parent $libraries
object $code

var $root child_index 0
var $root owners [$code]
var $root fertile 0
var $root inited 1
var $root owned [$code]
var $root manager $code
var $root writable [$code]
var $root readable ['parameters, 'methods, 'code]
var $code quotes [["\"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.\""], ["\"Pull out Wedge, your not doing any more good back there.\"", "", "- Luke Skywalker, StarWars"], ["\"God is in the details.\""], ["\"I don't practice what I preach,", "because I'm not the type of person I'm preaching too.\"", "", "- Bob Dobbs"], ["\"I haven't shaved for six years.", "I seem to be cursed with a thin beard.\"", "", "- Calvin, Age 6 (of Calvin & Hobbes)"], ["\"I may be a Dreamer, but I'm not the only one.\"", "", "- John Lennon"], ["\"C code.  C code run.  Run, Code, Run!  Please!?\"", "", "- Anonymous C hacker."], ["\"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things", "which escape those who dream only by night.\"", "", "- Edgar Allan Poe"], ["\"The good die first,", "and they whose hearts are dry as a summer dust", "burn to the socket.\"", "", "- William Wordsworth"], ["\"Banning guns to prevent murder", "is like banning word processors to prevent libel.\"", "", "- Unknown"], ["\"You will not be punished for your anger,", "you will be punished by your anger.\"", "", "- Buddha"], ["What part of:", "", "main() { printf(&unix[\"\\021%six\\012\\0\"],(unix)[\"have\"]+\"fun\"-0x60);}", "", "do you not understand?", "", "(taken from the 1987 Obfuscated C Code Contest)"], ["\"The goal of computer science is to build something that will", "last at least until we've finished building it.\""], ["\"Give me ambiguity or give me something else.\""], ["\"We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.\""], ["\"Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.\""], ["\"Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.\""], ["\"There's too much blood in my caffeine system.\""], ["\"Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity.\""], ["\"Ever notice how fast MS-Windows runs? Neither did I.\""], ["\"Very funny, Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.\""], ["\"Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.\""], ["\"The gene pool could use a little chlorine.\""], ["\"When there's a will, I want to be in it.\""], ["\"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.\""], ["\"MS-Windows is a virus:", "it takes over your computer and makes it run bad.\""], ["\"I have not failed 10,000 times,", "I have sucessfully found 10,000 ways that do not work.\"", "- Thomas Edison"], ["\"The difference between literature and journalism is", "that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read.\"", "", "- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)"], ["\"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated", "than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.\"", "", "- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)"]]
var $root dbref 'code
var $code command_argument_types [['any, "any"], ['text, "text"], ['object, "object"], ['thing, "thing"], ['user, "user"], ['descendant, "descendant of *"], ['this, "this"], ['number, "number"]]

method set_obj_param
    arg obj, param, val;
    var set_code;
    // set param on obj to val
    if (!((sender() == $root) || ($sys.is_admin(sender()))))
        throw(~perm, "Sender not admin or $root");
    if (!valid(obj))
        throw(~objnf, ("Object " + ($data.unparse(obj))) + " is not a valid object.");
    if (!(param in (obj.parameters())))
        throw(~parmnf, ((("Parameter " + ($data.unparse(param))) + " is not a parmater on ") + ($data.unparse(obj))) + ".");
    if ('__set_any in ($obj.methods()))
        throw(~methexist, "Method '__set_any already defined on target object.");
    // Copy _set_any to obj
    set_code = .list_method('_set_var);
    obj.compile(set_code, '__set_var);
    // Set and delete method
    catch any {
        obj.__set_var(param, val);
    } with handler {

method _set_var
    arg param, val;
    if (sender() != $code)
        throw(~perm, "Sender not $code");
    return set_var(param, val);

method quotes
    return quotes;

method add_random_quote
    arg quote, [from];
    if (!($sys.is_admin(sender())))
        throw(~perm, "Sender is not an owner");
    if (type(quote) != 'string)
        throw(~type, "Quote must be given as a string.");
    quote = ("\"" + quote) + "\"";
    quote = $string.wrap_line(quote, 70);
    quote = from ? [@quote, "     - " + (from[1])] | quote;
    quotes = quotes + [quote];

method generate_listing
    arg who, [args];
    var meths, methval, input, output, element, header, title, cols, x, z, len, line, linea, y;
    // called by one of the who_cmds, does all the grunge work.
    title = [@args, "Connected Users"][1];
    meths = [@args, [['name], ['connected_time], ['idle_time], ['realm_name]], [['name], ['connected_time], ['idle_time], ['realm_name]]][2];
    header = [@args, ["Name", "On for", "Idle", "Location"], ["Name", "On for", "Idle", "Location"], ["Name", "On for", "Idle", "Location"]][3];
    cols = [@args, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]][4];
    // get values using $list.map
    element = $list.map(who, (meths[1])[1], @sublist(meths[1], 2));
    input = [];
    for x in (element) {
        input = [@input, [x]];
        if (strlen(x) > (cols[1]))
            cols = replace(cols, 1, strlen(x));
    // ok, get on with it.
    for x in [2 .. listlen(meths)] {
        methval = $list.map(who, (meths[x])[1], @sublist(meths[x], 2));
        for z in [1 .. listlen(methval)] {
            if (strlen(methval[z]) > (cols[x]))
                cols = replace(cols, x, strlen(methval[z]));
            input = replace(input, z, [@input[z], methval[z]]);
    // this will remove columns with no information in them.
    z = [];
    for x in [1 .. listlen(cols)] {
        if (!(cols[x]))
            z = [@z, x];
    for x in (z) {
        cols = delete(cols, x);
        meths = delete(meths, x);
        header = delete(header, x);
        for y in [1 .. listlen(input)]
            input = replace(input, y, delete(input[y], x));
    // the header.
    len = (| sender().linelen() |) || 79;
    line = "";
    linea = "";
    for x in [1 .. listlen(cols)] {
        line = line + pad(header[x], (cols[x]) + 2);
        linea = linea + pad(pad("", strlen(header[x]), "-"), (cols[x]) + 2);
    output = [((("--- " + title) + " (") + tostr(listlen(input))) + ") ---"];
    output = [@output, pad(line, len)];
    output = [@output, pad(linea, len)];
    // tell the rest:
    for x in (input) {
        line = "";
        for z in [1 .. listlen(cols)]
            line = line + pad(x[z], (cols[z]) + 2);
        output = [@output, pad(line, len).trim()];
    return [@output];

