#AREA   Darkhaven Art Gallery~

#AUTHOR Zaknafein~

10 50 0 60


#ECONOMY 0 94935260

woman receptionist~
the receptionist~
The gallery's receptionist looks up at you and smiles warmly.
This young lady enjoys her job here at the art gallery.  It gives her the 
opportunity to see her share of muscled, handsome warriors.
3 4194344 0 C
30 0 -200 1d1+3800 25d5+25
0 0
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 3072 0 0 2
> rand_prog 15~
, hums happily to herself.
> bribe_prog 100~
mpoload 24800 1
mpjunk all.coins
give key $n
say Thank you, $n, and enjoy your visit
> greet_prog 100~
if inroom($i) == 24801
  emote looks up from her work
  smile $n
  say Welcome to the Art Gallery, $n
  emote looks about in worry at her strange surroundings.
> act_prog p north.~
close n
lock n
> speech_prog fuck shit goddam bitch ass~
say PLEASE watch your language in here.
> fight_prog 100~
mpat 3 c heal
if isnpc($n)
  mppurge $n
  say The Gods do not wish my soul to pass on to the next Reality.
  mpforce $n flee
mike michael cosner curator~
the Art Gallery's curator~
The gallery curator sits here, moaning about the unending sea of papers.
Mike hasn't had a good day.  In fact, he hasn't had a good day in months.  
His job is slowly killing him.  The stress is just too much.  How would YOU 
feel if your job consisted of pricing all the art in the Realms?
67 0 0 S
40 0 -100 1d1+20000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
> rand_prog 80~
if inroom($i) == 24802
  mpecho The Curator exclaims, 'Oh my!  I really must be getting back to work!'
  mpecho He produces a large map, quickly unfolding it and taking his bearings.
  mpecho $I winks at you, smiles and says, 'Well, it's been fun!'
  mpecho Before you can say a word, he darts off.
  mpgoto 24802
cashier woman gift shoppe~
the cashier~
The gift shoppe cashier stands here, ready to accept your money.
She looks quite bored.  Evidently, having to stand around all day selling 
reproductions of art touches a nerve in the boredom region of the brain.
67 0 0 S
50 0 -200 30000d0+1 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
sculpture phunbaba demon~
the sculpture of Phunbaba~
A hideous-looking sculpture stands hunched over here.
A plaque mounted on the statue says proudly, "PHUNBABA".
67 8320 0 C
44 0 -300 5000d0+1 3d4+15
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 34
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpecho The bronze sculpture's eyes gleam as you enter the room.
phunbaba demon green~
A hideous-looking, hunchbacked demon snarls at you ferally.  Run!
Now that Phunbaba has come to life, he is truly a frightening sight!  Acidic 
drool falls from his lips to the floor, and he grins, threatening to show a 
faint glimmer of intelligence.
99 168 0 S
35 0 -200 3000d0+1 0d0+0
3 0
8 8 1
green envy color~
A vague sense of fiery jealousy forms a humanoid shape in front of you.
Damn!  What it must be like to be able to change shape at will!  You fume 
with jealousy at the ethereal quality of the shape before you.  "Why can't 
-I- be like that...that thing?", you think to yourself.
67 524328 0 C
35 0 -200 7000d0+1 0d0+0
13 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 84
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 112 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 25~
melancholy blue color~
Sadness washes over you as a nebulous mass congeals into a shape above you.
*sniffle* How depressing.  The essence before you conveys such a feeling of 
unspeakable loss and depression that you can't help but cry.  You can feel 
your knees grow weak from the emotion, and it becomes an effort to stand.
1 524288 0 C
40 0 -50 500d0+500 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 84
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 25~
yellow cowardice color~
A yellow mist forms around you and immediately darts off into the distance.
You don't know whether to laugh or cry at the display of weakness before you.
The sense of pathetic cowardice eminating from the mist that surrounds you 
turns your stomach.  You wonder how ANYthing could be that afraid.
195 524328 0 C
39 0 -200 7000d0+1 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 84
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 25~
confusion indigo color~
A dark blue fog creeps towards you, causing you to look around in bewilderment.
The fog feels cool against your skin.  What are you doing here?  You can 
remember coming in here for a reason, but what was it?  You stop and scratch 
your head.  Hmm.  Maybe it would be best to just leave this place.
67 524328 0 C
38 0 -250 7000d0+1 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 84
3 0 0 0 131073 131073 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 25~
life orange color~
An orange glow surrounds the area, filling your body with vitality.
You have never felt so alive!  The pure energy coursing through your veins 
fills you with a renewed sense of vigor.  If you were forced to remain here 
forever, you wouldn't mind.  In fact, that seems like a very good idea.
67 524328 0 C
35 0 -200 7000d0+1 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 84
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 25~
purple violet love color~
A purple cloud becomes a beautiful shape before you, filling you with love.
Your heart feels as though it might burst due to the deep passion you feel 
inside.  You gaze longingly into the violet mass before you, completely lost 
in a world of desire and peace.  Siiiiiiiigh.
67 524328 0 C
35 0 -200 7000d0+1 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 84
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 25~
kiss $n
  love $n
anger red hatred color~
A red mist surrounds you, filling you with an intense hatred.
A wild growl escapes your lips as you gaze into the crimson vapor.  Your 
vision films over with the color of blood, and your brain pumps adrenaline 
straight to your muscles and tendons.  You feel an almost insane rage coming 
from this mass.
99 524328 -1000 C
37 0 -250 7000d0+1 0d0+0
100 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 84
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 25~
fume $n
  glare $n
white innocence ball color~
An innocent-looking white ball of light floats here, seeming almost amused.
Although you are close to blinded by the intensity of the form in front of 
you, you know that it doesn't matter much.  There is no way this entity could 
harm you.  It's too nice.  You smile to yourself and sigh happily.
67 524456 1000 S
40 0 -200 9000d0+1 0d0+0
1 0
8 8 0
> rand_prog 25~
evil black color~
A large mass of absolute blackness surrounds you, chilling you to your bones.
Nothing, in all the Realms, is this evil.  Not Shimmergloom, not Lord Seth, not
War, nothing.  Your heart freezes with dread, your throat tightens, and your 
flesh chills.  You try to scream, but nothing comes out.  This  is  pure  evil.
67 524456 0 S
45 0 -200 10000d0+1 0d0+0
666 0
8 8 0
> rand_prog 25~
left foot welmar leftfoot~
Welmar's Left Foot~
The monstrous left foot of King Welmar is here, tapping impatiently.
3 0 0 C
20 0 -50 900d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 85
85 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0
> act_prog defend_foot~
mpgoto rightfoot
  mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
mpgoto 4
right foot welmar rightfoot~
Welmar's Right Foot~
The humongous right foot of King Welmar is here, tracing designs on the floor.
3 0 0 C
20 0 -50 900d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 85
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0
> act_prog defend_foot~
mpgoto leftfoot
  mpkill $n
> death_prog 100~
mpgoto 4
right hand welmar righthand~
Welmar's Right hand~
The gigantic right hand of King Welmar is here, gripping a huge golden sceptre.
65 0 750 C
30 0 -75 1900d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 85
85 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0
> act_prog defend_me~
mpgoto $n
  mpecho Welmar's Right Hand comes to the rescue!
  mpkill $n 
> death_prog 100~
mpgoto 4
left hand welmar lefthand~
Welmar's Left hand~
Welmar's enormous left hand is here, drumming its fingers.
1 0 -1000 C
30 0 -75 1900d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 85
85 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0
> act_prog defend_me~
mpgoto $n
  mpecho Welmar's Left Hand comes to the rescue!
  mpkill $n 
> death_prog 100~
mpgoto 4
left eye welmar~
Welmar's Left Eye~
King Welmar's left eye glares at you in irritation.
3 172 750 C
35 0 -100 2400d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 85
85 0 0 0 131073 131072 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
> death_prog 100~
mpgoto 4
right eye welmar~
Welmar's Right Eye~
King Welmar's right eye stares at you impassively.
3 172 750 C
35 0 -100 2400d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 85
85 0 0 0 131073 131072 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> death_prog 100~
mpgoto 4
mouth welmar~
Welmar's Mouth~
King Welmar's mouth mutters something about "kill" and "damn intruders".
3 0 -1000 C
40 0 -150 2900d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 85
85 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
> death_prog 100~
mpgoto 4
dragon dust Dracolithos~
A swirling cloud of dust forms a terrifying dragon shape before you.
Dracolithos has lived in this painting for thousands of years, feeding on 
those adventurers foolish or unlucky to end up in this wasteland.  It 
displays its pile of bone powder as one would show a trophy on their wall.  
You begin to regret ever coming to the art gallery.
3 4792872 0 C
50 0 -150 1d1+11000 8d8+6
650000 0
8 8 0
18 13 13 16 13 13 0
0 0 0 -15 -6
31 0 0 0 131073 131073 5
0 0 198688 0 2100231 520 7 3
> rand_prog 8~
emote snorts, sending sand clouds swirling.
> all_greet_prog 100~
mpecho As you trudge along, the sand all around you begins to swirl upward.
mpecho This is unlike any dust storm you've ever seen, though.
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 24816
mpecho The insubstantial form of Dracolithos finally returns from whence
mpecho it came:  dust.  All that remains is a simple band of fire-blown
mpecho glass, pitted and etched by time and driven sand.
> act_prog p flees head over heels!~
mpat 3 c heal
mpat 3 c heal
mpat 3 c heal
mpat 3 c heal
mpat 3 c heal
> rand_prog 5~
mpat 3 c heal
zombie noble~
a zombie noble~
A well-dressed zombie turns to you and emits a terrifying moan.
A close examination of this zombie wasn't really what you had in mind.  
Unfortunately, the details of his rotting visage are forever etched into your 
mind.  Looks like he's been sitting here for a long, long, LONG time.
67 40 -1000 C
30 0 -75 1000d0+500 0d0+0
10000 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 71
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ghoul noble~
a ghoul noble~
A ghoul dressed in tattered majestic robes growls at you hungrily.
This ghoul seems as bereft of brain power as any other undead creature, but 
an evil glint in its eyes gives away a faint remainder of cunning, if not 
intelligence.  Watch out for this one.
99 40 -1000 C
35 0 -100 1200d0+50 0d0+0
20000 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 67
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
skeleton lady~
a lady skeleton~
A lady of regal bearing stands here, devoid of everything but bone.
This important-looking skeleton's face is forever locked in a grin, due to 
the fact that she has no face to do anything else with.  Her crown is still 
on her head, the only thing on what's left of her body that hasn't rotted away.
67 40 -1000 C
35 0 -100 1300d0+50 0d0+0
10000 0
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 60
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
vampire lord king~
The Vampire Lord~
A fearsome vampire sits here, smiling coldly.
This vampire has not bothered to wipe the blood from his face, a testament to 
his many kills.  You can almost feel his razor-sharp fangs digging into your 
neck, and you rub your neck involuntarily at the thought.
99 2097320 -1000 C
45 0 -200 2800d0+200 0d0+0
50000 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 5
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 2048 0 0 2
a strong deer~
A deer spies you and quickly bounds away.
This stag's antlers look rather intimidating.  You can imagine yourself being 
impaled on the many racks of them.  His skin looks rather warm, though.  No 
wonder he looks so carefree.
193 0 0 C
20 0 0 400d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
> death_prog 100~
mpoload 24821
> fight_prog 20~
a tundra yeti~
A huge yeti rises up before you, its white fur blending with the snow.
This huge animal resembles a large white bear, only with much stronger arms 
and jaws.  You wouldn't want to get caught between either of those.
97 32 0 C
22 0 0 1d1+800 10d2+5
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1048576 64 2
dragon icingdeath ingeloakastimizilian ice white~
Icingdeath, king of the white dragons, lies here on a frozen bed of gold.
Ingeloakastimizilian, or Icingdeath, as he has come to be known, has lived in 
this cavern for hundreds of years.  He, like many others of his kind, has grown
too large to leave his lair.  So Icingdeath is content to lie here in repose 
and count his treasure in his tiny dragon mind.  Disturbing him was probably 
a very bad idea.
99 4726972 0 C
45 0 -250 7000d0+1000 2d5+4
750000 0
8 8 1
17 13 13 16 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 131073 131073 0
0 0 4686861 4 2099202 1 64 2
> rand_prog 25~
mpforce all shiver
> greet_prog 100~
mpecho Ingeloakastimizilian's eyes dart open as soon as you step into
the room.
  mpecho The thin layer of ice that covers the dragon's body immediately
  mpecho shatters as he screams, a truly horrible sound.
if clan ($n) == Dragonslayer
yell I have you now you puny Dragonslayer! 
yell You will be my dinner after a centuries long fast $n.
> death_prog 100~
mpecho Icingdeath shudders once as blood trickles out of his nostrils.  He
  mpecho gathers his lungs for one final breath of frost, but all that comes
  mpecho out is a mildly nippy cough.  His head crashes to the floor.
lich aram aram-dol dol~
A skeletal being of pure evil lies here, its eyes glowing with an unholy light.
Aram-Dol has been feeding off unwary adventurers for centuries now, their 
life force sustaining his existence.  He should have been dead millenia ago, 
but his evil ambitions and magic crown have allowed him to cheat death and 
enter the realm of the undead.
67 60 0 C
45 0 -200 7000d0+1000 0d0+0
100000 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 67
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 25~
mpecho Aram-Dol grabs your arm!
  c 'energy drain' $n
> death_prog 100~
mpecho Aram-Dol emits a terrifying scream as he crumbles into dust.  All
  mpecho that remains of him are his crown and his wand.
mpoload 24823 40
drop decay
mpoload 24822 40
drop crown
butcher graeme davis~
the butcher~
A blond young man offers a blood-stained hand as you enter the room.
Graeme loves his job.  It gives him the chance to take out his aggressions on 
human-sized targets with a huge cleaver.  He doesn't look like the type to be 
messed with.
67 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
baker jon lang~
the baker~
A wild-eyed man is here, covered in flour from his shoes to his glasses.
Jon Lang runs around manically as you study him.  The flour all over his body 
is caked into his skin and clothes.  Apparently, he hasn't had time to clean 
67 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
stafford fruit markham vendor~
the fruit stand vendor~
A grizzled, moustached man stands here, offering you various fruits.
Stafford has given up his job designing signs for the shops around here, and 
is content to sell you every fruit he has ever come across.  Yes, his job is 
just about as boring as it sounds.
67 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
tabby cat orange~
the orange tabby~
A beautiful orange tabby cat rubs up against your leg and purrs here.
The cat's coat is a lustrous orange.  Obviously, someone has been taking care 
of her quite well.
67 0 0 C
20 0 -75 900d0+100 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 29
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
bonnie dairy milkmaid roberts ~
the dimpled milkmaid~
A beautiful blonde woman shyly offers you dairy products.
Bonnie has grown fed up with her bureaucratic job at the university.  She now 
runs the Goodbody Dairy, which has been her dream for many years.  Her cheeks
flush as she offers you merchandise.
67 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+200 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
barbarian heafstaag~
a barbarian fighter~
A huge barbarian stands here motionless, awaiting his next target.
This huge man appears to be quite worked up about something.  Every muscle on 
his huge body is taut with exertion.  It is his eyes that draw your attention,
though.  They are frightened, pleading eyes.  The eyes of a beaten man.
67 0 0 S
30 0 -175 3500d0+500 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
> rand_prog 20~
storm giant galstorm~
the storm giant chieftain~
A storm giant stands here, completely motionless.
The twenty-foot-plus giant that stands before you pays you absolutely no 
attention.  You can hear energy crackling all around him, which gives him away
as a storm giant even before his deep violet skin.
67 0 0 S
50 0 -200 5500d0+500 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
> rand_prog 25~
mind flayer galflayer~
the mind flayer~
A revoltingly colored mind flayer stands here, its eyes widening in shock.
This illithid is one of the most disgusting creatures you've ever seen.  Its 
skin glistens with slime, and its bizarre eyes have no pupils.  This creature's
very existence is a defamation of nature.
99 8 0 C
30 0 -100 2500d0+500 0d0+0
10000 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 85
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
siberian husky dog~
a Siberian Husky~
A healthy-looking Siberian Husky sits here at the table, intent on his hand.
A tag on his collar says "Tundra".
67 0 0 C
10 0 -50 500d0+500 0d0+0
10000 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 30
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
golden retriever dog~
a Golden Retriever~
A Golden Retriever with a shiny coat sits here oblivious at the table.
A tag on his collar says "Pyrite".
67 0 0 C
10 0 -50 500d0+500 0d0+0
10000 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 30
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dachsund weiner dog~
a Wirehaired Dachsund~
A seemingly bored Wirehaired Dachsund is losing.  Poor doggie.
A tag on his collar says "Schultz".
67 0 0 C
10 0 -50 500d0+500 0d0+0
10000 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 30
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
irish setter dog~
an Irish Setter~
An excited Irish Setter leans up against the table here, wagging its tail.
A tag on his collar says "O'Sullivan".
67 0 0 C
10 0 -50 500d0+500 0d0+0
40000 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 30
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
boxer dog~
a Boxer~
A mean-looking Boxer has lost all his money.  Better watch out.
A tag on his collar says "Tyson".
99 0 0 C
10 0 -50 500d0+500 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 30
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dragonfly blue~
a sky blue dragonfly~
A gigantic light blue dragonfly buzzes next to your ear.
Its wings are moving much too fast for you to see, but you decide to trust 
your senses and believe that this creature is flying.  You'd hate to be 
bitten by one of these.  If dragonflies do indeed bite.  Hmm.
67 524288 0 C
10 0 -50 500d0+500 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 0
0 0 0 0 83
3 0 0 0 131073 131072 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
blue jay bluejay~
an exuberant blue jay~
A happy-looking blue jay flies circles around your head.
This bird is uncommonly happy for some reason.  You can't imagine why, given 
the mood of this room.  You half expect it to burst into tears at any moment.
That would be the icing on the cake.
67 524288 0 S
15 0 -75 1000d0+500 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
the butcher~
A blond young man offers a blood-stained hand as you enter the room.
Graeme loves his job.  It gives him the chance to take out his aggressions on 
human-sized targets with a huge cleaver.  He doesn't look like the type to be 
messed with.
1073741891 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
the baker~
A wild-eyed man is here, covered in flour from his shoes to his glasses.
Jon Lang runs around manically as you study him.  The flour all over his body 
is caked into his skin and clothes.  Apparently, he hasn't had time to clean 
1073741891 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
the fruit stand vendor~
A grizzled, moustached man stands here, offering you various fruits.
Stafford has given up his job designing signs for the shops around here, and 
is content to sell you every fruit he has ever come across.  Yes, his job is 
just about as boring as it sounds.
1073741891 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
the dimpled milkmaid~
A beautiful blonde woman shyly offers you dairy products.
Bonnie has grown fed up with her bureaucratic job at the university.  She now 
runs the Goodbody Dairy, which has been her dream for many years.  Her cheeks
flush as she offers you merchandise.
1073741891 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
the butcher~
A blond young man offers a blood-stained hand as you enter the room.
Graeme loves his job.  It gives him the chance to take out his aggressions on 
human-sized targets with a huge cleaver.  He doesn't look like the type to be 
messed with.
1073741891 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
butcher graeme davis~
the butcher~
A blond young man offers a blood-stained hand as you enter the room.
Graeme loves his job.  It gives him the chance to take out his aggressions on 
human-sized targets with a huge cleaver.  He doesn't look like the type to be 
messed with.
67 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 1d0+600 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
milkmaid dairy roberts bonnie~
the dimpled milkmaid~
A beautiful blonde woman shyly offers you dairy products.
Bonnie has grown fed up with her bureaucratic job at the university.  She now 
runs the Goodbody Dairy, which has been her dream for many years.  Her cheeks
flush as she offers you merchandise.
67 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 300d0+200 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 2
baker jon lang~
the baker~
A wild-eyed man is here, covered in flour from his shoes to his glasses.
Jon Lang runs around manically as you study him.  The flour all over his body 
is caked into his skin and clothes.  Apparently, he hasn't had time to clean 
67 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 300d0+500 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
stafford fruit markham vendor~
the fruit stand vendor~
A grizzled, moustached man stands here, offering you various fruits.
Stafford has given up his job designing signs for the shops around here, and 
is content to sell you every fruit he has ever come across.  Yes, his job is 
just about as boring as it sounds.
67 4726972 0 S
10 0 -300 200d0+650 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
wiggins scott ~
A towering man in a Corps of Cadets uniform stands here at attention.
Scott is in uniform, of course.  It looks like quite an uncomfortable uniform
at that.  You're very glad YOU don't have to wear it.  You're also very glad 
you're not the one in the Corps.
65 4726972 0 S
50 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
aaron white~
A smiling student in tattered sweatshorts stands here, whining about work.
Aaron notices your gaze and says "What the hell are you looking at?"  He is 
holding his koofers for the big test tomorrow.
67 4726972 0 S
50 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
schneider rob schneidr~
A tall young lad with thick glasses is here, making fun of you.
Rob is wearing his "Politically Incorrect" T-shirt, and shorts (of course...
the guy doesn't have any other legwear).  He is working on a five-page paper 
for Political Theory class.  Don't disturb him.
67 4726972 0 S
50 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
tex aaron lee~
A tall, lanky Texan stands here with his thumbs in his belt loops.
After a close inspection of Tex's outfit, you wonder why he is here in 
Blacksburg and not down in Austin.  Faded cowboy boots, a black cowboy hat, 
blue jeans jacket, and a Garth Brooksesque shirt make up this weirdo's ensemble
Aaron notices your gaze and says "What the hell are you looking at?"  He is 
holding his koofers for the big test tomorrow.
After a close inspection of Tex's outfit, you wonder why he is here in 
Blacksburg and not down in Austin.  Faded cowboy boots, a black cowboy hat, 
blue jeans jacket, and a Garth Brooksesque shirt make up this weirdo's ensemble
65 4726972 0 S
50 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
forrester chris~
A thin, goateed weakling stands here doing impressions.
Forrester is battling with Rob for "Smallest Person in Miles".  He still 
looks quite dangerous, though.
67 4726972 0 S
50 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
cox brian bastard~
An annoying bastard is here, wandering about the area.
You can't get a good look at him through all the flannel.  But maybe that's 
just as well.
65 4726972 0 S
50 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
roberts grant troll-boy~
A disinterested, long haired freak sits here at his computer.
Grant is in his customary position.  Sprawled in his favorite, uncomfortable 
red chair with his feet in his computer desk.  His face is twisted in a look 
of concentration as he types much, MUCH too quickly on his keyboard.
67 4726972 0 S
50 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1
seguin brian~
Brian Seguin stands here, laughing at something.  What a dork.
Seguin is wearing his usual outfit.  A dark sweater with khaki shorts.  The kid
has no fashion sense.  But that's why the women love him.
67 4726972 -1000 S
50 0 -300 29000d0+1000 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 1

the Art Gallery key~
A silver key with the initials "D A G" carved on it lies here.~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 1000000 -31072
ruby sabre spectrum~
a ruby sabre~
A long sabre, completely covered in rubies, is stuck in the ground here.~
5 147457 8193
0 0 0 3
5 500000 -15536
18 5
19 5
1 2
topaz staff spectrum~
a topaz staff~
A five-foot-long staff made of orange topaz lies on the ground here.~
5 25264129 8193
0 0 0 7
7 200000 20000
18 7
19 3
13 50
golden axe gold spectrum~
a golden axe~
A huge half moon-bladed axe made entirely of gold lies here on the ground.~
5 25346049 8193
0 0 0 1
10 500000 -15536
18 2
19 8
2 2
emerald morningstar star spectrum~
an emerald morningstar~
A large emerald spiked ball, chained to a long handle, is here on the ground.~
5 8437761 8193
0 0 0 8
12 350000 -30536
18 3
19 7
5 2
blue topaz claw glove spectrum~
a blue topaz glove~
A blue topaz-encrusted glove with wicked claws on the fingers lies here.~
5 25247745 8193
0 0 0 5
3 200000 20000
18 8
19 7
4 2
blue sapphire scythe spectrum~
a sapphire scythe~
A midnight blue scythe lies here, light glinting off its wicked blade.~
5 16924673 8193
0 0 0 10
15 450000 -20536
3 2
19 7
amethyst dagger gauche spectrum~
an amethyst gauche~
A long dagger completely covered in amethyst lies here on the ground.~
5 147457 8193
0 0 0 11
3 325000 32500
18 6
19 4
ivory rapier spectrum~
an ivory rapier~
A perfectly balanced ivory-covered rapier is skewered into the ground here. ~
5 8537089 8193
0 0 0 2
15 225000 22500
18 12
19 -2
12 50
onyx whip spectrum~
an onyx whip~
A whip with a handle of the deepest onyx lies here forgotten.~
5 529 8193
0 0 0 4
6 425000 -23036
18 5
19 5
daisy flower~
An intricately designed rose made of sapphire lies here, pulsing with life.~
3 0 16385
50 5 5 89
1 2000000 3392
17 0
dandelion flower~
a dandelion~
A huge dandelion is sprouting up from the ground below you.~
3 0 16385
50 5 5 88
1 2000000 3392
bouquet marigolds flower marigold~
a marigold~
A single marigold is pushing up through the soil here.~
3 0 16385
50 5 5 36
1 2000000 3392
pansy flower~
a pansy~
A tasty-looking pansy grows by itself off to the side here.~
26 0 1
50 66 67 34
1 2000000 3392
primrose flower~
a potted primrose~
A bright red primrose grows in a pot here.~
26 0 1
50 56 39 91
1 2000000 3392
plaque keystone~
the Art Gallery's keystone~
A plaque is mounted on the keystone of the gallery.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
plaque keystone~
                      Copyright 1995 Do'Urden Enterprises
This area, my second, is dedicated to Becky Boilek, who gives me the inspir-
 ation to write these things.  Who gives me the inspiration for EVERYTHING.
                               Thank you, Becky.
Oh yeah, and by the way, the Art Gallery was based, in part (a small part) on
Owzer's house, in Final Fantasy III.  Those who've played it know what I mean.
scorched band glass~
a scorched band of glass~
A dark piece of sand-etched glass has fallen here.~
9 35840 3
0 0 0 0
8 248000 24800
22 -2
17 -5
12 -40
13 25
18 1
19 3
tattered cape~
a tattered cape~
An old, tattered, moth-eaten cape lies here in a heap.~
9 192 1025
10 0 0 0
2 5000 500
17 5
5 2
a flawless crown~
A completely flawless golden crown lies here on the ground.~
9 192 17
0 0 0 0
5 50000 5000
5 2
24 -8
sceptre death~
the Death Sceptre~
A jet black sceptre is here, exuding an aura of evil.~
4 6870 16385
50 5 10 8
5 1000000 -31072
17 -40
1 2
5 1
pool evermelt~
The pool's water looks inviting and refreshing.  Care for a sip?~
25 0 0
0 0 0 0
10000 0 0
fat deer animal layer~
a layer of animal fat~
A disgusting mass of black-tinged animal fat lies here.~
9 0 9
0 0 0 0
1 1 0
fat deer animal layer~
Looks like this nasty stuff would keep you quite warm on a cold day.
