#####				  #####
#####	How To install DiCE v6.   #####
#####				  #####

1: Move dice.c to the /src directory
2: Move dice.help to the /doc directory
3: Move dice-combo.help to the /doc directory
4: Move dice.log to the /logs directory
5: Move wdice.log to the /logs directory
6: Move ldice.log to the /logs directory
7: Add the following lines to the clist.h file in thier correct places:

extern command_func  dice;
{"dice", dice,0, 0, 1, 0, MISCc},

8: Add the following line to the proto.h file in its correct please:

 extern void dice_version(void);

9: Add the following line to the version.c file in its correct please:


10a. Ok, if you have pgplus v1.0.11 add the following  to
   dynatext.c somewhere around line 297, right after the
   pot statement:

  if(!strcmp(mask, "dice"))
      sprintf(buf, "%d", jpot);
      return buf;

10b. Ok, if you have pgplus v1.0.10 add the following to
    dynatext.c somewhere around line 81, right after the 
    case 'j' statement:

        case 'd':
          sprintf(stack, "%d", jpot);

11. Add this to the globals.c file somewhere around line 82 or so
   right after int pot; :

int jpot;

12. Add the following to the parse.c file somewhere around line 
   1226 right below for /* For slots */   if..... pot=.... part:

/* For DiCE */
      if (jpot <= 100)
        jpot = atoi(get_config_msg("dice_pot"));

13. Add the following to the include/proto.h file after ,pot about 
   565 lines down or so, its located in the extern int that starts
   with backup_hour, backup_time,.....:


(line should look like this when done:
extern int      backup_hour, backup_time, longest_time, pot, jpot, reboot_date,

14. Add the following to your config.msg file in the soft/ dir:

# This is the jackpot of the DiCE game
# How much the pot starts out at and what it resets to
dice_pot:       5000

# Colour of the DiCE, how about that, just change this, and they DiCE colours change
# No icky recompiling or anything.
# Colour of the DiCE is self
dc:             ^B

# Colour of the holes, or O's
hc:             ^C

Make Depend, Recompile and reboot

If any problems, questions or comments please e-mail me at one of the
following e-mail addresses:
