parent $help_node
object $help_node_settings

var $root dbref 'help_node_settings
var $root child_index 0
var $root fertile 0
var $root manager $help_node_settings
var $root owned [$help_node_settings]
var $root owners [$]
var $root writable []
var $root readable ['parameters, 'methods, 'code]
var $named name ['prop, "settings"]
var $named name_aliases []
var $help_node linked_by []
var $help_node links #[]
var $help_node title "settings"
var $help_node body <$ctext_class, ['text_stmt, [['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "Names:"], ['text_stmt, [['string_type, "[<definer>:]<name>[.<subname>]*"], ['br_stmt, []], ['string_type, "  <definer> is the dbref that defined the setting. It is only needed if two setting have the same name otherwise. If not given, things will be a bit slower since the system has to try and find it."]]]]], ['p_stmt, []], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "Interface:"], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "@add-setting <name> [<options>]"], ['string_type, "Adds a setting <name>."], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "Valid Options:"], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "type"], ['string_type, "A string that describes what type this setting should make."], ['string_type, "Default: 'string'."]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "check"], ['string_type, "Method that verifies a given value is valid."], ['string_type, "Default: 'is_anything'."]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "set"], ['string_type, "Method that stores the value."], ['string_type, "Default: 'set_direct_setting'."]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "get"], ['string_type, "Method to retrieve the value."], ['string_type, "Default: 'get_direct_setting'."]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "del"], ['string_type, "Method called if the setting is deleted."], ['string_type, "Default: 'del_direct_setting'."]]]]], ['text_stmt, [['string_type, "When giving method names "], ['strong_stmt, [['string_type, "do not"]]], ['string_type, " use a ' or ."]]]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "@set [<mask>] [on <object>]"], ['string_type, "If object is not given, assume this."], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "Mask may be:"], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "<name>"], ['string_type, "Show all settings matching name"]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "[+|-]<name>"], ['string_type, "Set or unset a boolean"]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "<name>=<value>"], ['string_type, "Set any thing"]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "<name>+=<value>"], ['string_type, "Delete a value from a list"]]], ['dfn_stmt, [['string_type, "<name>-=<value>"], ['string_type, "Add a value to a list"]]]]]]]]], ['string_type, "}"]]]>
var $help_node upnodes []
var $help_node downnodes [$help_node_overview]
var $root inited 1
var $tree children_by_tree #[['help, [$help_node_14]]]