crown jeweled~
an extravagantly jeweled crown~
A gold crown layered in huge jewels lies here on the ground.~
9 4820 17
0 0 0 0
3 100000 10000
9 -100
5 3
19 4
wand decay~
the Wand of Decay~
An ice-cold onyx wand lies here on the ground, killing all life underneath it.~
3 4820 16385
60 3 3 25
5 100000 10000
9 -100
5 2
19 5
17 -25
13 25
ice plate breastplate~
the Ice Breastplate~
A large breastplate made entirely of ice lies here twinkling the ground.~
9 1 9
-50 -50 0 0
10 500000 -15536
17 -30
5 1
23 -10
ice leggings~
the Ice Leggings~
A pair of leggings fashioned entirely of ice lie here, shining brightly.~
9 1 33
-50 12 0 0
5 300000 30000
17 -20
4 1
14 100
ice arm guards~
the Ice Arm Guards~
Two arm guards made of opaque ice lie here on the ground.~
9 1 257
-50 13 0 0
4 200000 20000
17 -10
1 1
19 6
ice earrings~
the Ice Earrings~
Two dragon's head-shaped earrings made of ice lie here untouched.~
9 1 65537
-50 13 0 0
1 150000 15000
17 -5
12 50
ice gauntlets~
the Ice Gauntlets~
Two rock-hard gauntlets made entirely of ice lie here waiting to be picked up.~
9 1 129
-50 16 0 0
3 225000 22500
17 -10
2 1
18 6
ice helm~
the Ice Helm~
A helmet made of the hardest ice lies here, seemingly giving off its own light.~
9 1 17
-50 -50 0 0
4 250000 25000
17 -15
3 1
24 -5
ice girth~
the Ice Girth~
A large hoop of ice lies here on the ground, waiting to be put on.~
9 1 2049
-50 15 0 0
3 175000 17500
17 -15
24 -8
23 -9
20 -9
21 -9
22 -9
pork chop marketplace~
a juicy pork chop~
A pork chop, stewing in its own juices, lies on the ground here.~
%s voraciously scarf$q down $p.~
19 0 1
70 0 0 0
2 14 1
steak huge marketplace~
a huge steak~
A steak, weighing several pounds, lies here growing cold on the ground.~
%s force$q $p down your throat in three bites.  *choke*~
19 0 1
80 0 0 0
3 16 1
haunch goat marketplace~
a haunch of goat~
A warm haunch of goat lies here on the dirty ground.~
19 0 1
65 0 0 0
2 13 1
veal cutlet marketplace~
a veal cutlet~
A small cutlet of tender veal is lying on the ground here.~
%s whip$q out a knife and fork and delicately eat$q $p.~
19 0 1
65 0 0 0
2 13 1
venison cut marketplace~
a cut of venison~
A tasty-looking cut of venison is growing dirty on the ground here.~
%s season$q $p and eat$q it with a flourish.~
19 0 1
60 0 0 0
1 12 1
chicken breast marketplace~
a broiled chicken breast~
A breast of some poor chicken is going to waste on the ground here.~
%s feel$q like chicken tonight and eat$q $p.~
19 0 1
60 0 0 0
1 12 1
ribs rack marketplace~
a rack of ribs~
A rack of ribs, covered in an unknown sauce, is here on the ground.~
%s slather$q $p with sauce and eat$q them quickly.~
19 0 1
70 0 0 0
2 14 1
liver steak marketplace~
a liver steak~
A cut of liver formed into a steak lies here on the ground.~
%s eat$q $p in five bites.  Wow!~
19 0 1
60 0 0 0
1 12 1
meatloaf slab marketplace~
a slab of meatloaf~
A slab of old-looking meatloaf is here on the ground.~
%s reluctantly nibble$q on $p.~
19 0 1
65 0 0 0
3 13 1
turkey drumstick marketplace~
a turkey drumstick~
A yummy-looking turkey drumstick lies here on the ground.~
%s tear$q some meat off $p and gulp$q it down.~
19 0 1
70 0 0 0
1 14 1
pheasant roast marketplace~
a roast pheasant~
A plump roast pheasant lies here on the ground, surrounded by steam.~
%s briefly consider$q the plight of $p, then eat$q it anyway.~
19 0 1
60 0 0 0
2 12 1
honeybaked ham marketplace~
a honeybaked ham~
A large ham, slathered with honey and sugar, lies here on the ground.~
%s eat$q an entire honeybaked ham in one bite!  Whoa!~
19 0 1
80 0 0 0
4 17 1
bacon strips marketplace~
a few strips of bacon~
Several strips of lean bacon lie on the ground here.~
%s savor$q $p.  Mmmmm.~
19 0 1
50 0 0 0
1 10 1
apple pie marketplace~
a hot apple pie~
A freshly baked apple pie lies here steaming on the ground.~
%s eat$q all four quarters of $p.  Impressive.~
19 0 1
80 0 0 0
2 16 1
cherry pie marketplace~
a fresh cherry pie~
A hot cherry pie with oh-so-flaky crust lies here on the ground.~
%s gobble$q down $p, getting cherry filling everywhere.~
19 0 1
75 0 0 0
2 15 1
blueberry pie marketplace~
a yummy blueberry pie~
A large blueberry pie lies here on the ground growing cold.~
%s procure$q a scoop of ice cream, and eat$q it with $p.~
19 0 1
75 0 0 0
2 15 1
pecan pie marketplace~
a tasty pecan pie~
A perfectly baked pecan pie lies here on the ground, losing its heat.~
%s quickly eat$q $p, dropping soft pecans on the floor.~
19 0 1
75 0 0 0
2 15 1
pumpkin pie marketplace~
a moist pumpkin pie~
A glorious-smelling pumpkin pie lies here on the ground.~
%s eat$q $p in one bite, then cough$q up the tin on the ground.~
19 0 1
80 0 0 0
2 17 1
donut doughnut jelly marketplace~
a jelly donut~
Jelly leaks out of a powdered donut that is on the ground here.~
%s reluctantly eat$q $p without any beer to go with it.  *sigh*~
19 0 1
50 0 0 0
0 10 1
stickybun gooey marketplace~
a gooey stickybun~
A gooey, sugar-covered stickybun lies here on the ground.~
%s carefully eat$q $p, but get$q sticky sauce everywhere anyway.~
19 0 1
55 0 0 0
1 10 1
chocolate chip cookie marketplace~
a chocolate-chip cookie~
The most tasty-looking cookie you have ever seen lies on the ground here.~
%s eat$q $p and proclaim$q it THE BEST COOKIE EVER!~
19 0 1
35 0 0 0
1 8 0
brownie marketplace~
a moist brownie~
A nut-filled, frosted brownie lies here on the ground.~
%s eat$q $p in several little bites, and wince$q when it is gone.~
19 0 1
30 0 0 0
1 7 0
angel food angelfood cake marketplace~
a freshly baked angel food cake~
A moist, bouncy angel food cake lies here on the ground.~
%s look$q around suspiciously, then scarf$q down $p.~
19 0 1
90 0 0 0
3 20 2
chocolate cake marketplace~
a sinful chocolate cake~
A chocolate cake sits here, beckoning you to eat it.~
%s throw$q health to the wind and eat$q $p.~
19 0 1
90 0 0 0
3 20 2
ice shoes~
the Ice Shoes~
A pair of shoes made of flawless ice lie here on the ground.~
9 1 65
0 0 0 0
3 300000 30000
2 1
17 -15
2 2
ice orb~
the Ice Orb~
A crystal clear, perfectly formed sphere gives off its own light here.~
4 1 16385
43 5 5 36
1 1000000 -31072
ice tooth~
the Ice Tooth~
The razor-sharp tooth of a white dragon lies here embedded in the ground.~
5 25313281 8193
0 0 0 11
2 1500000 18928
19 7
18 2
statue hokies 1995 nit champs baby~
the 1995 NIT Championship Statue~
A solid gold statue of a heavyset, moustached man stands here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
20000 0 0
statue nit smith sean shawn~
This statue serves to remind everyone of the results of the 1995 National 
Invitation Tournament.
MARQUETTE     -- 64
The Virginia Tech Hokies.  1995 NIT Champions.
juicy big red apple marketplace~
a big red apple~
An unbruised, big, juicy apple lies here on the ground.~
%s loudly eat$q $p.  CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH!~
19 0 1
35 0 0 0
1 7 0
orange plump marketplace~
a plump orange~
A yummy-looking orange is here lying on the ground.~
%s peel$q $p and wolf$q it down.~
19 0 1
30 0 0 0
1 6 0
banana underripe marketplace~
an underripe banana~
A greenish banana lies here on the ground, waiting to be peeled and eaten.~
%s dramatically peel$q $p and eat$q it in one bite.~
19 0 1
25 0 0 0
1 5 0
grapes bunch marketplace~
a bunch of red grapes~
A bunch of red grapes lie here, glistening with water.~
%s pick$q a few grapes from $p and eat$q them.~
19 0 1
35 0 0 0
1 7 0
watermelon huge marketplace~
a huge half watermelon~
A perfectly ripe half of a watermelon lies here, ready to be eaten.~
%s messily eat$q $p and spit$q the seeds in random directions.~
19 0 1
50 0 0 0
2 10 1
pear ripe marketplace~
a ripe pear~
A pear-shaped pear lies here on the ground.~
%s messily eat$q $p, stem and all.~
19 0 1
30 0 0 0
1 6 0
peach juicy marketplace~
a juicy peach~
A moist, juicy peach is here lying on the ground.~
%s eat$q $p and wince$q at the fuzz taste.~
19 0 1
25 0 0 0
1 5 0
tomato large marketplace~
a large tomato~
An abnormally large tomato lies here on the ground.~
%s chomp$q on $p, not caring if it's a fruit or vegetable.~
19 0 1
30 0 0 0
1 6 0
corn ear marketplace~
an ear of white corn~
A shucked ear of white, buttered corn lies here on the ground.~
%s butter$q $p and eat$q it rapidly.~
19 0 1
40 0 0 0
1 8 0
zucchini crisp marketplace~
a crisp zucchini~
A watery, crisp zucchini lies here on the ground getting dirty.~
%s eat$q $p, making disturbingly loud noises.~
19 0 1
35 0 0 0
1 7 0
carrot dirty marketplace~
a dirty carrot~
A fresh carrot lies here, tinged with dirt.~
%s eat$q $p, and immediately regret$q it.  BLECCH!~
19 0 1
25 0 0 6
1 5 0
celery stalk marketplace~
a celery stalk~
A leafy stalk of celery lies here on the ground.~
%s eat$q $p and feel$q quite healthy.~
19 0 1
20 0 0 0
1 4 0
broccoli flower marketplace~
a broccoli flower~
A flower of fresh broccoli is lying here on the ground.~
%s cover$q $p with cheese and scarf$q it down.~
19 0 1
25 0 0 0
1 5 0
apricot tart marketplace~
a tart apricot~
A shriveled apricot lies here on the ground.~
%s eat$q $p and shudder$q at the flavor.~
19 0 1
25 0 0 0
1 5 0
milk bottle marketplace~
a bottle of ice cold milk~
A bottle of milk stands here, condensation glistening on its side.~
%s drink$q milk from $p.  It does a body good.~
17 0 1
20 20 10 0
2 30 3
milk buttermilk butter jug marketplace~
a jug of buttermilk~
A jug of buttermilk stands here, overflowing with its contents.~
17 0 1
25 25 10 0
2 35 3
milk chocolate carton marketplace~
a carton of chocolate milk~
A big carton of chocolate milk lies here, ready to be chugged.~
17 0 1
30 30 10 0
2 40 4
swiss cheese marketplace~
a block of swiss cheese~
A large block of cheese, filled with holes, lies here on the ground.~
%s make$q silly gestures with $p, then eat$q it quickly.~
19 0 1
