Version      1
Name         Unholy Grounds~
Author       Eldaera~
WeatherX     0
WeatherY     0
Ranges       5 15 0 60
Economy      0 1323238
ResetMsg     The grief of mourners is audible throughout the burial ground...~
ResetFreq    10

Vnum       2101
Keywords   gravedigger grave digger~
Short      a gravedigger~
Long       A gravedigger is here, digging a new grave.
Desc       The darkness of night provides the perfect opportunity to do the job of
burying the dead such as this gravedigger does.  Hasty to finish his morbid
job, this gravedigger turns his back on you, oblivious to your presence.
Race       human~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     male~
Actflags   npc scavenger stayarea~
Stats1     -100 5 15 5 200 600
Stats2     5 5 50
Stats3     1 5 5
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common~
Speaking   common~
Bodyparts  head arms legs heart guts hands feet ear eye~
Attacks    trip~

Vnum       2102
Keywords   graverobber grave robber thief~
Short      a graverobber~
Long       A graverobber seeks valuable treasures buried within the earth.
Desc       Searching for valuable trinkets buried with corpses beneath the ground,
this thief disrespectfully claws at the earth and chisels away at the
tombstones throughout the area.
Race       human~
Class      thief~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Specfun    spec_janitor~
Gender     male~
Actflags   npc scavenger stayarea~
Affected   detect_invis infrared sneak~
Stats1     -350 7 15 5 473 700
Stats2     5 5 50
Stats3     1 7 5
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common~
Speaking   common~
Bodyparts  head arms legs heart guts hands feet eye~
Attacks    trip~

Vnum       2103
Keywords   Arabella~
Short      Arabella~
Long       The corpse of Arabella lies here decaying within the coffin.
Desc       Though some patches of flesh still remain on different parts of her body,
most of Arabella's corpse has decayed away, revealing the white boney
skeleton within the corpse.  Maggots writhe horribly within the corpse,
feeding upon the decaying organs hungrily.
Race       skeleton~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     female~
Actflags   npc sentinel aggressive stayarea~
Stats1     3 13 8 5 2000 10000
Stats2     13 13 130
Stats3     1 10 12
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common dwarven trollese insectoid mammal dragon spiritual halfling clan~
Speaking   common~
Bodyparts  head arms legs guts feet~
Defenses   curelight~

Vnum       2104
Keywords   Anastacia~
Short      Anastacia~
Long       The corpse of Anastacia sleeps peacefully within her glass coffin.
Desc       Clad in a long red velvet dress, Anastacia sleeps peacefully upon a bed
of large white rose petals scattered inside her glass coffin placed in the
center of the room upon a marble platform.  Her long raven hair tumbles
softly down her shoulders, framing her delicate face that seems to smile
in her deathly repose, making you your heart ache as you realize that you
will never have the chance to belong to this lovely beauty.
Race       human~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     female~
Actflags   npc sentinel scavenger~
Affected   detect_invis sleep~
Stats1     1000 10 9 -1 1500 4500
Stats2     10 10 100
Stats3     1 6 10
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common~
Speaking   common~
Bodyparts  head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
Defenses   curelight~

Vnum       2105
Keywords   preacher~
Short      a grey haired preacher~
Long       A grey haired preacher stands here, offering hollow words of comfort.
Desc       The preacher's shoulders slump slightly as he stands here preaching
insincere words of comfort to mourners that visit the graveyard.  Thin
whisps of grey hair, unwashed and uncombed, barely hides the scar on his
forehead he received when he stumbled upon a gang of thieves vandalizing
one of the graves within the cemetary.
Race       human~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     male~
Actflags   npc sentinel scavenger~
Stats1     0 7 8 3 1000 1500
Stats2     7 7 70
Stats3     1 6 4
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common~
Speaking   common~
Bodyparts  head arms legs heart brains guts feet ear eye~
Attacks    curse~
Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   1~
Comlist   open trapdoor
mpecho The preacher leaves up through a trapdoor.
mpecho The grey haired preacher pulls the bell rope.
pull rope
push rope
close trapdoor


Vnum       2106
Keywords   savage beast~
Short      the savage beast~
Long       A savage beast stands here, visciously gnawing upon a corpse.
Desc       Growling loudly as it chews upon one of the several corpses that it
violently ripped out of one of the crypts, the beast splatters blood
across its face, drooling the rusty red liquid from a mouth filled
with jagged teeth.  Upon noticing your presence, the beast drops
the bloody corpse and turns to you...
Race       zombie~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Specfun    spec_fido~
Gender     neuter~
Actflags   npc sentinel scavenger aggressive~
Affected   detect_invis infrared~
Stats1     -500 11 13 4 0 2000
Stats2     1 1 150
Stats3     1 6 8
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    16 13 13 16 13 13 13
Saves      0 -1 0 0 0
Speaks     common elvish dwarven rodent reptile dragon halfling clan~
Speaking   common elvish dwarven rodent reptile dragon halfling clan~
Bodyparts  head arms legs heart brains guts feet eye tail claws~
Immune     sleep charm~
Attacks    claws trip~

Vnum       2107
Keywords   mourner~
Short      a mourner~
Long       A mourner wails sadly, grieving the loss of her loved one.
Desc       Clad in the black clothing which marks the grieving period of a recently
departed loved one, she wails loudly, burying her veiled face deeply in
her shaking hands.
Race       human~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     female~
Actflags   npc stayarea wimpy~
Stats1     200 10 10 1 500 3800
Stats2     10 10 100
Stats3     1 6 6
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common~
Speaking   common~
Bodyparts  head arms legs heart guts feet ear eye~
Immune     charm~

Vnum       2108
Keywords   grey rat~
Short      a small grey rat~
Long       A small rat is here feasting upon the rotting corpse.
Desc       Obviously disturbed by your presence, this small grey rat scurries about,
leaving behind its morbid buffet of rotten flesh and decaying organs.  Finding
no escape, it turns on you with the hopes that its victory will leave him with
a fresher corpse to devour.
Race       rat~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Specfun    spec_fido~
Gender     neuter~
Actflags   npc sentinel aggressive~
Affected   detect_invis infrared~
Stats1     -100 5 10 2 10 700
Stats2     1 1 55
Stats3     1 6 3
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common dwarven pixie ogre orcish rodent insectoid reptile spiritual halfling clan~
Speaking   common dwarven pixie ogre orcish rodent insectoid reptile spiritual halfling clan~

Vnum       2110
Keywords   gravedigger grave digger~
Short      a gravedigger~
Long       A gravedigger scouts for an open plot to begin digging a new grave.
Desc       The darkness of night provides the perfect opportunity to do the job of
burying the dead such as this gravedigger does.  Hasty to finish his morbid
job, this gravedigger turns his back on you, oblivious to your presence.
Race       human~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     male~
Actflags   npc scavenger stayarea~
Stats1     -100 6 15 5 200 600
Stats2     5 5 50
Stats3     1 5 5
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common~
Speaking   common~
Bodyparts  head arms legs heart guts hands feet ear eye~
Attacks    trip~

Vnum       2111
Keywords   mutilated decaying corpse~
Short      a mutilated, decaying corpse~
Long       A mutilated corpse arises from its grave, seeking to devour you.
Desc       Your eyes widen in horror as this corpse claws through the earth, to attack you
with its skeletal jaws still dripping with the deep red blood of its latest
victim.  Large chunks of decaying flesh fall from its skull, revealing the
dull grey bones crushed by a traveller's futile blows in attempt to defeat
this corpse and flee with his life still intact.
Race       human~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     neuter~
Actflags   npc sentinel aggressive~
Affected   detect_invis detect_hidden infrared~
Stats1     -750 14 0 0 5000 0
Stats2     0 0 0
Stats3     0 0 0
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common~
Speaking   common~
Bodyparts  head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
Attacks    curse~
Defenses   curelight~

Vnum       2113
Keywords   vines tangle thorny~
Short      a tangle of thorny vines~
Long       Long thorny vines wrap around your body, choking the life out of you.
Desc       All throughout the graveyard, these long thorny vines grow wildly over
the ground, smothering the earth.  Climbing wildly over headstones and
statues throughout the area, the vines entangle your feet, causing you
to nearly stumble.
Race       undead~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     neuter~
Actflags   npc sentinel aggressive~
Affected   detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
Stats1     0 2 0 0 0 0
Stats2     1 1 9
Stats3     0 0 0
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common dwarven pixie orcish trollese dragon spiritual halfling clan~
Speaking   common dwarven pixie orcish trollese dragon spiritual halfling clan~
Immune     charm~
Progtype  death_prog~
Arglist   100~
Comlist   mpgoto 3


Vnum       2120
Keywords   owl bird hoot~
Short      an owl~
Long       A lone owl flies high among the branches, echoing cries of warning.
Desc       Through the thick, rotten air, this owl flies throughout the darkened
grove, calling out a shrill hoot of warning to those who trample within
the unholy confines of the cemetery.
Race       shrieker~
Class      warrior~
Position   standing~
DefPos     standing~
Gender     neuter~
Actflags   npc sentinel~
Affected   flying~
Stats1     0 6 0 4 0 0
Stats2     0 0 0
Stats3     1 5 5
Stats4     0 0 0 0 0
Attribs    13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Saves      0 0 0 0 0
Speaks     common dwarven ogre trollese rodent insectoid mammal dragon spiritual halfling clan~
Speaking   common dwarven ogre trollese rodent insectoid mammal dragon spiritual halfling clan~
Bodyparts  head heart brains guts eye wings tail~

Vnum     2101
Keywords robe muddy~
Type     armor~
Short    a gravedigger's muddy robe~
Long     A gravedigger's robe lays here caked in mud.~
WFlags   take body~
Values   5 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    5 320 32 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 -5 17 0

Vnum     2102
Keywords shawl black~
Type     armor~
Short    a black woolen shawl~
Long     A mourner's shawl lays here in a crumpled pile.~
Flags    dark~
WFlags   take body~
Values   5 4 0 0 0 0
Stats    4 840 84 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 -3 17 0

Vnum     2103
Keywords gravedigger spade shovel~
Type     weapon~
Short    a gravedigger's spade~
Long     A rusty gravedigger's shovel has been stuck into the ground.~
Flags    metal~
WFlags   take wield~
Values   0 2 7 4 0 0
Stats    9 900 90 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 -5 17 0
Affect       -1 -1 1 18 0

