#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "emlen.h"

bool wwrap = TRUE;

char *
string_mana_p (int mana)
  static char ret[500];
  ret[0] = '\0';
  if (mana < 2)
    sprintf (ret, "Empty");
  else if (mana < 11)
    sprintf (ret, "Icy");
  else if (mana < 26)
    sprintf (ret, "Cold");
  else if (mana < 84)
    sprintf (ret, "Warm");
  else if (mana < 121)
    sprintf (ret, "Hot");
    sprintf (ret, "Burning");
  return ret;

char *
string_mana (int mana)
  static char ret[500];
  ret[0] = '\0';
  if (mana < 2)
    sprintf (ret, "Empty");
  else if (mana < 11)
    sprintf (ret, "Nearly Empty");
  else if (mana < 26)
    sprintf (ret, "Some Energy");
  else if (mana < 40)
    sprintf (ret, "Moderate Energy");
  else if (mana < 67)
    sprintf (ret, "Powerful");
  else if (mana < 92)
    sprintf (ret, "Very Powerful");
  else if (mana < 114)
    sprintf (ret, "Extremely Powerful");
  else if (mana < 144)
    sprintf (ret, "Sparking with Energy");
  else if (mana < 195)
    sprintf (ret, "Extreme Magical Presence");
    sprintf (ret, "Incredible Magical Presence");
  return ret;

do_weight (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  char buf[STD_LENGTH];
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("weight", do_weight, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command will show you a summary of how much weight you are carrying, and how hard it is to carry this weight.")

    sprintf (buf,
	     "\x1B[37;0mYou are carrying %d items (Weight: %d kg) - ",
	     ch->pcdata->carry_number, ch->pcdata->carry_weight);
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  if (ch->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (ch)))
    sprintf (buf, "You are unburdened.\n\r");
  else if (ch->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (ch) * 2))
    sprintf (buf, "No problem carrying this weight.\n\r");
  else if (ch->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (ch) * 3))
    sprintf (buf, "A tad heavy, but you will manage.\n\r");
  else if (ch->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (ch) * 4))
    sprintf (buf, "Heavy, but not unbearable.\n\r");
  else if (ch->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (ch) * 5))
    sprintf (buf, "VERY HEAVY! Each step hurts.\n\r");
    sprintf (buf, "You are trying to forget the pain!\n\r");
  send_to_char (buf, ch);

do_eeffect (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("effect", do_affect, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command shows what current affects your character has.")

do_affect (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  CHAR_DATA *tvict;
  char buf[STD_LENGTH];
  SPELL_DATA *spell;
  bool enlarge_yn;
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("affect", do_affect, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command shows what current affects your character has.")

    enlarge_yn = FALSE;
  if (argy == "" || argy[0] == '\0' || LEVEL (ch) < 110)
    tvict = ch;
  else if ((tvict = get_char_world (ch, argy)) == NULL)
    tvict = ch;
  if (tvict->affected != NULL)
      send_to_char ("\x1B[37;1m---> \x1B[34mCurrent Affects \x1B[37m<---\x1B[37;0m\n\r\n\r", ch);
      for (paf = tvict->affected; paf != NULL; paf = paf->next)
	  if ((spell = skill_lookup (NULL, paf->type)) == NULL)
	  sprintf (buf, "%s", capitalize (spell->spell_funky_name));
	  send_to_char (buf, ch);
	  if (IS_MOB (ch) || (LEVEL (ch) > 100))
	    sprintf (buf,
		     " (modifies %s by %d for %d mud hours)\n\r",
		     affect_loc_name (paf->location),
	      if (paf->duration > 50)
		sprintf (buf, ", which won't wear off for many days!\n\r");
	      else if (paf->duration > 30)
		sprintf (buf, ", which will wear off in a day or two.\n\r");
	      else if (paf->duration > 20)
		sprintf (buf, ", which will wear off in about a day.\n\r");
	      else if (paf->duration > 10)
		sprintf (buf, ", which will wear off in about half a day.\n\r");
	      else if (paf->duration > 6)
		sprintf (buf, ", which will wear off in about a quarter of a day.\n\r");
	      else if (paf->duration > 3)
		sprintf (buf, ", which will wear off in a few hours.\n\r");
	      else if (paf->duration > 1)
		sprintf (buf, ", which will wear off soon.\n\r");
	      else if (paf->duration == 1)
		sprintf (buf, ", which will wear off very soon.\n\r");
		sprintf (buf, ", which will wear off at any moment.\n\r");
	  send_to_char (buf, ch);
      send_to_char ("\n\r", ch);
      send_to_char ("No affects present.\n\r", ch);

