oldstack = stack;
   flag_list = next_space(str);
   if (!*flag_list)
      tell_player(p, " Format: tlist <player list> <flag list>\n");
   *flag_list++ = 0;
   change = get_flags(p, flag_list, list_flags);
   if (!change)
      tell_player(p, " Bad flag list, no changes made.\n");
   while (*str)
      while (*str && *str != ',')
    *stack++ = *str++;
      *stack++ = 0;
      if (*str)
      if (*oldstack && (dummyname = check_legal_entry(p, oldstack, 0)))
         sprintf(msg, " Flag toggled for '%s'\n", dummyname);
         tell_player(p, msg);
         l = find_list_entry(p, dummyname);
         if (!l)
            l = create_entry(p, dummyname);
         if (l)
            l->flags ^= change;
            if (!l->flags)
               delete_entry(p->saved, l);
            if (message_string && l->flags & change)
               tell = find_player_absolute_quiet(oldstack);
               if (tell)
                  tell_player(tell, message_string);
      stack = oldstack;
   if (count)
      tell_player(p, " List entries toggled.\n");
      tell_player(p, " No changes to make.\n");

void            noisy(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *cmd;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: noisy <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " noisy");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   cmd = stack;
   message_string = cmd;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      sprintf(stack, " %s removes you from %s noisy list.\n",
              p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, " %s adds you to %s noisy list.\n",
              p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   sprintf(stack, " %s adds you to %s noisy list.\n",
           p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
   stack = end_string(stack);
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   message_string = 0;
   stack = oldstack;

void            ignore(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *cmd;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: ignore <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " ignore");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   cmd = stack;
   message_string = cmd;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      sprintf(stack, " %s starts listening to you again.\n", p->name);
      stack = end_string(stack);
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s ignores you.\n", p->name);
      stack = end_string(stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   sprintf(stack, "%s ignores you.\n", p->name);
   stack = end_string(stack);
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;
   message_string = 0;

void            block(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *cmd;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: block <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " block");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   cmd = stack;
   message_string = cmd;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s starts listening to you again.\n", p->name);
      stack = end_string(stack);
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s blocks you off from doing tells to %s.\n",
         p->name, get_gender_string(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   sprintf(stack, "%s blocks you off from doing tells to %s\n",
      p->name, get_gender_string(p));
   stack = end_string(stack);
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;
   message_string = 0;

void            inform(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: inform <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " inform");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;

void            grab(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *cmd;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: grab <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " grab");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   cmd = stack;
   message_string = cmd;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s stops you from being able to grab %s.\n", p->name, get_gender_string(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s allows you to grab %s.\n", p->name, get_gender_string(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   sprintf(stack, "%s allows you to grab %s.\n", p->name, get_gender_string(p));
   stack = end_string(stack);
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;
   message_string = 0;

void            friend(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *cmd;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: friend <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " friend");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   cmd = stack;
   message_string = cmd;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s doesn't like you any more.\n", p->name);
      stack = end_string(stack);
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s makes you %s friend.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   sprintf(stack, "%s makes you %s friend.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
   stack = end_string(stack);
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;
   message_string = 0;

void            bar(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *cmd;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: bar <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " bar");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   cmd = stack;
   message_string = cmd;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s allows you back into %s rooms.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s bars you from %s rooms.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   sprintf(stack, "%s bars you from %s rooms.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
   stack = end_string(stack);
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;
   message_string = 0;

void            invite(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *cmd;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: invite <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " invite");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   cmd = stack;
   message_string = cmd;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s strikes you off %s invite list.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s enters you onto %s invite list.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   sprintf(stack, "%s enters you onto %s invite list.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
   stack = end_string(stack);
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;
   message_string = 0;

void            beep(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: beep <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " beep");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;

void            key(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *cmd;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: key <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " key");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   cmd = stack;
   message_string = cmd;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s snatches %s key back off of you.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, "%s presents you with the key to %s rooms.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      message_string = 0;
   sprintf(stack, "%s presents you with the key to %s rooms.\n", p->name, gstring_possessive(p));
   stack = end_string(stack);
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;
   message_string = 0;