55 0 0 0
1 11 1
cheddar cheese marketplace~
several slices of cheddar cheese~
A few slices of heavy cheddar cheese lie here on the ground.~
%s roll$q up $p and eat$q them all at once.~
19 0 1
55 0 0 0
1 11 1
muenster cheese marketplace~
a wedge of muenster cheese~
A large wedge of muenster cheese is lying here on the ground.~
%s scarf$q $p without stopping to breathe.  Wow.~
19 0 1
55 0 0 0
1 11 1
monterey jack cheese wheel marketplace~
a wheel of Monterey Jack cheese~
A yummy-looking wheel of Monterey Jack cheese lies here on the ground.~
%s roll$q $p on the ground before eating it.  Yum.~
19 0 1
55 0 0 0
1 11 1
bag mozzarella cheese marketplace~
a bag of shredded mozzarella cheese~
A large quantity of shredded mozzarella cheese is here in a bag.~
%s dump$q the contents of $p down the proverbial hatch.~
19 0 1
55 0 0 0
1 11 1
ice cream vanilla marketplace~
a bowl of vanilla ice cream~
A large bowl lies here, filled with a few scoops of vanilla ice cream.~
%s eat$q several spoonfuls from $p.~
19 0 1
50 0 0 0
2 10 1
ice cream chocolate marketplace~
a bowl of chocolate ice cream~
A large bowl lies here, filled with a few scoops of chocolate ice cream.~
%s slurp$q $p completely clean.~
19 0 1
50 0 0 0
2 10 1
flamberge sword two-handed~
a flamberge~
A massive, fearsome-looking, two-handed sword lies here on the ground.~
5 25346048 8193
0 0 0 3
15 800000 14464
18 -5
19 5
slave crown~
the Slave Crown~
An ordinary-looking crown with a blood red stone lies here.~
9 208 17
-20 0 0 0
1 13 1
3 -20
4 -20
2 -20
storm giant beard~
a storm giant beard~
A large mass of thick violet hair lies here on the ground.~
9 0 9
0 0 0 0
2 5000 500
1 3
23 -5
club gigantic~
a gigantic club~
A ridiculously big club lies here on the ground.  Good luck picking it up.~
5 0 8193
0 0 0 8
25 500 50
17 10
19 5
lifeless body corpse~
the drained body~
A dead human with a horrified look on his pale face lies here.~
15 0 1
0 0 0 0
100 0 0
body corpse dead lizardman~
the drained lizardman body~
A lizardman corpse lies here, its scales seeming somehow pale.~
15 0 1
0 0 0 0
100 0 0
mind flayer tentacle~
a mind flayer tentacle~
The severed tentacle of a mind flayer lies here on the ground.~
9 0 4097
0 0 0 0
0 1000000 -31072
3 2
mind flayer robe~
a mind flayer's robe~
An exotic-looking robe lies here, its inside covered with slime.~
9 0 1025
0 0 0 0
1 10000 1000
3 1
13 100
cards deck~
a deck of cards~
An old, beat-up deck of cards lies here on the ground.~
3 0 16385
20 13 5 7
1 10000 1000
visor clear~
a clear visor~
A flimsy-looking visor lies here crumpled on the ground.~
9 0 17
0 0 0 0
1 1000 100
4 2
chest dusty~
a dusty chest~
An old, dusty-looking chest sits here, covered with cobwebs and blood.~
15 0 0
200 1 24816 0
0 0 0
lake blood red~
the lake of blood~
The lake of blood you just crawled out of is as still as death here.~
27 0 0
5 40 0 1
0 0 0
tree lemon~
a lemon tree~
A brilliant yellow tree, covered with lemons, grows eagerly here.~
15 1 0
10000 0 0 0
10000 0 0
lemon tiny~
a tiny lemon~
A perfectly formed lemon lies here on the ground.~
19 0 1
80 0 0 0
1 0 0
glass wine~
a glass of violet wine~
A violet crystal glass of exquisite wine stands here.~
17 0 1
4 4 2 0
1 15 1

Entrance to the Darkhaven Art Gallery~
The change in atmosphere as you step through the doors into the gallery is 
striking.  Far from the tumult outside, the interior of the building is 
remarkably serene.  The body of the gallery is north of here, past a
busy-looking receptionist sitting at her desk.
0 8 1
0 -1 24801
Law Street lies to the south.
0 -1 21021
Receptionist's Desk~
A sign hanging from the ceiling says :
Apparently, this is the main entrance to the gallery.  You can see various 
paintings lining the walls far to the north, and two rooms containing 
important-looking art closer that way.
0 8 1
entrance hallway passage room~
1063 24800 24804
0 -1 24800
0 -1 24802
Curator's Desk~
Without a doubt, this is the messiest desk you've ever laid eyes on.  
Hundreds of loose documents (most of them with an outrageously high price at 
the bottom) litter the surface.  More than a few lie on the floor.  A 
nameplate is unobscured by the mountain of paper, however.
0 8 1
0 -1 24801
nameplate desk~
The gold nameplate says "MICHAEL COSNER - CURATOR"
Dracolithos' Treasure Vault~
This place seems remarkably cool, and there is (thank the gods) a cool, clear 
fountain flowing in front of you.  A few chests line the room, some of them 
with cobwebs on them, some with bloodstains.
0 3145736 1
0 -1 24848
Outside the Art of the Year Rooms~
This room exists only to lead you to the east and west.  West leads to the 
year's featured painting, and east is the year's featured sculpture.  They 
both look equally fascinating.  The hallway leads north to the rest of the 
0 8 1
0 -1 24807
0 -1 24806
35 24800 24801
0 -1 24805
Painting of the Year~
The painting of the year has definitely earned its title.  The ice-capped 
mountains are painted in such detail that you could probably count the 
individual snowflakes if you had a mind to.  Actually, that seems like a good 
idea.  One...two...three...hmm.  There must be an easier way to do this.
A small card by the painting says : 25.50
0 12 1
0 -1 24804
1 -1 24831
Sculpture of the Year~
Ugh.  What an ugly sculpture.  If the artist was trying to make this thing 
beautiful, he should be executed.  The monochromaticity of the bronze only 
adds to this hideous beast's ugliness, with its lower jaw jutting out, its 
too-long, twisted horns, and generally stupid appearance.  Yeccch.
A sign on the wall says : 30.40
0 8 1
0 -1 24804
By the "Wasteland" Painting~
You are standing before an amazingly detailed painting of a completely barren 
wasteland.  No plants.  No animals.  No water.  No nothing.  You don't envy 
anyone who would be in THAT scene.
A small card by the painting says : 45.50
0 12 1
1027 -1 24815
0 -1 24808
0 -1 24804
0 -1 24814
By the "Canine Recreation" Painting~
Ah, now THIS is a familiar work of art.  It shows five dogs, each wearing a 
strange visor of transparent material.  The dogs are playing a game as old as 
time itself.  Smoke hovers in the air above the green table.  How rustic.
A small card by the painting says : 5.10
0 12 1
0 -1 24809
3 -1 24816
0 -1 24807
By the "Spectrum" Painting~
This seems like an ordinary painting.  It simply shows the colors of the 
rainbow, from red to violet, with black and white on the top and bottom, 
respectively.  The colors are the most vibrant you have ever seen.
A small card by the painting says : 30.40
0 12 1
0 -1 24810
0 -1 24808
3 -1 24817
By the "Still Life of Monarchy" Painting~
This painting is the most uninteresting one you've seen so far.  It shows a 
picture of King Welmar sitting on his throne.  Nothing to get excited about.  
You can almost see the old man's face twist into a disdainful sneer.
A small card by the painting says : 15.35
0 8 1
3 -1 24818
0 -1 24809
0 -1 24811
By the "Arena of Valorous Combat" Painting~
Thousands of cheering fans make up the border of this painting.  Their 
attention appears to be focused on the two gargantuan barbarians in the 
center of the arena.  There are also numerous gladiatorial contests 
surrounding the main attraction.
A small card by the painting says : 25.30
0 12 1
0 -1 24810
3 -1 24819
0 -1 24812
By the "Tea Party" Painting~
A few rich-looking, well-to-do nobles sit at a table in the painting.  Their 
capes are frozen in mid-flow, probably due to an invisible breeze, and the 
ladies' dresses are slightly green on the bottom from grass stains.  All 
their backs are to you, making their faces hidden from view.
A small card by the painting says : 25.45
0 12 1
0 -1 24811
0 -1 24813
3 -1 24820
By the "Loss" Painting~
What a morbid painting!  Depicted on the wall in front of you is a large 
graveyard, with quite a few stones.  A new arrival is on the way, apparently, 
as a large group of people are gathered around an open grave.  How depressing.
A small card by the painting says : 45.50
0 12 1
0 -1 24812
3 -1 24821
0 -1 24814
By the "Urban Jungle" Painting~
You've never seen so much food in your life.  Each of the four food groups 
are represented quite spectacularly.  From baker to butcher to ice cream 
maker, to grocer to fruit dealer, the amount of fare is astounding.
A small card by the painting says : N/A
0 12 1
0 -1 24813
0 -1 24807
3 -1 24822
Perhaps coming through this painting wasn't such a good idea.  You look 
around and see nothing but cracked soil.  Everywhere.  You quickly decide to 
go back the way you came, and spin around to jump back through the portal.
It's not there.
Quickly taking stock of your options, you decide to begin the trek to find a 
way out of here.  NOW.
0 3153924 10
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
Dogs Playing Poker~
The array of multicolored chips on the table here are enough to make any 
being rich, be it canine or human or elf.  The smoke in the air is quite 
thick, and you can't suppress a cough as it fills your lungs.  Well, now that 
you're here, maybe you'd like to play a few hands.
0 12 1
33 -1 24808
You are floating in a vast space of green.  Waves of sea green.  Hovering 
carpets of hunter green.  Every shade of green ever created occupies your 
field of vision.  This makes the rain forest seem like a drab grey.  All 
kinds of plant life flourish around you, seeming to thrive on the verdant 
0 0 9
0 -1 24823
0 -1 24824
0 -1 24829
0 -1 24830
plant plants~
These plants are more exotic than you would have expected to see in midair.
Of course, midair plants are not easily found, but that's neither here nor
Welmar's Left Foot~
Perhaps this painting was just a wee bit more interesting than it looked.  