Vnum     2104
Keywords headstone plaque~
Type     armor~
Short    a headstone's stolen plaque~
Long     Stolen from a headstone, a brass plaque has been dropped here.~
Flags    metal~
WFlags   take shield~
Values   4 4 0 0 0 0
Stats    5 540 54 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 1 1 0
Affect       -1 -1 -1 25 0

Vnum     2105
Keywords crucifix wooden cross~
Type     wand~
Short    a shattered crucifix~
Long     An old wooden crucifix lays here, shattered into several pieces.~
Flags    hum~
WFlags   take hold~
Values   11 3 3 -1 0 0
Stats    1 300 30 0 0
Spells   'dispel evil'

Vnum     2106
Keywords chisel rusted~
Type     weapon~
Short    a graverobber's chisel~
Long     A rusty chisel has been dropped here.~
Flags    dark metal~
WFlags   take wield~
Values   0 7 2 11 0 0
Stats    3 354 35 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 -6 17 0
Affect       -1 -1 4 18 0

Vnum     2107
Keywords slippers mourner black~
Type     armor~
Short    black pair of slippers caked with mud~
Long     A pair of black slippers are here covered in mud.~
Flags    dark~
WFlags   take feet~
Values   3 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    3 760 76 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 5 12 0
Affect       -1 -1 1 18 0

Vnum     2108
Keywords bible~
Type     staff~
Short    a preacher's bible~
Long     A tattered old bible lays on the ground gathering dust.~
Flags    glow magic bless antievil~
WFlags   take hold~
Values   6 2 2 -1 0 0
Stats    1 1000 100 0 0
Spells   'fly'

Vnum     2109
Keywords gold bracelet~
Type     armor~
Short    Arabella's golden bracelet~
Long     Arabella's shiny gold bracelet lays twinklink brightly on the ground.~
Flags    bless metal~
WFlags   take arms~
Values   2 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    2 500 50 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 1 1 0
Affect       -1 -1 5 13 0
Affect       -1 -1 -5 17 0

Vnum     2110
Keywords cane widow ebony~
Type     weapon~
Short    a widow's cane~
Long     A shiny black ebony cane rests on the ground.~
Flags    dark~
WFlags   take wield~
Values   0 1 12 7 0 0
Stats    3 675 67 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 40 14 0
Affect       -1 -1 4 18 0

Vnum     2111
Keywords ring diamond Thomas~
Type     armor~
Short    a golden ring encrusted with diamonds~
Long     A small, glittering diamond ring lays on the ground, sparkling brightly.~
Flags    glow~
WFlags   take finger~
Values   4 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 10000 1000 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 20 12 0
Affect       -1 -1 10 13 0
Affect       -1 -1 1 1 0

Vnum     2112
Keywords gloves skin chunk~
Type     armor~
Short    gloves of rotten flesh~
Long     A leathery chunk of flesh is here decaying in a pool of blood.~
Flags    organic~
WFlags   take hands~
Values   -15 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 2000 200 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 -15 12 0
Affect       -1 -1 -10 13 0
Affect       -1 -1 5 18 0

Vnum     2113
Keywords pine coffin~
Type     furniture~
Short    Thomas' pine coffin~
Long     An old, moldy pine box lays here, broken in several places.~
Flags    organic~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1000 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2114
Keywords fountain granite~
Type     fountain~
Short    a crumbling fountain~
Long     A crumbling granite fountain stands here, filled with stagnant water.~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2115
Keywords tree dead fall~
Type     furniture~
Short    a large dead tree~
Long     A giant tree has fallen here, blocking your way to the east.~
Flags    organic~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2116
Keywords glass coffin~
Type     container~
Short    Anastacia's glass coffin~
Long     A crystal clear coffin made of glass lies upon a platform of swirled marble.~
Values   2 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2117
Keywords petals rose bed~
Type     trash~
Short    a bed of scattered white rose petals~
Long     Thousands of white rose petals lay here, a floral bed of scented softness.~
Flags    organic~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    2 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2118
Keywords lily flower~
Type     trash~
Short    a large white lily~
Long     A large white flower grows along the earth.~
Flags    organic~
WFlags   take hold~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 15 12 0

Vnum     2119
Keywords bell brass cracked rope~
Type     lever~
Short    a shriveled rope attached to a bell~
Long     A large brass bell hangs from the ceiling, suspended from a rotten wooden beam.~
Flags    metal~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1000 0 0 0 0
Progtype  push_prog~
Arglist   100~
Comlist   mpasound The mournful toll of a bell announces the death of another soul.
mpecho The mournful toll of a bell announces the death of another soul.

Progtype  pull_prog~
Arglist   100~
Comlist   mpasound The loud bell cries out for those lost to this world.
mpecho The loud bell cries out for those lost to this world.


Vnum     2120
Keywords veil black~
Type     armor~
Short    a thin black veil~
Long     A ragged black veil has been tossed here.~
Flags    dark~
WFlags   take eyes~
Values   4 4 0 0 0 0
Stats    5 970 97 0 0
Affect       -1 -1 -5 17 0
Affect       -1 -1 1 4 0

Vnum     2121
Keywords swirled headstone~
Type     furniture~
Short    a swirled black marble headstone~
Long     A swirled marble headstone lays on its side, sinking in the earth.~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2122
Keywords rugged cross~
Type     furniture~
Short    old rugged cross~
Long     A splintered old cross stands here, entangled in vines.~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2123
Keywords piles corpse limbs~
Type     furniture~
Short    mangled limbs and bloody corpses~
Long     Several piles of decapitated corpses and mangled limbs litter the ground.~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2124
Keywords corpse suicide rope~
Type     furniture~
Short    decaying corpse hanging from a rope~
Long     Dangling from an old rotten rope, a decaying corpse sways in the wind.~
Flags    organic~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2125
Keywords headstone flowered preacher~
Type     furniture~
Short    a preacher's headstone~
Long     Crumbly, dead flowers lay decaying at the base of a dull black headstone.~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2126
Keywords crushed corpse stone~
Type     furniture~
Short    fallen headstone~
Long     A large headstone lays on the ground, resting at a strange angle.~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2127
Keywords withered old oak tree~
Type     furniture~
Short    a withered old oak tree~
Long     A withered old oak tree now lays on its side, decaying in the rains.~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2128
Keywords statue beheaded~
Type     furniture~
Short    a beheaded statue~
Long     A grisly statue caked in blood stands before you.~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2129
Keywords statue gargoyle~
Type     furniture~
Short    statue of a woman~
Long     A statue, well worn and eroded, stands here dripping blood.~
Flags    organic~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2150
Keywords border object~
Type     trash~
Short    a newly created border object~
Long     Some god dropped a newly created border object here.~
Flags    prototype~
Values   0 0 0 0 0 0
Stats    1 0 0 0 0

Vnum     2101
Name     The Broken, Uneven Grounds~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Once inside the entrance, you see the hazy fog start to settle on the
ground, causing you to stumble over the uneven soil beneath your feet.
Several broken twigs lay scattered on the rotten earth, crackling as
you continue through the haze-enshrouded cemetery.  Mossy stones cause
you to slip across the ground here and there, and you gasp with a
start as you slide unexpectedly into one of many holes left behind by
the ghoulish creatures which burrow through the grounds, searching for
fresh new corpses that lay buried inside their wooden boxes like well-
prepared banquet tables before their fiendish devourers.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2102
Desc      The graves lay this way, hoping that you will be their occupant.

Direction west~
ToRoom    2172
Desc      The path becomes smoother.

Reset M 0 2110 4 2101
  Reset G 1 2103 1
  Reset E 1 2101 1 5
ExDescKey    twigs~
ExDesc       Twisted brown twigs lay dead at your feet, blown away from the fingers
of the tree that stands at the entrance.

ExDescKey    stones~
ExDesc       Caused by the many rains that drench the area, several mossy stones
scatter the grounds, covered in the slippery green carpet-like mold.


Vnum     2102
Name     Unholy Grounds of the Dead~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Trampling slowly through the cemetery, you find yourself standing at the
beginning of the many graves of the former dwellers of the land.  Hastily
buried by uncaring gravediggers, many corpses now protrude from the earth,
unwilling to accept their own fatalities, grotesquely twisted and mangled
by savage animals feeding upon their flesh.  Others lay in their deathbeds
only to have their earthly blankets clawed away by grave robbers, leaving
their broken coffin lids cracked and broken away.  Several statues, their
faces worn away to horrid stumps by the rains and the wind, stand as
mangled monuments tothe very gods who stole the lives of those buried here.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2103
Desc      More graves await you...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2101
Desc      Darkness dissipates slightly.

Direction southeast~
ToRoom    2109
Desc      Eternal death awaits...

ExDescKey    corpses~
ExDesc       Sloppily buried in shallow graves, several corpses lay beneath the earth.
Twisted arms and mangled legs lay half buried, left to be chewed by
scavengers in the cemetery.

ExDescKey    statues~
ExDesc       Statues of the gods stand here - their faces worn away to fiendish
mutations that almost resemble gargoyles.


Vnum     2103
Name     An Unkempt Grave~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Like most of the graves around you, the one before you lays blanketed in
a brown, dead shroud of weeds.  The broken footstone, sunken deep into
the earth, crumbles to the touch as you reach down to its inscription.
Sunken patches of ground cover the plot, causing you to wend and move
precariously through the fog - only to stop in horror as you notice an
unburied hand, rotted away to its skeletal bones, clutching toward your
leg as if to pull you deep under the earth to a horrible death.  Tearing
yourself from its grasp, you move quickly forward in hopes that you will
soon be away from this terrifying nightmare.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2104
Desc      The darkness continues...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2110
Desc      The foggy darkness continues...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2102
Desc      The darkness continues...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2103
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20
Reset M 0 2102 12 2103
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
Reset M 0 2101 4 2103
  Reset E 1 2103 1 16
  Reset E 1 2101 1 5
ExDescKey    footstone~
ExDesc       This grey marble stone lays sunken into the earth, crumbling to the touch.

ExDescKey    hand~
ExDesc       Rotting patches of flesh have fallen away to reveal the white skeletal
bones of this hand.