void            listfind(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack;
   oldstack = stack;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: find <player(s)> on/off/[blank]\n");
   if (!check_legal_entry(p, str, 1))

   while (*str && *str != ' ')
      *stack++ = *str++;
   if (*str)
   strcpy(stack, " find");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      reset_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
   if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      sprintf(stack, " %s lets you see where %s is, even when %s is hidden.\n",
              p->name, gstring_possessive(p), gstring_possessive(p));
      stack = end_string(stack);
      tell_player(p, stack);
      set_list(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
   toggle_list(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;

/* toggle whether iacga's are sent or not */

void            toggle_iacga(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~IAC_GA_ON;
      p->flags &= ~IAC_GA_DO;
   } else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= IAC_GA_ON;
      if (p->flags & EOR_ON)
    p->flags |= IAC_GA_DO;
   } else
      p->saved_flags ^= IAC_GA_ON;
      p->flags ^= IAC_GA_DO;
      if (p->flags & EOR_ON)
    p->flags &= ~IAC_GA_DO;

   if (p->saved_flags & IAC_GA_ON)
      if (p->flags & IAC_GA_DO)
         tell_player(p, " You will get IAC GA controls after each prompt.\n");
         tell_player(p, " You will get IAC GA's on prompts if IAC EOR is "
   } else
      tell_player(p, " You will not get IAC GA controls after each prompt.\n");

/* toggle earmuffs and blocktells on and off */

void            earmuffs(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~BLOCK_SHOUT;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= BLOCK_SHOUT;
      p->saved_flags ^= BLOCK_SHOUT;

   if (p->saved_flags & BLOCK_SHOUT)
      tell_player(p, " You are wearing earmuffs.\n");
      tell_player(p, " You are not wearing earmuffs.\n");

/* toggle the pager on and off */

void            nopager(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~NO_PAGER;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= NO_PAGER;
      p->saved_flags ^= NO_PAGER;
   if (p->saved_flags & NO_PAGER)
      tell_player(p, " You will not get paged output.\n");
      tell_player(p, " You will get paged output.\n");

void            blocktells(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~BLOCK_TELLS;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= BLOCK_TELLS;
      p->saved_flags ^= BLOCK_TELLS;

   if (p->saved_flags & BLOCK_TELLS)
      tell_player(p, " Tells to you will get blocked.\n");
      tell_player(p, " Tells to you will not get blocked.\n");


/* toggle whether someone is hiding or not */

void            hide(player * p, char *str)

   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~HIDING;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= HIDING;
      p->saved_flags ^= HIDING;

   if (p->saved_flags & HIDING)
      tell_player(p, " You hide yourself away from prying eyes.\n");
      tell_player(p, " People can find out where you are.\n");

/* toggle whether someone gets trans straight home */

void            straight_home(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~TRANS_TO_HOME;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= TRANS_TO_HOME;
      p->saved_flags ^= TRANS_TO_HOME;

   if (p->saved_flags & TRANS_TO_HOME)
      tell_player(p, " You will be taken to your home when you log in.\n");
      tell_player(p, " You get taken to the entrance room when you log in.\n");
   strcpy(p->room_connect, "");

/* toggle see echo on and off */

void            see_echo(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~SEEECHO;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= SEEECHO;
      p->saved_flags ^= SEEECHO;

   if (p->saved_flags & SEEECHO)
      if (p->residency & (SU | ADMIN))
         tell_player(p, " You will now see who echos what.\n");
         tell_player(p, " You will now see who echos what in public rooms.\n");
      tell_player(p, " You will no longer see who echos what.\n");

/* toggle whether someone can receive anonymous mail */

void            toggle_anonymous(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~NO_ANONYMOUS;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= NO_ANONYMOUS;
      p->saved_flags ^= NO_ANONYMOUS;

   if (p->saved_flags & NO_ANONYMOUS)
      tell_player(p, " You will not be able to receive anonymous mail.\n");
      tell_player(p, " You will be able to receive anonymous mail.\n");

