<head><title>ColdC: Function/Method Reference: ancestors()</title></head>


<h1 align=center><a href="/ColdC/">ColdC</a>: <a href="/ColdC/Functions/">Function/Method Reference</a>: ancestors()</h1>


<font size=+1><i>LIST</i> <b>ancestors</b>()</font>

<p>This function returns a list of the objnums of the ancestors of the
current object, in the order that they would normally be searched for
methods.  The objnums of the current object will be the first element of
the list.

<p><hr size=4><p align=center><i>Last Modified on Feb 26 1996</i>
<br><i>Copyright &copy; 1995, 1996, Brandon Gillespie</i>