<head><title>ColdC: Function/Method Reference: pause()</title></head>


<h1 align=center><a href="/ColdC/">ColdC</a>: <a href="/ColdC/Functions/">Function/Method Reference</a>: pause()</h1>


<font size=+1><i>INTEGER</i> <b>pause</b>()</font>

<p>This function instantly pauses the current task, letting other tasks
execute before it resumes execution with a refreshed tick count.  See
<a href="/ColdC/tasks.html">Frames and Tasks</a> for more information
on preempting and task control.

<p><hr size=4><p align=center><i>Last Modified on Mar 2 1996</i>
<br><i>Copyright &copy; 1995, 1996, Brandon Gillespie</i>