/* toggle whether someone gets informed of news */

void            toggle_news_inform(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~NEWS_INFORM;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= NEWS_INFORM;
      p->saved_flags ^= NEWS_INFORM;

   if (p->saved_flags & NEWS_INFORM)
      tell_player(p, " You will be informed of new news.\n");
      tell_player(p, " You will not be informed of new news.\n");

/* toggle whether someone gets informed of mail */

void            toggle_mail_inform(player * p, char *str)
   if (!strcasecmp("off", str))
      p->saved_flags &= ~MAIL_INFORM;
   else if (!strcasecmp("on", str))
      p->saved_flags |= MAIL_INFORM;
      p->saved_flags ^= MAIL_INFORM;

   if (p->saved_flags & MAIL_INFORM)
      tell_player(p, " You will be informed when you receive mail.\n");
      tell_player(p, " You will not be informed when you receive mail.\n");

/* see single entry */

void view_single_list(player * p, char *str)
   char *oldstack;
   list_ent *scan;
   int wibble = 0;

   oldstack = stack;
   if (p->saved)
      for (scan = p->saved->list_top; scan && !wibble; scan = scan->next)
         if (!strcasecmp(scan->name, str))
            sprintf(stack, "Your list entry for '%s'\n\n - Name -         - "
                           "Nsy. Ignr Infm Grab Frnd Bar. Invt Beep Bloc Key. "
                           "Find\n\n", scan->name);
            stack = strchr(stack, 0);
            strcpy(stack, list_lines(scan));
            wibble = 1;
   } else
      tell_player(p, " But you don't have a list!\n");
      stack = oldstack;
   if (!wibble)
      tell_player(p, " You dont have that name on your list ...\n");
      stack = oldstack;
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   *stack++ = '\n';
   *stack++ = 0;
   tell_player(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;

/* print out p2's list to p */

void            do_list(player * p, saved_player * sp, int count)
  char           *oldstack;
  list_ent       *l, *every = 0, *sus=0, *newbies=0;
  if (count)
      strcpy(stack, "\n - Name -         - Nsy. Ignr Infm Grab Frnd Bar. "
	     "Invt Beep Bloc Key. Find\n\n");
      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
      for (l = sp->list_top; l; l = l->next)
	  if (!strcmp(l->name, "everyone"))
	  else if (!strcmp(l->name, "sus"))
	  else if (!strcmp(l->name, "newbies"))
	      strcpy(stack, list_lines(l));
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	      *stack++ = '\n';
      if (every || sus || newbies)
	  strcpy(stack, "---------------------------------------------"
	  stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	  if (sus)
	      strcpy(stack, list_lines(sus));
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	      *stack++ = '\n';
	  if (newbies)
	      strcpy(stack, list_lines(newbies));
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	      *stack++ = '\n';
	  if (every)
	      strcpy(stack, list_lines(every));
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	      *stack++ = '\n';

/* view someone else's list, if you are Admin */

void            view_others_list(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *arg2;
   int             count;
   player         *p2, dummy;
   list_ent       *l;

   oldstack = stack;
   memset(&dummy, 0, sizeof(player));

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: vlist <player> [<entry>]\n");

   arg2 = strchr(str, ' ');
   if (arg2)
      *arg2++ = 0;
   p2 = find_player_global_quiet(str);
   if (!p2)
      strcpy(dummy.lower_name, str);
      dummy.fd = p->fd;
      if (!load_player(&dummy))
         tell_player(p, " That person does not exist!\n");

   if (!p2->saved)
       tell_player(p, " That person has no list to view.\n");
   count = count_list(p2);
   sprintf(stack, "%s is using %d of %s maximum %d list entries.\n",
      p2->name, count, their_player(p2), p2->max_list);
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);