rating (CHAR_DATA * ch)
  int h;
  int i;
  int topteny;
  int wdam;
  int bonushit;
  topteny = 0;
  h = 0;
  wdam = 0;
  bonushit = 0;
  if (IS_MOB (ch))
    return 0;
  check_ced (ch);
  if ((w_one = get_item_held (ch, ITEM_WEAPON)) == NULL)
    wdam = 1;
    wdam = (FIRSTDICE (w_one) * SECONDDICE (w_one)) / 2;
  if ((objt = get_eq_char (ch, WEAR_HOLD_1)) != NULL)
      if (objt->pIndexData->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON)
	  bonushit = addoffense (ch, objt);
      else if (((objt = get_eq_char (ch, WEAR_HOLD_2)) != NULL) && (bonushit == 0))
	if (objt->pIndexData->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON)
	    bonushit = addoffense (ch, objt);
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      if (!str_cmp (NAME (ch), topten.topten_name[i]))
	topteny = 30;
  h = (((100 - GET_AC (ch)) / 3) + get_curr_str (ch) + get_curr_int (ch) + get_curr_dex (ch) +
       get_curr_con (ch) + get_curr_wis (ch) +	/*(ch->pcdata->totalkills/60) + */
/*(ch->pcdata->killpoints/20) + */ (wdam * 6) + (ch->max_hit / 40) + topteny +
       (max_mana (ch) / 5) + ((LEVEL (ch) * 3) / 2) + (ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_parry] == -100 ? 0 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_parry] / 18) +
       (ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_dodge] == -100 ? 0 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_dodge] / 18) + ((bonushit + GET_HITROLL (ch) + (LEVEL (ch) / 20) + get_curr_dex (ch) + (IS_SET (ch->ced->fight_ops, F_POWER) ? 0 : 2)) / 4) +
       (GET_DAMROLL (ch) + (IS_SET (ch->ced->fight_ops, F_POWER) ? 1 : 0) + (IS_SET (ch->ced->fight_ops, F_AGGRESSIVE) ? 2 : 0))) -
    (ch->pcdata->deaths / 2);
  return h;

   The attribute command
do_attribute (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  int position;
  char buf[500];
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("attribute", do_attribute, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command shows you various info about your character.")