method random_quote
    var which;
    which = random(listlen(quotes));
    if (which)
        return quotes[which];
    return [];

method valid_email
    arg email;
    var host, user, ip, tmp;
    email = explode(email, "@");
    if (listlen(email) != 2)
        return ['invalid, email, ""];
    // if we want we can do something overly extensive with this, but we will not
    user = email[1];
    host = email[2];
    if (toint(host[1])) {
        tmp = hostname(host);
        if (tmp == "-1")
            return ['invip, user, host];
    } else {
        tmp = ip(host);
        if (tmp == "-1")
            return ['invhostname, user, host];
    return ['valid, user, host];

method unparse_command
    arg command;
    var x, line;
    // command should be passed as a list, and can either be a command
    // or shortcut.  This will return a string.
    if (listlen(command) == 2)
        return toliteral(command[1]);
    line = "";
    for x in (command[3]) {
        if (type(x) == 'string)
            line = (line + (line ? " " | "")) + x;
            line = ((line + (line ? " " | "")) + "%") + tostr(x);
    return ((("\"" + (command[1])) + "\" => \"") + line) + "\"";

method parse_name
    arg name;
    var article, str;
    // used to parse $named names and aliases.
    name = name.explode_english_list();
    article = 'prop;
    if (name && (((name[1])[1]) == "-")) {
        str = substr(((name[1]).explode())[1], 2);
        name = replace(name, 1, (((name[1]).explode()).delete(1)).to_string());
        if (match_template("u?nique", str))
            article = 'uniq;
    if (!name)
        throw(~name, "Emtpy name.");
    return [[name[1], article], sublist(name, 2)];

method generate_family_listing
    arg obj, [type];
    var line, obj, colx, col, family, x, out;
    type = [@type, 'children][1];
    family = obj.(type)();
    if (!family) {
        out = ["** None **"];
    } else {
        col = ((| sender().linelen() |) || 79) / 8;
        colx = col * 3;
        line = pad(" Name", colx + 2) + pad(" Perms", col - 2);
        out = [(line + pad("Size ", -col)) + "Manager"];
        for obj in (family) {
            line = " " + (obj.namef('xref));
            line = pad(line, colx + 2);
            line = line + pad(" " + ($object.see_perms(obj)), col - 2);
            line = line + pad(tostr(obj.size()) + " ", -col);
            line = line + pad($object.get_name(obj.manager(), 'namef, ['xref]), colx);
            out = [@out, line];
    return out;

method random_word
    arg [args];
    var x, out, min, max, con, vow, flag, lcon, lvow, extra;
    min = [@args, 5][1];
    max = [@args, 9, 9][2];
    extra = [@args, "", "", ""][3];
    x = random(max - min) + min;
    out = "";
    con = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz" + extra;
    vow = "aeiouy";
    lcon = strlen(con);
    lvow = strlen(vow);
    while (strlen(out) < x) {
        if (!flag)
            out = out + (con[random(lcon)]);
            out = out + (vow[random(lvow)]);
        flag = !flag;
    return out;

method punctuation_type
    arg str;
    var end;
    end = strlen(str);
    switch (str[end]) {
        case "!":
            return "exclaim";
        case "?":
            return "ask";
        case ".":
            return "say";
        case ")":
            if (end > 1) {
                switch (str[end - 1]) {
                    case ";":
                        return "wink";
                    case ":", "8":
                        return ["grin", "smile", "smirk"][random(3)];
                        return "say";
        case "(":
            if ((end > 1) && ((str[end - 1]) in [":", "8"]))
                return "frown";
    return "say";

method check_encrypted
    arg cstr, str;
    return crypt(str, substr(cstr, 1, 2)) == cstr;

method user_type
    arg user;
    var p;
    // The reason for this is because the parents list may get messed up
    // if they add/remove parents.
    p = user.parents();
    if ($user in p)
        return 'user;
    else if ($builder in p)
        return 'builder;
    else if ($programmer in p)
        return 'programmer;
    else if ($admin in p)
        return 'admin;
        return 'none;

method command_argument_types
    return command_argument_types;

method get_command_argument_type
    arg type;
    var x, m;
    for x in [1 .. listlen(command_argument_types)] {
        m = match_pattern((command_argument_types[x])[2], type);
        if (type(m) == 'list)
            return [(command_argument_types[x])[1], m];
    throw(~command, ("Invalid command argument type \"" + type) + "\"");