Vnum     2104
Name     The Coffin of Thomas~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Wandering through the darkness, your heart jumps as you find an old
pine box laying broken wide open on the ground before you.  Shattered and
splintered, the lid lies strewn in several pieces, left to rot in the cold
rains like a pile of moldy garbage disposed by a vagrant. Looking into the
pine box, you shriek in horror to find that the box is used as a coffin,
its decomposing corpse still rests inside in a deathly sleep, never to
awaken.  Along one side of the box, a single cross lies scorched into the
wood, the name 'Thomas' still barely legible beneath it despite many tool-
markings left by countless thieves scavaging for anything of value.  A
single dead and decaying rose rests in Thomas' hands, tied carefully with
a faded red ribbon which attaches a solemn note.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2105
Desc      The darkness continues...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2111
Desc      The fog grows thicker...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2103
Desc      The darkness continues ...

Reset O 0 2113 1 2104
ExDescKey    box~
ExDesc       Inside the box lay the corpse of Thomas.  Though thoroughly decaying,
it is obvious that Thomas was a young man, perhaps no more than 21,
who's life was stolen long before it was time.

ExDescKey    rose~
ExDesc       A single rose, its lovely red blossoms long withered away leaving
a long black thorny stem to rest in Thomas' hands, lays here with
a faded note attached to it.

ExDescKey    note~
ExDesc       Thomas,
Though the gods have taken you from me before we were to be married,
my heart will always remain with you.  In my darkest hours I find
myself wishing to join you forever in your deathly slumber for I know
that I can not live without you.  I give you this rose to carry with
you eternally until I too join you and we walk together.
                                Eternal Love,


Vnum     2105
Name     The Fallen Headstone~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Reeling from the things you have seen, you step quickly away in any
direction that might lead you from this place.  Darkened mists grow
thick now, causing you to almost miss the headstone before you that
has fallen over on its side.  A grey fog encircles the stone, making
it seem to have a cloudy aura, drawing you near.  Swirled black
marble, broken and cracked in several places, no longer shines as
it slowly sinks into the soggy earth beneath it, forever resting
horizontally in the black of night.  Along the stoney face, in the
headstone's center, hangs a simple white plaque, muddy and worn and
off-setting the dull black stone around it.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2106
Desc      The fog gets thicker...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2104
Desc      More darkness continues...

Reset M 0 2102 12 2105
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
Reset M 0 2101 4 2105
  Reset E 1 2103 1 16
  Reset E 1 2101 1 5
Reset O 0 2121 1 2105
ExDescKey    headstone~
ExDesc       Caused by the rain-soaked, uneven grounds, this tombstone appears to have
fallen on its side.  Sinking deep into the earth, this tomstone probably
has been laying here for many years, neglected by even the caretakers of
the cemetary.  A white plaque is still legible on its face.

ExDescKey    plaque~
ExDesc       Looking at the plaque, you see only the name 'Thomas' inscribed on it.


Vnum     2106
Name     Darkened Grave of the Unknown Warrior~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The word 'Unknown' catches your eye as you walk carefully through the mists.
The black, rotten earth is soggy here, pitted in puddles of stagnant water
that stand on the side of this unknown person.  Old, rusty swords, mounted
forever on the headstone, cross themselves in dull, useless tribute to the
warrior herein, slain in a bloody battle and laid here to rest.  A lonesome
owl hoots in the distance, adding to the uneasy feeling as your hands slowly
tremble across the smooth headstone, one of the few untouched by thieves'
tools.  The wind begins to blow slightly, bringing forth a slight odor of
fresh death somewhere to the south of you, and raising your desires to
leave this place, never to return.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2107
Desc      The weeds grow thicker...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2113
Desc      An old cross stands in the shadows of the cemetary...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2105
Desc      Darkness overcomes the fog...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2106
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20
ExDescKey    headstone~
ExDesc       Two old swords are mounted here, crossed in a rusty brown tribute to the
warrior that lays beneath the rotting ground.  Though the weather has worn
this stone down, you can still read the word 'Unknown' carved deep into the
crumbly headstone.

ExDescKey    swords~
ExDesc       Two old swords, rusting to a crumbly dust, are mounted upon the tombstone,
crossed forever.

Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   10~
Comlist   mpecho The muffled sound of a chisel against granite distracts you slightly...


Vnum     2107
Name     An Overgrown Grave~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     In the midsts of the cemetery, not unlike many of the other plots in the
area, lies this overgrown plot.  Tall, dried grass entangles your legs,
causing your pace to slow as the long, brown, finger-like blades protrude
from the earth.  Thick weeds curtain the old footstone which sinks deeper
into the ground with each miserable rain, forcing the cold, lifeless mud
to seep through the weeds and thickly cover the footstoney, burying any
chance you may have in learning who is buried here.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2108
Desc      A large tree now lays on its side...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2106
Desc      The thick fog almost chokes you...

Reset M 0 2102 12 2107
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
ExDescKey    grass~
ExDesc       The tall brown grass grows thick here, in a smothering unkept jungle,
covering the grave beneath you.

ExDescKey    footstone~
ExDesc       The old grey tombstone, sinking deeper into the earth, lays cracked in
several places where the tall weeks have broken through, trying to entrap
anything that may wander by.  Thick brown mud has oozed through the weeds,
making it impossible to read anything that may be written upon the footstone.

ExDescKey    mud~
ExDesc       Dark brown mud, caused by the many rains, has oozed over the footstone,
making it impossible to read the epitaph written upon it.


Vnum     2108
Name     The Fallen Tree~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Deeper into the cemetery, you find yourself in the presence of a rather
large tree, blocking your view of the old, rusty fencing that surrounds
this hellish graveyard.  Long, dead branches, rotten and covered with a
dark brown fungus, outstretch all around you, with their crooked, boney,
finger-like limbs bent downward in total resignation to death.  Upon
lifting one of the many branches you gag at the sight of hordes of black
beetles which scurry from your light, rushing quickly for cover only to
later ravage the soil in search of anything that lay decaying on the
ground.  A single worm, its belly partially exposed above the ground,
tunnels through the earth, seeking new corpses to devour.
Direction west~
ToRoom    2107
Desc      The weeds grow thicker...

Direction southeast~
ToRoom    2115
Desc      The misty fog almost chokes you...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2108
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20
Reset O 0 2115 1 2108
ExDescKey    tree~
ExDesc       This tree, possibly a sycamore, lies rotting on its side, fallen to its

ExDescKey    beetles~
ExDesc       Several black beetles, suddenly revealed upon lifting the branch.
scurry quickly away, hiding from your light source.

ExDescKey    worm~
ExDesc       A fat brown worm, its belly undulating slowly downward, tunnels through
the soil to where ever its next grizzly meal may come from.


Vnum     2109
Name     The Death of a Child~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A small pair of leather shoes dipped in brass, tarnished to a dull brown,
adorn this small headstone hidden deep inside a dead mulberry bush planted
long ago.  Remnants of a broken rattle lay scattered in a thousand pieces
across the ground, shattered by thieves trampling through in search of the
macabre treasures that lay beneath the ground in tombs housing the deceased.
Looking at the tombstone, you see carved into the small marble monument the
image of a child's face, now deformed by the tools of vandals into the
sickening head of a mutilated wolf.  A tiny rosary, with several beads
broken and cracked, lay covered in mud near the rattle's handle.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2110
Desc      A lone wolf cries in the distance...

Direction northwest~
ToRoom    2102
Desc      The ground becomes more uneven...


Vnum     2110
Name     Uneven Grounds of the Mourned~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Several small brown mounds, left behind by the many gophers tunneling
through the earth in their gruesome hunt to find a newly buried feast,
litter the grounds here.  An eerie chill in the air sends shivers
through your bones, and a lone wolf howls somewhere in the distance in
a solemm cry of despair as the mist settles throughout the lands as an
unholy shroud of grey.  Several tombstones of the unfortunate souls
buried here lay overturned on their sides by thieves savaging the area
in search of any trinket that may be buried with the dead beneath the
wretched earth at your feet.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2103
Desc      giant tree now lays on its side...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2111
Desc      The grounds grow uneven...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2116
Desc      A giant tree now lays on its side...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2109
Desc      A small dead mulberry bush lay this way.

Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   5~
Comlist   mpecho The solemm howl of a wolf echoes in the distance...


Vnum     2111
Name     Darkened Grounds of the Dead~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Travelling deeper into the cemetery, your throat starts to tighten as the
thick grey fog chokes you, bringing forth dark visions of death to your
mind.  Deep brown puddles of mud, oozing in the uneven earth below you,
pit the land to make each step you take through the graveyard a difficult
one as you travel through the mist.  Off in the distance you see a few
small trees fallen to the ground, leaving behind their own brown rotting
corpses of moldy bark and mangled limbs to shrivel in resignation to the
lifeless existance within the rusty gates of this sickening place.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2104
Desc      You barely make out a plain pine box laying on the ground...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2117
Desc      Several twisted roots protrude above the soil of a grave...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2110
Desc      Darkness unforgivingly blurs your vision...


Vnum     2112
Name     Within the Graveyard~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Thick swirls of misty fog blanket the ground, smothering even the brown
weeds beneath your feet, making for a difficult journey through the
graveyard.  Many statues, their faces worn away to mangled stumps by the
rains and the wind, stand throughout the cemetary as horrid monuments to
the gods that have stolen the lives of each person buried here within
the muddy grounds.  Throughout the area a terrible stench permeates the
air, arising from partially buried corpses rotting in the elements.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2113
Desc      A tall wooden cross stands in the shadows of the cemetary...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2118
Desc      A broken skull lays on the ground...

Reset M 0 2101 4 2112
  Reset E 1 2103 1 16
  Reset E 1 2101 1 5

Vnum     2113
Name     The Old Rugged Cross~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Blown by chilling winds, dried dead leaves lay in a rotten pile beneath a
large wooden cross erected in the shadows of the unknown warrior's grave.
Long smothering vines grow wild here - their many thorns digging into the
holy symbol with a vengeance as they meander over its knotted surface in a
choking, death-bringing hold.  Remnants of old, beaded rosaries lie at the
foot of the cross, brought by the mourners of the souls buried within the
decaying cemetary in the hopes that their prayers of comfort will be
answered.  The ground is slippery here, causing you to fall before the
cross, cutting your leg on a jagged branch severed from one of the skeletal
trees inhabiting the wretched grounds of the graveyard.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2106
Desc      You barely make out a tombstone through the fog...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2114
Desc      Branches litter the ground...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2112
Desc      The odor of rotting corpses permeates the air...