    if (ch->in_room && ch->in_room->vnum >= 400 && ch->in_room->vnum < 500)
      send_to_char ("Your stats have not been determined yet; you must finish character creation.\n\r", ch);
  if (pow.professions && LEVEL (ch) < 20)
      send_to_char ("You may see a full description of your stats at level 20.\n\r", ch);
  if (LEVEL (ch) < pow.level_to_see_numeric_stats)
      char strg[40];
      char con[40];
      char dex[40];
      char wis[40];
      char inte[40];
      if (IS_MOB (ch))
      if (ch->in_room && ch->in_room->vnum > 440 && ch->in_room->vnum < 600)
	  send_to_char ("You can not 'attribute' during character creation.\n\r", ch);
      if (get_curr_str (ch) < 10)
	sprintf (strg, "Weakling");
      else if (get_curr_str (ch) < 15)
	sprintf (strg, "Fairly Weak");
      else if (get_curr_str (ch) < 18)
	sprintf (strg, "Well-Toned");
      else if (get_curr_str (ch) < 21)
	sprintf (strg, "Very Strong");
      else if (get_curr_str (ch) < 24)
	sprintf (strg, "Extremely Strong");
      else if (get_curr_str (ch) < 26)
	sprintf (strg, "Incredibly Strong");
	sprintf (strg, "Superhuman");
      if (get_curr_int (ch) < 10)
	sprintf (inte, "Brainless ");
      else if (get_curr_int (ch) < 15)
	sprintf (inte, "Pretty Dumb");
      else if (get_curr_int (ch) < 18)
	sprintf (inte, "Moderately Intelligent");
      else if (get_curr_int (ch) < 21)
	sprintf (inte, "Very Smart");
      else if (get_curr_int (ch) < 24)
	sprintf (inte, "Extremely Smart");
	sprintf (inte, "Genius ");
      if (get_curr_con (ch) < 10)
	sprintf (con, "Flabby");
      else if (get_curr_con (ch) < 15)
	sprintf (con, "Overweight");
      else if (get_curr_con (ch) < 18)
	sprintf (con, "Average Constitution");
      else if (get_curr_con (ch) < 21)
	sprintf (con, "Tough");
      else if (get_curr_con (ch) < 24)
	sprintf (con, "Very Tough");
	sprintf (con, "Amazingly Durable");
      if (get_curr_wis (ch) < 10)
	sprintf (wis, "No Common Sense");
      else if (get_curr_wis (ch) < 15)
	sprintf (wis, "Ignorant");
      else if (get_curr_wis (ch) < 18)
	sprintf (wis, "Good Common Sense");
      else if (get_curr_wis (ch) < 21)
	sprintf (wis, "Very Wise");
      else if (get_curr_wis (ch) < 24)
	sprintf (wis, "Extremely Wise ");
	sprintf (wis, "Sage-Like ");
      if (get_curr_dex (ch) < 10)
	sprintf (dex, "Snail-Like");
      else if (get_curr_dex (ch) < 15)
	sprintf (dex, "Lathargic");
      else if (get_curr_dex (ch) < 18)
	sprintf (dex, "Average Dexterity");
      else if (get_curr_dex (ch) < 21)
	sprintf (dex, "Above Average Dexterity");
      else if (get_curr_dex (ch) < 24)
	sprintf (dex, "Very Quick");
	sprintf (dex, "Speed Demon");
      position = ch->position;
      ch->position = POSITION_STANDING;
      act ("$B$2+$1---------------------------------------$2+", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Strength      : $2$B%-10s\x1B[37;0m",
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Constitution  : $4$B%-10s\x1B[37;0m", con);
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Dexterity     : $5$B%-10s\x1B[37;0m", dex);
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Intelligence  : $B%-10s\x1B[37;0m", inte);
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Wisdom        : $1$B%-10s", wis);
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act ("$B$2+$1---------------------------------------$2+", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      send_to_char ("\x1B[37;0m", ch);
      ch->position = position;
      position = ch->position;
      ch->position = POSITION_STANDING;
      act ("$B$2+$1---------------------------------------$2+", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Strength      : $2$B%d\x1B[37;0m",
	       get_curr_str (ch));
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Constitution  : $4$B%d\x1B[37;0m", get_curr_con (ch));
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Dexterity     : $5$B%d\x1B[37;0m", get_curr_dex (ch));
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Intelligence  : $B%d\x1B[37;0m", get_curr_int (ch));
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[37;0m Wisdom        : $1$B%d", get_curr_wis (ch));
      act (buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      act ("$B$2+$1---------------------------------------$2+", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR);
      send_to_char ("\x1B[37;0m", ch);
      ch->position = position;

   109 [(Good/Evil/Neutral) Racename] NAME TITLE
   Hitpts: 14000/14000 Movement: 10000/10000 Mana: 981/981 (24/24 natural)
   TExper: 49348394839 Exp2Levl: 49348394839 Played: 5933 hours
   TKills: 943743 Killpnts: 943843 Warpts: 99999
   InBank: 49384933 MoneyNow: 91824884 PlrAge: 94 years
   CWimpy: 25 TRemorts: 0 PagLen: 24
   Learns: 94 Practces: 500 Wanted/Not Wanted
   Hungry Thirsty Drunk
   Bonuses: Offensive: 100 Attack Power: 100 Evasion: 100
   Str: 25 Int: 25 Wis: 25 Dex: 25 Con: 25 Alignmt: -9431
   Status: Arena/Battleground/Normal Position: Sleeping/(flying/standing)
   You are carrying 9484kg (You are trying to forget the pain!)
   Armor Rating: You armor is superbly durable and tough!
   Member of The Mithril Knights of Xylar clan.
   Guilds: Ranger's Guild, Tinker's Guild, Assassin's Guild, Thief's Guild
   You are listening to Joe.
do_info (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  char buf[STD_LENGTH];
  int ii;
  char tmpbuf[500];
  CHAR_DATA *tvict;
  int bonushit;
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("information", do_info, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command shows you an info page about your character.")