   if (arg2)
      l = find_list_entry(p2, arg2);
      if (l)
         strcpy(stack, "\n - Name -         - Nsy. Ignr Infm Grab Frnd Bar. "
                       "Invt Beep Bloc Key. Find\n\n");
         stack = strchr(stack, 0);
         strcpy(stack, list_lines(l));
         stack = strchr(stack, 0);
         *stack++ = '\n';
         *stack++ = '\0';
      } else
         sprintf(stack, " %s has no list entry for '%s'.\n", p2->name, str);
         stack = end_string(stack);
      tell_player(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
   do_list(p, p2->saved, count);
   *stack++ = 0;
   pager(p, oldstack, 0);
   stack = oldstack;

/* view list */

void            view_list(player * p, char *str)
  char           *oldstack;
  list_ent       *l, *every = 0, *sus=0, *newbies=0;
  int             count;
  player         *p2 = 0;
  oldstack = stack;
   * This is the bit that means that an Admin doing 'list <person>' gets that
   * person's list, rather than just that person's entry on their own list.
   * Maybe something to stick in another command?
   * if (*str && p->residency&ADMIN) p2=find_player_global(str);
  if (*str)
      view_single_list(p, str);
  if (!p2)
    p2 = p;
  if (!p2->saved)
      tell_player(p2, " You have no list to view.\n");
  count = count_list(p2);
  sprintf(stack, " You are using %d of your maximum %d list entries.\n",
	  count, p2->max_list);
  stack = strchr(stack, 0);
  if (count)
      strcpy(stack, "\n - Name -         - Nsy. Ignr Infm Grab Frnd Bar. "
	     "Invt Beep Bloc Key. Find\n\n");
      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
      for (l = p2->saved->list_top; l; l = l->next)
	  if (!strcmp(l->name, "everyone"))
	  else if (!strcmp(l->name, "sus"))
	  else if (!strcmp(l->name, "newbies"))
	      strcpy(stack, list_lines(l));
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	      *stack++ = '\n';
      if (every || sus || newbies)
	  strcpy(stack, "---------------------------------------------"
	  stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	  if (sus)
	      strcpy(stack, list_lines(sus));
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	      *stack++ = '\n';
	  if (newbies)
	      strcpy(stack, list_lines(newbies));
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	      *stack++ = '\n';
	  if (every)
	      strcpy(stack, list_lines(every));
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	      *stack++ = '\n';
  *stack++ = 0;
  pager(p, oldstack, 0);
  stack = oldstack;

/* Print out flags for the list entries */

char           *list_lines(list_ent * l)
   int             count;
   static char     string[80];
   string[0] = 0;
   sprintf(string, "%-18s-", l->name);
   for (count = 1; count < 2048; count <<= 1)
      if (l->flags & count)
    strcat(string, " YES!");
    strcat(string, "     ");
   return string;

/* view list of someone else */

void            do_entry(player * p, player * p2)
  int             count;
  list_ent       *l;
  *stack++ = '\n';
  strcpy(stack, p2->name);
  for (count = MAX_NAME + 1; *stack; count--)
  for (; count > 3; count--)
    *stack++ = ' ';
  if (!p2->saved)
      strcpy(stack, "    - No list");
      stack = strchr(stack, 0);
  l = find_list_entry(p2, p->lower_name);
  if (l)
      *stack++ = ' ';
      *stack++ = ' ';
      *stack++ = ' ';
      *stack++ = ' ';
  if (!l && p->residency & SU)
      l = find_list_entry(p2,"sus");
      if (l)
	  *stack++ = '(';
	  *stack++ = 'S';
	  *stack++ = ')';
	  *stack++ = ' ';
  if (!l && p->residency == NON_RESIDENT)
      l = find_list_entry(p2,"newbies");
      if (l)
	  *stack++ = '(';
	  *stack++ = 'N';
	  *stack++ = ')';
	  *stack++ = ' ';
  if (!l)
      l = find_list_entry(p2, "everyone");
      if (!l)
	  strcpy(stack, "    - No entry for you");
	  stack = strchr(stack, 0);
      *stack++ = '(';
      *stack++ = 'E';
      *stack++ = ')';
      *stack++ = ' ';
  *stack++ = '-';
  for (count = 1; count < 2048; count <<= 1)
      if (l->flags & count)
	strcpy(stack, " YES!");
	strcpy(stack, "     ");
      stack = strchr(stack, 0);