Reset O 0 2122 1 2113

Vnum     2114
Name     The Twig-Covered Grave~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The air grows cold as the winds begin to stir the leaves laying on the
ground at your feet.  Large crooked branches, broken away by the winds,
lay scattered across the graveyard like twisted skeletal arms violently
ripped away from their corpses by some vicious beast.  The earth is
slippery here, puddled with mud left behind by common rainstorms that
plague the area, making it difficult to keep your footing as you step
around a small granite headstone that now lays on its side before you.
Just as horrid during the day, this graveyard's poorly kept condition
enhances the fear you feel as you travel through it at night, causing
you to want to leave this place as quickly as possible.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2115
Desc      A rusty iron fence stands, enclosing the cemetary...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2113
Desc      A large cross stands silently in the mists...


Vnum     2115
Name     Along the Wrought Iron Fence~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Thick patches of fog strangle you as you move deeper into the area,
causing you to step carefully through the tall vines entangling
themselves around the old wrought-iron fence that surrounds the
cemetary.  Your stomach retches as you step along bloody piles
of chewed human bones strewn across the ground amongst rotting
human flesh savaged by wolves.  The ground is uneven here,
causing you to rethink any ideas of travelling farther.
Direction south~
ToRoom    2120
Desc      The wrought iron fence stretches farther in the distance...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2114
Desc      A filthy grave lies covered with branches...

Direction northwest~
ToRoom    2108
Desc      A large tree now lays on its side...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2115
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20

Vnum     2116
Name     The Withered Old Tree~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Like most of the other trees that used to grow mightily throughout the
cemetery, this large oak now lays on its side, a lifeless corpse left
to rot in the cold rains that plague the area.  Its once thick limbs
now stretch outward in a mangled heap of fungus-covered branches,
their boney fingers now curled downwards as if pointing toward their
own bleak graves.  Like long twisted legs, the roots now lay exposed
beneath a wide, rotten trunk lined deeply by hungry termites which
chew through its fleshy bark.  Forever abandoned to its own fate, the
tree now blocks your way south.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2110
Desc      A forlorn wolf howls in the distance...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2117
Desc      The thick, broken roots of the tree extend unto the east...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2116
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20
Reset M 0 2102 12 2116
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
Reset O 0 2127 1 2116

Vnum     2117
Name     Grave Beneath the Tree~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The colds winds begin to pick up a little bit, easily blowing away the
thin wisps of fog that cover the ground, causing you to huddle closely to
the black granite headstone before you, marking the grave of a tortured
soul that has resigned its corpse.  Looking closely at the headstone, you
notice several deep cracks forming across its face, caused by careless
chisel marks left behind by thieves attempting to remove the tarnished
brass plaque mounted upon it.  Large twisted roots of a tree to the west
extend beneath the ground, causing you to almost trip over them as they
protrude through the rotten soil which now marks this grave.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2111
Desc      The ground grows muddy, causing you to slow your pace...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2121
Desc      A muddy trail lays to the south...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2116
Desc      A withered old tree now lays withered on its side...

Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   10~
Comlist   mpecho Cold damp winds begin to blow miserably through the graveyard...


Vnum     2118
Name     The Exhumed Grave~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A dirty brown skull lies crushed almost beyond recognition on the ground
in front of a crumbling tombstone.  Your stomach churns as you look at
this moldy grave resting within the confines of the rusty wrought-iron
fence.  Giant black beetles crawl quickly across the ground, feeding
from flesh still decaying within the skull, abandoned by savage wolves
in search of a more filling meal of partially exposed corpses littered
throughout the graveyard.  The air is thick here, causing you to
struggle for each breath while you examine the cracked headstone before
you.  Newly exhumed from the grave beneath you, the skeletal corpse now
lays scattered on the ground in a trail leading to the east.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2112
Desc      The fog grows thicker...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2119
Desc      A trail of rotten old bones lay this way...

Progtype  entry_prog~
Arglist   40~
Comlist   if isimmort($n)
or isnpc($n)
  if mobinroom(2111) < 1
    mpecho As you draw near the grave, something bursts forth from the earth!
    mpmload 2111
    mpforce 'mutilated decaying corpse' moan
    mpforce 'mutilated decaying corpse' , lunges forward unsteadily!
    mpechoaround $n $n recoils in shock from the mutilated creature!
mpforce $n pray


Vnum     2119
Name     Trail of Broken Bones~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A wretched stench fills the air as you follow the path of broken bones
laying on the ground in a trail that originates to the west.  Darkened
pools of blood, oozing from several dismembered corpses scattered along
the rotten earth, stain some of the bones, weakening your stomach as
you travel nervously along the path.  You gasp in horror as one hand,
no longer attached to its body, reaches to grab your legs, causing your
pace to quicken as you seek desperate escape from this ghastly place.
Direction south~
ToRoom    2123
Desc      The trail of bloody, broken bones ends...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2118
Desc      A freshly exhumed grave lays this way...


Vnum     2120
Name     Along the Wrought-Iron Fence~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Travelling along the old rusty fence, you feel a sense of dread encompass
your body.  Thick weeds choke the ground at your feet, smothering the earth
in a mangled blanket of thorns and vines that twist upwardly through the
rusty iron bars, blocking any view of the grounds that lay outside.  More
bones lay scattered at your feet, filling your mind with disgust as you see
large chunks of flesh rotting slowly against the bones.  A gut-wrenching
stench seems too common throughout the graveyard, making it dificult to
stay here for very much longer.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2115
Desc      The wrought iron fence stretches onward...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2125
Desc      The fence seems to have toppled to the ground...


Vnum     2121
Name     Trail of the Mourned~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A cold chill sends shivers down your spine with each step you take as the
cold winds begin to howl ferociously through the graveyard.  The vile odor
of decaying corpses and stagnant puddles of water chokes you, causing you
to gasp slightly at every breath.  All traces of the thick shroud of fog
that smothered the earth in a wispy grey blanket are now gone, revealing
oozing mud which cakes your feet in a slippery mixture of dead leaves and
thick brown slime.  Further to the southeast, you see several tombstones
crumbling away on their sides, while others remain still upright.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2117
Desc      A crumbling black headstone marks the grave of another soul...

Direction southeast~
ToRoom    2122
Desc      A white marble cross lies on the ground, broken from its headstone...


Vnum     2122
Name     Along the Trail of the Mourned~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Farther along the darkened trail, you find yourself standing in front of
an old, worn tombstone now turned on its side.  Worn with age and time,
the muddy old headstone lies forgotten as it sinks deeper into the soil
with each passing day.  Thick brown mud covers the stone in cold, slimy
puddles that trickle down the sides of the now fallen granite marker.
Reading the inscription, carved long ago when the fresh corpse was lain
to rest beneath the earth, proves virtually hopeless.  The white marble
cross that once stood atop the headstone now lies broken on the ground,
separated from the marker by a violent kick from cruel graverobber's
boot in an attempt to gain quicker access to the coffin buried beneath
the soggy earth.  Several more tombstones lie towards the southeast.
Direction northwest~
ToRoom    2121
Desc      The odor of rotting corpses fills the air...

Direction southeast~
ToRoom    2127
Desc      Dismembered corpses lie scattered along the ground...


Vnum     2123
Name     The Trail Ends~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A thick odor of death and decay overwhelms you as you stand before the
remains of several bodies.  Exhumed from their earthly graves here inside
the ghastly confines of the fence surrounding the cemetery, corpses have
been unceremoniously dumped, left to rot in the vicious elements plaguing
this area.  Bloody stumps of arms and legs, still twitching as if to try
to continue their fight for survival, lay scattered along the ground,
partially chewed away by voracious wolves.  Still other corpses, decaying
away to reveal white bones, lay completely intact among the mounds of
cadavers at your feet.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2119
Desc      A trail of bones leads off into the distance...

Reset M 0 2102 12 2123
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
Reset O 0 2123 1 2123

Vnum     2124
Name     The Broken Old Fountain~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The lonely call of a wolf drifts through the wind, sending a shiver down
your spine as you travel through the dark graveyard.  Dried brown weeds
are common here, growing tall around the dirty white cracked fountain
that stands before you, almost hiding the old granite fountain from view.
Dead brown leaves, carried by the winds and blown into the fountain, lay
decomposing in the murky stagnant water that fills the waterbowl, adding
to the already stale odor that fills the air and causing your stomach to
churn miserably in protest of the vile stench that surrounds you.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2125
Desc      A rusty wrought iron fence has fallen...

Reset O 0 2114 1 2124

Vnum     2125
Name     The Fallen Fence~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The winds begin to pick up as the thick grey fog is blown away, leaving
soil black as night newly exposed beneath your feet.  The pungent odor
of death, still noticeable in the cold night winds, lingers heavily,
filling your lungs with the vile stench common throughout this area.
To the east, the tall wrought-iron fence lays on its side, obviously
broken by thieves in their feverish attempts to plunder treasures
buried beneath the earth.  Twigs crackle loudly beneath your feet with
each step you take through the unkept grounds.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2120
Desc      The rusty fence stretches onward...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2124
Desc      A broken fountain stands filled with stagnant water...


Vnum     2126
Name     Mournful Death Trail~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The cold winds grow eerily calm, allowing fog to enshround the headstone
which now lies slumped at a strange angle, causing an unnatural calmness
to overcome you as you travel within the unholy confines of this graveyard.
Getting a closer look at the tombstone, you recoil at the sight of a bloody
mangled corpse lying crushed beneath the weight of a heavy granite stone.
Large chunks of flesh from the corpse are missing, chewed away by hungry
scavengers, revealing rotten greay bones beneath shrivelled and decaying
skin.  Fearing your own safety, you turn to flee from the morbid trail.
Direction south~
ToRoom    2131
Desc      A barren headstone stands surrounded by thick whisps of fog...

Direction northeast~
ToRoom    2127
Desc      Dismembered corpses lay decaying along the trail...

Reset O 0 2126 1 2126

Vnum     2127
Name     The Mournful Trail Continues~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Your stomach tightens as you travel alongside a small winding path of
crumbling tombstones that mark the rotting graves within the confines
of the cemetery.  Thick strips of human flesh decay slowly, hanging
in shreds from dismembered corpses scattered throughout the area,
each corpse crawling with hordes of maggots which feast in a sickening
frenzy upon the vile remains of the exhumed bodies.  Turning away from
the horrid sight, you find yourself whispering a silent prayer to the
gods, begging them to remove you from this horrific ground.
Direction northwest~
ToRoom    2122
Desc      A white marble cross lay broken away from the headstone...

Direction southwest~
ToRoom    2126
Desc      A tombstone lays on its side, atop a decaying corpse...