    if (LEVEL (ch) < 110 && FIGHTING (ch) != NULL && !pow.score_while_fighting)
      send_to_char ("You cannot info while fighting!\n\r", ch);
  ansi_color (NTEXT, ch);
  bonushit = 0;
  if (argy == "" || argy[0] == '\0' || LEVEL (ch) < 110)
    tvict = ch;
      if ((tvict = get_char_world (ch, argy)) == NULL)
	tvict = ch;
/*if (IS_MOB(tvict)) 
   send_to_char("You may not INFO NPC's.\n\r",ch);
  check_ced (tvict);
  check_ced (ch);
  sprintf (buf, "\x1B[32;1m%d \x1B[37m[%s %s\x1B[37m] \x1B[0m%s %s\x1B[37;0m\n\r",
	   LEVEL (tvict), (IS_NEUTRAL (tvict) ? "\x1B[34mGood" : (IS_GOOD (tvict) ? "\x1B[36mGood" : "\x1B[30mEvil")),
   race_info[tvict->pcdata->race].name, NAME (tvict), tvict->pcdata->title);
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  send_to_char ("+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\r", ch);
  sprintf (buf, "\x1B[34;1m Hitpts: \x1B[37m%5d\x1B[34m/\x1B[36m%-5d  \x1B[34mMovement: \x1B[37m%5d\x1B[34m/\x1B[36m%-5d\x1B[34m   Mana: \x1B[37m%s\x1B[0m\n\r",
	   tvict->hit, tvict->max_hit, tvict->move, tvict->max_move, string_mana (mana_now (tvict)));
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  sprintf (buf, "\x1B[34;1m TKills: \x1B[31m%-12d \x1B[34mKillPnts: \x1B[31m%-12d \x1B[34mWarPts: \x1B[31m%d\n\r",
	   tvict->pcdata->totalkills, tvict->pcdata->killpoints, tvict->pcdata->warpoints);
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  sprintf (buf, "\x1B[34;1m InBank: \x1B[37m%-12ld \x1B[34mMoneyNow: \x1B[37m%-12d \x1B[34mPlrAge: \x1B[37m%d\n\r",
	   tvict->pcdata->bank, tally_coins (tvict), get_age (tvict));
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  sprintf (buf, "\x1B[34;1m CWimpy: \x1B[37m%-12d \x1B[34mTRemorts: \x1B[37m%-12d \x1B[34mPagLen: \x1B[37m%d\x1B[0m\n\r",
	   tvict->ced->wimpy, tvict->pcdata->remort_times,
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  sprintf (tmpbuf, "\x1B[34;1mHeight: \x1B[37;1m%d' %d\"\x1B[0m", tvict->height / 12, tvict->height % 12);
  sprintf (buf, "\x1B[34;1m Learns: \x1B[37m%-12d \x1B[34mPractces: \x1B[37m%-12d \x1B[37;0m%s\n\r",
	   tvict->pcdata->learn, tvict->pcdata->practice, tmpbuf);
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  sprintf (buf, " %s %s %s %s\n\r",
	   (tvict->pcdata->condition[COND_FULL] < 7 ? "\x1B[37;1m\x1B[5mHungry\x1B[0m" : " "),
	   (tvict->pcdata->condition[COND_THIRST] < 7 ? "\x1B[37;1m\x1B[5mThirsty\x1B[0m" : " "),
	   (tvict->pcdata->condition[COND_DRUNK] > 10 ? "\x1B[37;1m\x1B[5mDrunk\x1B[0m" : " "),
    (tvict->pcdata->bounty > 0 ? "\x1B[37;1mWanted Criminal\x1B[0m" : " "));
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  send_to_char ("+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\r", ch);