void            check_entry(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack, *text;
   player        **list, **scan;
   int             n, i;

   oldstack = stack;
   command_type = SEE_ERROR;

   if (!*str)
      tell_player(p, " Format: check entry <player(list)>\n");
   list = (player **) stack;

   n = global_tag(p, str);
   if (!n)
      stack = oldstack;
   text = stack;

   strcpy(stack, " - Name -             - Nsy. Ignr Infm Grab Frnd Bar."
     " Invt Beep Bloc Key. Find");
   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   for (scan = list, i = 0; i < n; i++, scan++)
      if (*scan != p)
    do_entry(p, *scan);
   *stack++ = '\n';
   *stack++ = 0;
   cleanup_tag(list, n);
   pager(p, text, 0);
   stack = oldstack;

 * void construct_list_save(saved_player *sp) { list_ent *l,*next;
 * l=sp->list_top; while(l) { next=l->next; if (!l->name[0]) { log("error","Bad
 * list entry on save .. auto deleted.\n"); delete_entry(sp,l); } else {
 * stack=store_string(stack,l->name); stack=store_int(stack,l->flags); }
 * l=next; } stack=store_string(stack,""); } */

/* retrieve list */
 * char *retrieve_list_data(saved_player *sp,char *where) { list_ent *l;
 * stack=1; sp->list_top=0; while(*stack) { where=get_string(stack,where); if
 * (*stack) { l=(list_ent *)MALLOC(sizeof(list_ent));
 * strncpy(l->name,stack,MAX_NAME-2); where=get_int(&(l->flags),where);
 * l->next=sp->list_top; sp->list_top=l; } } return where; }

/* see if a particular player can recieve a particular message */

int             test_receive(player * p)
  int             cerror = 1;
  list_ent       *l;
  char           *oldstack;
  oldstack = stack;
  if (!current_player)
    return 1;
  if (p == current_player)
    return 1;
  if (current_player->residency & ADMIN && command_type & PERSONAL &&
      (!(sys_flags & EVERYONE_TAG)))
    return 1;
  if (command_type & EMERGENCY)
    return 1;
  if (command_type & PERSONAL)
      if (command_type & WARNING)
	  return 1;
      l = find_list_entry(current_player, p->lower_name);
      if (!l)
	if (p->residency & SU)
	  l = find_list_entry(current_player, "sus");
      if (!l)
	if (p->residency == NON_RESIDENT)
	  l = find_list_entry(current_player, "newbies");
      if (!l)
	l = find_list_entry(current_player, "everyone");
      if (l && (l->flags & IGNORE || l->flags & BLOCK) && !(l->flags & NOISY))
	  if (command_type & SEE_ERROR)
	      sprintf(stack, "You can't get to %s because you "
		      "are ignoring %s.\n", p->name, get_gender_string(p));
	      stack = end_string(stack);
	  sys_flags |= FAILED_COMMAND;
	  stack = oldstack;
	  return 0;
  l = find_list_entry(p, current_player->lower_name);
  if (!l)
    if (current_player->residency & SU)
      l = find_list_entry(p, "sus");
  if (!l)
    if (current_player->residency == NON_RESIDENT)
      l = find_list_entry(p, "newbies");
  if (!l)
    l = find_list_entry(p, "everyone");
  if (p->location != current_player->location)
      if ((p->saved_flags & BLOCK_TELLS) && (!l || !(l->flags & NOISY)) &&
          (command_type & PERSONAL))
	  if (command_type & SEE_ERROR)
	      sprintf(stack, "%s foils you with a blocktell.\n", p->name);
	      stack = end_string(stack);
	      stack = oldstack;
	  sys_flags |= FAILED_COMMAND;
	  return 0;
      if (p->saved_flags & BLOCK_SHOUT && (command_type & EVERYONE ||
					   sys_flags & EVERYONE_TAG))
	   && (!l || !(l->flags & NOISY)))
	return 0;
  } else
      if ( p->saved_flags & BLOCK_SHOUT && command_type & EVERYONE )
	return 0;

  if (!l)
    return 1;
  if (l->flags & BLOCK && !(l->flags & NOISY)
      && command_type & PERSONAL)
      if (command_type & SEE_ERROR)
	  sprintf(stack, "You are blocked by %s.\n", p->name);
	  stack = end_string(stack);
      sys_flags |= FAILED_COMMAND;
      stack = oldstack;
      return 0;
  if (sys_flags & ROOM_TAG || sys_flags & EVERYONE_TAG
      || sys_flags & FRIEND_TAG)
    cerror = 0;
  if (l->flags & IGNORE && !(l->flags & NOISY))
      if (command_type & SEE_ERROR && cerror)
	  if (strlen(p->ignore_msg) > 0)
            sprintf(stack, "%s\n", p->ignore_msg);
            sprintf(stack, "You are ignored by %s.\n", p->name);
	  stack = end_string(stack);
      sys_flags |= FAILED_COMMAND;
      stack = oldstack;
      return 0;
  return 1;

/* An attempt at getting the bugs out of test_receive() by junking it and
   starting from scratch *8-P */

int new_test_receive(player *p)
  list_ent *l;
  char *oldstack;
  oldstack = stack;
  if (!current_player)
  if (current_player == p)
    return (1);
  if (current_player->residency & ADMIN && !(sys_flags & EVERYONE_TAG)
      && command_type & PERSONAL)
    return (1);
  if (command_type & PERSONAL)
      l = find_list_entry(current_player, p->lower_name);
      if (!l)
	if (p->residency & SU)
	  l = find_list_entry(current_player, "sus");
      if (!l)
	if (p->residency == NON_RESIDENT)
	  l = find_list_entry(current_player, "newbies");
      if (!l)
	l = find_list_entry(current_player, "everyone");
      if (l)
	  if (l->flags & IGNORE)
	      sprintf(stack, "You can't get a message to %s because you are"
		      " ignoring %s.\n", p->name, get_gender_string(p));
	      stack = end_string(stack);
	      stack = oldstack;
	      return (0);
      if (current_player->saved_flags & BLOCK_TELLS)
	  l = find_list_entry(current_player, p->lower_name);
	  if (!l)
	    if (p->residency & SU)
	      l = find_list_entry(current_player, "sus");
	  if (!l)
	    if (p->residency == NON_RESIDENT)
	      l = find_list_entry(current_player, "newbies");
	  if (!l)
	    l = find_list_entry(current_player, "everyone");
	      if (!(l->flags & NOISY))
		return (0);
      if (p->saved_flags & BLOCK_TELLS)
	  l = find_list_entry(p, current_player->lower_name);
	  if (!l)
	    if (current_player->residency & SU)
	      l = find_list_entry(p, "sus");
	  if (!l)
	    if (current_player->residency == NON_RESIDENT)
	      l = find_list_entry(p, "newbies");
	  if (!l)
            l = find_list_entry(p, "everyone");
	  if (l)
            if (l->flags & NOISY)
	      return (1);
	  return (0);
      return (1);
  if (command_type & ROOM)
      /* check for ignoring that player */
      l = find_list_entry(p, current_player->lower_name);
      if (!l)
	if (current_player->residency & SU)
	  l = find_list_entry(p, "sus");
      if (!l)
	if (current_player->residency == NON_RESIDENT)
	  l = find_list_entry(p, "newbies");
      if (!l)
	l = find_list_entry(p, "everyone");
      if (l)
	if (l->flags & IGNORE)
      return (1);      

  if (command_type & EVERYONE)
      if (p->saved_flags & BLOCK_SHOUT)
	return (0);
      return (1);