You are standing at the foot of King Welmar.  A three-hundred-foot tall King 
Welmar.  His foot alone is as big as ten of you!  You can see his huge toes 
(each bigger than your head) wiggling around in his sandals.  Evidently today 
was his pedicure.
0 12 1
33 -1 24810
0 -1 24849
The Arena~
The painting you saw appears to be quite outdated.  Almost all the fans have 
left, except for a few seated, robed figures, all intensely concentrating.  
Some of them notice you and slowly fade into nothingness as you watch.  The 
wave of a facial tentacle gives their identity away.
0 0 1
0 -1 24870
0 -1 24871
0 -1 24872
The Tea Party~
Now that you're in the scene, something seems horribly wrong.  The air stinks 
of death and decay.  You can faintly recall where you've encountered this 
stench before, but it escapes you at the mom--that's it!  A graveyard!  The 
color drains from your face as you hear tormented moans all around you.
0 4 1
0 -1 24857
33 -1 24812
The Funeral~
A few dozen people gather around an open grave here, sniffling and wiping 
their eyes.  A priest solemnly eulogizes the new occupant.  Or it seems as 
though he is.  His lips are moving, but you don't hear anything.  As you 
watch, the priest, and then the rest of the mourners shimmer and fade into 
nothingness, leaving only yourself with an open grave.  *gulp*
0 4 1
0 -1 24864
Danishes N Donuts~
The freshly baked bread in the back of this store makes your mouth start to 
water in anticipation.  The selection beneath the display case is astounding.
The fare ranges from omelettes to muffins to freshly popped popcorn.  They 
all look incredibly appetizing.
0 4 1
33 -1 24814
0 -1 24867
The blue sky has never been this clear that YOU've ever seen.  You can see 
for miles...at least you think it's miles.  There's no landmark to judge 
distance by.  Sky as far as the eye can see around you, and a deep blue ocean 
beneath you.  Blue jays and midnight blue dragonflies hover around you.
0 0 9
0 -1 24825
0 -1 24817
0 -1 24829
0 -1 24830
Sunlight envelops you as you find yourself standing on a seemingly boundless 
field of yellow.  The sun dominates the sky, easily a hundred times larger 
than usual.  Golden trees make up a forest all around you, with lemons and 
bananas hanging from every tree.
0 0 2
0 -1 24817
0 -1 24826
0 -1 24829
0 -1 24830
sun sky~
The sun stretches as far as your peripheral vision can see, almost occupying
the entire sky.  Strangely, though, it is not hot.  It's actually pleasantly
warm.  Ahhhhhhhh.
You just missed the dusk here, apparently.  The sky is a thick dark blue, 
with a hint of violet.  The moon is not out tonight, leaving you with a clear 
view of the night sky.  Numerous trees surround you, laden with blueberries 
larger than any berries you've seen.  A small pond lies quietly off in the 
distance, undisturbed by the wind that ruffles your clothes and hair.
0 0 2
0 -1 24827
0 -1 24823
0 -1 24829
0 -1 24830
The dark blue sky reflects onto the pond beautifully, and its cool waters
entice you.  Feel like a swim?  Too bad.  You wouldn't be able to reach it.
You find yourself walking through a beautiful forest.  Somehow the season has 
changed to fall, as evidenced by the numerous hues of orange on the leaves of 
the trees.  The dirt you stand on is a deep reddish orange, with many paw 
prints lining the path.  The bark of the trees has somehow been changed into 
a very rich brown-tinged orange.
0 0 3
0 -1 24824
0 -1 24828
0 -1 24829
0 -1 24830
The waning dusk turns the lake you are standing in into a picture of the 
deepest purple.  Light reflecting off the lake turns all the colors around 
you into progressive shades of the same color, including the grapevines in 
the distance.  A table is set up on the shore, draped in a violet tablecloth.
0 0 2
0 -1 24825
0 -1 24829
0 -1 24830
Horror dawns on you as you realize what the thick red liquid you're wading in 
is.  You quickly scramble out of it and take in your surroundings.  The sky 
is the light red of sunrise.  The blood you were just swimming in drips off 
your equipment onto the brick path under your feet.  The sunlight bathes the 
nearby trees in red, matching the color of the leaves.
0 0 3
0 -1 24826
0 -1 24829
0 -1 24830
The brightness that encompasses you makes everything you've ever seen seem 
dim and diluted by comparison.  Everywhere you turn, you can see nothing but 
white.  Closing your eyes doesn't help; the afterimage is just as bad.  There 
is no horizon; no floor, no ceiling, no walls.  Panic wells up in you as you 
lose track of the exit.  You spin around and look in all directions, quickly 
realizing that, for once in your life, your sense of direction is totally gone.
0 0 9
0 -1 24809
Your light source does nothing to penetrate the thick, silent darkness around 
you.  The only thing that gives you ANY sense of direction is the division of 
blackness; there are actually deeper shades of black than what you saw when 
you first arrived here, evidenced by the horizon of absolute darkness in the 
distance.  The "sky" is actually a lighter shade of black than the "ground" 
here.  You wonder how this is possible.
0 0 9
0 -1 24809
High above Icewind Dale~
Two things immediately strike you as you step onto the top of this mountain.  
How beautiful the view is, with the mountains almost touching the sky, their 
snow-capped peaks untouched by any creature, and how COLD it is!  Yikes!  
You'd best get moving if you want your blood to stay in liquid form.
0 4 5
33 -1 24805
0 -1 24832
Trudging along in Icewind Dale~
Hmm.  There goes your way back up.  The mountain is virtually unclimbable from
here.  Looks like the only way out now is to the east, towards a huge glacier
far in the distance.  Your slowly numbing legs scream for action.  Time to get
moving before they fall off.
0 4 5
0 -1 24833
Within Sight of the Reghed Glacier~
The huge glacier looming in the distance is even bigger than you thought, now
that you are nearing it.  Something seems odd about the glacier, but you can't
stop to figure it out now.  It's either move or freeze.  The glacier awaits, as
does glory.  You can also see a long path to the north that eventually leads 
to a huge rocky cliff.
0 4 5
0 -1 24834
0 -1 24832
At the Base of the Reghed Glacier~
Well, whatever was abnormal about this glacier seems to have vanished now that
you're this close to it.  The surface of the glacier is an impregnable wall of
deep-frozen ice.  Seemingly impregnable.  You didn't come all this way just to
look at a glacier.  Perhaps there's something else of interest here...
0 4 5
1035 -1 24835
0 -1 24833
glacier mountain wall~
The glacier does indeed look impenetrable.  It'd be a cold day in hell before
you found any way inside of it.  No pun intended.  Hmm.  Well, actually, now
that you're looking REALLY hard, you can see some sort of depression at the
base of the mountain.  Probably just a trick of the imagination, though.
There is a rather large crack at the base of the glacier.  So large, in fact,
that you'd probably be able to fit through it with a bit of help.
The Shores of Evermelt~
The cold temperature no longer seems incapacitating by this warm pool.  In 
fact, you could stay here for quite a while if you had a mind to.  Steam 
billows off the surface of the pool in great clouds.  You have heard legends 
of what lies beyond the pool.  Care to find out if they're true?
0 12 1
35 -1 24834
pool evermelt water~
1057 24821 24836
Swimming in Evermelt~
The water is remarkably warm down here.  The steam rising off the surface 
above you doesn't do justice to the toasty feeling flowing through your 
veins.  Remaining down here would be a bad idea, though...if you get to used 
to this temperature, you'll turn into an icicle seconds after getting out.
0 12 6
0 -1 24837
0 -1 24835
Swept Along by the Current~
Hmm.  The current feels a lot stronger than it felt a few seconds ago.  In 
fact, it's doubtful you could make it back to where you just were those few 
seconds ago.  Might as well enjoy the ride now.
0 12 6
0 -1 24838
Still Lost in the Current~
Your lungs are screaming for air now.  It takes all of your years of 
experience as an adventurer to keep from gulping in a mouthful of water.  
Perhaps now would be a good time to find some oxygen, before you find 
something less pleasant--death.
0 12 6
0 -1 24839
The Waterfall (!!)~
Uh-oh.  Time to act quick.  Just to your north, you hear the telltale roar of 
water falling into a lower pool.  And from the sound of it, that pool is 
quite a ways away.  Frantically looking around for a way out of this, you spy 
a few icicles above you.  Maybe that's your ticket out of this mess.  It 
probably would be a good idea to grab one before you go over the falls north.
0 12 6
If you go this way, death is assured.  The fall is quite far.
0 -1 24858
0 -1 24859
Lost in the barren wasteland~
Your throat constricts involuntarily as a huge wave of thirst overwhelms 
you.  It doesn't look like there's any way out of this godforsaken place.  
You promise yourself that if you ever see a painting of a wasteland, you'll 
stay the hell away from it.
0 3153920 10
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24841
0 -1 24840
Lost in the barren wasteland~
The lack of moisture in your throat fits nicely with the look of this place.  
You're beginning to wonder if there is a way out of this place, or if the 
gods have cursed you to a slow, agonizing death.
0 3153920 10
0 -1 24842
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
Lost in the barren wasteland~
You can feel the heat of the sun overhead beating down on your already burned 
skin.  What a way to go.  There's not even anyone, anyTHING around to notice 
you expire.  You thought your death would bring more fanfare than this.
0 3153920 10
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24843
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
Lost in the barren wasteland~
*pant* *pant* This is not good.  Although you feel like you're making 
progress in this accursed place, you still don't see any change in 
atmosphere.  That could be what is causing you to panic.  Or perhaps it's 
because you can feel your brain frying.
0 3153920 10
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24844
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
Lost in the barren wasteland~
You whistle a little tune that has no melody to yourself as you trudge 
further along in this place.  Relief seems close at hand, but not by much.  
Your grip on sanity is starting to loosen.  Time to leave.  Now.