Vnum     2128
Name     The Crypts~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     An unusual silence eerily surrounds you, clouding your mind with thoughts
of despair as you step deeper into the mausoleum.  Weakness gnaws at you,
and you fight the urge to flee in terror from the sight of broken crypts
clawed violently by some hideous creature seeking to devour corpses that
still rot within.  The musty, thick air, choking you with the vile odor
of decaying flesh, fills your lungs.  A sickness begins to rise in your
stomach as you notice a bloody leg, covered in maggots, hanging lifeless
from one of the cells along the northern wall.  Still another crypt, its
contents ripped from its stone confines, leaks thickened brown blood.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2129
Desc      Still more crypts stand before you...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2133
Desc      Puddles of dried blood stains streak the floor...


Vnum     2129
Name     Beyond the Shadow of Death~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Still more crypts stand before you as you walk alongside the north side
of the mausoleum.  Splintered almost beyond recognition, broken coffins
ripped from the crypts lie at your feet causing you to stumble
precariously as you back away from the visions of horror before you.  A
human head lies on the ground, its jaw broken, eyes gouged, separated
from the fresh body of a traveler who entered the crypt unprepared to
face the hellish being that chewed upon his flesh, leaving pieces of
torso for a later time when hunger again strikes the belly of the beast.
Feeling an urge to flee, your hands begin to tremble as you hear a growl
resonate from somewhere below the crypt.
Direction south~
ToRoom    2134
Desc      A thick heavy stench chokes you breathless...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2128
Desc      Several crypts stand broken open...

Direction down~
ToRoom    2130
Keywords  grate~
Flags     isdoor closed secret nopassdoor searchable~

Reset D 0 2129 5 1
ExDescKey    floor bones corpse body torso~
ExDesc       Scavaging through the broken bones, you find a large puddle of a thick
bloody liquid.  Its streaks stretch all the way to a small rusty grate
hidden deep beneath the moldy remains of corpses that have been torn
from their darkened crypts, and away from their final death beds.

ExDescKey    grate~
ExDesc       Twisted and scarred metal bars form the grate, beyond which comes
not a sight or sound...

Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   10~
Comlist   mpecho A rumbling growl bellows from the ground below...


Vnum     2130
Name     Beneath the Mausoleum~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     You find yourself surrounded by darkness.  A sudden, throaty growl echos
almost deafeningly as you step deeper into the tunnel, sending surges of
adrenaline through your veins.  Rusty, brown blood flows thick here,
covering the floor in splotches of death, marking the trail taken by the
beast to what you assume to be its feeding ground in the mausoleum above.
Strips of torn skin, shriveled and dry, hang from the face of one of the
corpses mutilated almost beyond recognition on the ground.  A human head,
its eyes still bulging from the realization that death drew near, lies
on one of the many piles of discarded body parts, forgotten by the beast
in its frenzy to feed upon less boney pieces of its victim.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2135
Desc      Several chewed corpses lay on the floor...

Direction up~
ToRoom    2129
Desc      A quick escape into the mausoleum is your only hope...
Keywords  grate~
Flags     isdoor closed nopassdoor~

Reset D 0 2130 4 1

Vnum     2131
Name     The Barren Headstone~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The murky grey fog swirls around your feet as you step across the slippery
weeds choking the ground before the large granite stone that marks yet
another victim fallen to the skeletal hands of death.  Thick piles of dead
leaves, blown against the cold headstone, frame a small vase of flowers;
their  beautiful blossoms of blue and violet faded into shriveled brown
masses, now carelessly thrown upon the ground by a long forgotten relative.
Along the top of the stone you see tool markings left behind by thieves in
their quick haste to remove whatever it was that once adorned it.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2126
Desc      A tombstone lays on its side atop a decaying corpse...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2132
Desc      A thick blanket of fog hovers over the ground...

Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   10~
Comlist   mpecho The thick swirls of fog smothers the ground...


Vnum     2132
Name     The Darkened Cemetary~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Thick brambles cover the ground as you travel forward, leaving behind any
hopes of making it out alive.  A thick misty fog blankets the area, hiding
holes in the ground left by earth creatures tunneling through the soil in
search of their meals of rotting flesh and decomposing corpses left behind.
Worn tombstones - some of the names long eroded away by time - mark final
resting places of dwellers of this land, and stand as a monument to some
forgotten time when this area was filled with life.  Broken bones lie
entangled in the weeds of some graves while others lay covered with
broken slabs of stone.
Direction south~
ToRoom    2137
Desc      Thick armlike vines grow thickly, entangling your feet...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2131
Desc      A barren headstone stands here, cluttered with dead flowers...

ExDescKey    fog~
ExDesc       A damp thick fog surrounds you, causing you to stumble across the
uneven grounds before you, adding an evil mist to the already hellish
graveyard that surrounds you.

ExDescKey    holes~
ExDesc       Mounds of rotting earth lay at your feet, leaving the trails of a
hungry animal marked clearly.

ExDescKey    tombstones~
ExDesc       Tombstones scatter the area, standing as broken monuments of the
dwellers of the city that used to surround the city.  Though many of
the names on these tombstones are legible, most remain worn away by
the winds and the rains that pound the cemetary.

ExDescKey    bones~
ExDesc       Brown, rotten bones scatter the ground - some of them chewed by the
different scavengers that dwell in the earth below.  Lying underneath
broken, flat, stoney slabs, still other bones seem to be chipped and
carved to form some sort of tool used to break into the many graves
that are here.


Vnum     2133
Name     Hall of Death and Destruction~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Once inside the mausoleum, a sick feeling fills your stomach as you gaze
around.  Dried bloodstains streak the walls, marking some violent struggle
which leaves you with the horrid revelation that something else has
visited this place.  Strewn about the floor are piles of fallen rubble
from a weather-weakened ceiling.  Looking closer, your eyes widen as you
realize that these piles are the gory remains of freshly killed humans;
their blood still dripping from the gashes left by teeth marks of a
carnivourous beast.  Wanting to flee, you turn to run away, only to trip
over a splintered coffin visciously ripped apart from one of the crypts.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2128
Desc      An unusual silence fills the air...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2134
Desc      Cracked walls allow just enough light in, giving this place an eerie glow...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2138
Keywords  gate~
Flags     isdoor closed nopassdoor~

Reset M 0 2102 12 2133
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
Reset D 0 2133 2 1

Vnum     2134
Name     Within the Decaying Mausoleum~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Stepping deeper into the mausoleum, you find yourself gripped in the
terrifying embrace of fear.  Cracked walls, crumbling slowly to piles
of dust and debris, allow just enough space for wicked moonlight to
creep into the small building, giving the room an eerie glow.  Moving
around, you feel something entangle your feet.  Not quite certain of
what it is, you look down in horror to find a human arm ripped away
from its torso - its bloody stump covered with flies.  A thick, musty
aroma fills the air, burning your nostrils with a disgusting stench,
leaving a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.  Terror fills your
mind, paralyzing you with fear as you notice the arm twitching in a
reflexive motion.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2129
Desc      Several crypts, violently broken open, line the northern wall...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2133
Desc      Dried blood stains streak the floor...


Vnum     2135
Name     Darkened Trails of the Beast~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A stomach-churning stench chokes you as you enter.  Chewed and bloodied
corpses, some with gaping wounds exposing the white bones beneath their
flesh, lie on the floor waiting to be devoured by the creature that
inhabits this mausoleum.  A rusty-red pool of blood covers the floor,
staining it the colour of death.  A loud growl fills the air as you 
suddenly realize that you may be the next victim to the vile
beast that resides within the room you have just entered.
Direction west~
ToRoom    2130
Desc      A trail of blood leads away from the beast's lair...

Reset M 0 2106 1 2135
  Reset E 1 2112 3 9

Vnum     2136
Name     Arabella's Final Resting Place~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Traveling onward into the misty cemetary, you find yourself before a
unique grave.  The air is thick here, damp and musty with the scent of
death lingering beneath a large, stoney slab which covers the final
resting place of yet another victim to mortality.  Moving the tangled
vines and weeds that cover the stone, you see the slab, carved with the
single word "Arabella", marred by the hammer marks of vandals who have
visited here before you.  As the wind howls, fear fills your mind,
bringing with it an unholy terror that whatever lies beneath this stone
is still moving, seeking any opportunity to remove the stone and pull
you deep within its graven belly ... and devour you whole.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2137
Desc      A misty fog blankets the cemetary...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2146
Desc      Outlines of tombstones become visible...

Direction down~
ToRoom    2141
Desc      The grave of Triabella lies open here...
Keywords  slab~
Flags     isdoor closed~

Reset D 0 2136 5 1
Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   10~
Comlist   mpecho The muffled sound of scratching fills the air...


Vnum     2137
Name     The Misty Cemetary~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Twigs crackle beneath your feet as you stumble upon a ground made
uneven by a gravedigger's quickened haste to finish his thankless
job of burying the dead.  As a misty fog blankets the area,
headstones of old forgotten fighters from the past stand before
you, eroding and crumbling to the elements of time, catching your
eye and bringing forth a sense of doom and despair.  As you gather
your wits, arm-like vines entangle your legs in the hopes of
stealing your soul, leaving your rotting corpse to fill one of
the weed-covered plots reserved for the future warriors who dare
to travel throughout these lands.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2132
Desc      A thick misty fog blankets the ground...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2138
Desc      small withered building stands surrounded by a cast iron gate...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2136
Desc      A stoney slab rests on the ground, marking another grave...

Reset M 0 2102 12 2137
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
Reset M 0 2102 12 2137
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
ExDescKey    twigs~
ExDesc       Dead broken twigs lay here, fallen from the huge tree that marks
the entrance.  Strong winds and wild animals must've scattered them
throughout the area.

ExDescKey    headstones~
ExDesc       Broken and chipped away, many tombstones fill the area.

ExDescKey    vines~
ExDesc       Thick arm-like vines, their thorny brambles catching your armor,
smother the ground, cause you to slow your pace.  Bringing you to the
realization that maybe you shouldn't be here.