/* do inform bits */

void            do_inform(player * p, char *msg)
  player         *scan;
  char           *oldstack;
  list_ent       *l,*s;
  int type=0;
  oldstack = stack;
  if (!(p->location) || !(p->name[0]))
  for (scan = flatlist_start; scan; scan = scan->flat_next)
      if (scan != p && !(scan->flags & PANIC) && scan->name[0] &&
	  if (!type && p->residency & SU)
	      if (s && s->flags & INFORM)
	  l = find_list_entry(scan, p->lower_name);

	  if (!l && p->residency & SU)

	  if (!l && p->residency==NON_RESIDENT)
	      if (l)
	  if (!l)
	      l = find_list_entry(scan, "everyone");
	      command_type = LIST_EVERYONE;
	  if (l && l->flags & INFORM)
	      command_type = 0;
	      if (scan->residency & (TRACE | SU | ADMIN))
		sprintf(stack, msg, p->name, p->inet_addr);
		sprintf(stack, msg, p->name, "");
	      stack = strchr(stack, 0);

	      if (type==1)
		sprintf(stack," [Superuser]");
	      if (type==2)
		sprintf(stack," [Newbie]");


	      if (l->flags & BEEP)
		*stack++ = 7;
	      *stack++ = '\n';
	      *stack++ = 0;
	      if (l->flags & FRIEND)
		command_type = PERSONAL;
	      tell_player(scan, oldstack);
	      command_type = 0;
	      stack = oldstack;

/* toggle what someone sees */

void            toggle_tags(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack;
   int             change;

   oldstack = stack;
   if (!*str)
      change = p->saved_flags
      if (!change)
    tell_player(p, " You have no show flags enabled.\n");
    strcpy(stack, " You will get shown : ");
    stack = strchr(stack, 0);
    if (change & TAG_ECHO)
       strcpy(stack, "echos, ");
       stack = strchr(stack, 0);
    if (change & TAG_PERSONAL)
       strcpy(stack, "tells to you, ");
       stack = strchr(stack, 0);
    if (change & TAG_ROOM)
       strcpy(stack, "room commands, ");
       stack = strchr(stack, 0);
    if (change & TAG_SHOUT)
       strcpy(stack, "shouts, ");
       stack = strchr(stack, 0);
    if (change & TAG_AUTOS)
       strcpy(stack, "autos, ");
       stack = strchr(stack, 0);
    *stack = 0;
    *(--stack) = '\n';
    *(--stack) = '.';
    stack = end_string(stack);
    tell_player(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
   change = get_flags(p, str, show_flags);
   if (!change)
      tell_player(p, " Bad flag list, no changes made. \n"
                     " Possible flags are echo,tell,room,shout,autos\n");
   p->saved_flags ^= change;
   tell_player(p, " Show flags entries toggled.\n");

 * checks whether str is a person on the program (inc newbie) or if they are
 * in the playerfiles  Returns their uppercase name

char           *check_legal_entry(player * p, char *str, int verbose)
   char           *oldstack, *store;
   static char     wibble[20];
   player         *plyr;
   saved_player   *splyr;

   oldstack = stack;
   store = str;
   while (*store)
      *store++ = tolower(*store);
   if (store = strchr(str, ' '))
      *store = 0;
   if (!strcasecmp(str, "newbies"))
      strcpy(wibble, "newbies");
      return wibble;
   if (!strcasecmp(str, "sus") && p->residency & SU)
      strcpy(wibble, "sus");
      return wibble;
   if (!strcasecmp(str, "everyone"))
      strcpy(wibble, "everyone");
      return wibble;