0 3153920 10
0 -1 24845
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
Lost in the barren wasteland~
Your heart skips a beat as you see a huge pond in the distance.  You run 
towards it, without caring what happens to you and your equipment.  You reach 
the shore and dive in...
Only to land headfirst on more of the cracked, dry, hard ground you've been 
destroying your footgear on for the last hour.  *groan*
0 3153920 10
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24846
0 -1 24840
Lost in the barren wasteland~
Perhaps that dog over there can tell you how to get out of here.  Or maybe 
that purple zorgflatz to your left.  Wait a minute--what's a zorgflatz?  
Dimly you realize that to stay in this hell means a fate worse than death.  
Insanity.  This may be your last hope of escape.
0 3145732 10
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24847
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
Lost in the barren wasteland~
Doo de doo de doo de doo...la de da de da...you've never been so happy.  The 
pack of purple zorgflatzes that guards your dreams is right on your tail, but 
you're happy, happy, happy!!  (You're also on the edge of insanity.  Be 
0 3153924 10
0 -1 24848
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
The Edge of the Barren Wasteland~
By all the gods!  It's the edge of this accursed, blasted land!  Yippee!!  
Yeehaa!  Alri--uh-oh.  Your elation evaporates in the blink of an eye, 
quickly replaced by dread, as you look more closely at the pile of white 
powder right next to you.  Sniffing carefully, you discover that it is 
powdered bone!  What could have crushed THIS many bones, into THIS fine a 
substance.  You have a sick feeling you might just find out.
0 3153924 10
0 -1 24803
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
0 -1 24840
Welmar's Left Knee~
The old king's knee is pretty bony, but there is a good deal of muscle 
beneath.  The old codger has, after all, seen his share of adventuring.  But 
these knees creak from arthritis when they move.  Doesn't look like his 
majesty will be doing any strenuous activity today.
0 8 1
0 -1 24850
0 -1 24818
Welmar's Lower Torso~
Now that you're here, you realize you don't feel like spending too much time 
near the waist of a seventy-year-old man.  Ugh.  Welmar doesn't have a 
queen.  You wonder how the old man can keep such a sunny outlook on life 
without any female companionship.  Or maybe that's what the guards are for...
0 8 1
0 -1 24849
0 -1 24851
0 -1 24853
Welmar's Right Knee~
His majesty's right knee is covered by his opulent robe, but if it's like the 
rest of his skin, it's probably pretty pale and splotchy.  Why his subjects 
choose to follow the old man is a mystery to you.  He doesn't look very 
authoritative from down here.
0 8 1
0 -1 24850
0 -1 24852
Welmar's Right Foot~
King Welmar's right foot is as exquisitely pedicured as his left.  It looks 
as though he hasn't made any pilgrimages recently.  Or ever will.  Welmar 
gets carried wherever he goes now.  Ah, the life of a king.  Sounds pretty 
0 8 1
0 -1 24851
Welmar's Chest~
Despite the years of inactivity, Welmar's chest remains finely muscled.  
However, it is not the same type of muscle that he used to possess.  Welmar 
used to make the ladies swoon with his displays of strength.  Now his only 
strength comes from the inside.  You begin to understand why he is respected.
0 8 1
0 -1 24855
0 -1 24856
0 -1 24854
0 -1 24850
Welmar's Head~
Welmar's white beard chokes you as you walk around on his face.  his 
aristocratic nose is a hundred times as intimidating at this size.  You could 
probably fetch a pretty hefty price for that nose.  Assuming, of course, his 
Majesty would part with it.  You could always...convince him.
0 8 1
0 -1 24853
Welmar's Left Arm~
The old man's arm still has a few corded muscles deep beneath the skin, 
although they have long since atrophied due to inactivity.  You feel 
relatively certain you could put him down in an arm-wrestling contest.
0 8 1
0 -1 24853
Welmar's Right Arm~
This arm doesn't get much activity nowadays.  Welmar only uses it to 
gesticulate feebly with his golden sceptre.  Of course, doing anything with a 
sceptre THAT big would require you to either be this Welmar's size, or to get 
a few thousand giant strength spells cast on you.  Neither seems to be an 
0 8 1
0 -1 24853
The Head of the Table~
Several exotic-looking glasses line the table here, all of them empty.  One 
of them has a familiar reddish tinge in the bottom.  It looks like...blood!  
What kind of fiend would drink a glass of blood?  Looking at a half-eaten 
piece of bread on the table, you realize exactly what kind of fiend would.  
The two small holes in the top of the bread gives it away.  Vampire.
0 4 2
0 -1 24820
Over the Falls~
Your failure to find a handhold on the icicles also means the failure of all 
your life functions.  You are thrown over the side...
And land on the rocks below.
0 4 1
> entry_prog 100~
if isaffected($n) == Flying
mpdamage $n 85
Hugging the Icicle~
Your lungs eagerly gulp in air as you cling for dear life to the icicle.
Thankfully, your almost numb hands remembered how to grip, although the grip 
is a tenuous one.  It looks like you can swing yourself down to the shore of 
the raging river.
0 12 5
0 -1 24860
On the Riverbank~
You land on the solid ice painfully.  Your ordeal with Evermelt is at an end, 
finally.  However, another ordeal appears to be awaiting you to the west.  
The rhythmic breathing you hear from that direction easily drowns out the 
roaring of the waterfall behind you.  Torn between self-preservation and 
curiousity, you stand indecisively.
0 12 2
0 -1 24861
The Tunnel to...?~
All is silent now except the heavy breathing coming from the north.  You can 
see light glinting off some material in the large cavern, but the rest of
the room is obscured.  Your legs feel frozen in place, but the sound from the 
north is so intriguing...
0 268 2
To the north is Icingdeath's Lair...are you sure you want to go that way?
0 -1 24862
0 -1 24860
The Lair of Ingeloakastimizilian~
The treasure all around you is utterly astounding.  Not the amount of it, of 
course.  You have seen more treasure in other lairs.  It's the way the 
coins, gems, weapons, and other fascinating items are frozen to the floor.  
Looking around, you see other things frozen to the floor.  A human, dressed 
in full armor, is encased in an icy tomb for eternity, his death scream 
forever locked in his throat.  The entire floor is covered with some form of 
treasure or life, or what USED to be life before Ingeloakastimizilian 
destroyed it.
0 12 1
0 -1 24861
0 -1 24863
On top of the Reghed Glacier~
Now what?  You're on top of the biggest glacier in all the Realms, with no 
way to go but down, back into Icingdeath's lair.  As you sink into 
despondency, you hear a low hum above you.  You look up and see...the 
portal!  You can make it back to the Art Gallery!
0 4 5
0 -1 24805
0 -1 24862
The Grave~
As you step down into the soft dirt, a chill passes through your bones.  You 
look around for the source of the feeling, everything goes dark.  The earth 
has sealed above you!  The only sound now is your breathing, which is becoming
more and more rapid.  Trying to collect your thoughts, you notice something 
unusual about this pit.  There are cobwebs on every surface around here, almost
as if this grave has been closed for years.  The only exception is the south 
wall, which is completely clean.
0 260 2
wall dirt~
1033 -1 24865
Lair of Aram-Dol~
You now realize why this area was perfectly clean.  The walls in this room, 
as well as the floor, are solid stone.  There are corpses strewn about the 
room, most with a horrified look on their face.  Whatever killed them must 
have given them one hell of a scare.  You've heard tales of underground stone 
lairs, and combined with the many corpses strewn about, everything starts to 
fall into place.  This is the lair of a lich.
0 260 2
0 -1 24864
0 -1 24813
..Everything begins to fade to black.
You feel yourself leaving your body... rising up into the air, you feel
more free than you have ever felt before...
However, before your deity comes to collect your soul, you feel a strange
pulling sensation as strange and colorful mists swirl around you...
0 12 1
Ye Olde Meat Shoppe~
Entering this store, you're reminded of how long it has been since you've had 
a good steak.  The cuts of meat hanging from hooks in the back remind you, 
however.  You can see large sides of beef, medium-sized veal cutlets, and a 
few other tasty delectables.
0 4 1
0 -1 24868
0 -1 24822
Fruits R Us~
Every fruit ever to grace a tree in all the Realms is displayed here in front
of you.  Apples, oranges, kiwis, melons, everything.  Vegetables completely 
occupy another container next to the fruit.  This one is filled with corn, 
zucchini, and other healthy foods.
0 4 1
0 -1 24869
0 -1 24867
Goodbody Dairy~
You vow to never even think about anything bovine once leaving this place.  
Every milk and cheese product you can imagine lies here, carefully kept cool 
by a bluish-white glow.  A sign says, "ALL PRODUCTS KEPT REFRIGERATED".  
You'll have to ask the local scholar what ree-frigg-er-ated means sometime.  
It sounds dangerous.  But the food is so enticing...
0 4 1
0 -1 24868
The Arena~
As you step near the two humanoids fighting in this section of the arena, 
they both grow limp and collapse, their eyes rolling back in their heads.  By 
the time you reach them, they are both quite dead.  Looking up in the stands, 
you see one of the mind flayers gurgle something to his companion, and they 
both disappear suddenly.
0 0 1
0 -1 24819
The Arena~
Before you can get near the lizardman and warrior, they fall down in a heap 
together, both quite dead.  They didn't kill each other, so what could have 
possibly killed them?  Hmm.  This is unlike anything you've ever seen 
before.  They don't look like they had any history of coronary trouble...how
utterly puzzling.
0 0 1
0 -1 24819
In the Stands~
As you climb up into the seating section, what few remaining illithids you 
could see disappear suddenly.  Ignoring the yawning portal above you (which 
leads back to the gallery, incidentally), you look around for an explanation 
as to where the brain feeders could have gone.
0 0 1
0 -1 24811
0 -1 24819
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Tex's Room~
Nothing too remarkable about this room, other than a stolen lounge table and 
an interesting poster.  perhaps that's why Tex is ALWAYS in Grant and Seguin's
0 2097160 1
0 -1 24893
The poster has five women with flags on their bikini tops.  It says on the
bottom, "WORLD CUPS".  How...liberating.