Vnum     2138
Name     Pallbearer's Lament~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Towards the center of the graveyard, surrounded by a mysterious dark
cloud, stands what appears to be a stone building.  Dirty brown bones
scattered throughout the building lay in decaying piles, entangled by
weeds that have broken through cracks in the floor.  A dusty old skull,
mounted on a stake driven completely through its center and into the
wall, seems to mockingly smile at you as you look at the mausoleum's
vile contents.  Though some crypts still lay intact, most appear to
have been broken away with hammers or crumbled away during the hellish
departure of the many souls that lay buried within this tomb.  Your
heart races in fear as you open the cast-iron gate to the mausoleum.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2133
Desc      Through the rusty cast iron gate you see the inside of a small mausoleum...
Keywords  gate~
Flags     isdoor closed nopassdoor~

Direction east~
ToRoom    2140
Desc      A statue stands eroding in the elements...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2143
Desc      Deeper into the graveyard...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2137
Desc      Long armlike vines grow thickly within the graveyard...

Reset D 0 2138 0 1
ExDescKey    building~
ExDesc       To the north, you see what appears to be a mausoleum.  The gate, clearly
broken and rusty, is the only barrier that stops you from going inside.

ExDescKey    bones~
ExDesc       Through the cast iron gate, you see many piles of bones scattered
along the floor, leaving you to wonder what kind of terrible beast could
inhabit this area.  Though frightened by their appearance, you dredge onward.

ExDescKey    skull~
ExDesc       A broken skull, brown and grey with age, hangs as a grizzly artifact
upon the walls of the mausoleum to the north.

ExDescKey    crypts~
ExDesc       Through the rusty fence you see the outlines of several crypts along
the northern wall.

ExDescKey    gate~
ExDesc       A rusty cast iron gate stands here, keeping greedy grave-robbers from
gaining entry to the mausoleum.  Though it appears to have a lock,
time has caused the lock to crumble away to the touch, making it possible
for you to gain entry to the mausoleum.


Vnum     2139
Name     The Opened Grave~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Running quickly from the sights you have seen, you fall deep into a dark,
open grave.  Cold and frightened, you yell in fear, hoping that you are
not alone in the cemetery.  Leeches, trying to feed in a frenzy of hunger
upon your flesh, attach themselves to your face, causing you to claw at
your skull, hopeful that you will not be their next meal.  Worms by the
thousands barrel through the earth, slithering grotesquely at your feet
as you stand up slowly, gathering all of your strength to climb out of
this gaping hole in the rotting earth.
Direction up~
ToRoom    2144
Desc      Eerie shadows block any view of way lies above you...

Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   100~
Comlist   if ispc($r)
  mpecho Leeches burrow deep into your face, feeding hungrily upon your flesh.
  mpdamage $r 10


Vnum     2140
Name     The Unholy Statue~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A deep, throaty scream escapes your mouth as you quickly retreat away from
the statue before you.  Though once a beautiful angel with outstretched
hands, vandals have mangled the statue into a frightening gargoyle looming
over you, standing ready to devour any living thing that crosses its path.
The longer slender hands, once guiding the living in their daily lives, are
no longer welcoming, reaching out towards you with long talons, sharpened
to a flesh-tearing sharpness, awaiting their chance to rip your soul from
your body.  Its fiery eyes not bore down through your skin as you notice
fresh blood dripping fiendishly from its mouth.
Direction south~
ToRoom    2145
Desc      A small granite footstone marks the grave of another victim...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2138
Desc      The entrance to a small mausoleum lies this way...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2140
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20
Reset M 0 2101 4 2140
  Reset E 1 2103 1 16
Reset O 0 2129 1 2140

Vnum     2141
Name     Inside the Grave of Arabella~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Upon lifting the stone slab you find yourself standing in what appears to
be a small mausoleum.  Thick stoney walls, pitted by thieves whose greed
led them to gouge the precious jewels which once adorned the walls, encase
the room, trapping a sour musty odor caused by numerous rains that managed
to seep into the crypt.  In the room's center lies an oaken coffin adorned
with old brass hinges that have rusted firmly closed, forever sealing its
contents in a dark, musty sleep.  A simple brass plaque engraved with the
single name "Arabella", tarnished and rusty due to neglect, adorns the
head of the coffin.
Direction up~
ToRoom    2136
Desc      The stoney slab that once covered your escape now lays torn away...
Keywords  slab~
Flags     isdoor closed~

Direction down~
ToRoom    2142
Desc      Upon opening the coffin, grey rats scurry away from your light...
Keywords  coffin~
Flags     isdoor closed~

Reset D 0 2141 4 1
Reset D 0 2141 5 1

Vnum     2142
Name     Arabella's Coffin~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Breaking open the rusty brass hinges, you peer inside the oaken coffin -
its white lining, stained from the bloody corpse that lies here, remains
tattered and moldy.  Grey rats scatter quickly to safety as you reach
inside the coffin to touch a small golden bracelet still attached to
Arabella's skeletal wrist.  Bits of flesh fall from Arabella's face,
revealing a skull writhing with maggots undisturbed by your presence.  A
throaty scream fills the air as Arabella sits up, reaching out to you.
Direction up~
ToRoom    2141
Desc      An excape lies this way...
Keywords  coffin~
Flags     isdoor closed~

Reset M 0 2103 1 2142
  Reset E 1 2109 1 10
  Reset E 1 2111 1 1
Reset M 0 2108 2 2142
Reset M 0 2108 2 2142
Reset D 0 2142 4 1

Vnum     2143
Name     Deeper into the Cemetary~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The evil of the night presses closes as you move deeper into the cemetery.
Distant calls of owls hidden inside the boughs of crooked trees cry out a
shrill warning for you to leave this place, kicking up a howling wind to
scattering debris across your path.  Along the uneven ground you find
yourself before an unmarked grave.  Dirty bones, hastily thrown into the
ground with the luxury of even a simple casket, extend from the earth,
begging you to rescue them from their locale.  A chill courses down your
spine as a warm trickle of blood flows down your leg, and you tear away a
small rat crazed by the sight of the fleshy meal you've come to represent.
A small grove of forboding trees to the south beckons you...
Direction north~
ToRoom    2138
Desc      An old mausoleum stands crumbling in the mists...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2144
Desc      Grey mists and dark shadows almost hide the grave here...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2147
Desc      A darkened grove of trees awaits in the distance...

Reset M 0 2102 12 2143
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16

Vnum     2144
Name     The Shadowy Grave~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Deeper inside the graveyard, you find yourself standing in a place
completely enshrouded by the evil shadows that bring horror to life before
your eyes.  The winds howl furiously through the darkness, filling your
mind with terror as you fight the urge to flee away from the shadows that
encase the grave before you.  The thick, musty odor of death is strong,
choking you in its attempt to steal your life slowly from you, making you
another victim that forever rots in this cemetery.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2145
Desc      A small broken footstone lies in the ground...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2143
Desc      Deeper into the graveyard...

Direction down~
ToRoom    2139
Desc      A cold eerie blackness of the unknown lies beneath you...

Progtype  rand_prog~
Arglist   10~
Comlist   mpecho The wind blows coldly, howling with an echo of fury...


Vnum     2145
Name     The Broken Footstone~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The grounds grow slippery here, causing your feet to slide apart quickly
in the thick brown mud beneath you.  In a bone-crunching thud, you find
yourself laying precisely over a fresh grave, newly filled in the night
by a withering old gravedigger in a rush to perform his ghastly duties
before daybreak.  Near the grave's foot, you find a small footstone of
granite haphazardly dropped into the earth, causing it to shatter into
several pieces.  A closer look at the stone reveals the several chisel
marks left in an attempt to remove the old name that was once carved in
the stone, causing its surface to bow inward and bringing a darkened
shadow over the name now carved upon it.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2140
Desc      A single statue of an angel stands erroding in the elements..

Direction south~
ToRoom    2149
Desc      Several trees line this side of the graveyard...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2144
Desc      Thick mists and shadows cover a grave...


Vnum     2146
Name     Dark Trail of Vines~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Leaves blown by cold night wings rustle beneath your feet as you travel
across the shaky grounds made uneven by a gravedigger's hasty burial
before dawn.  As the soupy fog settles throughout the area, the outlines
of tombstones become visible, giving the ghostly grey aura of evil that
resonates throughout the cemetery, bringing forth a feeling of despair
that tortures your very soul.  As you gather your wits, long grey vines
entangle your feet in a thorny grip of horror, causing you to choose
each step carefully within the evil confines of the graveyard.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2136
Desc      A large stoney slab marks the grave of another soul lain to rest...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2150
Desc      The trail continues...

Progtype  entry_prog~
Arglist   33~
Comlist   if isimmort($n)
or isnpc($n)
if mobinroom(2113) < 2
mpecho Long thorny vines seem to thicken, entangling your feet unmercilessly!
mpmload 2113
mpmload 2113
mpforce thorny , climb your body, squeezing a scream from your lungs!
mpforce $n scream


Vnum     2147
Name     Small Unholy Grove of Trees Within the Graveyard~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A twisted oak tree now lays on its side in a moldy wooden corpse, marking
the edge of a small grove of trees within the graveyard.  Thick brown weeds,
their thorny brambles piercing to the touch, rustle beneath your feet as you
walk towards a darkened area filled with broken headstones and moldy coffins.
Dried leaves blow in the wind, landing in scattered piles of twigs, covering
the holes dug by wolves clawing the cold rotting earth in search of a fleshy
feast.  Several dead trees line the area, their mangled branches seeming to
grab ahold of you as you pass by.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2143
Desc      An unmarked grave lies forgotten...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2152
Desc      The grove gets darker with each step...

Reset M 0 2102 12 2147
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16

Vnum     2148
Name     Man's Best Friend~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Surrounded by small withered hedges, you find this small grave in the cold
wet ground at your feet.  Darkened mist swirls at your feet, blanketing
the earth with a dreary grey shroud, causing you to stumble upon something
protruding through the rotten soil.  Your stomach churns in disgust as you
see the large decaying skull of the dog, partially buried in the wretched
grave beneath you, now laying on the ground, accidently decapitated from
its body when you stumbled through the fog.  Your mind fills with horror
as you notice large droplets of blood dripping from the teeth of the skull
into a bright red puddle beneath your feet causing you to scream at the
realization that you were the intended meal of the hellish hound that is
buried here.  At the foot of the grave, a single word - "beware" - has
been scribed in blood across the face of the footstone.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2149
Desc      Several withered old trees surround you...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2148
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20

Vnum     2149
Name     A Small Grove of Forgotten Trees~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Along the southern half of the graveyard, several trees line the area,
standing barely upright with their knotted trunks marred by different animals
sharpening their claws against the rotting bark.  Thick vines of green and
brown ivy creep up the sides of some trees, strangling their crooked branches
that no longer bloom with leaves into a skeletal submission.  Near the base of
another tree, a dirty brown headstone lies covered with small chunks of mud-
covered rubble crumbling slowly away into the moldy earth.  Though most of the
grave sites can be found to the north, a few graves lay within this grove,
long forgotten as the winds and the rains howl throughout the cemetary.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2145
Desc      A small granite footstone marks a fresh grave...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2154
Desc      Piles of broken coffins and old broken headstones litter the ground...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2148
Desc      A small grave lies hidden within withering hedges...