   if (strlen(str) > 20)
      sprintf(stack, " Too long a name '%s'\n", str);
      stack = end_string(stack);
      tell_player(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      return 0;
   if ((plyr = find_player_absolute_quiet(str)))
      strcpy(wibble, plyr->name);
      return wibble;
   if (!(splyr = find_saved_player(str)))
      sprintf(stack, " There is no such person '%s'\n", str);
      stack = end_string(stack);
      tell_player(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      return 0;
   if (!splyr)
      log("error", "Spooned again chris. check_legal_entry");
      return 0;
   if ((splyr->residency == SYSTEM_ROOM))
      sprintf(stack, " Sorry, %s is a system name.\n", str);
      stack = end_string(stack);
      tell_player(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      return 0;
   if (splyr->residency & BANISHD)
      if (splyr->residency == BANISHD)
         sprintf(stack, " Sorry, %s has been banished. (Name Only)\n", str);
      } else
         sprintf(stack, " Sorry, %s has been banished.\n", str);
      stack = end_string(stack);
      tell_player(p, oldstack);
      stack = oldstack;
      return 0;
   strcpy(wibble, upper_from_saved(splyr));

   return wibble;

/* Look up a saved player, and return his/her uppercase name */

char           *upper_from_saved(saved_player * sp)
   char           *r;
   static char     uname[20];
   r = sp->data.where;
   get_string(uname, r);
   return uname;

 * Need some stuff to delete entries for newbies who have logged off and to
 * wipe newbies from residents lists when they log off

 * This one is for when a resident logs off... all the newbies are stripped
 * from their list

void            check_list_resident(player * p)
   player         *scan;
   list_ent       *l;

   for (scan = flatlist_start; scan; scan = scan->flat_next)
      l = find_list_entry(p, scan->lower_name);
      if (l && scan->residency == NON_RESIDENT)
    delete_entry(p->saved, l);

 * Now to strip all the entries of a newbie, when (s)he logs off

void            check_list_newbie(char *lowername)
   player         *scan;
   list_ent       *l;

   for (scan = flatlist_start; scan; scan = scan->flat_next)
      l = find_list_entry(scan, lowername);
      if (l)
    delete_entry(scan->saved, l);

void            check_alist(player * p, char *str)
   char           *oldstack;
   int             count;
   list_ent       *l;
   player         *p2, dummy;

   oldstack = stack;
   memset(&dummy, 0, sizeof(player));

   if (!*str)
      p2 = p;
      if (p->saved)
    count = count_list(p);
    sprintf(stack, "You are using %d of your maximum %d list entries.\n",
       count, p->max_list);
    stack = strchr(stack, 0);
      } else
    tell_player(p, " You have no list to check.\n");

   else if (p->residency & (ADMIN | LOWER_ADMIN))
       p2 = find_player_global_quiet(str);
       if (!p2)
	   strcpy(dummy.lower_name, str);
	   dummy.fd = p->fd;
	   if (!load_player(&dummy))
	       tell_player(p, " That person does not exist!\n");
	   } else
	       p2 = &dummy;
       if (!p2->saved)
	   tell_player(p, " That person has no list to check.\n");
       count = count_list(p2);
       sprintf(stack, " %s %s using %d of %s maximum %d entries.\n",
	       p2->name, isare(p2) ,count, their_player(p2), p2->max_list);
       stack = strchr(stack, 0);
   } else
       tell_player(p, " You can't do that!\n");
   for (l = p2->saved->list_top; l; l = l->next)
       if (!strcmp(l->name, "everyone"))
	   strcpy(stack, " - Name -         - Nsy. Ignr Infm Grab Frnd Bar. "
		  "Invt Beep Bloc Key. Find\n");
	   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	   strcpy(stack, list_lines(l));
	   stack = strchr(stack, 0);
	   *stack++ = '\n';
   *stack++ = 0;
   tell_player(p, oldstack);
   stack = oldstack;

void blank_list(player *p, char *str)
  if (!p->saved)
      tell_player(p, " You do not have a list to alter, "
		  "since you have no save file\n");
  /*Null the head of the list*/
  /*DONT free the other list, cos the reason the list is being blanked
    is probably due to a mislaid pointer and we dont want to go about
    deleting other useful memory*/
  tell_player(p," List deleted\n");
