<head><title>ColdC: Objects</title></head>

<h1 align=center><a href="/ColdC/">ColdC</a>: Objects</h1>
<p>An object in ColdC is an advanced data type.  Objects are structured
together with <i><a href="/ColdC/oop.html#inher">parents</a></i> and <i><a
href="/ColdC/oop.html#inher">children</a></i> in a tree (geneology-style)
heirarchy known as the <i>object heirarchy</i>.  An object has both
ColdC procedures (<i><a href="methods.html">methods</a></i>) and ColdC
data (<i><a href="variables.html">variables</a></i>) bound to it.
The object variables are be accessed and modified by the methods
defined on that object.

    <li><a href="referencing.html">Referencing Objects</a>
    <li><a href="methods.html">Methods</a>
    <li><a href="variables.html">Variables</a>
    <li><a href="special.html">Special Objects</a>
<hr size=4><p align=center><i>Last Modified on Jan 25 1996</i>
<br><i>Copyright &copy; 1995, 1996, Brandon Gillespie</i>