Vnum     2150
Name     Overgrown Trail of Vines~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The lonely howl of a wolf in the distance echoes its curse over the land
as you travel farther along the wretched path of thorny vines inside the
graveyard.  Broken brown bones, unearthed by graverobbers in their search
for any ghastly treasure buried within the coffins nestled beneath the
rotten soil, lay scattered along the path, entangled within the thick weeds
that choke the graves here.  Chills run through your body as you hear the
crackle of debris beneath your feet, leaving you to hope that it was a twig
breaking rather then the sound of a freshly exhumed corpse being wrested
from its grave.  Farther to the east, you see the beginning of a small
grove of trees.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2146
Desc      A dangerous trail of vines extends northward...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2151
Desc      A small darkened grove of trees lies this way...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2160
Desc      The thorny trail of weeds and vines continues...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2150
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20

Vnum     2151
Name     The Edge of the Darkened Grove~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Whether it be day or night, the skies above the cemetery remain perpetually
darkened.  The ground is soggy, slowing your steps as mud cakes the bottom
of your shoes with cold wet earth that houses the souls who have had their
bodies ripped away by Death's savage grip.  Large mangled trees stand
within the grove, their long finger-like branches bare of any leaves that
might have grown on them n the past.  A thick, rotten stench coming from
the many pilegoto s of debris tossed haphazardly within the grove fills
your nostrils with the odour of death and decay.  To the easy, the grove
grows darker, causing you to rethink any ideas of further travel.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2152
Desc      The grove thickens...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2150


Vnum     2152
Name     The Midsts of the Grove~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Traveling deeper into the grove, you barely catch your breath as you climb
through several piles of broken tombstones crumbling away into piles of dusty
granite spattered with blood.  Long brown vines entangle your feet with
each step you take through the ground which rots beneath you.  Cold winds
howl plaintively, sending several dead leaves into the air, adding to the
debris that clutters the grove.  Somewhere in the distance, you hear the
lonely hoot of an owl perched high upon one of the many dead trees that line
the area.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2147
Desc      An old oak tree marks the edge of the grove...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2157
Desc      The grove lightens to the south...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2151
Desc      The edge of the grove can be seen...

Reset M 0 2102 12 2152
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
Reset M 0 2110 4 2152
  Reset G 1 2103 1
  Reset E 1 2101 1 5

Vnum     2153
Name     Deep Inside the Brightened Grove~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Thick foliage surrounds you, punctuated by graceful trees, as you step
deeper into a sunny grove deep within the cemetary.  The ground is fresh
here, providing a warm blanket of soil for the wildflowers in full bloom,
causing you to momentarily forget the ghastly sights within the wrought-
iron confines of the graveyard.  Looking down, you see a blanket of
lush grass thickly covering the grove, almost hiding a very faint
trail that leads to the south.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2159
Desc      Small blue and white wildflowers bloom in patches along the ground...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2158
Desc      A hidden mausoleum lies this way...
Flags     isdoor closed~

Direction west~
ToRoom    2157
Desc      Small wildflowers blossom brightly in patches of color along the ground...

Reset D 0 2153 2 1

Vnum     2154
Name     The Grove Thickens~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     The winds begin to die and an eerie calm settles over the cemetery as you
travel through this dreadful grove of trees.  The ground is soggy, causing
a thick layer of mud to cake on your feet with each step you take.  Near
the base of clump of mangled trees lie fragments of old, splintered coffins
rotting in the rains and winds which have blown away the leaves from their
bony branches.  Moldy bones crack sickeningly underfoot, and you struggle
to step carefully over the piles of broken granite left behind by vandals
seeking trinkets buried beneath the large tombstone that once marked the
site of one laid to eternal rest.  Sadly enough, the grave has been looted
of its precious contents, its owner robbed of his earthly possessions.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2149
Desc      Crooked skeletal trees line the grove...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2159
Desc      The grove of trees seems to brighten...

Reset M 0 2102 12 2154
  Reset E 1 2104 12 11
  Reset E 1 2106 12 16

Vnum     2155
Name     The Chapel Foyer~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Once inside the chapel, your ears fill with the sounds of sorrowful wailing
that echoes in from the east.  Along the northern wall, stands a small dust-
covered table with a single book opened to show the names of the mourners
who have come to show their final respects to the recently departed soul
soon to be laid to rest in the cemetary.  Brown muddy floors creak under
your weight with each step you take adding to the commotion that now grows
louder as you move towards the sanctuary.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2156
Desc      The wails of mourners echo loudly...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2162
Desc      A splintered old door leads to the graveyard...
Flags     isdoor closed nopassdoor~

Reset D 0 2155 2 1

Vnum     2156
Name     The Mournful Sanctuary~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Three solitary pews rest upon a wooden floor precariously slanted
from the dark brown mud oozing from beneath.  A gray haired man, 
slumped horribly in his old age, stands crookedly in front of a candle-
lit podium, preaching hollow words of comfort to mourners grieving
another miserable life ended hastily...soon to be forgotten.  Hanging upon
the wall behind the podium is a large black crucifix casting distorted
shadows, bringing forth an eerie feeling from the depths of your stomach.
In the far corner of the room, beneath a trapdoor, you see a single
ladder leading to the belfry which houses a bell that will soon sound
throughout the cemetary, marking death's triumphant vicotry over life
just recently ended.
Direction west~
ToRoom    2155
Desc      A small table stands within the chapel foyer...

Direction up~
ToRoom    2163
Desc      The bellfry looms above you...
Keywords  trapdoor~
Flags     isdoor closed can_climb~

Reset M 0 2105 1 2156
  Reset E 1 2108 1 17
  Reset G 1 2105 2
Reset M 0 2107 12 2156
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2112 3 9
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20
Reset M 0 2107 12 2156
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2112 3 9
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20
Reset D 0 2156 4 1

Vnum     2157
Name     Within the Brightened Grove~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Climbing past the piles of debris and dead trees, you find yourself standing
in the midsts of a small lightened grove of white oak trees blooming so
thickly that you cannot see either the warm light of the sun or the
glowing white moon shining through the thick canopy of leaves.  The ground
beneath you lies covered in a warm blanket of grass, untouched by the
marring tunnels created by the ravenous gophers scavenging the graveyard
in search of their fleshy meals.  Small wildflowers blossom colourfully
in patches of pink, blue and yellow along the ground.
pink, blue, and yellow along the ground.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2152
Desc      The grove grows darker, failing to disguise the piles of broker headstones littering the ground...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2153
Desc      Wildflowers grow colorfully near the center of the grove...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2164
Desc      The grove grows darker...


Vnum     2158
Name     Before A Hidden Tomb~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Hidden deep within the trees and tucked far away from any thieves that may
savage the grounds for riches, a small well-kept building stands in
reverence to the person who resides within this tiny mausoleum. Small
yellow buttercups grow along the ground in two straight rows, surrounded
by a white picket fence. Over the doorway you see the name "Anastacia"
embossed in golden letters glittering softly in the light that has
broken through the heavy canopy of trees that enshroud this tomb.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2153
Desc      Wildflowers explode with vibrant colorful blossums...
Flags     isdoor closed~

Direction south~
ToRoom    2165
Desc      A door with the name "Anastacia" stands here, marking the entrance...
Flags     isdoor closed~

Reset M 0 2107 12 2158
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20
Reset D 0 2158 0 1
Reset D 0 2158 2 1

Vnum     2159
Name     Brightened Grove~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Clawing your way through the large forest of dead trees and piles of broken
coffins, you find yourself standing in the midst of tall, white oak
trees blooming so thickly that you cannot see the warm bright light of the sun
or the glowing white moon shining through the canopy of foliage.
The ground beneath you is warmly blanketed with thick green grass, untouched by
the hellish gophers that scavenge the area in search of fleshy meals buried
in their cold dark graves deep beneath the cemetary.  Small blue and
white wild flowers grow in patches all throughout the trees.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2154
Desc      The grove darkens considerably...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2153
Desc      Wildflowers bloom brightly in the middle of the grove...

Reset M 0 2110 4 2159
  Reset G 1 2103 1
  Reset E 1 2101 1 5

Vnum     2160
Name     Along the Dark Trail of Vines~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Thorny brambles within weeds smother the ground as you continue to follow the
viney path, causing a warm trickle of blood to flow from a wound on your legs
left by the piercing thorns that grow like daggers wildy around you.  In the
distance you hear the mournful toll of a bell, annoucing the passing of another
life, leaving only its corpse behind to be buried within the decaying
graveyard.  The heavy odor of decomposing flesh is thick here, causing you to
gasp for anything that may resemble fresh air as you hope that you will not
be the next resident of this hellish place.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2150
Desc      The weedy trail of vines continues...

Direction southeast~
ToRoom    2161
Desc      A neglected grave lies in the shadows of the chapel...


Vnum     2161
Name     The Death of a Holy Man~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Lying in the shadows of the chapel, you find yourself standing at the foot
of the grave of the preacher that once spoke words of comfort to mourners
who came to bury their beloved ones.  The large black headstone that marks
this grave stands covered thickly with the same overgrown weeds and thorny
vines growing rampant elsewhere within the cemetery, never cleared away by
the new preacher who now serves as caretaker to the grounds.  Dry brown
flowers, once vibrant with color and scent, now lay lifeless at the base
of the headstone, trampled by uncaring gravediggers as they carry their
coffins from the chapel.  An overgrown trail lies to the northwest.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2162
Desc      The entrance to a run down chapel can be seen...

Direction northwest~
ToRoom    2160
Desc      Thorny weeds smother the ground...