  if (LEVEL (ch) > 100 && ch != tvict)
      sprintf (buf, "\x1B[34;1m Str: \x1B[37m%-2d \x1B[34mInt: \x1B[37m%-2d \x1B[34mWis: \x1B[37m%-2d \x1B[34mDex: \x1B[37m%-2d \x1B[34mCon: \x1B[37m%-2d\x1B[37;0m Alignmt: \x1B[1m%d\n\r",
	   get_curr_str (tvict), get_curr_int (tvict), get_curr_wis (tvict),
	       get_curr_dex (tvict), get_curr_con (tvict), ALIGN (tvict));
      send_to_char (buf, ch);
  sprintf (buf,
	 "\x1B[36;1m You are carrying \x1B[37;1m%d\x1B[36;1mkg \x1B[37;0m(",
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  if (tvict->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (tvict)))
    sprintf (buf, "You are unburdened.)\n\r");
  else if (tvict->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (tvict) * 2))
    sprintf (buf, "No problem carrying this weight.)\n\r");
  else if (tvict->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (tvict) * 3))
    sprintf (buf, "A tad heavy, but you will manage.)\n\r");
  else if (tvict->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (tvict) * 4))
    sprintf (buf, "Heavy, but not unbearable.)\n\r");
  else if (tvict->pcdata->carry_weight < (get_curr_str (tvict) * 5))
    sprintf (buf, "VERY HEAVY! Each step hurts!)\n\r");
    sprintf (buf, "You are trying to forget the pain!)\n\r");
  send_to_char (buf, ch);
  ii = clan_number (tvict);
  if (ii > 0)
      sprintf (buf, " \x1B[37;0mMember of \x1B[36;1m%s\x1B[37;0m clan.\n\r", get_clan_index (ii)->name);
      send_to_char (buf, ch);
  if (tvict->pcdata->guilds != 0)
      bool prev;
      prev = FALSE;
      send_to_char ("\x1B[37;0m Guild(s): \x1B[37;1m", ch);
      if (IS_SET (tvict->pcdata->guilds, GUILD_TINKER))
	  send_to_char ("Tinker's Guild", ch);
	  prev = TRUE;
      if (IS_SET (tvict->pcdata->guilds, GUILD_WARRIOR))
	  if (prev)
	    send_to_char (", ", ch);
	  send_to_char ("Warrior's Guild", ch);
	  prev = TRUE;
      if (IS_SET (tvict->pcdata->guilds, GUILD_HEALER))
	  if (prev)
	    send_to_char (", ", ch);
	  send_to_char ("Healer's Guild", ch);
	  prev = TRUE;
      if (IS_SET (tvict->pcdata->guilds, GUILD_WIZARD))
	  if (prev)
	    send_to_char (", ", ch);
	  send_to_char ("Wizard's Guild", ch);
	  prev = TRUE;
      if (IS_SET (tvict->pcdata->guilds, GUILD_THIEFG))
	  if (prev)
	    send_to_char (", ", ch);
	  send_to_char ("Thief's Guild", ch);
	  prev = TRUE;
      if (IS_SET (tvict->pcdata->guilds, GUILD_RANGER))
	  if (prev)
	    send_to_char (", ", ch);
	  send_to_char ("Ranger's Guild", ch);
	  prev = TRUE;
      if (IS_SET (tvict->pcdata->guilds, GUILD_ASSASSIN))
	  if (prev)
	    send_to_char (", ", ch);
	  send_to_char ("Assassin's Guild", ch);
	  prev = TRUE;
      send_to_char ("\x1B[37;0m.\n\r", ch);


do_quickscore2 (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("statistics", do_quickscore, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command shows a brief summary of your character.")

do_quickscore (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  int pos;
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("sco", do_quickscore, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command shows a brief summary of your character.")
    if (FIGHTING (ch) && !pow.score_while_fighting)
      send_to_char ("You cannot use this command during combat.\n\r", ch);

if (IS_JAVA(ch)) {

  pos = ch->position;
  ch->position = POSITION_STANDING;
  wwrap = FALSE;
  if (sh_score != NULL)
    act (interpret_line (sh_score, ch), ch, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR);
    act (interpret_line (score, ch), ch, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR);
  wwrap = TRUE;
  ch->position = pos;


do_vscore (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  int pos;
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("vscore", do_vscore, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command shows you complete information about your character.")
if (IS_JAVA(ch)) {
    if (FIGHTING (ch) && !pow.score_while_fighting)
      send_to_char ("You cannot use this command during combat.\n\r", ch);

  pos = ch->position;
  ch->position = POSITION_STANDING;
  wwrap = FALSE;
  act (interpret_line (score, ch), ch, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR);
  wwrap = TRUE;
  ch->position = pos;


do_score (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  int pos;
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("score", do_score, POSITION_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, "This command shows you complete information about your character.")
    if (FIGHTING (ch) && !pow.score_while_fighting)
      send_to_char ("You cannot use this command during combat.\n\r", ch);

  pos = ch->position;
  ch->position = POSITION_STANDING;
  wwrap = FALSE;
  act (interpret_line (score, ch), ch, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR);
  wwrap = TRUE;
  ch->position = pos;


read_score (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argy)
  FILE *ff;
  DEFINE_COMMAND ("z_reload_score", read_score, POSITION_DEAD, 110, LOG_ALWAYS, "This command rereads score.dat from disk.")

    if (score)
    free (score);
  if (sh_score)
    free (sh_score);
  score = NULL;
  sh_score = NULL;

  if ((ff = fopen ("score.dat", "r")) == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error on score.dat read.\n");
      exit (20);
      score = str_dup (fread_string2 (ff, NULL));
      fclose (ff);

  if ((ff = fopen ("sh_score.dat", "r")) == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "Error on sh_score.dat read... generalizing to score.dat.\n");
      sh_score = NULL;
      sh_score = str_dup (fread_string2 (ff, NULL));
      fclose (ff);