Aaron and Rob's room~
So the rumors are true.  Aaron's side of the room IS always messy.  And today 
is no exception.  Aaron's side is covered with clothes and papers, and the 
everpresent brown beanbag chair.  Rob's side is spotless, as usual, except for
a broken bottle of Snapple on the floor.  Neither of them are on the MUD, 
though.  They're not as addicted as the rest of us.
0 2097160 1
0 -1 24893
Outside 305 and 310~
You stand between two open doorways.  They both lead to triples.  Ordinarily, 
it would be quite cramped.  But Rob and Aaron did a pretty good job of making 
Huguley move, so they've only got the two of them in there.  Plus, Tex and his
roommate managed to only ahve the two of them in there.  Lucky bastards.
0 2097160 1
0 -1 24891
0 -1 24892
Still in the hallway~
To the west is Vu's room.  He's gone through four roommates already, and he 
doesn't appear to mind.  He's got quite a setup behind that door.  The other
three doors are a mystery, though.  No idea who lives in them.
0 2097160 1
0 -1 24895
'pair of doors'~
1063 -1 24894
0 -1 24893
'pair of doors'~
1063 -1 24894
Walking down the hallway~
You are outside four locked rooms.  One is blaring Stone Temple Pilots.  The 
same Stone Temple Pilots song they've been playing the entire year.  The room 
next to that one on the west wall is the R.A.'s room.  No one has any idea 
who lives through the two doors on the east wall.  The hallway continues to 
the south, or back to outside MUD Central to the north.
0 2097160 1
0 -1 24898
'pair of doors'~
1063 -1 24894
0 -1 24894
'pair of doors'~
1063 -1 24894
223 Rasche Hall~
This is Scott and Matt's room.  You wouldn't know who Matt is.  He's never on 
the MUD.  There is a big computer under Scott's loft, the most powerful 
computer that's used for MUDding among the circle of friends.  The room is 
spotless, since any of the commanding officers in Echo Company could burst in 
for inspection at any time.  Sounds like an exciting life.
0 2097160 1
0 -1 24899
Forrester and Cox's Room~
Quite an interesting design.  A closet door stretches between the two lofts 
in this poorly lit room.  A stereo on said closet door is playing 96.3 ROV FM.
Cox's computer is on, of course (never, NEVER turn off a UNIX computer), 
while Forrester's computer has the Warp screen saver on.  There are several 
boxes stapled to Cox's loft.
0 2097160 1
You can leave this messy-ass room and go out into the hall to your west.
0 -1 24898
computer computers~
Cox has four windows open on the screen.  The joy of owning an X Windows 
system.  You wonder how he can keep track of everything.  Forrester's screen 
saver has a password, though.  Good luck getting in.
box boxes loft~
Cox's loft has food boxes stapled to it!  What a weirdo!
The Third Floor Miles Hallway~
To your west is Grant and Seguin's room, and east is Forrester and Cox's 
room.  The other two doors here are closed and locked, though.  Brett, 
Jeremy, Dave, and the other Jeremy don't take too kindly to visitors. Way down
the hall to the south are two more open doors.
0 2097160 1
0 -1 24897
0 -1 24895
0 -1 24899
Grant and Seguin's Room~
This is a pretty cool room.  It has two lofts, numerous posters on the wall, 
two computers, and one hell of an entertainment center.  Faith No More plays 
loudly from the four speakers in the room, and a paused game of Final Fantasy 
III is on the TV.  Care to relax for a bit?
0 2097160 1
You can leave the twins' room and go out into the hall to the east.
0 -1 24898
0 -1 24896
loft lofts~
The lofts are quite different in appearance.  Seguin's is quite sturday and 
clean, while Grant's is unmade and wobbly.
desk desks~
Another contrast.  Seguin's is perfectly organized, Grant's is perfectly 
messy.  Rather appropriate, actually.
tv television~
Looks like Seguin has finally caught up to Grant in Final Fantasy III.  He's 
at the last fight.  As you watch, the Blitz guy does a Bum Rush on Kefka.
computer computers~
Somehow Grant and Seguin have figured out a way to be on the MUD at the same 
time.  And, of course, they both are.  Grant is building, while Seguin is 
bitching about losing another apple of discord.

M 0 24800 1 24801
D 0 24801 0 2
M 0 24801 1 24802
M 0 24803 1 24806
D 0 24807 0 1
D 0 24808 1 1
D 0 24809 3 1
D 0 24810 0 1
D 0 24811 2 1
D 0 24812 3 1
D 0 24813 1 1
D 0 24814 2 1
M 0 24805 1 24817
E 1 24804 1 16
M 0 24814 1 24818
M 0 24806 1 24823
E 1 24805 1 16
M 0 24807 1 24824
E 1 24803 1 16
M 0 24808 1 24825
E 1 24806 1 16
M 0 24809 1 24826
E 1 24802 1 16
M 0 24810 1 24827
E 1 24807 1 16
G 1 24899 1
M 0 24811 1 24828
E 1 24801 1 16
M 0 24812 1 24829
E 1 24808 1 16
M 0 24813 1 24830
E 1 24809 1 16
M 0 24821 1 24848
M 0 24815 1 24852
M 0 24818 1 24854
M 0 24819 1 24854
M 0 24820 1 24854
M 0 24817 1 24855
M 0 24816 1 24856
M 0 24822 1 24820
E 1 24817 1 12
M 0 24823 1 24820
M 0 24824 1 24820
E 1 24817 1 12
E 1 24818 1 6
M 0 24825 1 24857
E 1 24819 1 17
O 0 24820 1 24835
M 0 24827 3 24832
M 0 24827 3 24833
M 0 24827 3 24834
M 0 24826 2 24832
M 0 24826 2 24834
M 0 24828 1 24862
E 1 24824 1 5
E 1 24825 1 7
E 1 24826 1 10
E 1 24827 1 19
E 1 24858 1 16
E 1 24857 1 17
E 1 24828 1 9
E 1 24856 1 8
E 1 24829 1 6
E 1 24830 1 13
M 0 24829 1 24865
M 0 24851 1 24867
G 1 24831 1
G 1 24832 1
G 1 24833 1
G 1 24834 1
G 1 24835 1
G 1 24836 1
G 1 24837 1
G 1 24838 1
G 1 24839 1
G 1 24840 1
G 1 24841 1
G 1 24842 1
G 1 24843 1
M 0 24853 1 24822
G 1 24844 1
G 1 24845 1
G 1 24846 1
G 1 24847 1
G 1 24848 1
G 1 24849 1
G 1 24850 1
G 1 24851 1
G 1 24852 1
G 1 24854 1
G 1 24855 1
M 0 24854 1 24868
G 1 24872 1
G 1 24871 1
G 1 24870 1
G 1 24869 1
G 1 24868 1
G 1 24867 1
G 1 24866 1
G 1 24865 1
G 1 24864 1
G 1 24863 1
G 1 24862 1
G 1 24861 1
G 1 24873 1
G 1 24860 1
M 0 24833 1 24826
M 0 24852 1 24869
G 1 24874 1
G 1 24875 1
G 1 24876 1
G 1 24877 1
G 1 24878 1
G 1 24879 1
G 1 24880 1
G 1 24881 1
G 1 24882 1
G 1 24883 1
O 0 24889 1 24870
P 1 24885 1 24889
O 0 24890 1 24870
P 1 24885 1 24890
O 0 24890 1 24871
P 1 24885 1 24890
O 0 24889 1 24871
P 1 24885 1 24889
M 0 24837 3 24872
E 1 24892 1 12
M 0 24837 3 24872
E 1 24892 1 12
M 0 24837 3 24872
E 1 24892 1 12
O 0 24893 1 24816
M 0 24838 1 24816
E 1 24894 1 6
M 0 24839 1 24816
E 1 24894 1 6
M 0 24840 1 24816
E 1 24894 1 6
M 0 24841 1 24816
E 1 24894 1 6
M 0 24842 1 24816
E 1 24894 1 6
T 5 1 5 24803
O 0 24895 1 24803
O 0 24896 1 24828
O 0 24897 1 24824
P 1 24898 1 24897
O 0 24898 1 24824
M 0 24843 2 24823
M 0 24843 2 24823
M 0 24844 2 24823
M 0 24844 2 24823
O 0 24899 1 24827
O 0 24899 2 24827
M 0 24836 1 24819
E 1 24887 1 5
E 1 24888 1 16
E 1 24885 1 6
M 0 24835 1 24819
E 1 24885 1 6
E 1 24884 1 16
D 0 24834 1 1
D 0 24835 3 1

 24801    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the Art Gallery's curator
 24830   19 17 26  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the butcher
 24831   19 17 26  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the baker
 24832   19 17 26  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the fruit stand vendor
 24834   19 17 26  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the dimpled milkmaid
 24851   19 17 26  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the butcher
 24852   19 17 26  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the dimpled milkmaid
 24853   19 17 26  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the baker
 24854   19 17 26  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; the fruit stand vendor


M  24804 spec_breath_lightning
M  24814 spec_guard
M  24815 spec_guard
M  24820 spec_cast_mage
M  24821 spec_breath_gas
M  24823 spec_poison
M  24825 spec_cast_undead
M  24828 spec_breath_frost
M  24829 spec_cast_mage
M  24830 spec_guard
M  24831 spec_guard
M  24832 spec_guard
M  24834 spec_guard
M  24845 spec_guard
M  24846 spec_guard
M  24847 spec_guard
M  24848 spec_guard
M  24850 spec_guard
M  24851 spec_executioner
M  24852 spec_executioner
M  24853 spec_executioner
M  24854 spec_executioner
M  24892 spec_guard
M  24893 spec_guard
M  24894 spec_guard
M  24895 spec_guard
M  24896 spec_guard
M  24897 spec_guard
M  24898 spec_guard
M  24899 spec_guard