Reset O 0 2125 1 2161

Vnum     2162
Name     In Front of a Shoddy Old Chapel~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Somewhere inside the graveyard, you find yourself standing in front of an
old wooden chapel.  Two rotten wooden steps lead up to the door, savagely
beaten by the weather and splintering in several places; hanging upon rusty
hinges that creak in a bone-shivering moan when opened by gravediggers
performing their ghastly rituals of burying their dead.  Somewhere above you,
an old bell hangs in its belfry, awaiting to announce the final hours in which
all mortals must surrender their lives.  The chapel's roof, sagging with age
and disrepair does little to shelter the mourners, saddened by their loss, 
from the cold wind and rain plaguing the cemetary.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2155
Desc      The chapel foyer stands void of furnature except a small table...
Flags     isdoor closed nopassdoor~

Direction south~
ToRoom    2166
Desc      A small urn lays shattered in several pieces...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2161
Desc      A large headstone stands neglected...


Vnum     2163
Name     For Whom The Bell Tolls~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Rotten floorboards creak loudly as you enter the belfry, stirring the
bats that hang silently from the old rotted ceiling.  Cold winds swirl
through the broken shutters that hang miserably upon each wall, causing
you to siver slightly as you look around the room.  Stepping carefully
around the large bell suspended from a beam mounted upon the ceiling,
you notice an old worn rope unravelling slowly from the constant yanking
of the preacher's calloused hands, marking the death of yet another victim.
The tarnished bell, cracked in several places, hangs in a darkened silence
as the winds howl visciously outside, moaning with anticipation for your
soul to join those laid to rest in this sickening place.
Direction down~
ToRoom    2156
Desc      Wails of sorrowful mourners echo from beneath your feet...
Keywords  trapdoor~
Flags     isdoor closed can_climb~

Reset O 0 2119 1 2163

Vnum     2164
Name     Grove of the Dead~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Jagged piles of broken granite litter the ground alongside splintered
coffins, causing you to step unsteadily through the field of debris which
clutters the bases of the petrified trees.  Wide, knotted stumps, chewed
upon hungrily by thousands of termites, jut through the debris while
other trees, tall and twisted into skeletal forms, attempt to grab you
with boney, finger-like branches.  Your eyes widen as you sight a rotting
corpse swaying by a dangling rope in the wind, and you to consider making
yourself scarce as quickly as possible.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2157
Desc      Past the debris stands a bright grove...

Direction south~
ToRoom    2169
Desc      Large piles of debris block your view to the south...

Reset M 0 2120 1 2164
Reset O 0 2124 1 2164

Vnum     2165
Name     The Shrine of Anastacia~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Once inside, you find yourself surrounded by several colourful paintings
of a smiling woman carefully placed on the walls around you.  Large oak
tables, resting on royal blue carpet beneath your feet, lovingly display
several personal trinkets that once belonged to the tall, slender woman
shown in the paintings.  Two curtained windows facing the forest bring in
just enough light to highlight a large cherry chest, housing garments that
the raven-haired woman wore when she was still joyfully filled with life.
A single lock of hair tied with a small red ribbon adorns a tiny white
velvet pillow delicately placed in a rocking chair directly leading to
the room where Anastacia now sleeps eternally.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2158
Desc      The well lit grove lies this way...
Flags     isdoor closed~

Direction south~
ToRoom    2170
Desc      A beautiful glass topped coffin lies this way...

Reset D 0 2165 0 1

Vnum     2166
Name     Near the Cemetary's Chapel~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Drudging slowly inside the confines of the fence, you find yourself
amongst the shadows of a chapel which served to perform funerals for
the past dwellers of this land.  At your feet, a small urn lies broken
into several pieces: dropped by the chapel's preacher in his rush to
dispose of the ashes.  The winds blow slightly as you travel, causing
you to huddle closely to the dead brown hedges that grow alongside the
rusty fence. Farther to the east you can barely make out the shadowy
outlines of several headstones.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2162
Desc      An old shabby chapel stands to the north...

Direction east~
ToRoom    2167
Desc      A statue of a woman stands alongside the rusty wrought iron fence...


Vnum     2167
Name     The Beheaded Statue~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Farther along the southern edge of the graveyard, you find yourself standing
before another statue mounted firmly upon a granite base in front of the
old wrought-iron fence.  A closer look at the statue strikes terror in you
as you notice the head, once that of a beautiful woman, replaced with the
fleshy decomposing head of a traveler who foolishly ventured the graveyard
alone...only to meet an untimely death at the jaws of a hungry wolf in
search of a fresh meal.  Praying aloud, you beg the gods to spare your
life and allow you to flee the cemetary in one piece.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2168
Desc      A bloody headstone lies within the hedges along the wrought iron fence...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2166
Desc      A small urn lays shattered on the ground...

Reset O 0 2128 1 2167

Vnum     2168
Name     The Bloody Headstone~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A rusty wrought-iron fence, crumbling with age and neglect, lines the
southern side of the graveyard, barely withstanding the heavy winds and
rains that frequent the area.  Tall untrimmed hedges, now a dull brown 
colour, stand wretchedly alongside the fence, almost hiding a small 
black marble headstone.  A closer look at the stone reveals several
streaks of dried blood smeared across the face of the stone, flooding
your mind with horrid visions of the struggle which resulted in this
inhabitant's final resting place.  A place, which you may soon be
a permanent member.  To the east, a darkened grove of trees stands among
broken tombstones and piles of splintered coffins, their lids barely
attached by their old rusty hinges.
Direction east~
ToRoom    2169
Desc      The rusty wrought iron fence disappears within the grove...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2167
Desc      A statue of a woman stands alongside the rusty wrought iron fence...

Reset M 0 2107 12 2168
  Reset E 1 2110 10 16
  Reset E 1 2102 12 5
  Reset E 1 2107 12 8
  Reset E 1 2120 12 20

Vnum     2169
Name     The Beginning of a Small Grove Within the Graveyard~
Sector   forest~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A cold wind blows through the air, sending a shiver down your spine as you
find yourself standing at the beginning of a small grove of trees within the
graveyard.  Piles of rotten earth lay upon the ground, marking the burrowing
habits of gophers in search of the many bodies laying under your feet.  The
trees are barren here, stretching their knotted, arm-like branches outward,
as if to grasp anything that comes within reach.  Piles of splintered coffins,
some with rotten corpses tucked inside, lay scattered upon the ground,
causing your stomach to convulse reflexively.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2164
Desc      Large piles of debris clutter the grove...

Direction west~
ToRoom    2168
Desc      A rusty wrought iron fence crumbles in the elements along the southern side..


Vnum     2170
Name     The Eternal Sleep of Anastacia~
Sector   inside~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Several large arrangements of flowers fill the room where Anastacia forever
sleeps upon large white rose petals in her glass casket resting peacefully
upon a white marble platform in the center of the room.  Gazing down at
Anastacia, a feeling of sadness fills your heart as you see her delicate face
framed by long raven hair still beautiful in its repose.  Her long scarlet
dress, trimmed in white antique lace, flows gently across her creamy skin in a
velvety blanket, offsetting the single white lily placed in her hands as they
rest softly across her waist.  Her full ruby lips almost seem to smile at you,
bringing a warmth into the room as she eternally rests upon her delicate red
satin pillow.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2165
Desc      A small shrine to Anastacia lies undisturbed...

Reset M 0 2104 1 2170
  Reset G 1 2105 2
  Reset E 1 2118 1 17
Reset O 0 2116 1 2170
  Reset P 0 2117 1 2116

Vnum     2171
Name     Before the Graveyard~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     Lying amidst the ruins, you come upon a cemetery in heavy disrepair.  Much
akin to the southern ruins of the city, the cemetery lies in the poorest
of condition:  neglected and weed-ridden.  A wrought-iron fence, rusted so
badly it rains down a perpetual shower of metal flakes, encircles the area
in a vain attempt to keep greedy graverobbers at bay.  Vines of thorn and
weed grow along the length of the fence, enshrouding the cemetery, yet
failing to stave off the stench of rot and decaying flesh that assails your
nostrils.  A large gate, long ago unhinged, lays inextricably entangled in
a lush thicket, forever entombing it within the cold ground.
Direction south~
ToRoom    2172
Desc      You see the entrance to the graveyard.

Reset M 0 2110 4 2171
  Reset G 1 2103 1
  Reset E 1 2101 1 5
ExDescKey    fence~
ExDesc       This tall, wrought iron fence encircles the area, locking all
unwanted visitors out of the area.  Rusty and worn, the fence
stands in ill repair, missing the gate that once stood firmly
at the entrance.

ExDescKey    weeds~
ExDesc       Tall brown weeds, growing almost like ivy up the bars of the fence,
smother the grounds before you.

ExDescKey    gate~
ExDesc       Long ago fallen or broken away from its hinges, this gate lays
entangled on the ground in weeds that have grown up around the
bars, forever trapping it against the rotting earth beneath it.


Vnum     2172
Name     Entrance to the Graveyard~
Sector   city~
Flags    dark~
Desc     A twisted and rotting tree marks the entrance to a long forgotten
graveyard.  Thick brambles tear at your tender flesh as you travel
forward through the darkened cemetery, stealing away any hopes of
making it out alive.  Travelling deeper, a misty fog envelops you,
making it hard to avoid the holes left by tunneling creatures in
search of their next meal of decomposing corpses.  Worn tombstones,
eroded long ago by age, mark the final resting place of dwellers
of this land, standing as a monument to a time when this area teemed
with life.  Graves strewn with broken bones lie entangled amongst
the weeds while others fall carelessly, covered with broken slabs
of stone.
Direction north~
ToRoom    2171
Desc      You see a possible escape this way.

Direction east~
ToRoom    2101
Desc      The graveyard expands around you this way.

ExDescKey    tree~
ExDesc       A tall, crooked tree stands before you with it's finger-like branches
outreaching towards the blackened sky like a man begging to his deity
to save him from this wretched place that stands before him.  Not
unlike the deceased inhabitants that inhabit the area, this tree is no
longer living, but its twisted, mangled corpse remains.

ExDescKey    brambles~
ExDesc       Thorny brambles grab at your clothing as you walk across the grounds
with their brown spiney thorns ripping across your armor.

ExDescKey    holes~
ExDesc       Mounds of the moldy earth lay here in piles, marking the paths of
hungry gophers tunneling through the groun in search of food.

ExDescKey    tombstones~
ExDesc       Broken tombstones stand here before you, crumbling with age and the
abuse that the elements have bestowed upon them.  Greedy grave robbers
have left their mark on many of the tombstones, with the hopes to break
into the tombs that lay beneath the earth to find treasure, chiseling
away uncarefully at many of the stones, making it difficult to read
the names inscribed upon them.